

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Posting just to mark my spot. :flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    :love: :flowerforyou:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Schelly - unfortunately, lately bunco has really taken a downturn. Not many people at all are coming. But that's OK. One month we were going to have it at my house, and we cancelled because no one else was coming. Last month they cancelled for the same reason. Well, if anything, it gives me a reason to clean the house (it really needed it, too), and if no one comes, I'll just divide up the apple cake and give half to the bowling alley and the other half I'll take to the Y or maybe 1/4 to the Y and 1/4 to the soup kitchen. Yea, that sounds better.

    Joyce - nope, it wasn't me that had the P90. I do have the supreme 90 which is a lot like the P90X in that it utilizes muscle confusion. I've done a few segments. They aren't very long, but it's good for a change, and I'm constantly (as you know) needing to change things up.

    tallen - congrats on your wonderful 8K

    Did 20 min of yoga today (Mon) then an hour of the extreme pump class. Tomorrow we have a board meeting at the Y which means that I have to get up at 5 to be there by 7 (thank goodness I only have to do this two more times!). Then I'll take a spinning class at that Y, figure I'll come home, put my bowling ball in the sun, Vince talked about doing some practice bowling since he put his ball in the sun. In the sun, you ask? Yup, someone told us that they put their ball in the hot sun and it bakes the oil right out of the ball. So we tried it. It really does work, but I'm not sure it'll work on my ball since mine is a urethane. Guess we'll find out tomorrow. Then at night I'm hosting bunco here. There is a mahjongg game at 1 but the spin class is over by 10, by the time I change and leave it'll be around 10:30. I really don't feel like sitting around until 1. Update: my ball in the sun didn't bake much oil out of it. Well, it was worth a try. but on the positive side, that means that I can keep my ball in the trunk of my car and there won't be any oil leakage onto my shoes, etc.

    Robin - keeping fingers, eyes, toes and anything else that I can crossed for you!

    liselyn - what part of NC are you flying to? Best thoughts for your hubby tomorrow

    Nancy - I hope you find your wallet. I know what a pain it is to have it lost. I do pretty well on the pushups, but I do do them on my knees only because I'm afraid that I don't use correct form when I do them on my toes and let my stomach sag. Guess what I should do is start off doing two or three on my toes and the rest on my knees.

    Well, the gal in charge of bunco called, there will only be 4 of us. But in some ways that's good, if it's warm enough we might want to eat on the porch, and we couldn't if we had a big group.

    Did an hour of spinning today. Tomorrow is water aerobics. One more month on this Y board -- yea!!!!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Good Afternoon!

    I had responded to a lot of you before I realized the thread was at 500.:ohwell: I am not going to try and recapture all of that. Just know that I read the posts and appreciate how open you all are to sharing joys and struggles on this thread.

    Sally-how is the neck/shoulder feeling? What did the trainer say?
    Lisa-I am sure the negativity in your house has gone down now that the girl has left. I am sure you and your son will regain a closeness as healing takes place.
    Fitz-I like that you are no longer scale staring and noticing how you are changing in other ways. Sounds like you have a great friend there!
    Marcelyn-so glad that your mammogram came back clean.
    Nancy-How exciting to fit into that suede jacket! Any luck finding your wallet?
    Tallen-You were able to run the entire way! Awesome!!

    Have a great eveining all.
    Liselyn-hope your husband's knee replacement goes well for him. Enjoy your concerts.
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Hi, glad I found you again.

    I've had a rough time since I fell off my bike while vacationing in Florida and did some damage to my elbow and shoulder. It's really put me in a funk. Hoping to pull out of it. Reaching your posts is a good first start.
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Yippeeeeee!!!!! My house is mine again!

    I have had "boarders" for the past ten days. My daughter's in-laws came to meet the new baby and they stayed at my house. They really are nice and it's not a problem having them here but I'm just so used to being in my empty nest that it's hard having people around all the time. Sure my grandkids and kids pop in now and then (almost every day) but they aren't there when I get up in the morning and if I want to walk out in the kitchen in my skivvies I can..... not with guests. lol

    Ate WAY too much today as a result. I call it recovery eating. lol Now I'm going to try a new exercise regime..... rowing machine then Jillian Michaels..... I figure it will work off those extra calories I consumed.
  • Waitingforsun
    :explode: I thought I missed Mother's day
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Oh dear, I was gone and now I'm back. Next thing I know, the old March is full and the new part of March is in full swing with several pages in.

    DH and I were away for a weekend. Then I got sick with a bad cold and was off for a while. Now back to pretty much normal.

    Work is looking up for DH business. We just received our first cheque for work done, in a long....long while, with more work on the horizon. Hopefully a sign of things to come.

    Marking my spot for now. ttyl

  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    Have any of you ever had achilles tendonitis? I've been suffering with this for months, and haven't done much exercise since before Christmas, hoping resting would speed the healing. It's gotten some better, but is taking forever :grumble: In the meantime I've gotten so out of shape. Maybe at least doing some strength training would help, but I really miss walking and the elliptical. I wouldn't mind having some of those extra calories either :wink:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: jb, congrats on starting your weight training.......the longest journey starts with a single step.....getting into a routine is the first step......increasing the weight will come in time (faster than you think)

    :sad: Nancy, good luck finding your wallet.....that it one of the most frustrating experiences I can imagine......I reread the directions for push-ups and realized that I don't have to start flat on the ground and push up....same for the plank....I like the idea of having a push-up goal or at least something to keep us motivated. Right now my goal is to do them as part of my three times a week weight training routine......if I do them, I'm bound to get better. :laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Tallen, congrats on your great race :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: this is my one evening a week when I have the house to myself so I've been busy doing "important" stuff and now I'm exhausted and ready for bed.....I get up at 4 AM on Wednesdays....the pets are already in bed.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington...
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, Dear Ladies!

    DH and I spent most of the day at the Orthopedic/sports medicine clinic and he does have a herniated disk...it is quite large on the MRI and bulging, so that did give him a cortizone shot and I certainly hope it gives him some relief. He is uncomfortable and can't sit or stand or move without some pain! Poor dear:cry:

    I will ski early in the morning with a "first tracts" group and DH will be sadly sitting at home. The doctor said he would not be skiing anymore this season. That will be very tough for him...especially when our DIL comes out, as they usually ski together while I stay with our grand daughters.

    Lentils: LOVE the recipes you all are sharing. The chutney and yogurt dressing sound fabulous. What kinds of veggies would you add, if you added them? Just curious. Yum!

    Renny: Glad you are back but sorry you've been ill. Hope your are 100% soon!

    Barbie: I have never used ankle weights, but use free weights for upper body. Where did you get the exercises that you are using now with ankle weights?

    Nancy: PLEASE let us know if you find your wallet. That is a TERRIBLE feeling!

    Marcelynh: I know the feeling of overindulging after everyone leaves...I do the same thing. It is "Relief Eating", I guess. There must be some other way of dealing with the pent- up stress, but it is certainly a trigger for me too. Enjoy your Empty house again!

    Off to bed for me:yawn: Hope everyone has a great week. :heart: Kackie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member

    Barbie: I have never used ankle weights, but use free weights for upper body. Where did you get the exercises that you are using now with ankle weights?

    Kackie, for almost three years on this thread I have been saying that I would do strength training but never did anything but a few random exercises with three pound dumbbells. Then someone suggested "Strong Women Stay Young". the book has a simple set of exercises that work all the major muscle groups and a plan that shows how to choose a starting weight and how to progress in adding weight and some supplemental exercises to vary the workout. Since I got the book I've been doing strength training two or three days a week and have added weight and added exercises.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Have skimmed posts but not time to read pages right now. Posted a quick post on Monday but so quick did not realize it was already 500 so post is out in cyberspace somewhere. Ever wonder where it goes when it does not post. Anyway, a late Happy Mother's Day to those in UK. happy Wednesday to everyone else. I am doing really great on exercise and real good on eating. Not as strict on myself with food as I once was. Maybe I can maintain better that way. I was having major swelling problems. Whole body. I felt like I would pop at any moment. I never ever swell like that. I did not even swell when pregnant. Always was able to wear my rings and shoes whole time. Kind of scared me so went to dr. He is the doctor my sister works for and is good by ready for retirement soon and sometimes seems unconcerned. I never go for anything major so was kind of aprehensive but he was really concerned. My blood pressure was high for me, not high for medical standards but high for me. I normally am about 116/20 or so and it was 140/76. So anyway he did complete blood work up and gave me fluid pills. Started taking them MOnday and Tuesday morn was down 4 pounds. My sister just called and all blood work was great, so she said just keep taking them unless I feel my blood pressure dropping and then I can get off and get back on if swelling occurs again. so now I can get on with normal life again and maybe continue losing. I feel so much better and actually feel lighter.
    Those of you discussing weights. I just love doing weights. I feel it makes such a difference in weight loss and the ways my body looks. Scale might read few extra pounds but I can wear smaller sizes. Kenenth and I joined KOKO fit club. If any of you have one near you it is awesome. It is pricey for gym but well worth it. $59.00 month. They have machines that you plug your key into and it tells you exactly what exercise to do, how to do it and what weight to use. You do a strength test when starting and it starts you from there. It goes up as you progress. I love it. Can only go every other day and want to go more. sorry for long post but had to catch up. Hope you are all doing well. Have a great day.
    vicki M
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hump day Wednesday!

    Nancy- hoping your wallet turns up soon, nothing like having it go missing:grumble: and realizing all that will need to be done to replace it...yuck!

    Cando-hope your elbow and shoulder are better soon, glad you were able to find us:flowerforyou: again

    Marcelynh-it's amazing how quickly we are used to the quiet we are alone in our house feeling, whenever the family comes we are so glad to see them, but when they leave the quiet is so refreshing:wink: . I understand the eating when you finally have the house back too, it's just such a comfort:blushing:

    Renny- so glad to hear that your hubbys business is starting to pick up:heart:

    Kayms- sometimes the healing process takes so much longer than what we'd like, especially at our age. Last month I twisted my ankle and instead of the 3-4 days it usually would take to get better it took about 3 weeks:grumble: and that sure made exercise tough. Hope you heal quickly:flowerforyou:

    Kackie- sure do hope that the shot helps your hubby:drinker: It sounds like there isn't any place that he is comfortable so hoping that the shot will give him some relief.

    VickiM-So sorry to hear about your Blood Pressure, I know that when we were much younger my hubbys Blood Pressure went way up and the Doctor told him that he had to lose weight or go on medication for the rest of his life...so thank goodness he lost the weight, now here we are in our 50's and I'm afraid that he's back to that point again...but he has to be the one to make the decision to lose it:ohwell: Hope yours is under control soon.


    So my weigh in today was a pleasant surprise of a #2 loss. I do so love to see the ticker move and it feels like such a victory. Also makes me wish I could just head to the basement and exercise instead of going to work and sitting at a desk all day:noway: Well it just motivates me to get to the exercise the minute I walk in the door...

    I'm doing an experiment....with food of course....I found this receipe for Hard Boiled Eggs, but instead of boiling in water you put the egg in the oven and bake it at 325 for 30min....so I'm hoping it works...I'll keep you posted:bigsmile:

    Last night I made cupcakes with Pillsbury Sugar Free Devil's Food Cake Mix and one 15 oz can of Pumpkin....they came out really moist...hubby loved them....and since he's not a big pumpkin fan I'm not going to tell him how I made them:laugh: if he couldn't taste it then he didn't know it was there. Now if I can just get him to only eat 1 or 2 at a time instead of 3:wink:

    Must go my egg will be done in about 5 min....have a great day everyone....:drinker: drink your water...log your foot and let's keep moving:flowerforyou:

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello and happy Wednesday all,

    Thanks for all the messages about the wallet. :smile: I gave up yesterday and got new debit/credit cards. I’ll go out today and get new Medicare id cards and grocery store cards, etc. Such a bother. :grumble: The only thing I don’t need is a new driver’s license, because I keep it in the car so I don’t have to take my wallet to school or the gym. Sigh.

    My weight is up almost a pound from last week, and no one can say it’s muscle because I have a scale that measures body fat and I know the truth. Looking back over my food records for the month I can see why, too. First it was the strike stress and then the holidays – there’s alcohol on just about every day.:blushing: Gotta get real, Nancy my girl.

    Way back last spring I went to an orthopedic surgeon to have him look at my arthritic feet. He recommended having the big toe joints on one foot fused (slightly less mobility, no more chronic pain). I said OK, but in a vague sort of way, then I stopped thinking about it and got on with life. To my surprise I got a call this week saying he has space/time for my surgery on April 17th. I gave it some thought, and I’m going for it.

    The troublesome part is there’s an estimated 12-week recovery time. Twelve weeks? :huh: That’s all the rest of the school year, :sad: that’s until the middle of July, :grumble: that’s forever! :noway: I am already thinking about ways to keep up the exercise and weight training routines without putting weight on my right foot. Ideas?

    Cando055: Falling off bicycles :noway: goodness me. That must have been frightening. Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery now.

    Renny – How’s spring on the big island? Glad to hear that work is looking up for your DH.

    Kackie, sorry to hear about your DH, there’s nothing worse than chronic back-pain, and for an active person to be held back from doing the things he enjoys must be so frustrating.

    Vicki, Glad to hear you got your swelling, blood-pressure problem in check. Your gym sounds fun.

    Laura, congratulations on the weight loss. Interesting way to do eggs – was the shell on or off when it went into the oven?

    I realized what was making me feel queazy :sick: was not the lentils, but the calcium supplement I started taking in my quest to increase bone density. So, no more calcium supplements, just lots of dairy products, broccoli and fish in my diet!

    Hasta pronto,

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    PS - J'boy beat me at Risk again last night. I am really loosing my touch. :wink:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Update on my egg:

    I baked it in the oven, with the shell on at 325 for 30 minutes...let it cool a bit and then peeled it...came out just like a hard boiled egg from the water only no dirty pan:wink:

    So then I grated it and made an egg sandwich to go with my salad for lunch.

    I do love eggs:bigsmile:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I was looking at some public food diaries and did not find a lot of people that are down to 1200 calories a day. While I started at 1450 myself when I was 170 pounds, now I have to stick to the 1200 to loose any weight at all and it is so hard.

    I wonder how many of us are at either 1200 or 1300 a day. How are you doing it?

    Today I have enough calories left to have a Jr Frosty. It makes it worth hanging in there and not having any of the candy or cookies around the office.

  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Happy Wednesday All!

    Cando-How scary to fall while bike riding. How is your elbow and shoulder doing now?
    Marcelyn-love that phrase "recovery eating" lol :laugh: I think I did too much of that last weekend.
    Renny-so glad your husbands business is picking up.
    Kayms-achilles tendonitis sounds incredibly painful. What kind of a treatment plan are you on?
    Kackie-herniated disk is the most painful thing I have ever endured. Hope the shot helps your hubby.
    Vicki M-that swelling must have been frightening. Glad your blood work was good.
    Laura80111-congrats on the 2 pound loss. That is really interesting about the eggs.
    Nancy-ooh 12 week recovery. After initial healing, would you be able to swim or use one of the pedal machines that you sit and use? Chair dancing is always fun.:bigsmile: I'm sure your doc will be able to share some good exercises.

    Well, it has been a quiet day. Staying within my calories today. Working on the laundry. Time to go fold some clothes. Have a great night everyone.