

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Made it to our first stop without incident yesterday. It was blowing dirt when we left home and then rained on us the rest of the way. Saw 2 really bad wrecks which delayed us about an hour but still it was a good day. I wasn't able to eat completely clean but did the best I could. Ihad a grilled pork chop and a side salad for lunch. Skipped the bread, corn and potatoes and asked for a bowl of pinto beans instead. For supper my Aunt made Chicken Teriayki and spring rolls from the freezer case. Loaded with sodium but skipped the white rice and chocolate cake my two diabetic companions ended with. Didn't get a chance to walk but at least I didn't blow my calories!
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    I didn't see this thread until today. So I am way behind. But I have been reading most of the posts and feel that this is where I need to be. Unfortunately, once I see a thread or challenge I can't figure out how to find it again. Can anyone help me with this? I only read/comment on the threads that show up on the right side of my MFP screen. I know I am technologically challenged.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Friday!

    It's been quite a week. My bod is hanging on tight to the excess insulation around the mid-section, a sure sign that winter isn't over yet. Yep, that's what it is, glad I've finally figured it out. Nature is protecting my backside from the cold. And you can't mess with Mother Nature. She's one tough cookie and doesn't easily give in to anyone going against her wishes. I'm planning to give her a little bit of a fight, though. :wink:

    My thought for today..."What goes up, must come down". Weight loss is nowhere near as simple as gravity, wouldn't it be nice if it was? On second thought, it's actually really quite simple and can be put into 2 little words. EAT LESS. :grumble:

    I missed seeing the Salad Sistas this week, they return from vacation today, right? Greens & vegs, here I come. :blushing:

    Hope you all have a wonderful day full of happy stuff and good, clean food. :flowerforyou:
  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    Goals for March....tone up, exerise 6 days aweek...shop for new clohes and enjoy my 80 weight loss....That's it!!!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Anyone have luck with using natural foods, supplements to prevent/reduce hotflashes? I'm getting desperate here. :(
    First of all Welcome:flowerforyou:

    I use Evening primrose, Estroven and Black Cohost as well as a Super B, these have kept the hot flashes and mood swings at bay for me. It took about 2 weeks of taking them before they kicked in, but I sure can tell when I stop any of them.:grumble:

    Hope that helps.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am posting without reading and I hope everyone is OK and doing well. I will catch up on posts this weekend.

    Despite the Girl Scout cookies around the office and the house, I am doing OK calories wise. My biggest issue is my tendonitis in my arms and my sore shoulders. So far nothing has worked and I am not ready to give into the pain and take something known to make me put on weight or bloat up.

    Next week is vacation for me. We had to cancel our plans to go away due to my Dad being in and out of the hospital again. My parents live with us and they have kept us tied down the last couple of years. We are going to do day things and see tourist sites in our area that we have never seen before. Just trying to make the best of the situation. We will go on 2 day ski/snowboard trips to local areas instead of going to Angelfire or Taos. My daughter is taking it hard that we never get to go anywhere or do anything. I told hubby to bring her to AZ to see his mom, but he hates going there and won't go.

    Happy Friday to all and good luck with weekend stragegies.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: TGIFriday!

    Welcome to all the newbies this is a great place to be and we look forward to getting to know you:drinker:

    Deirdre- Hawaii:heart: it's a fun place to visit. Now Son #1 would say visit but not live there as he was stationed there when he was in the Army and island fever (being surrounded by water) was really bad and the $$ it took for him to come to the mainland was too much for him to afford.

    Kackie- You enjoy that time with the kids and I'm sure the 3 yr old will help you in that exercise department:wink:

    Nancy- maybe if I'd had a math teacher like you I would have done better in math in school:blushing: as it is I have to have a calculator handy all the time:wink:

    Marcelyn- :grumble: spots:grumble: hoping that they prove to be nothing:drinker:

    Robin- Sorry for the job stress:cry: but I do understand...I have plenty of it here too:ohwell:

    Heather- Great job on keeping the eating under control:drinker: for your first day of the trip.


    I do so love when Fridays arrive, only have to work 1/2 day:love: and that makes it tolerable. But (there's always a but in the way:blushing: ) then I'm not as disciplined as I need to be over the weekend....so I'm hoping this is my "good" weekend because I'd really like a serious loss next week when I weigh in.

    Everyone have a good day and evening...keep drinking the water:drinker: and let's all get moving.

  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Whew! You miss so much in 2 days. I am unable to respond individually today.

    Welcome to all the new women! You will find great support support here.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    jb, you made me chuckle. Thanks, I needed that.

    Connie has gone to bring Vic home from the hospital. The past few days have been really strange for me, with Vic's knee replacement and all the trips to the hospital and such. Yesterday, we snuck Vic's puppy in to see her at the hospital. I put a little coat on her that said "Certified Therapy Puppy". LOL.One day (night, actually) I blew the food, but yesterday, I kept the calories in line. Didn't exercise much, but managed to fix and tweak two computers in the house. :happy: I love troubleshooting computers. I know, I'm strange... Maybe, scratch that, TODAY I WILL EXERCISE! I need that stress reducer. And, I need to get back on track to work on my goals for March.
  • libro55
    libro55 Posts: 20 Member
    I just joined about a week ago. Well, bought a Fitbit and then found this site because the mobile app syncs with Fitbit. I am 56, retired since October 2010, and have been on every diet in the book, I think. Have had success with some--for a while--but then gained the weight back. My goal for March is to track my food and stay within daily calorie limits, walk more, and challenge myself to increase my activity. I really don't want to be fat any more, and it's only going to make things harder on me the older I get.
  • 62karen
    62karen Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there! I am going to be turning 5-0 on Monday, March 12th. I just joined a few weeks ago and looking to lose some of this weight by summer! I need to lose 30-40 lbs and need a kick in the "can" sometimes to get me motivated to get to that fitness center. This week I I have been great in going there everyday, but I know how easy it is to sit back and relax and not go. So, I would love to join this group and make new friends. :)
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Happy Friday!

    My thought for today..."What goes up, must come down". Weight loss is nowhere near as simple as gravity, wouldn't it be nice if it was? On second thought, it's actually really quite simple and can be put into 2 little words. EAT LESS. :grumble:

    I missed seeing the Salad Sistas this week, they return from vacation today, right? Greens & vegs, here I come. :blushing:

    Hope you all have a wonderful day full of happy stuff and good, clean food. :flowerforyou:

    Love this jb!! So true. I keep thinking it has to eventually come off! It won't be missed. Thanks for making me laugh!
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    I have the same problem. I am 53 years old and can watch my calories, exercise and nothing happens. Its very frustrating and once in awhile I get the "oh well.....I might as well eat whatever I want and just accept the fact that I am what I am and just enjoy life". I need to lose arouond 30 lbs. I have a back and hip problem which makes it very difficult for exercise. I had a cortizone shot in my hip 2 1/2 months ago and the pain was gone. So on the treadmill I climbed. Unfortunately, the pain comes back when I walk and now I can't do it at all again. The Golden Years will be quite a challenge I can see. Any secrets out there that might help this poor woman?

    I'm not sure what to suggest about the stuck scale......... because I'm right there with you. However, I can tell you a lot about pain, recovering and the dreaded cortizone shots. I broke my foot and ankle in late August. Soft tissue damage as well. (I'll never run again). I caved to 3 shots this fall and wish I had just let nature take it's course. I believe the shots caused at least 15 pound of my problem, plus the inactivity didn''t help............ Several things to try.

    First off, try to get a handle on inflamation: Things that help, lots of water, stretching, ice several times a day, a diet with PLENTY of healthy fats. Round that out with vitamin B complex and Fish Oil tablets. I think the most helpful has been the vitamins. I am determined to get this weight off. I saw so many frail women when I was getting rehab. It was a real eye opener. Drugs in gereral don't help, just mask the problem. Message me any time. I can really relate. We'll get there.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I didn't see this thread until today. So I am way behind. But I have been reading most of the posts and feel that this is where I need to be. Unfortunately, once I see a thread or challenge I can't figure out how to find it again. Can anyone help me with this? I only read/comment on the threads that show up on the right side of my MFP screen. I know I am technologically challenged.

    hi once you have posted on a topic you can go to the MY TOPIC section of the message broads and see the last 25 topics you have posted too.....welcome
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I must not travel in the right circles any more as I haven't been offered Girl Scout cookies in years. My kids are older and where I work almost everyone has really young kids and/or adult kids. No kids the right age in the neighborhood either.

    Which is fine by me. Because here's a dirty little secret: the cookies don't really taste that good. It's the memories associated with them that make me want them.
  • nannylil
    nannylil Posts: 4
    I love the little choreography emoticon!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member

    Well, I guess it's Friday for most people, but for me, tomorrow is my Friday. One more day of work to go.
    It has been a good week. I was able to get to the park for a walk three days this week. One thing I learned is that I need to be done walking or running by 3 o'clock. At that time, the high school kids are out of school and all of those that just got their learners permits flock to the park. The parents pull up, and then they switch drivers. The back of the park is blocked off from traffic for the winter, but the main part of the park is where drivers, walkers and bikers must share the road. I think that Kona and I jog faster than those with the learners permits drive.

    I am now six weeks out of surgery and able to go back to spin class. I went yesterday and expected to be a bit sore today but I don't feel anything. I still need to wait until I can do any ab or core work.

    I had a rather bad experience at the airport today. A lady came through the scanner and I had to pat her arm and her upper leg. When I went to pat her leg, I saw and felt a bulge. She told me she had a bathroom accident and it was an extra pad. By this time< I noticed a rather unpleasant odor. When I went to go around the back to pat the back of her leg, I saw that the whole seat of her pants was brown. She certainly did have an accident! I felt sorry for her, but had a hard time to stop from gagging.

    Congratulations to all of you that have been had a weight loss. For those of you that haven't, hang in there. You can do it.

    Hope all of you enjoy your weekend.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,370 Member
    jaks - have fun with your friends

    beadmaire - welcome! You'll get lots and lots of support here

    marcelynh - I totally understand how you feel. These days, they are so so careful to cya, everything is tested over and over again. I had to go back for a second mammo and ultrasound. I have had *numerous* (and I do mean numberous) fiberadinomas. It got to the point where the MD stopped taking them out because they were always fiberadinomas. But they still wanted me back for a needle biopsy. It'll be fine, that I'm sure of.

    One of the churches around here has a fish fry every Friday during Lent and someone asked me to go. I passed on the fried tilapia but had the broiled. I passed on the mac & cheese, I really didn't want a red potato since there was all sorts of butter in the pan but this man gave me just one, passed on the coleslaw but did ask if I could have another piece of fish. Had 3 glasses of water. Passed on the hush puppies and all the desserts since they were mainly cakes and cookies, etc. Came home and made magic cookie bars for Jessica and I'll take some to the bowling alley. Wish they jwould have had a piece of fruit for dessert. I really wanted some veges but I'm embarassed to take my own.

    Did an hour of speed intervals on the stairmaster today. Then played mahjongg (maj'd twice!), bowled a few games, then returned a shirt I wasn't all that crazy about -- certainly not crazy enough to pay full price for! tomorrow...yoga

    welcome libro! We have 4 cats. My daughter lives in Reston.

    karen - hey there! Welcome!

    Lynn - good for you being able to get back to spin class! You must come across a lot of interesting things at the airport

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good to see everyone's posts tonight. There are many new people...welcome!!

    Today was a busy day. My husband is off on Fridays and I try to have the day open so we can do both work and play. Today we went to a great market and stocked up on fresh veggies, fruits, etc.
    I am going to begin cycle 2 of the 17 Day Diet...and this time, it has been interesting. It's another lesson in listening to your body. I began the first cycle 17 days ago...and right at the beginning, I got a stomach virus (my husband came home with it--he works in a nursing home) and my body was off...that went into a bad cold/sinus infection for both of us which just knocked me for a loop. I am doing better and getting back to my usual energy. My weight has returned to about where I began. I am looking forward to moving ahead to cycle 2 and getting my exercise back to what it was. Moving forward....

    I put Strong Women Stay Young on reserve at the library. I have found the books we've shared here so helpful.

    Have a good night!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    I'm in GRAND BABY HEAVEN!!!!:love::love: :love:

    Walked all over Chicago and you are right...chasing a 3 year old is WORK!!! So think any extra calories I didn't figure correctly at our nice dinner out are moslty gone:tongue::tongue: *(I forgot...3 year olds do not WALK....they RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tongue::tongue: )

    Happy Weekend and love to all of you! kackie:heart: