

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning! :bigsmile:
    I'm looking forward to eating less today, plain and simple. Yesterday I managed to eat like a big pigglito. :grumble: Sleep deprivation definitely messes with your self-control center. I'll have to make myself get back to sleep when hubby leaves for work in the mornings, and that's all there is to it. :yawn:

    Found some great aerobics workouts on TV yesterday morning though, did some moves I've never tried and ow!, I feel a little sore in the hips this morn from the squats and jumps. One exercise is called The Burpee I think? Squat down, put hands on the floor, jump-kick the legs out straight behind you, then hop back to squat position and stand up, 15 times or more. I think I did 2. :laugh: Whoa nelly. Those really aren't for me at this stage of the game. But there were some great other moves and stretches that felt really good.

    Managed to get up to Walmart and buy a set of ankle weights, so now all I have to do is open the box and actually strap them on. Might give that a go this morning. Printing out a strength training chart, too.

    Good job this week Salad Sistas! :wink: I had my salad for dinner last night with grilled carne asada. Would have rather had tortillas but I'd already eaten enough bread for 3 people by the time dinner rolled around. No mo dat bread fo 'while! It causes pounds to stick to me like glue. :angry: Oh well! Today's a new day.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Toodles! :bigsmile:
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies, scale went up this week, have been in a funk the past couple of weeks, not much exercise and wrong food choices. Need to start over again today, more water more moving. Spending the day with my 3 yr old grandson while mom catches up on work. DIL is due soon with his baby sister, so this will give her a little break before she has 2 kids to deal with. Can't wait to meet the little princess. Haven't had any girl babies in the family for a while.
    Wanting to check out the book, Strong Women stay young. Realizing I need to build up strength in my upper body.

    Eat Healthy, be safe
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Ladies...Beautiful Saturday here in SC.

    Michele...I was perusing around on Pinterest and plugged in Bowling Pins. They have some really cute ideas! If you are artistic they have the most adorable "Beach People" made out of bowling pins! Since I still haven't figured out how to upload pics, I will make them my modicon for now!


    Could you make them into Lamps?

    Cleaning & Housework done...Brother-in-law & Sister-in-law coming for dinner. Just kind of enjoying the day. Hope you all do too!

  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Happy Saturday :flowerforyou:

    Nancy - Congratulations on 28 years together. I was wondering if you explained to your husband that retail therapy is part of your wellness plan that he would understand it a little better?? :laugh:
    KC - glad to hear your daughter got her first choice. I'm with you about the sounds of the waves rolling in and crashing onto the beach. One of the most wonderful sounds to me.
    Jane - sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your exercising. Hope your therapy continues to help you. You will get there even if it seems like 2 steps forward and 1 back right now. Hang in there!
    Michele - We saw the Lorax. it was a cute movie.
    jb - Know what you mean about buying something for improved health but still having to get it out of the box. Ha Ha. I bought a pedometer and finally opened the package this morning. I am not saying how long it sat unopened. :blushing:
    Sherry - Hope your funk is starting to lift. The last couple of weeks have been a struggle for me too. I don't know if it is the time of year, hormones or what. It sure can get frustrating. I haven't recorded my weight this week because it is still up from my poor food choices (holding water big time).

    My plan for today is:
    Learn how to use the pedometer I bought and test it out by going for a walk.
    Get a bit of Spring cleaning done.
    Make good food choices and drink extra water to try and get rid of the puffiness.

    Have a great day ladies!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I haven't had a chance to check in for a few days, so I thought I would get caught up today.

    Meg- shopping for smaller jeans is great. You should feel so proud of yourself
    Virginia- so sorry to hear about your bike accident. I hope you heal soon. When my oldest daughter was a child, she flipped over her handlebars too. She broke he nose and had stitches in her lip. We were feeding her with an eye dropper because she couldn't touch anything to her lip!
    Dawn- I know that puffy feeling. The corned beef did me in this week. I am finally down, but I only record my weight on my "official" weigh in day. I hope I don't go up again before Monday!
    KC- I will be visiting Myrtle Beach in the middle of April. It is one of my rules that we must sleep with the sliding door open so I can listen to the waves. I love the beach.
    Barbie- glad to hear that all went well with Jake at the cardiologist.

    Glad to report that both of my doctor visits went well this week.I am now able to go back to using my light weights and easing into other exercise classes. I still cannot do any ab work. I went to a Body Sculpt class today and it went pretty well. I used 8 pound weights, but refrained on anything that I could feel in the abs.

    I also had my testing for certification for security at the airport. I got 100 on all of my tests. I guess that means I do good pat downs.:wink:

    My weight is finally down to my goal- but I can't count it until my weigh in day. Hopefully it will stay there.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I finally have a fun filled busy weekend. tonight we drive to the tacoma dome and see Jeff Dunham.:laugh: :laugh: He is soooo funny I can't wait. Then tomorrow is my father's 90 birthday party at a great seafood restaurant. This is a much needed break from the monotony. :bigsmile:
  • katduck8
    katduck8 Posts: 13
    Hi Ladies, I amnew to mfp and to this group. Have enjoyed reading all your posts. Inspirational. Witty. And most of all, you are all just like me
    I lost 80 lbs last year and have regained 30. Am trying to take care of that. My daughter introduced me to mfp and I love it!
    Had a great walk today with the grandboys, could have gotten a better work out without them, but hearing "run with me, Mammy" and Mammy, find me a blowy flower"" was such fun! Yes, they call me Mammy. Sposed to be grammy but it never stuck, so Mammy it is. :smile:
    I have been married just 6 months to the love of my life. What a blessing to share this kind of love at our age. But got a little too comfy this winter, thus the weight gain.
    Thanks for including me, am so in need of insspiration and motivation!
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Howdy all, and happy weekend. After several days in the eighties here, it's in the 60's and rainy. Actually feels like **gasp** March!!

    As of this morning I'm less than half the woman I was. I've lost 160 lbs and weigh 158.8. In other news, I was so proud of myself on Thursday. I got a new driver's license. In VA they list your weight and I have always (ALWAYS) lied about it. My last one said I was 250 and I know for a fact I was at least 280 when I got it. Well this time, I put down my real, honest weight. Then chuckled.

    My daughter (almost 16) has started dating in a limited way. Hard on Mom's nerves, but she's a good responsible kid and I like the young man.

    Mazaron - to your Thursday post on figuring out why you weren't losing, DH has been unemployed since July. He does some odd jobs, but the job he lost was a very physical one. He mentioned the other day that he had gained 10 lbs and couldn't understand why because he wasn't eating any different, in fact was eating less fast food lunches than he did when working. Well, dear, I said...perhaps you were burning more calories? So he's compromising by trying to move more and eat a little leaner. Poor dear. Since he has always had physical jobs, he's been able to eat whatever he wanted whenever he wanted and is not used to this.

    Glad your foot is recuperating. Happy anniversary.

    Realpure - funny, I was having hot flashes when I started losing weight, now I'm cold all the time (have a heated throw blanket on my lap right now). I think it's the combination of the weight I've lost and the fact that I seem to have finally completed menopause at the ripe old age of 50. I take B-12 and a multi and haven't noticed any impact. But different folks body's react differently to things.

    Tiarapants - congrats on the atlas sale, now how about pouring me a hot blackcurrant drink? Never tried it, must be a UK thing, but it sounds lovely.

    Laura80111 - I've done a lot of research and about the only thing that helps with loose skin is to build some muscle to fill it back out again. Mine is pretty extensive. I'd use the term "horrible" but I try not to look at it like that because I feel so much better and look so much better (at least with clothes on). I've found some really lightweight shirts with 3/4 sleeves that I push to the elbow and some lightweight Bermuda shorts and I just plan to cover it. They also make cool open weave cardigans that you can wear over no-sleeve shirts that kind of hide loose skin on the arms.

    megathome111 - LOL at "Bengay stinks". I have discovered that creams do not work for me unless they stink. It must be a placebo effect: I smell the stink and my brain "knows" it's gonna work. Bengay, IcyHot, gotta have the stink. DH rolls his eyes.

    ExerMom - the C&O Canal Towpath is a very long, skinny National Park. The C&O Canal ran along the Potomac River and mule teams towed barges up and down it. The towpath is the path that the mules walked along it, hence the name "towpath". http://bikewashington.org/canal/

    jb_2011 - there is serious research that shows we lose less (or even gain) weight when we don't get enough sleep. I'm guilty of that one now and then myself.

    Brunsda - hope you like the pedometer. Maybe consider wearing it all the time? I find it challenges me to walk more when I do that - I find myself parking farther away, taking the long way 'round, stuff like that to build my steps up.

    katduck8 - actually the best workout is the one you enjoy. Grandkids are a great exercise device! They sound adorable.

    Have a great weekend. Off to buy grocerys for DH to cook. The one thing I love about him being unemployed!

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Still struggling with the leftovers of the flu. I have not yet been logging either. I was back at work this past week, but definitely dragging myself around.

    :flowerforyou: Spring appears to have sprung on Vancouver Island. I saw one daffodil in bloom and the rest about to pop. The herb garden is starting to burst into new growth. Very nice indeed. Not yet warm enough to sit outside, although the sun is shining gloriously. Lots of blossoms already in the city (Victoria), but our area always a bit behind. I love spring and summer!

    Virginia, I am sorry to hear you had a bicycle accident. Nasty :grumble: . Hope you are on the mend.

    Little grandson continues as the highlight of our lives :love: We feel so blessed.

    I must go and pay some bills :noway:

  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member

    I'm back! Been in a funk for a couple of weeks. The really strange thing that did it, I think, was the fact that I accomplished my March's weight loss goal in the first week of March. I thought it should be harder than that...LOL So...exercise went out the window for the most part...and with the loss of the endorphins, my good mood fluttered out, too. With the good mood fluttering out, I didn't sleep enough. I was entranced with my new love, polyclay crafting, and there just weren't enough hours in the day for sleep, too. With the sleep deprivation, I ate more and struggled to keep my calories to goal. Didn't make it a few times, there. It was especially bad at night, when I was fighting the terminal sleepies the most. I haven't weighed yet, but it wouldn't surprise me if I lost another pound this week. Wouldn't surprise me if I gained one, either.

    I just finished a good, long, fast workout and feel really good again. Yippee! I need to keep all this in mind the next time I want to skip the exercise. Although, I do agree with JB...Burpees are not my thing right now...LOL

    Drink your water, ladies, and keep those muscles moving!


  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, Dear Ladies,

    Our DIL, 3 year old and 3 week old Grand Daughters arrive tomorrow for the next week so today has been spent getting things ready for them. The weather is warm and the snow is not perfect, but we will enjoy our time with them! We have the 3 year old set up with ski lessons 3 mornings this week with the instructor we call "The Baby Whisperer"...she is amazing, so I hope that Lyla will have fun, good snow or not!

    DH is still struggling with his injury, but we did get out on skis today to watch some amazing "Freestyle Competition" up in the Extreme Terrain. It was fun to see what these young people can do! I was glad that DH made it up and back today and he was wishing he was young and fit enough to be up with the "contenders"!!!!!!! I am so happy to be the age I am, enjoying being "out there" with NO need or desire to compete:tongue:

    Robin: Enjoy your Father's 90th Birthday! How very special:flowerforyou:

    Everyone else: Take care and hope to keep checking in this week, even if I am not responding. :heart: Kackie
  • smichaud1
    smichaud1 Posts: 2 Member
    Happy Monday, dear Ladies!

    It is snowing, snowing, snowing and the temperature has dropped, so maybe we'll have a few good ski days left this season after all. I'll find out soon!

    Jaks: I am so sorry you are struggling...put one foot in front of the other and keep going! We're here for you:flowerforyou:

    Tallen: WTG on the running! I am sooooooo impressed!

    jb: Thanks for the link to the 7 smart stagegies for fat burning and metabolic health...I will read that for sure.

    Westernjoy: Good to hear from you and your horseback riding/walking sounds so nice! Glad your weather is good!

    Regarding dinner last night. My dear friend served Yorkshire pudding with beef, english peas, potatoes and mashed rutabaga...then apple pizza(which I LOVE). Sooooooo, at least there were a couple of vegetables, which I tried to fill my plate with, but it was not exactly health food! Thankfully, I had LOTS of exercise yesterday and hope to do the same today.

    Off to get out the door! Take care:heart: Kackie
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Well I seen the sun today. And it felt so good. Bailey my horse is feeling better. Took her to the field and she ate for 2 hours. Grass is so green had to put back in the other field. Didn't need her getting stomach ache. Got a lot of blackberries mowed down before they start growing. Dumb me forgot my gloves. Hands fill like a pin cushion. Got a good walk in this morning. I can't believe 2 miles in 32 minutes. Really pushed myself. Knees are sore now. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Working extra night of graveyard.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    kc-hearty congrats to your daughter. It's so great to hear someone get what they want, I'm so happy for her. You have a lot to be proud of. Do you think she will continue in Chicago after experiencing one of their winters? It's a far cry from SC. I remember when Bryan went to RIT, we knew that he wouldn't like the winters (even tho he grew up in the Poconos in PA), but what do we know? So we didn't say anything. Even before the first semester was over, he called to tell us that he wanted to transfer.....lol And where did he go? To Elon in NC!!!

    Mimi must be away. I don't remember, when is she going to be back? I miss her and her lovely posts. Anyone hear from Chicklet too? Wonder how she and her "gentleman friend" are doing. Lots of others, too.

    I signed up for a food safety course next month. It's only for four nights. Should be interesting. I bet some people have to take it for a certification, I just think it'll be interesting.

    Meg - thanks for the bowling pin suggestions. I'm going to check them out. No, I'm not artistic in any way. I can only make a straight line with a ruler, and even then sometimes it isn't straight! I really don't want to get into the electrical stuff and drilling them to make them into lamps. I'm just trying to think of something to do where they can be used as "give-away gifts" at our end-of-year bowling party. Someone else suggested to me that one thing they really treasure is a bowling pin signed by all her coaches. Of course, this isn't the same thing, we're not sanctioned or anything. For some reason, and this I really can't understand, Vince doesn't think we should spray paint them. I think a few spray painted would make neat table centerpieces. He did suggest cleaning them as much as possible and then making up a "certificate of authenticity" to certify that that pin was knocked down by a certain person.

    frogmamma - congrats on the loss and passing your testing for certification.

    Robin - have fun at the show at your father's party

    Welcome katduck! So glad your daughter steered you here!

    Virginia - I didn't realize that VA put your weight on its license! I'll have to look at Jessica's. Oh, speaking of VA oddities, we just found out that VA vanity license plates don't use the number 0 but the letter "o". Her license plate is C7 Pecto and if someone wants C7 Pect0 the state of VA won't allow it.

    Beth - when you didn't get enough sleep, did you crave carbs?

    Right now I have two TV's, one can record two shows at once, the other one. We've decided that we're going to get a Charter (our cable company) DVR. Admitted, it only records two shows max at most, but honestly I can't remember the last time I needed to record three shows at the same time. Also, with this DVR (I know because Vince has one) you can see how much memory you have, with the TiVo's you can't do that. Once it deleted a movie that I definitely wanted to keep. I didn't realize this until much later.

    kackie - have fun with those little girls! I know you will.

    Went to church earlier tonight and then to a food store for two items. There was this lady there who evidentally was trying to save money. She bought dented cans and meat that was going to be out of date tomorrow. Yet, interestingly, she was in front of me in the check-out lane, yet she didn't bring her own bags. At this store if you bring your own bags, you get 5 cents credit. Admitted, it's not a whole lot, but it's better than nothing, that's for sure.

    Going to watch some TV then get to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • smichaud1
    smichaud1 Posts: 2 Member
    Women 50+ seem to be taking on new challenges every day - from better positions at work, to getting more respect and help at home. At our Running Room, women are tackling new distances, travelling to run ( we have done Disney and Dublin), and giving terrific support to each other whether it be for weight loss, trying new sports or just listening on long runs. It is a good spot to be in Mississagua, Ontario, Canada especially as we can walk, run or ride the Waterfront Trail along one of the Great Lakes, Lake Ontario. The exercise is helping with my weight loss, although it is slower to come down at this age. Good luck to everyone in this quest towards better physical and mental health for ourselves and as role models for our families.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :flowerforyou: I'm thinking about moving on to lunges as I finish the 100 day challenge of squats. the good thing about squats is that I can do them in the darkness of the early morning walk.....as long as my feet are secure in one place, I can do squats while the dogs are sniffing around trees and bushes, but lunges require stepping forward and in the dark I can't predict the footing and I need my hands more for balance and with a leash in one hand, balance is compromised so maybe I'm headed for a combination of squats and lunges.

    :flowerforyou: my long term goal is to get balanced enough with lunges to do sets of 20 holding heavy weights by my sides or on my shoulders. I am inspired by the picture on the back of "The New Rules of Lifting for Women". I made a photocopy of the picture and put it on my refrigerator. She is doing a squat with a heavy looking barbell on her shoulders
    I don't have a barbell but two 15 pound dumbbells would be a great victory.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, did you get the ankle weights with the removable packets so you can start light and gradually make them heavier? I keep my ankle weights in a bag near where I do my workout so they are easy to get to. Good luck with your new weight training adventure.

    :flowerforyou: Sherry, get “Strong Women Stay Young” and start reading it immediately……it has such a great message and a program that anyone can start no matter how fit or unfit they are,

    :flowerforyou: Dawn, once you get to know your pedometer, you will love it. It will inspire you to walk more even when you think you don’t want to.

    :flowerforyou: Frogmama, congrats on your good news at the doctor and your certification test.

    :flowerforyou: Katduck, welcome……keep hanging around with us and you find the encouragement you seek.

    :flowerforyou: Virginia, because I’m so cold all the time, I am comfortable in long sleeves and long pants so no one can see what the leftover skin looks like…….time and weight training have helped somewhat with the loose skin, but I look better covered up.

    :flowerforyou: Beth , I am glad that you are back among the actives again.

    :flowerforyou: We went to one of those sit and listen for hours meetings today but I managed to sneak in two small walks----one while everyone was waiting in line to get lunch and the other after I ate my lunch.....we got home early enough for me to walk the dogs and do my weight training program. lunch was a choice of six different homemade soups. At first I thought they all had either pork or beef in them and I wouldn't be able to eat any of them but I asked the right questions to the right person and someone finally found out that one of the soups had tofu sausage and was meatless so I had a great lunch---two bowls of soup and no bread and no dessert :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Up early this morning! Wish I was cold Barbie and Virginia. I don't know if this is the end of the road hormone wise for me, but I am waking up drenched at night. Not sure what it is. But it's horrible for sleeping........

    Barbie, I have been doing lunges with weights and squats. Really have made a difference for me. I can't imagine doing them in the dark....... I'm still not very sure footed, but I like the tone I'm seeing from them. Weight still isn't going off, but I look and feel so much better. I need to get heavier hand weights. I am doing 5 pounds still..........:blushing: Love the resistance bands for my arms.

    Cleaning today, house really needs it and seeing the "Hunger Game" with our daughter and a couple of her friends. I read all 3 books, so I'm looking forward to seeing it.

    Not much else is new here. Wishing all my MFP friends success next week. Make sure to notice all your healthy changes. The scale only tells a small part.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Ahh, I just love Sundays. Love Saturdays, too, especially yesterday since it was sunny and warm. Hubby and I worked in the garden for hours, setting up rows and beds for our 250 onion plants. We planted some Red Pontiac and Yukon Gold potatoes, too. Good to have to onions in the ground finally, it's a big job but oh such fun to be digging in the dirt. We grow Walla Walla Sweets for eating in summer, plus 2 kinds of storage onions, yellow and red, and 200 garlic as well. July is garlic-braiding time. They're so pretty. We use lots, give some away, and keep some for seed to plant in Oct. I planted some shelling peas yesterday too, and French Breakfast radishes. I put just a couple dozen seeds in about every 2 weeks throughout the growing season, love munching on those babies! First big gardening day of spring, ahhhhhhhh, finally! Needed it, bad. Now I think I can face the week of rain that's predicted. Yup, Oregon. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I did buy ankle weights with removable packets. I'll start with 1 lb and increase from there. My hand weights are 3 lbs, they seem fine for now. I really feel it while doing the upward row and side arm raises. Whew. :grumble:

    I have some perennial plants that need dividing and relocating, I think I'll get busy with that project this morning. The housework can wait for a rainy day. :tongue:

    Peas and love, :wink:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Looks like the rain is finally going to stop and the sun is coming out. It rained all day yesterday, through the night and all of this morning. HopefullyI will be able to get out for a bit of geocaching.

    rjadams- I bet you really enjoyed Jeff Dunham. We went to see him right after Christmas and he was so entertaining.

    Virginia- Less than half the woman you were- what an accomplishment. Congratulations. Here in NY we do not have to put our weight on our driver license. Thank goodness. We don't even need to change our pictures. Every once in awhile when I am checking ID at the airport I get someone who has lost a lot of weight and they look so different than their picture. They are always so proud to say how much weight the lost.

    Renny Isn't spring wonderful? We had a tease of spring last week. We broke record high temperatures for 6 days in a row. I even got a bit of a tan walking the dog. That does not happen in March in NY! I love it.

    Beth- It does feel so go once the work out is over, doesn't it? I think that is one of the reasons why I drag myself to the gym so often- just to feel so good on the way out

    Kackie- sounds like you have a wonderful week planned with the DIL and Granddaughters. Enjoy!

    Michele- A course on food safety sounds so interesting.

    Barbie- You seem to be so good at getting those squats in. You don't waste any time- doing those squats when the dogs are sniffing.

    Realpure- Hope you enjoy "The Hunger Games." I am hoping on seeing it soon. I loved the book and am currently on book two.

    jb- glad to hear that you got your garden in. I wish my DH would take an interest in gardening. I find that I just can't do it all myself, so the last few years we haven't put in any vegetables and I really miss them.

    Cooking a pot of chicken noodle soup to help with DH's cold. I hope I don't catch it. Maybe the soup will help ward it off!. Off to enjoy the rest of my Sunday
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    The show was awesome last night. I laughed so hard last night I am actually sore this morning. If you don't know Jeff Dunham you should look him up on Utube. We didn't get home until after one in the morning. I haven't stayed up that late in ages.

    Now today it is off to Daddy's birthday. I am glad he quit traveling long enough to have a birthday at home. So far this year he has been to south africa, florida, the panama canal, then they just went to palm springs to celebrate their 5 year meeting anniversary and they visited freinds in california and Arizona. I am so thankful that he has the means and the stamina to enjoy his senior years so much. I can only hope to be half as fortunate.

    Have a great day ladies. And in the words of Peanut "Dat's good, dat's good, dat's GOOOD!