

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member

    Kackie - I hope your husband is ok. I would rather be hurt than to have someone I love hurt.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. Enjoy St. Patrick's Day!

    I totally agree with this. Kackie, prayers going your way.

    I forgot to tell you that St. Patrick's Day is rather special to me, because that is the day that I got engaged. Tomorrow will be the 38th anniversary of my engagement. Happy engagement day to me! Mary
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Engagement Day to You, Mary:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It's great to celebrate all of life's special moments!

    Thank all of you for the kind thoughts for my DH. I would certainly rather be the one who is injured than anyone else too. (especially my "guys" who whine and moan and groan when they are the least bit sick or injured!!!) MRI is done and now trying to schedule appointment for cortinzone shot to, hopefully, alleviate the pinching of nerve(s)! I am re-reading my paragraph and I don't sound very sympathetic, but I really am:noway: :tongue:

    JP: Your dinner sounds sooooooooo yummy!

    Tallen: I read "Younger Next Year" and I highly recommend it to everyone. It really gives you many reasons and explanations about why we all NEED to push ourselves at this stage of life. It is very motivational too. I also read "Strong Women stay Young" earlier this year, and it too is a very good book. Both are geared to our age group in particular and worth keeping on your bedside table. I have not gotten the book mentioned here recently, "The New Rules of Lifting for Women", but will be looking for a copy to pick up.

    All of the mention of weights DID get me to do one of the 30 Day Shred DVDs using weights this morning. I walked many miles each day while in Chicago but I did NOT do any weight training. It is the first thing I drop when I am busy, therefore it is the thing I MOST need to concentrate on!

    We have dinner out and a concert tonight IF DH is feeling up to it...better go get a bit done around here! No skiing today...too warm and slushy!:angry:

    Take care, Dear Ladies:heart: Kackie
  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    As far as parenting, I've heard worrying over the kids never stops, so I better learn to deal with it. Reading the stories here, I believe that bit of wisdom to be true.

    Thanks for the group.

    yup...as my mother told me and i told my kids....it never gets easier, it just gets different....
  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    so it looks like today i am going to whine...so if you hate whiners...just skip. :grumble:
    last 36 hours have been crappy. yesterday 2 yr old luke got his first stitches :cry: and it was a horrible er experience :explode: ...and i am 2 hours away so i was not there to help. then it rained out our trail hack... :sad: and we REALLY needed it for granites attitude, and jazzs soreness. today meetings with our financial advisor...:huh: we took a big hit back in 2008 and it seems that retirement fund will never recover.:angry: ...so instead of retiring soon, it will be 8 more years before DH can retire. i retired for health reasons 2 years ago.:sick: and we could really use my income about now. not that we are hurting for ANYTHING but it kinda blows when your plans get trashed. :noway: so this afternoon i have been in totally depressed mode, done only chores i had to do, have wanted to EAT EAT EAT all day ( i am def. an emotional eater) and cant get up the motivation to go to the gym. and my belly is rolling over my jeans. so yuk yuk yuk.
    i know i know, be grateful for what we do have which is alot more than some people.....:ohwell:
    oh well, tomorrow is another day.
  • eyern
    eyern Posts: 9
    I know I should be better than this. My boss chewed me out in a staff meeting this week. Not really unusual, she is what she is. It was my reaction that has me concerned. I left work, went to the gym which usually helps. Not this time. On the way home I stopped at KFC and while I did pick grilled chicken (who knew they had grilled chicken?) I also got a large order of potato wedges and eat a good bit on them on the way home. Still managed to lose this week, but I'm worried with a stressfull time coming up at work, the increased pressure is going to make "stress eating" and comfort foods too hard to resist.

    Any suggestions.
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    had a great friday got off early ran some errands and had a little down time. Tutu in the mail and had a chuckle at my sons reaction when they get it, I raised boys my daughter was 14 when she moved in with us so never got to do the fun girly clothes with a little one. God blessed us with 11 grankids well 10 & 3/4 our newest Gracie will be here soon 7 of them are girls and I love every minute of dress up time I can get but its still fun to pull out the trucks & balls and rough house with the boys as well. I cant wait to try the hummus dressing jb Glad to here all the strength training going on too. Chris worked me extra hard yesterday & my calves are killing me today but I know it won't be forever he tells me someday I will miss being sore I tell him when I get there we will see ha ha Looking forward to time with my granbabies this weekend chat with you all soon
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    so it looks like today i am going to whine...so if you hate whiners...just skip. :grumble:
    last 36 hours have been crappy. yesterday 2 yr old luke got his first stitches :cry: and it was a horrible er experience :explode: ...and i am 2 hours away so i was not there to help. then it rained out our trail hack... :sad: and we REALLY needed it for granites attitude, and jazzs soreness. today meetings with our financial advisor...:huh: we took a big hit back in 2008 and it seems that retirement fund will never recover.:angry: ...so instead of retiring soon, it will be 8 more years before DH can retire. i retired for health reasons 2 years ago.:sick: and we could really use my income about now. not that we are hurting for ANYTHING but it kinda blows when your plans get trashed. :noway: so this afternoon i have been in totally depressed mode, done only chores i had to do, have wanted to EAT EAT EAT all day ( i am def. an emotional eater) and cant get up the motivation to go to the gym. and my belly is rolling over my jeans. so yuk yuk yuk.
    i know i know, be grateful for what we do have which is alot more than some people.....:ohwell:
    oh well, tomorrow is another day.
    It's ok to whine we are hear to listen as someone told me as I was whine. Things will get better.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    I know I should be better than this. My boss chewed me out in a staff meeting this week. Not really unusual, she is what she is. It was my reaction that has me concerned. I left work, went to the gym which usually helps. Not this time. On the way home I stopped at KFC and while I did pick grilled chicken (who knew they had grilled chicken?) I also got a large order of potato wedges and eat a good bit on them on the way home. Still managed to lose this week, but I'm worried with a stressfull time coming up at work, the increased pressure is going to make "stress eating" and comfort foods too hard to resist.

    Any suggestions.
    Stress eating is tough. I chew gum at work when I'm stressed can't walk away. Or say anything. So I start chewing. I was so mad one day I bite my tongue chomping so hard.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Barb, I bought corned beef, cabbage, red potatoes, carrots and Irish soda bread to fix tomorrow. I finally got rid of all the sodium accumulation from restaurant meals out of town and my weight returned to normal and now I’ll be loading it with sodium again

    :flowerforyou: Cheddar, welcome to the most supportive group of friends you’ll ever find. Do you carry a pedometer to keep track of your walking?

    :flowerforyou: JIpsyjudy, your day full of mini exercise breaks sounds awesome. Have you tried doing only a few reps with the 10 pound weights----Enough to challenge but not enough to injure?

    :flowerforyou: KC, congratulations on being married for 33 years.

    :bigsmile: Katherine, you are welcome in this group. I hope you will find the support and encouragement that the rest of us have found. Your goals are inspiring.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I was so excited at my approximations of push ups yesterday (I did two sets of 8) that I’ve had to work hard to resist doing more today. My brain knows how important a day of rest is but my body feels strong and eager to do more.

    :flowerforyou: JB, you will love those books…they changed my life.

    :flowerforyou: Tallen, consider looking for the books at the library. They are both great books. I checked them out of the library before getting my own copy. Be prepared for a life changing new attitude.

    :bigsmile: Mary, happy Engagement Day

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, I love my husband more than anything, but I agree with you about caring for a sick or injured man…:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Eyern, make plans for your meals ahead of time and have things prepared……take life one day at a time and don’t start stressing over what might happen down the road.

    :bigsmile: Fitz, I like your upbeat attitude

    :bigsmile: Today was an active day with the usual dog walking in the morning and the beginner line dance class where I got to reteach a dance. This afternoon I spent over an hour practicing with the line dance performance group preparing for our performance next week. Somewhere in between Jake and I watched “The Bucket List”.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it is a warmer day with clear skies.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies. A big welcome to all the newcomers.

    I had my blood tests yesterday (they seemed to take a frightening amount this time! .. Darn vampires!) I can't believe that it is almost a year since I got my new heart valve. This time last year I was writing letters to my loved ones .... just in case.

    Tomorrow is Mother's day and my DDs are holding a tea party to celebrate. It's going to be a busy day as I am seeing my gorgeous son in the morning (he can't make the tea party, so we are going to the coffee shop). We are then going to visit MIL in the nursing home, collecting my father from his home, then off to the cemetery to visit my Mum before heading out to the DDs.

    This morning I was thinking how I have only just started celebrating mother's day as a mother. When my own mum was alive the focus was always on her so I want to make certain that DD#1 gets lots of treats from the grandtwins and is able to enjoy the day herself. DD and her DH are actually going on a helicopter trip in the morning - a little bit of fun to start the day!

    When I was walking to the tube station (which is a good twenty minutes brisk walking) this morning, I could feel my muscles aching. Unfortunately I think it is the start of a cold and now my throat is starting to feel itchy too. Bleurgh, no time for that kind of nonsense - doesn't my body realise that I've got a super busy couple of weeks ahead of me? One of my colleagues is off to the States on a buying/selling trip so I will be doing more hours at the gallery. Where is that holiday that I so badly need??

    Oh well, better get some work done. Have a good weekend everyone. Enjoy St Patrick's day.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member

    Oh gosh, see, I could be working on a painting or a new song, but noooooo, I've been sitting here for well over an hour researching calorie counts and yakking away with my sistas. LOL Have a great day everyone! :drinker:


    JB....just think what nice "lean" fingers all of the web-surfing gives us! :laugh: I agree...I spend more time than I should on the computer and most of it healthy-based. I just need the energy of "the Sistas" to make my day!

    Hubby & I are off to cut up, split & load some wood for next winter. I'm sure he'll burn far more calories than me....I get to run the log-splitter up & down thingy (how's that for technical?):tongue: I wil help to load the split wood ino the truck, so that will be a fat-burner. I haven't even started and I'm already thinking about how my body will ache tomorrow morning!:ohwell:

    I weighed this morning, and today am under 173 lbs. WooHoo...Down 17.6 pounds since the start of my Shedding Pounds for Hounds event. My pledge was 25 , and final weigh-in is on April 3rd just a bit over two short weeks away. Not sure I will get to that number before then..but whatever I don't make, I will donate the difference between what my pledge was and what I actually make as my "punishment" for not making my pledge. Either way, its a win-win situation for the dog rescue groups & for the participants.

    Off to get ready to play Paulette Bunyon....have a great Saturday all!

  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 116
    Greetings All

    I was away for most of this week and while I managed to log all my food, I didn't really have time to read all the posts until I got home. Wow, we are all a chatty lot.

    I had a great time visiting family but not so great on the exercise and eating front. Actually, the eating part was a lot of fun but not really conducive to weight loss. Oh well, I am not going to beat myself up but will get back on track.

    My step mother and step step now live on a farm and I had a great visit with them. I now feel like a real Canadian because I helped collect maple sap and watched it boil down for our own family batch of maple syrup!!

    Spent a couple of days in Montreal with DD#1. Unfortunately my younger daughter had to leave town for her job, on the morning I arrived. I did a fair bit of walking but no weights so this morning I am off to my yoga class and then I will do some weights. I'm hoping to get out on my bike as well as it is really warm here......the bulbs are way up and my lilacs have huge buds. I worry though, it seems too early and I especially worry about the tender fruit trees in our area if they get too far along and then it freezes :frown:

    As a treat, I took my daughter to a Nordic Spa The spa is all outdoors and has pools at various temperatures and also hot and dry saunas. Basically, you do a couple of circuits through all the pools and saunas. The cold pools were 65F and man oh man, they were cold but boy did we feel great when we were done.

    I haven't read the other books but I do like the New Rules for Weightlifting for Women. I borrowed it from the library but I think I will buy myself a copy. I agree that push ups are the hardest!!!!

    I agree with the post about grown kids......we never stop worrying but it's different.

    There were too many posts to respond to but know that I read them all.

    Back to work on Monday but it's been a good break and I do feel rested.

    Take care all

  • dhwilldoit60
    dhwilldoit60 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started MFP today! I was reading the posts and they are very helpful. This is the group to join! It helps to hear other women's successes and struggles. Most of you have done a great job losing weight when I look at your tickers! Congrats to you all! I know how hard it is to lose any weight. I've been working on it all my life. I keep telling myself, it's a good thing I do or I'd have a lot more weight to lose than I do. I have set myself a lofty goal, but I will take it one day at a time and try to eat more whole foods. It's so easy to fall back on convenient frozen meals...they're easy and fast. I'm hoping to learn a lot from this group and I know you all will motivate me. Thanks for the great posts and I'll keep reading them!
  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    top o' the mornin' to ya! :drinker:
    well it is another day!
    have already been to the gym to workout, made the rounds of cat care for my out of town friends, done some work on my computer and now will shortly go tackle the equines.

    welcome to all the newcomers! the ladies here are great!

    liselyn - 'hibittys' hilarious! too bad i have them. i am in burlington nc, between greensboro and raleigh. where will you be?

    kackie - yikes! the ER! hope all is well.

    tallen - good luck on the 8k

    geri - that was a great start to a friday

    meg (aka paulette b.) - we did steak this week too...heaven! maybe hubby will change his mind about the fur baby!

    kc - good luck to your daughter during her residency. where are her possibilities? love myrtle beach. grew up going there every summer and now take the kids and grands every sept. :glasses:

    judy - you are so right! slow and steady DOES win the race.

    Laura - did you resist the cake?

    mary - camping sounds like great fun! enjoy and be safe!

    fitz - 11 grandchildren how wonderful. how do you keep up with them all? i cant keep up with 2!

    joyce - thanks! :flowerforyou:

    amanda - hope you have a great mothers day and hope you are not becoming ill with a cold or some such.

    sarah - making maple syrup, yum! i bet it smells heavenly. an outdoor spa sounds so good!

    happy saint patricks day to all!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's day to all.

    I am making corned beef and cabbage and I will probably have a guiness to go with it. It's only one day a year so why not.

    Have a great day all. I am off to my 3rd personal hypnosis session. the sessions are working to some degree as I now have finger nails. (I have bitten them for 50 years). Now if I could just get the picking and scratching under control.

    Robin, Bodi boy and Ritter bit.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Well well if it isn't another morning blessed with the ol' Oregon drip. Enjoyed a very nice couple of hours yesterday, however, planting broccoli starts and weeding the garden in the .....wait.....drum roll please......sunshine! It wasn't out for long but it was mighty wonderful and gave me a teensy ray of hope for nicer days to come. It's the power of positive thinking, yanno. :bigsmile:

    Just took a quick peek back at my weight loss journal for this year, I've lost 8 lbs since Jan.1. Woooo!! :happy: It's important to look back every so often to remind ourselves of just how far we've come. Ounces are ounces, they do add up.

    Meg, Paulette Bunyon, lol! :laugh: Funny funny! And yes indeed, I'm right there with ya about needing energy from the Sistas every day. Skinny fingers, true dat, lol.

    Party tonight! Having company to celebrate hubby's b-day. I'll have a busy day getting things ready. First things first, plan what I eat. My big challenge of the day.....eat what you plan. And make room for plenty of wine. :drinker:

    Happy St. Pat Sat everyone, hope you all have a terrific weekend!

    :flowerforyou: jb
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning dearies! :flowerforyou:

    DH and I took a break from the renovation yesterday (waiting for plaster & paint to dry) and went south to Porthill (a teeny, tiny town in northern Idaho) for lunch. There’s a surprisingly good brew-pub there. I had a yummy wrap (hummus, feta cheese and fresh greens). That was not a great departure from my routine, the downfall was the really good beer! I needed the spin class after that to burn off the excess. :explode:

    Today is a "rest day" from weight lifting and high-output cardio. I will take Buster-the-Poodle for a walk if it stops raining, otherwise it's over to the Rec Center for a little treadmill tedium.

    JB your food ideas inspire me! I am going to get the recipe books down and do some thinking.

    I belong to a grain share here (that’s why I grind my own flour) and part of my share was 20 lbs of lentils. Back in the “bad old days” I made a really good lentil casserole, but it has almost as much cheese in it as lentils so it’s off the menu now. :sick: I can only make so much soup, no one else in the family eats it. Does anyone have good ideas for using lentils?

    There are two “work stations” in my office at home. The desk, where I take care of correspondence, etc. and the table where I used to work on multi-media projects such as altered books and collages. I have not done a thing since last spring. My hobby this winter has been my health & fitness project – a year ago I could not have imagined that I would choose a 5K walk/run over an hour with the scissors, glue, paint and collected treasures, but here I am. :noway: I wonder if I don’t need that outlet anymore, or if I will get back to it someday?

    Mary, have fun camping with your family.

    Tallen – you will be awesome on your run. :drinker: I’m looking forward to seeing your finish line picture.

    Yclayton – “It never gets easier, it just gets different” Oh yeah. :smile: That’s my theme song, and not just when it comes to parenting!

    One thing I learned during my own battles with depression is that you can’t cheer yourself up by saying “I have it better than lots of others so I shouldn’t feel sorry for myself.” That just adds guilt to the pile you are carrying with you. One suggestion to keep you moving is to make an exercise commitment you can’t get out of: a bet with one of your grandkids, a walking date with a friend, an appointment at the gym. Enlist someone to come and pick you up so you can’t make any excuses.

    Eyern – Fill your fridge with prepped veggies and serving size portions of “good stuff”. Fill your desk drawers, lunch bag, and car likewise. Try low cal hot chocolate. If you can get away with it, don’t carry your wallet, just your driver’s license. That way you don’t have cash for impulse food shopping. Good luck, stay strong.

    Barbie, I love the fact that you said “10 pound weights…enough to challenge but not to injure”. :drinker: None of those 2 lb girlie-bells for you!

    Meg I hope you have a HRM to measure the calories burned in wood gathering. :explode: Whew.

    Hey, Sarah, welcome home. Don't mean to make you too jealous, but I get a two week spring break! :bigsmile:

    Hasta pronto,

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: A quick Hello for Saturday morning....or is that "Top of the 'Morning to ya"

    Just read the latest updates, no time to comment...but

    Congrats to those that lost:drinker:

    Welcome newbies:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday at the open house they had cookies with a hugh Subway sandwich and veggies...I said no to the cookies:bigsmile: had some veggies and a small wedge of the sandwich...so for that I was good...then came dinner:grumble: not so good, over ate on calories and just had to have the key lime pie:blushing: but back at it this am.

    We will be letting most of the water out of the hot tub and picking up our Grand Kiddos so they can play in the bottom of it in the warm water, it's supposed to be in the high 70's today so will need to get out the sunscreen for them. They think they are so important that they get to be here when we do that. Then after they are picked up we will clean the Tub and refill it...won't be warm enough for us until tomorrow:love:

    Decided we will have our corned beef and cabbage tomorrow, so I will have to get creative for tonight...maybe a BBQ would be just right for the weather today:flowerforyou:

    Must go have to do my kettlebell work out and then get cleaned up so we can leave shortly to pick up the Kiddos.

    Have a good day, drink that water:drinker: , log the food and let's get moving.

  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    Happy St. Pat's Day! Had coffee on the screen porch, and heading out golfing this aft. Totally enjoying our unseasonably warm temps for mid-March :happy: Normally I'd be looking out the window wondering when the snow piles were going to melt at this time of year.

    I enjoy following everyone's ups and downs. It's nice to know I'm in good company. Have a great weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Hello, all. I'll confess to 'lurking' and not posting previously, but I've been logging food and exercise for about 30 days now and have lost about 8 pounds just by planning the calories vs. reporting them. Love reading everyone's stories. I'm going to have to get creative now, though, on exercise -- last Tuesday night I passed out on the treadmill, ending up splitting my head open, getting staples in it and spending a couple of days in the hospital because of a concussion. (The passing out was related to a known heart issue, but it is a new development. Until more tests I'm removed from my regular 3-4 times a week at the gym doing weights and cardio. No heart exertion. Guess I'll have to stand in place at home, hold on to the bar top and move my feet side-to-side!)