ulterior motives..



  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I'd like to ride in a fricken roller coaster this year....
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    To show my family that I don't need a gastric bypass to lose weight. I'm not bashing on WLS, but I do feel that if either of my parents or the two aunts that went that route had just tried to be healthy, tried to work out regularly, just tried, they could have done it. Being told that I should call one of their doctors for a consult was a huge wake up call.

    I want my two beautiful daughters to be spared the weight related issues that I dealt with growing up. I want them to learn now how to eat healthy, that exercise is a part of life, that there is nothing silly or pointless about going out for a run, and that we can always make time to take care of our bodies, whether that is through working out or spending more time preparing healthy food.

    I don't want my style cramped by my size anymore.
  • melpap12
    :happy: I was always tiny. 5'4" and 115 lbs. When I got pregnant for my son at 23 I had lost all the pregnancy weight by his first birthday. When I had my daughter at 27 (she is 9 years old now), I dont know if my matabolism changed, but I could not loose the weight if I tried. I even nursed her for 9 months. I came to the realization that I will not be 115 lbs and will stay at 150. I was there for a long time and comfortable there, but over the summer the weight start creeping up and before i knew it I was at 175 lbs in August. I decided that if I didnt do something now, it would just keep going up.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Taken straight off my profile:

    -wearing high heels

    -not having to ask for a table at a restaurant

    -painting my own toenails without getting cramps, haha

    -crossing my legs :)

    -not wearing a swimsuit coverup

    -being able to sit on my husband's lap (I think that's so cute!)

    -not having to stick my chin out when having my pic taken

    -sneezing without feeling like I'm gonna throw my back out

    -taking pants off without having to shove them past my calves

    -putting tennis shoes on without having to prop my leg up on the bed, trash can, etc.
  • melpap12
    Congratulations on your decision. My niece had the surgery a few years ago and she has had nothing but health problems ever since. She actually regrets having is done. Keep up the great work. I would love to see before , in progress, and after pictures.
  • CrueChix
    That's all you can do is set a good example. For me? I want to take some super sexy, pinup style photos! Woo hoo!!
  • ❤lindsay❤dawn❤
    I know two wrongs do not make a right and this may make me a *****, but oh well... To look better than my BF's Baby Mama... She's such a horrible person to people who are overweight... Even if it's by just a few pounds... I wanna be smaller than her and show Her how it feels to not be the skinniest person in the room...
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I agree with you, everyone has some ulterior motive! I really would like my husband to genuinally seem attracted to me again... sure he still tells me nice things but he just doesnt look at me like he used to =(
  • dontwantausername1
    dontwantausername1 Posts: 120 Member
    Mine is to be sexy and confident. I would rather be a thin ***** than fat and jolly. Sadly, that's my motive. I want to be the girl who walks around the cruise ship in a bikini top and jean shorts and KNOWS that she's hot!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I lost the weight because my 50 birthday was coming up....and it's such a big number. I just wanted to look & feel good when I hit it. Now I have been 50 for a few weeks, and I'm okay with it. I haven't hit my goal yet, but I hope to this summer.

    Good luck to everyone
  • melpap12
    :mad: You are beautiful and if he cant see that, than its his loss. And honestly, would you want to be with a guy like that the rest of your life? you deserve better. My husband and I have been married for 15 years and even at my heaviest he still loved me, touched me etc. that is TRUE love.
  • melpap12
    :smile: Wow, 75 lbs. I bet you feel amazing!
  • StizzyP
    StizzyP Posts: 16 Member
    I often get cast as the lawyer/doctor/professor/detective/redneck psycho. I want to get cast as the leading man!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    noble reasons like health and diabetes and heart stuff... has absolutely NOTHING to do with why im doing this LOL my 'ulterior motives' are my MAIN motives.

    I need to be able to dress skankier than I do right now, my lifestyle demands it.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Truth be told, now that I thoght about it, to be as hot as my daughters are so I can trade clothes with them if I want..
  • NeshBeMe
    NeshBeMe Posts: 148 Member
    I guess mine are about the same. I loved the looks I've recv'd from exes as they tried to pick their mouths up off the floor! Can't wait to get a little bit smaller so I can reactivate my FB page and post that "DAMN, look at Nesha" pic!
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    So my butt will fit comfortably into an economy airline seat w/ the armrests DOWN! LOL
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    To keep up with my kids, to look good in a bathing suit, my sister is getting married in march 2013 ( i wanna look good for that), and my 10 year high school reunion in 2014, to stop hearing my husband put me down for my weight
  • fhacker
    I lost the weight about 6 years ago and looking back it was because I felt like my marriage was falling apart and I foolishly thought it was because I had let myself go during the 15 years I had been married. I had in fact let myself go but that was not why the marriage was falling apart and I was down to my pre-marriage weight before I got divorced but it didn't matter. That said, I felt so much better after I lost the weight that it is now just about me and now it's just a matter of maintaining because I'm never going back where I was. To end on a happy note, 4 years ago I met a wonderful, smart, gorgeous, red headed woman who I have been married to for the last 2 1/2 years.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I just want to shop. All the time.