Small vent about this site



  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    Women are nasty to one another. End of story.

    This might be YOUR experience with women, but trust me it is not always the case. Most of my biggest supporters are other women, and a lot of my very best friends are women. Women are great!! We are only nasty to one another in certain circumstances, not as a rule. :p

    I can't bear all this 'women are nasty' stuff. Some human beings are nasty, some aren't. For the record, my closest friends are women and have been the kindest and most supportive people I've ever met.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Thanks ladies, appreciated x :flowerforyou:

    The simple fact is everyone different, and stereotypes are just that :bigsmile:

    But its the OP who is bang on the money here, not me - I just happen to agree :smile:

    One of these days I'll learn to be more understanding and accepting of the stereotypical muscle bound guy. Write it up to many years of being picked on and bullied by the type. It's certainly my own issue and I'm dealing with it but my knee jerk reaction is still a negative one due to experience, but hopefully one of these days I'll have a breakthrough :)
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    This is not directed toward anyone in particular... but lately I notice so many people on this site are haters. I mean we all have self esteem issues but seriously, by consistantly putting people down, I think you make yourself look terrible.

    Many threads lately with beautiful women, skinny women, or built women and the conversation goes right to "they are fake or they are not what real women look like etc. THEY ARE REAL WOMEN who do whatever it takes to be what they are...

    There is not one person on here that CANNOT obtain their goals! They make choices that inhibit their progress (me included) but by going into a thread like the "this is what a bikini fitness model looks like" and then saying it's gross, or it's not realistic etc. perplexes me.Posting pics of plus size models to say this is what I'd rather look like...what does that have to do with the original post? Start a new post "this is the body I aspire to have" or "this is what I think is beautiful" but side tracking a thread to bash a fitness model who works hard to get that body and maintain that body?? I find that offensive. What if women on this site aspire to look like that, or DO look like that because they've given up all vices and worked out like crazy. That must be offensive to them.

    My husband always says women are haters, and though he thinks I am because sometimes I pick apart someone he admires...In general I am not. I know that it's MY FAULT that I'm not in the shape that I want to be, but I really admire those who stick to it and accomplish their goals. Women, stop hating on others and use that energy to focus on your goals and accomplish them!

    Sorry, I just had to get that out and didn't want to put it somewhere where someone could take it personally.

    Good luck to you all.

  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    well, when you put a bunch of people together who are dieting they tend to be nasty. Everyone needs to eat some cookies and be nice.

    Amen...pass the snackwells. :laugh:
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    I've never seen a post on this site were people are putting down other people because of their looks. For the most part people are very supportive. I have like 300 friends and I love them ALL because every single one of them are so supportive, loving, and kind.

    Now, I do get angry and do see this often when the "Grammar Police" come out to play. It makes me angry that people come on here trying to get support and help but then you get a troll that will put a person down and get off topic because of spelling, etc. I do expect good grammer in my English 1302 class, but not on a diet/help forum. :flowerforyou:

    Good topic OP. :smile:
  • bjwbmw
    bjwbmw Posts: 55
    I agree with you.

    But I will add...
    This is funny - i avoid haters. It is much more fun to be around the lovers!
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    Amen to that!
  • :smile: i haven't been a member long but already i do see what you have said on this post so i rarely post. I think that people who are like that just live in their own misery everyday and try to bring you down. All those people that have reached their goals have worked hard to get there. We are all here for what ever reason and should stick by eachother thats whats this site is for so you get support, not negative and nasty comments.

    Great post hun :smile:
  • laurenlind
    I totally agree. I come here to get advice, information, be supported and in turn, be supportive... and most of the time, I am hesitant to post on forums because I do not feel like dealing with other people's opinions, usually tainted by their own physical insecurities or hang ups.
    Let's spread the positivity and be supportive, hopefully haters will eventually subside!:flowerforyou:
  • judybrim
    judybrim Posts: 82 Member
    so true! people all have their own opinions and goals...and if they don't match the reader's, the reader should just leave well enough alone. Support people you feel comfortable supporting...just be there for others!
  • Joeysgirl
    Dieting is like pregnancy--you're going to get a ton of advice, whether solicited or not. Much of it doesn't apply because everyone is different! So I read what I want to, ignore what I want to, and move on with my day. It's just easier to agree to disagree and part as friends. :)

    Isn't that the truth!?! I am not against people offering advice or suggestions.. but make it constructive and not condescending. I always try to see the silver lining in things, so I stay away from the negatives.

    But I completely agree with all that you have said above! My mom and I are great at agreeing to disagree and still love each other.
  • hollyberry2012
    Hey I'd be glad to look like any bikini wearing person you put on here. It would mean I could see meee toes!!!!

    Haters gonna hate and Potatoes gonna potate.

    but on a side note.....I don't think people are being mean if they say....I don't want to look like that.

    They are just saying..I want to look different when I reach my goal.

    don't be too sensitive.

    It's hard to "read" tone of voice and nonverbal communication signals. Nor does anyone go too deeply into why they just wrote what they just wrote.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I've never seen a post on this site were people are putting down other people because of their looks. For the most part people are very supportive. I have like 300 friends and I love them ALL because every single one of them are so supportive, loving, and kind.

    Now, I do get angry and do see this often when the "Grammar Police" come out to play. It makes me angry that people come on here trying to get support and help but then you get a troll that will put a person down and get off topic because of spelling, etc. I do expect good grammer in my English 1302 class, but not on a diet/help forum. :flowerforyou:

    Good topic OP. :smile:

    I saw 3 alone yesterday where they were skinny bashing and bashing bikini coompetitors. Sad, really.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I agree with you.

    But I will add...
    This is funny - i avoid haters. It is much more fun to be around the lovers!

    Love this little comic! Haters are gonna hate and it makes me nervous to post in the forums...for fear that someone might attack what I wrote or the they way I wrote it and so on. I read a lot of threads to gain insight and I'm always shocked at how quickly they go off topic and get nasty : ( {although at this point, it should be no surprise}

    Great post NYCDutchess!!!
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    Like I try to teach my daughter "don't be judgy"!

    Good post. OP - I agree that I will pick apart women on tv that my husband thinks are attractive. I'll say things like "it's easy to look like that if you have personal chef and trainer...or money for cosmetic surgery". So, I suppose being slightly insecure about not being beautiful or fit enough causes me to be a little snarky. But, in real life, no way. We are all fighting the same battles and need to help each other!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    Hey I'd be glad to look like any bikini wearing person you put on here. It would mean I could see meee toes!!!!

    Haters gonna hate and Potatoes gonna potate.

    but on a side note.....I don't think people are being mean if they say....I don't want to look like that.

    They are just saying..I want to look different when I reach my goal.

    don't be too sensitive.

    It's hard to "read" tone of voice and nonverbal communication signals. Nor does anyone go too deeply into why they just wrote what they just wrote.

    I completely agree with you, BUT the people weren't saying I don't want to look like that. They were saying "GROSS!" "She's HIDEOUS!" "Ewwww!!!" etc., for being the winning bikini model. Now THAT is downright rude.
  • Joeysgirl
    don't be too sensitive.

    It's hard to "read" tone of voice and nonverbal communication signals. Nor does anyone go too deeply into why they just wrote what they just wrote.

    You are so right! It is a two way street and online communication can be really hard to read. I think sometimes your own mood and situation play a big part in how to read others comments. Just something to keep in mind.
  • Joeysgirl
    Hey I'd be glad to look like any bikini wearing person you put on here. It would mean I could see meee toes!!!!

    Haters gonna hate and Potatoes gonna potate.

    but on a side note.....I don't think people are being mean if they say....I don't want to look like that.

    They are just saying..I want to look different when I reach my goal.

    don't be too sensitive.

    It's hard to "read" tone of voice and nonverbal communication signals. Nor does anyone go too deeply into why they just wrote what they just wrote.

    I completely agree with you, BUT the people weren't saying I don't want to look like that. They were saying "GROSS!" "She's HIDEOUS!" "Ewwww!!!" etc., for being the winning bikini model. Now THAT is downright rude.

    Glad I haven't seen these threads.. that is just rude. :( How would they like it if someone said that about them?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was out to lose a small amount of weight and I realize that it might be annoying to those with more to lose, but I never found anyone to be unkind, and I do think everyone can find appropriate forums and groups and friends that are like-minded.
    But I do hate when people comment that they don't find this body or that one attractive, or if someone says they want Kim Kardashian's figure someone has to say she's a soulless *kitten*. like, is that relevant at all?
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    Hey I'd be glad to look like any bikini wearing person you put on here. It would mean I could see meee toes!!!!

    Haters gonna hate and Potatoes gonna potate.

    but on a side note.....I don't think people are being mean if they say....I don't want to look like that.

    They are just saying..I want to look different when I reach my goal.

    don't be too sensitive.

    It's hard to "read" tone of voice and nonverbal communication signals. Nor does anyone go too deeply into why they just wrote what they just wrote.

    I completely agree with you, BUT the people weren't saying I don't want to look like that. They were saying "GROSS!" "She's HIDEOUS!" "Ewwww!!!" etc., for being the winning bikini model. Now THAT is downright rude.

    Glad I haven't seen these threads.. that is just rude. :( How would they like it if someone said that about them?

    Oh, and "she looks like a MAN!" This was 3 different threads I saw yesterday. Excuse me, two were skinny bashing threads and then the bikini model winner thread.