

  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    Congrat on your 10 lb star Meg! Hope you enjoy the concert--I love the Moody Blues too. Saw them once with a full orchestra backup--awesome!

    Bad food day yesterday, but today was much better. I don't know if it's just a coincidence or an actual benefit of healthier eating, but my fingernails have never looked better!

    Have a good rest of the week :flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Today I did an hour of the deep water, tomorrow I'll do Jillian Michael's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. After swimming, came home and made magic cookie bars for Denise and Jessica (I'll also take some to the bowling alley just so I don't eat them), bowled 3 senior league games, came home and tonight we have Newcomer's bowling. We have a feeling that we'll get out early since a few people won't be there.

    Nancy you reminded me of when ds had to do estimating, etc. Only his class used M&M's.

    JipsyJudy - WooHoo on the blood sugar numbers! You go girl! Actually, on all your numbers. Oh, your DIL is right, your knees should never go past your toes when doing a squat.

    tallen - a little exercise is definitely better than no exercise

    Meg - have fun at the concert!

    Just got a few quotes in my email. One says "yes I'm guilty. I just killed my workout" I like this one: one rabbit says to the other "remember, you are what you eat". The other one replies "I need to find a skinny person to eat", then there is "remember, it takes 5 minutes to eat 500 calories and 2 hours to burn it off". Another one I liked was "you're not going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have". Then there is "I workout because if I don't I know I would have been the first to die in The Hunger Games" I think many of us can relate to this one "if stress burned calories, I'd be a supermodel" Another one is "sweat is fat crying"

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Thank you, Michele! Those quotes made my evening. :bigsmile:
  • lisag0328
    lisag0328 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all
    I'm new to this group and mfp. I started up about 11 days ago. So eye opening how many calories are in the food out there!! Really making me think twice about what I'm eating. No wonder I'm fat! Gotta get a handle on this once and for all. Not getting any younger.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,517 Member
    Yep, yoga instructor and chiropractor both remind that knees never should go past toes, whether its squats or even just SWSY Chair Stands. My chiro warns me to keep knees wide too, but then my right knee falls inward, gets injured then goes out.:ohwell:
    You gals amaze and inspire. 100s of squats! Knee-pushups too easy! Running! Kettlebells! Exercise as drug of choice!
    As for me... :noway: I still loathe exercise in all its forms... BUT...I do love Line and Scottish Country dancing... and if some mat work or SWSY routines means my knees let me dance... well, then, I'll just have to suck it up and do it! 2nd session of Strong Women Stay Young today. Minimum wetights for Knee Extensions and Side Hip Raises, but the Standing Leg Curl... wait for it... was TOO EASY... so I tried to add another little bag into the pocket. What a nuisance! Barbie, what brand of ankle weights do you use? Are the weights metal bars or sand bags? Fronts of thighs were sure sore for 2 days after the first SWSY session, hoping the Chiro recommended quad stretches minimize soreness from today.
    Michele I loved your quotes.
    SMVQ so glad to see you back! Me too!
    Robin and SMVQ 90 yr old Papas = great genes!
    Judy we prayed for your friend at tonight's Taize service.
    JB what great gardens! I love to look at seed catalogs, but frequently fail to water and weed. Some years I even forget to order seed!
    Joy loved the beer comment.

    All, I love reading your posts, but if I try to reply to all, no matwork gets done!
    Wishing you all pleasant dreams,:yawn:
    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    March: get down on that mat EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES BARBIE Hope you had a wonderful day!

    :smile: Mimi thanks for the prompt - I've been meaning to check in for a few days now.

    :ohwell: I will try and log in on a more regular basis, but for now I need to get my exercise video out and "get moving" and I have to be at work on time today as my colleague Jane is taking the day off.

    Take care everyone

    Viv xx
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Barbie - a very happy belated birthday.

    Sorry I've not posted much for the last few days - I'm really struggling to fight back against this dreadful cold that I have. Just when it seems to be going, it comes back with a vengeance and my head will be full again. I'm taking extra vitamin c and lots of other good stuff, but this has gone on for more than two weeks now. Still, it will be gone soon!

    I am having a rare day at home today and want to have a good blitz on the house. Yeah, I say that now - but I guarantee that the enthusiasm will have left me before I've finished one room! I am not a born housekeeper!

    Anyway my lovely ladies, I'll get started now and will probably be back to post more later on - unless I remember how to use the vacuum cleaner :laugh:

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    good morning all

    have been just foggy the last couple of days...took one pain pill the day of my accidental dismount in the creek and i hate meds. didnt really help the back or knee, and made me slow and foggy. huge lump on my bad knee...but it doesnt hurt to ride or work out, just to touch it! crazy huh? jazz got kicked in the pasture yesterday, so now she is lame too! we are a pair. spring is definitely upon us here...leaves are out, things are blooming...horses dogs and cats are acting goofy...spring fever. will prob be mia next week as i will be getting my darling lily on friday evening to take her to her second horse show on sat, weather permitting, and then on sunday we will add our precious little luke to the mix and i will have both children until the next sat.....it is going to be so fun! i have all sorts of outings planned, and it wont be hard on my eating b/c they dont eat fast food (except the occasional chicken nugget and fries) and mostly eat really healthy stuff! so no bad food will be in the house for me to attack...and except for the occasional trip to our local organic dairy for ice cream, i should be good! plus all the extra exercise just trying to keep up with them! its a win-win i think!

    barbie - happy very belated birthday!! you are a gem!

    nancy - glad you found your wallet....happens to me all the time...wallet, jewelry, my shoes, etc. you name it i can lose it and take days or weeks to find it. wish i was addicted to exercise but after 6 months of this i still have a hard time motivating to do it. feels better when done, but sheesh that getting started....

    laura - hope the fires stay far away from you. that sounds so scary to me, to be able to smell the smoke...

    kackie - how wonderful that kyla is learning to ski!! all lily wants to do in the snow is ride her pony. she doesnt like to be in the snow....yet! i love snow and if we ever get any more here....i will teach her the joys

    jipsyjudy - great work on the test results!!!! you go girl!

    jb - happy gardening!

    tallen - any movement is better than no movement!

    meg - hope your evening was great!

    michelle - LOVE your quotes!

    amanda - hope you are feeling better, seems like you have been fighting that cold for a while! and vacuum cleaner? what is a vacuum cleaner...lol

    sally - neck pain ...OUCH...hope you are feeling better.

    to those i missed individually : hope you are doing great, having fun and moving moving moving. drinking drinking drinking...(water, not wine, heehee)

    gotta run now, a leg to cold hose (jazz, not mine), a knee to ice (mine, not jazz) barn to clean, water troughs to scrub, fence to fix (spring fever strikes the mares again!), arena to mow, fence lines to check, porches to sweep, floors to clean and groceries to buy before tomorrow! as long as i keep moving it doesnt hurt.
    happy thursday all!
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    Happy Thursday to all. Enjoy the day. :flowerforyou:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,517 Member
    Judy we prayed for your friend at tonight's Taize service.
    Sorry, Jane, I meant you and your friend.:ohwell:
    wish i was addicted to exercise but after 6 months of this i still have a hard time motivating to do it. feels better when done, but sheesh that getting started....
    Yvonne, you said it exactly right!... but then with all your barn cleaning, trough scrubbing, fence fixing, arena mowing fence line checking, porch sweeping, foor cleaning and grocery buying (with an injured leg and back no less!)..."as long as i keep moving it doesnt hurt. " sounds to me like you're already an addict :huh:
    Not sore at all this morning, so will add more reps or another set Saturday morning... THEN go to "Play it again" for some 5# dumbbells and 1-2# bars for my ankle weights. Those sand bags are the pits.:angry:
    Raining again this morning, sure hope to see some of the seed come up...:flowerforyou:
    Now it's time to get DOWN on that mat :tongue:

    Hugs to ALL,:love:
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    March: get down on that mat EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Good Morning Ladies while getting ready for work today my DIL text her contractions are 8 min apart, so won't be going into work today will meet my new Granddaughter Paisley today at some point. So much to look forward to with her and her big brother.

    Will try to stay hydrated.
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    Jaks97 - Congrats! Let us know. I know you are so excited!!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hi all
    I'm new to this group and mfp. I started up about 11 days ago. So eye opening how many calories are in the food out there!! Really making me think twice about what I'm eating. No wonder I'm fat! Gotta get a handle on this once and for all. Not getting any younger.
    Welcome Lisa, I'm not far from you in Issaquah.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Wishing everyone a happy, productive day! :flowerforyou:

    The weather's got me in a funky little mood :grumble: but here I go anyway, upstairs for my 4th session of SWSY strength training. We'll see how it goes with the push ups! Gonna have to psyche myself up for those lil stinkers. :bigsmile: Day 1 did 14, Day 2 did 14, Day 3 did 15. I remember last year when I couldn't even do 1, so I guess I'm making progress! 100 counter push ups a few times a week over the last several months must have done the trick. :wink:

    Toodles for now! :drinker:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi

    Just a quick post before we go out to walk the dogs.

    Had a really busy day at work, the phones never stopped ringing.It made it hard to get things done.

    Going to relax a bit now with a dog walk :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'll try and pop back later, sorry seems DD is ready sooner than I thought.:embarassed: :embarassed:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Had to just pop back in for a sec to report that I was able to do 20 push ups this morning!! :bigsmile: :noway: :bigsmile:
    They were MUCH easier today! Yippee! Thanks again everyone for the inspiration and encouragement. :flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    JB - I just love your dog picture! That has got to be one of the cutest ever. It made my day! Jeannie
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sunny Thursday,

    Sherry- The excitement of waiting for the newest grandchild is so much fun:love:

    Amanda - hope that cold takes a hike soon:flowerforyou:

    Only time to pop in and say HI, too busy today.

    I did have a .4 loss from last week ...so I'm glad for all the small victories:heart:

    Have a great day all....let's keep logging, moving and drinking:drinker:

  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    It has been a wet dreary day. It hasn't stop pouring down rain at all.
    Hummingbirds are once again sitting looking out from the feeder wondering is this going to stop.
    Was going to walk just couldn't do it so I did just dance on the wii . And some weights for the upper body.

    It is so inspiring to see how well everyone is doing.

    Welcome to all the newcomers.

    Sherry congrats on the new grandbaby.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Busy week.tolerating the pt more.
    Congrat`s sherry on the gran baby,how exciting.
    Love reading the posts,just a neat group.
    Very windy and chilly today,got spoiled with the 80`s and 70`s.In the 40`s today.
    Have a good night all.