

  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    Wow, take a week off and you come back to a whole new thread. :)

    Got up this morning and decided to walk instead of run. So I walked 6.6 miles instead of running 3.5. Works out okay for me. :)

    Been quite warm and I'm busy with gardening.

    Had to go back for a second mammogram and it came back "clean" with a recommendation of a follow-up in six months instead of 12. The "spots" they found they feel are directly attributable to my having lost so much weight. The dense breast tissue just didn't show up with I had the extra fat. I guess this is a good side affect? But it sure made me worry a bit. I'm now the same age my mom was when they found her cancer (not breast cancer though) and it does make you think a little more than you should on it when you realize that. Anyway, the second squishing... more like squeeze beyond belief..... came out good.

    Have a great Sunday everyone.

    Congratulations on that NSV (reduced breast fat) which will also lower your risk for breast cancer. I didn't think about it before, but losing breast fat ought to be one of my goals too. I should start tracking my bra size!

    LOL...I'm tracking my bra size by the eyes I have to use on the backstrap, and the new, smaller bras I have to buy... ^.^
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    Wow, take a week off and you come back to a whole new thread. :)

    Got up this morning and decided to walk instead of run. So I walked 6.6 miles instead of running 3.5. Works out okay for me. :)

    Been quite warm and I'm busy with gardening.

    Had to go back for a second mammogram and it came back "clean" with a recommendation of a follow-up in six months instead of 12. The "spots" they found they feel are directly attributable to my having lost so much weight. The dense breast tissue just didn't show up with I had the extra fat. I guess this is a good side affect? But it sure made me worry a bit. I'm now the same age my mom was when they found her cancer (not breast cancer though) and it does make you think a little more than you should on it when you realize that. Anyway, the second squishing... more like squeeze beyond belief..... came out good.

    Have a great Sunday everyone.

    Congratulations on that NSV (reduced breast fat) which will also lower your risk for breast cancer. I didn't think about it before, but losing breast fat ought to be one of my goals too. I should start tracking my bra size!

    LOL...I'm tracking my bra size by the eyes I have to use on the backstrap, and the new, smaller bras I have to buy... ^.^

    First and foremost - SO glad you are clear on the mammo - that's scary.

    I had to buy new bras, and I ordered 42D (one size smaller) just three weeks ago. Unfortunately, they shipped one of them in a 40D instead. I *hate* sending things back, so I justified keeping it by thinking I would eventually lose enough to fit into it. Last week, I wondered how much more I would have to lose... so I tried it on. IT FITS!

    I've since included my under-bust in my weekly measurements. Sure enough, this week I'm down to 38.5. I've barely lost 1 lb a week, but the inches are coming off more rapidly. I'm doing 30 min. of guided calisthenics (EA Active for the Wii) three days a week and 60 min of cardio work (Walk it Out for the Wii) 2 days a week, with 2 days off for rest.

    On my way!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Ho ho! :noway: busted! I woke up with toast crumbs in my pajamas and peanut butter on my breath! That’s evidence of midnight snacking on toasted peanut butter and cucumber (gotta have crunch) sandwiches. Not a good thing. I should have felt it coming on because I was feeling rather blue and restless yesterday. Obviously I have not overcome emotional eating and the Ian Rankin book was not fascinating enough to keep me out of the kitchen! Or was it the fact the J'boy beat me soundly in back-to-back rounds of Risk? :huh:

    As part of the campaign to use up the lentils I made kushari for supper last night. It’s an Egyptian street food dish, an amazingly tasty combination of lentils, rice and/or chickpeas, noodles, and tomato sauce topped with fried onions, hot sauce and vinegar.

    Today I’ll do something with curry or French style lentil salad. Gotta use up that 20 lbs before my next harvest share comes in!

    Oh yes, Meg, there is something about wood stacking and beer, they just belong in the same day. Glad to hear you recruited more muscle to bring the log splitter home. We must not have tears in the wood lot. :noway:

    Hi Sally, take care of your neck and check it out with the trainer.

    Lisa, thanks for the update on your family situation. It sounds like things will begin to settle down again – here’s hoping your son’s next romance will be with a dear girl that you can be friends with. :flowerforyou:

    Fitz1191 I love the image of your friend coming and taking away your scale! :laugh: Keep up the good work there and thanks for posting the advice… “laying the foundation for fitness” is going on to my quote wall.

    Marcelynh – glad to hear your mammogram was “clean”. :happy:

    Welcome itsgood. This is a great place for advice and support. A summary of what I've learned here: drink all your water, plan what you eat and eat what you plan, keep moving, share your stories.

    The plaster and paint in the downstairs reno are drying, so we are in the garage working on motorcycle maintenance. Whoo hoo, spring is on the way. :love:

    Hasta pronto,

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Yes, :happy: bra size victories. I have mentioned this before, I've gone from a 36DDD to a 34E and I'm on the middle hooks of the smaller bras now.

    One of the few pieces of "too small" clothing I did not give away when we cleared out the house three years ago was a sweet little suede jacket. I wore it - unbuttoned.

    You know where this is going, don't you?

    I put it on a couple of days ago and it fit, perfectly. :happy: Oh yeah. That felt good.

    Rock on, sistas! :drinker:

  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hello lovely ladies, welcome new friends & Happy Mothers Day to my fellow Brits.

    My healthy eating went on hold today. My Son & DDiL prepared a wonderful afternoon tea for me complete with wonderfully decorated not to say delicious home-made cup cakes. My DDiL is so creative!

    My other gift is a bird feeder made from a vintage cup & saucer & copper tubing. It is beautiful. There are lots of cats around here so it may not be safe for birds so I think I'll plant it with violas or pansies.

    DataBased - new bras!! Go you!! Bet you're glad they sent the wrong size. And Mazaron has "new clothes" too! Well done ladies.

    Lisa - I hope your relationship with your son gets to be as it was. The girl does sound hard work.

    MarcelynH - good news re your mammo. Testing is so important.

    I celebrate your successes ladies. You are all such a source of inspiration to me so thank you.

    Off to prepare my salad lunch for tomorrow & iron my top for choir tomorrow. We are performing in the end of term concert - nervous!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend & have a wonderful week.

    Geri in England
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy Mother's day ladies and that includes step, grand, god and others!

    I spent a lovely time in the coffee shop this morning with my gorgeous son and the afternoon having afternoon tea with my DD#s and grandtwins. Thoroughly spoiled giftwise too.

    DH and I are now relaxing with a shared dish of low fat chocolate mousse and dried figs - delicious but I can only manage a couple of teaspoons.

    I'm nursing a bit of a cold so I've taken a double dose of vitamin c - hope it at least gets me through the week. Certainly I will be having an early night tonight - up at 4:30 am for the next couple of days.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend and will have an even better week.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all my friends in England...hope your day was tremendous!:flowerforyou:

    Amanda...it sounds like you had a great day! :smile:

    Geri...Holidays are for enjoyment, and we know that when the day is over, our healthy choices will kick back in! :happy:

    Nancy...Grilled Peanut Butter & Cucumber sandwich??? Sounds "interesting". I had a friend years ago that loved Grilled PB&Onion sandwiches...that one I could NEVER figure out. I think I'll stick to grilled PB & Banana sandwiches...but just occasionally. Congrats on fitting into the jacket you kept!:wink:

    Databased...Isn't it an amazing feeling when you surprise yourself !! Just keep on losin'!:flowerforyou:

    Blissfuldrake...my excitement re: bras when I could actually go back to the 2 snap bra! :blushing:


    Marcelyn...so happy for you that your 2nd mammogram came back with the desired results. As miserable as they are...they do save lives.:flowerforyou:

    Laura...how was the movie?

    Wizzywig...it is so beneficial to look at the weeks that worked, to get ourselves back on track. Logging is so key to success.

    Fitz1191...muscle weighs more than fat...It sounds like you have a wonderful personal trainer!

    Oh Lisa...hugs to you...I'm sure it has been a stressful time for all of you.

    Barbie...I know what you are talking about with the travel. There truly is "No Place Like Home".

    Sally...I agree with you...this thread makes me realize that all of the "struggles" are not just my own. It's so helpful to know that we are all kind of in the same boat.

    Dawn...hoping you're have a great day!

    Realpure...congratulations on the lowered cholesterol...that is significant!

    Well...today we finished up the wood splitting with the help of B-I-L. I ran the splitter thingy while the men hauled wood. The splitter had a safety check thing that wouldn't allow the maul to go up or down unless this spring-like knob was in the down position. My wrists were really killing me after a few minutes, so...I threw my belly into it. It worked well...and I can honestly say that, for once, I was thankful that I had a bit of bellyfat! Now we just have to load & stack about three pickup loads of cut wood during the week. I'll be glad when this project is done.

    This morning I couldn't wait any longer to take my measurements after using my HotPants for 10 days. I was THRILLLLLLEEEEEDDDDD! My waist was down 1.25 inches; my hips down 1 inch, my right thigh .75 inch and my left thigh .5 inch. Love my HotPants! I wish there was a "hot top" to go with it to attack my bust & back . I had several people at work last week tell me I looked slimmer...maybe I really was?!?

    Darling daughter is coming by to cook dinner for us this evening. What a welcome treat that will be!

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 116
    marking my spot.

    PB and lettuce is a sandwich I ate a lot as a kid....has to be iceburg for the crunch factor :smile:
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Tracking food and saw us jump threads. Marking my spot.

    Meg, hauling wood and "hot pants". Did you wear them while splitting wood? I'm getting a great visual! LOL Amazing inch loss. Congrats!!

    Nancy, congrats on the bra victory!!! I have to admit it is the only fat I'm a little sad to see go. I look like I'm melting. I've never had much of a chest until I started gaining with menopause.

    All this talk of cooking is making me think about dinner. It's slim picking at my house tonight. Wishing everyone a great week!
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 888 Member
    I am the same age when my mother passed away from cancer, so when you get those kind of things happening to you, it really makes you think!!!
    My sister and I are always saying ok, well, at least we have now lived as long as mother....
    Good luck!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Left Thurs to spend time with Jessica at her place, didn't get back until Sat. I did walk on the treadmill on Fri and I was originally going to use their elliptical on Sat. but it really wasn't in that good a shape so I walked on the treadmill again. Did pretty good on the eating each day. Jessica wanted to make us dinner so I had 2 lobster tails, a sweet potato and she made a salad. Unfortunately, it was only iceburg lettuce (with some carrots and cukes) but I had it. Then we went out to dinner Fri, I jsut got this child portion of grilled salmon (I couldn't substitute a baked potato for the french fries so I didn't have anything) and they said the carrots were steamed but really they were raw baby carrots. But that's ok. Had minestrone soup and a salad for lunch on Fri. Just had water to drink both days.

    Today I did 50 minutes of a pilates DVD and tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    Now to get caught up.....

    yolanda - I used to be on fosamax and I don't recall feeling crappy the day I took it. Now I'm on reclast. I like it because you only get the infusion once/year. With the fosamax I had to take it weekly and this sometimes presented a bit of a problem if we went away.

    katherine - welcome! One time my son asked "ma, when are you gonna quit worrying". I just told him "when I die, I'm coming back from the grave to worry about you so you might as well get used to it".

    Had to stop at Wal Mart today. Looks like I'm back into having the samples (usually from the bakery). For a long time there, I was able to resist them. Had to have a molasses cookie. On the good side, tho, they're just samples so they're not large. But I really need to get back to not caring for them any more

    Nancy - when you do your pushups, are you on your toes or do you have your knees on the floor/mat? I find that being on my toes is harder and I'm always afraid that I'm not using correct form so many times I go to a modified pushup where I'm on my knees.

    The hotel had these good Rice Krispie dishes. they were only something like .61oz and 70 calories. Just enough. I did find that I could order them from Amazon -- BUT I'd have to order 96! That would last me almost 5 years! They are nice to have at the condo since they are manufacturer sealed and so moisture won't get into them.

    Mary - hope you have a great camping trip!

    tallen - I'm sure you can find out something about those books at Amazon. Look at the reviews, that many times will give you a hint.

    One of Jessica's housemates was dogsitting for a friend, so we took that dog and her other housemate's dog to the dog park. It was something, Callie (the visiting dog) is REALLY fast. She has very small legs, but boy can she run!!! I think she tired herself out, tho.

    Amanda - happy mother's day.

    We're talking about going over to see Bryan in May, thinking around the 8th or so for about a week and a half. To think -- last year for my birthday I got to spend it at the Eiffel Tower, now this year I get to spend mother's day in France with my son and Jessica.

    dhwilldoit - pull up a chair and jump right in

    It was pretty chilly in VA, at least compared to what Vince said the temp would be. Because I listened to him, I didn't take a sweater or something. Big mistake. I wound up borrowing a jacket from Jessica. I did get a scratchy throat, so Fri I really only wanted soup for lunch. I told Jessica that I was saving room for dinner. With dinner I did have 2 cups of tea, tho.

    lucy - sleep greatly influences weight loss. Be sure you get at least 8 hours. I find that if I get enough sleep, I usually will lose, but if I don't, I usually either gain or stay the same.

    scompton - I saw that recipe for lentil risotto, too! I've saved it, looks good.

    realpure - congrats on those great cholesterol numbers!

    barbie - Vince jokes that he'll sit for the bar exam. Hey, he watches all of the Law & Orders! Actually, when he took his CPA exam he did quite well on the law portion. He just seems to have a good knack for law.

    Lisa - I'm so glad that girl is out of your house and out of your life right now!

    Viv - I think it was chicklet who was taking care of her mother

    marcelyn - I'm so glad your mammo came back "clean". I was sure it would. Today they are so overly cautious. When I think about all the procedures I didn't have with my kids that you have today, it's just amazing. Doctors really need to CYA, especially with the malpractice rates what they are.

    itsgood - you've certainly come to the right place!

    databased - congrats on the bra fitting. How do you like the Walk it out for the Wii? Were you able to get it in a store or did you have to order it? I believe that was the program that got very high reviews.

    I just made an apple cake. Having bunco here Tues night. I really need to get to cleaning the house....but being here is so much more fun......

    Nancy - how wonderful that you were able to wear that jacket!

    Don't know why, but by clicking on the link at the bottom of part 1 didn't bring me to part 2. So I just went into "motivation" and got in from there.

    poisonivy - so sorry about your mother. You are so lucky to have had her for as long as you did,

    Well, gotta post this to mark my spot. Hope everyone has a great day.

  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    marking my spot--didn't realize I was post 500 on the last thread and was wondering why no one else had posted.:noway:
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    Hi Michele,
    databased - congrats on the bra fitting. How do you like the Walk it out for the Wii? Were you able to get it in a store or did you have to order it? I believe that was the program that got very high reviews.
    OOPS - should have posted my real name so you wouldn't have to use that silly nickname. I'm Schelly - and I ordered the game from Amazon. I got it for $8 (delivered) and I really do enjoy it, despite how cartoony and child-like it is. The music is very very modern and fun (I don't' watch the lyrics much) and they "challenge" you to click thinks as you walk to help grow the "town". The reason I think this is great is because clicking anything while you're jiggling about trying to walk is nearly impossible. You get so distracted trying to click things, you don't notice how long you've been marching along

    It also distracts you from trying to get a "Perfect:" for each step. Even getting a "Great" for stepping in rhythm is elusive. So I don't pay any attention to it. The minute I stop trying to step perfectly in rhythm, I start getting Greats and Perfects. Go figure.
    I just made an apple cake. Having bunco here Tues night. I really need to get to cleaning the house....but being here is so much more fun......
    I've come to love it so much here! Hope your Tues. game night goes well! have fun.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Sunday and Happy Mothers' Day to those of you in the UK:drinker: :drinker:

    Lisa: I am thinking of you and hoping that life will be calmer in your house now. We watched as each of our sons dated girls we didn't always think were the best fits for them. Luckily, they learned from each "wrong" girl and now, thankfully, have chosen dear, sweet girls who are good for them and who fit into our family very nicely. I am sure the same will happen for your son, but it is painful and difficult to watch. I am sure he has learned a lot from this experience and hopefully, he won't hurt too badly. Take care:flowerforyou:

    Realpure: Good for you for lowering your cholesterol so much. I am sure you are on the right tract and think that life style changes made slowly are most likely to stick with us. Thank you for the link. I had elevated blood sugar at my last doctor's appointment so I will be re-tested in a couple of weeks. I do not fit the other parts of the profile for insulin resistance, because my blood pressure is very low, my triglycerides are low and my good cholesterol number (HDL) is very high compared to my bad (LDL) number. I read your article so will be better informed on my next visit to ask questions. I am hoping it was just a fluke but have been more careful about what I eat and when. Interesting that weight resistance exercise is more important than aerobic exercise in lowering blood sugar!

    Nancy: Enjoying your spring break? Hope so!...I enjoy reading your posts. You have a good sense of humor and write well!

    Meg: I guess I need to look up these new "hot pants". I do not know what they are but WTG on the inches off! AND chopping all of that wood!

    Lucy: Welcome and good luck! Maybe increasing the amount of exercise you do over the day will help you sleep better AND move that scale. I find that spreading out "ACTIVITY" during the day helps my sleep and weight loss...just moving as much as possible. Keep us posted and NEVER give up:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: You are so right about getting the correct form using weights before increasing the amount of weight. It is easy to cause injury or sore muscles otherwise. You motivate me to do more:happy: THANKS!

    Michele: Oh, your story about worrying and your son certainly rings true to me. I think that is just what happens when you have children...no matter how OLD those children are:grumble: Sounds like you had a nice visit with Jessica!

    The skiing wasn't wonderful this morning. It is getting too warm and even though we had several new inches last night it was sticky and tough skiing. I did notice that my HRM showed more calories burned than usual for the time spent...I think powering through that heavy snow made me work more. I skied with my neighbor since DH is still recovering from his injury, then we all walked or snow shoed down to the lodge for lunch. SO...nice day!

    We have dinner at a dear friend'home tonight and she is a sweetheart, but I never care for her food selections. In the past, I have brought a large green salad loaded with good things or a vegetable plate, but she forbid me to bring anything tonight, so I am at a loss. I will eat some veggies before I go and eat a bit of her food...she rarely serves a vegetable...lots of pasta and starchy other foods....french fries, potatoes, etc. Don't know how she isn't as big as a barn!

    Take care, Dear Ladies!:heart: Kackie
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Had a great day in the PNW no rain, sun on and off. Went Hiking with the horse hiked 15 minutes rode 15 minutes. Walked up all the hills. Did that for 2 hours.
    Need to say going back to salads every day has made me feel so much better.

    Nancy-Jacket from the back of the closet that now fits PRICELESS!!!!!

    Marcelyn-Fantastic news

    Barbie- Do you ever use ankle weights?

    Michele- I think it was you that had the P90 and did you do it? My son says that I should be able to do it. Apple cake sounds sooo good.

    Meg- WAHOO on the reduction.

    Happy Mother Day to every mother in the UK

    Welcome to all the newcomers.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: today is a rest day for me......just some dog walking in the morning and laundry all day long ....DH has walked the dogs and taken them to play in our tiny yard this afternoon so I don't need to go out again.

    :bigsmile: about push-ups :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: doing them on my knees was too easy.....I could do too many repetitions so I knew they weren't challenging so I switched to the full body ones (on my toes)......I lurch a bit pushing up initially from lying flat and can only go down about two thirds of the way to the mat before pushing up, but I can do three sets of 8 like that right now.......I know that in time I will be able to go all the way down to two to four inches from the mat which is what the book recommends........I am very excited about what I can do so far.

    :bigsmile: about ankle weights.......I have two sets
    each of them has removable weight packets so you can change the amount of weight.........I started with the set that was five pounds for each leg at their heaviest.......for Valentine's Day DH bought me a set that is ten pounds for each leg and I have gradually increased the weight until yesterday I was using the full ten pounds....I do four different exercises with the ankle weights (two or three sets of eight repetitions)

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where there were a few snowflakes before nine AM and now the sun is shining.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Mother`s day!
    Been busy spending time with family.Pt has been going slow.More good days,no pain.Still limited to ex I can do.Started wt strengthening for upper body.
    We`ve had record warm weather for march.
    This group is getting bigger and better.
    Hope all had a great week-end!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    :flowerforyou: Whew, glad to actually feel alive again! Last night's party just about did me in but boy did we have fun. A little bit too much, I'm afraid. :drinker:

    I was "Ms. Woozy-wobbly-wishing I hadn't overdone it" until 3:00 this afternoon when I took my wee terrier boy out on a long hike in the woods. Just what the doctor ordered, nice fresh air. That, and about 10 glasses of water. I don't want to see another glass of wine for quite awhile. :sick:

    Started reading Strong Women Stay Young and will get started with the upper body exercises tomorrow morning. I'll have to buy some ankle weights, will check out craigslist. Wondering what I have around here that I could strap onto my ankles in the meantime. We have a large selection of hammers and large wrenches in the garage. :laugh:

    Made a great little pot soup out of leftover chicken stir-fry, brown rice and vegs from the other day. Just added homemade chicken broth, heated it up and presto! Beautiful.

    Hope you're all having a wonderful Sunday afternoon and that you didn't do what I did last night. :ohwell:

    Toodles! :smile:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Just popping in to say hello. I had written quite a lengthy paragraph only to find out that it didn't post because the topic was locked. I failed to see that I needed to switch over to part 2. Well, here I am, but too tired to redo everything. Hope everyone is off to a good start for the week
  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    just marking my spot. too late and too tired to do more. havent really figured out how this part 2 works i assume that at a point the thread stops accepting posts and another has to be started. hope everyone had a great sunday and now its monday am (or the middle of the night, if you prefer) and i am off to bed. :yawn: