Small vent about this site



  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Hey I'd be glad to look like any bikini wearing person you put on here. It would mean I could see meee toes!!!!

    Haters gonna hate and Potatoes gonna potate.

    but on a side note.....I don't think people are being mean if they say....I don't want to look like that.

    They are just saying..I want to look different when I reach my goal.

    don't be too sensitive.

    It's hard to "read" tone of voice and nonverbal communication signals. Nor does anyone go too deeply into why they just wrote what they just wrote.

    I completely agree with you, BUT the people weren't saying I don't want to look like that. They were saying "GROSS!" "She's HIDEOUS!" "Ewwww!!!" etc., for being the winning bikini model. Now THAT is downright rude.

    Glad I haven't seen these threads.. that is just rude. :( How would they like it if someone said that about them?

    Oh, and "she looks like a MAN!" This was 3 different threads I saw yesterday. Excuse me, two were skinny bashing threads and then the bikini model winner thread.

    there was a thread here where a chick said she was a man....
    turns out it was just a banana, but it was disturbing just the same.
  • sweetmspea
    I've never had a problem with anyone being nasty on this site. I am fairly new but everyone has been very supportive. But it's simple if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Period..
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I've never had a problem with anyone being nasty on this site. I am fairly new but everyone has been very supportive. But it's simple if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Period..

    you seem to be a no nonsense gal. Can you go tell them to play nice?
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Thank you! It's a(somewhat) recent thing. I started here in April of 2009 and people weren't nearly so mean.. or maybe I'm just more aware of it now. Any way, I completely agree. It seems like a lot of people are just kind of angry or mean spirited. It makes me sad.:ohwell:

    Yep! Ditto. Things seem to take a turn faster these days.

    And I totally agree that if you do not agree with how a woman/man should look, click off the topic and begin your own. It's not about unicorns and butterflies, it's about pure and simple respect. Agree to disagree and move on.
  • westdove
    westdove Posts: 174
    I wouldnt put energy into such responses, although I havent seen any. Anything negative, I dont read. I get my bite of information that is helpful to me, encourage my friends and peers and move on with my goal!
    No time for negative! lol
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    Just sayin' - people often use profile pictures of what they'd want to be. I'm always me - even my username is my real name :noway:
    Your last name is seriously "wild"? Your profile pic gave a way that it probably wasn't just an "I wish" by being in front of a mirror. :laugh:

    I understand why people put up the "I wish photos". Personally, I prefer a picture of myself.

    I am genuinely Matt Wild -

  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member

    I am actually a body builder and I am on this site :tongue:
    I actually meant the body builders that people were bashing...but I'm sure there have to be female bodybuilders on this site that get offended by the "other" body builders being bashed....just sayin