

  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    Cereal is such a hidden killer and most people dont realise it.

    Did you really mean this? A KILLER? Cereal? Seriously?

    Hypertension is a hidden killer. Cereal? :noway:

    ^^^ This

    Death by cereal? Never heard of it. Demonising food does my nut in!! It's all good if you don't go mental with it! Cereal is a good food, it has vitamins added and calcium from milk. You don't get that from a bit of dark chocolate!
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    I LOVE cereal.


    I have 45g of this ^ every morning, and at 144 calories, it's perfect. I need the carbs when I wake up and it's extreeeeemely tasty with a bit of milk to soften, a chopped banana, and a low fat yogurt. My breakfast works out at about 330 calories, which I'm completely happy with because I get to eat a LOT of it!
  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member

    Fructose is a reducing sugar, as are all monosaccharides. The spontaneous chemical reaction of simple sugar molecules binding to proteins, known as glycation, is thought to be a significant cause of damage in diabetics. Fructose appears to be equivalent to glucose in this regard and so does not seem to be a better answer for diabetes for this reason alone, save for the smaller quantities required to achieve equivalent sweetness in some foods.[51] This may be an important contribution to senescence and many age-related chronic diseases.[52]

    I walk through Central London to get to work breathing in all sorts of chemicals and pollution. A bit of fructose isn't going to concern me too greatly, especially with the rest of my diet being mostly clean and good. :)
  • michael300891
    Let me make my point clear - Im not demonizing cereal - I like cereal and I do appreciate it can be a healthy breakfast. What is the problem is that many people rinse through bowl after bowl of cereal blindly thinking its an ultimately healthy food. The reality is there are many different types and brands of cereal - some are good for you, some are not.

    I didnt mean what I said earlier about cereal being a killer - I meant that it can ealy kill your daily calorie limit. And Dark choclate is one of the healthiest foods on the market (in moderation) in terms of cardiovascular health, reduced blood sugar ETC.

    Have you ever died? Have you ever analysed why somebody else died? Guessing not - neither have I.

    But some people have and they have analysed what types of food cause what. When there results suggest things that people dont want to hear (probably due to a lifetime of marketing) they brush it off.

    Go up to a random person in the street and tell them that Cornflakes has a GI index of 82 and dark choclate has a GI index of 22 (Ranking it below chick peas, kidney beans and lentils) youll get laughed at.

    Im not saying any food is bad im just saying people need to be more critical about what theyve been told is good for them and look at the actual facts.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    My trainer linked to this article this week on his Facebook page:


    Cereal has its place - but it's not the super-healthy breakfast that it claims to be.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Cereal is such a hidden killer and most people dont realise it.

    Did you really mean this? A KILLER? Cereal? Seriously?

    Hypertension is a hidden killer. Cereal? :noway:

    No I didnt actually mean this but now im here im going to dive into proving that it can be a killer...

    Many people eat cereal with sugar or fruit (Both contain FRUCTOSE (i.e. fruit sugar, table sugar = sucrose made of glucose + fructose). OK so now we know that eating cereal can potentially contain a lot of fructose..

    Fructose has been shown to increase risks of developing the "metabolic syndrome" . This is because it causes insulin resistance, increases LDL-cholesterol (the bad one) and is highly corrlerated with increased obesity. Many scientific papers have shown the dangers of fructose (will link if you wish) and some even suggest to actively minimise fruit consumption (taking micronutrients in through other sources such as vitamin tablets).

    Obesity and insulin resistance have both been shown to cause increases in blood pressure -

    Insulin resistance because Insulin has a vasodilatory effect on blood vessels - This doesnt happen so blood vessels contrict raising blood pressure.

    Also Increased Insulin resistance and LDL-cholesterol have both casually been related to increased obesity and all-cause mortality (heart attacks, myocardial infarcation etc).

    So there, I absolutely guarantee that someone in the world has died at least partially due to the excessive consumption of cereal containing fructose.


    Water CAN be a killer. A t-shirt CAN be a killer. Please just post "Cereal is not a hidden killer." If you agree with that, I can say cool. If not:

    :huh: You are aware that what you just posted contains a lot of reaching, grabbing at straws, and use of correlational blah blah to make an inference of causality, right? You should absolutely post links to these studies because the science folks (I tend to be more of a common sense type girl myself) are going to engage you in some delightful debate.

    I won't even make an attempt to debate because honestly, this isn't my area of expertise and I don't have the knowledge base to do so. What I can say with certainty is cereal is in no way a killer and has no relationship to death. Fructose isn't a killer either. If I say this out loud, it makes me laugh. Poisons are killers; unless you're allergic, foods aren't.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    A study in mice showed that a high fructose intake increases adiposity.[44]

    Just finishing some Kashi, whole milk and a few slices of pineapple. If I was a mouse I'd be fat? Or dead?
  • michael300891
    No offence, but your a classic example of common sense vs science. You think you would prefer doctors to use their common sense when they treat you as opposed to using inferential statistics to prove (OK I admit, most medicine research using cronbach's alpha of .001 which means that theres a 1% chance their wrong) that a medicine works?

    Pretty sure they did that in the middle ages and someone decided blood letting was a good cure for headaches?
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Mike, my posting is happening too slowly to keep up with you. As long as you are telling me that you know cereal is not a killer (even to your daily calories if you aren't eating Lucky Charms in large qualities), I am cool.
  • michael300891

    I won't even make an attempt to debate because honestly, this isn't my area of expertise and I don't have the knowledge base to do so. What I can say with certainty is cereal is in no way a killer and has no relationship to death. Fructose isn't a killer either. If I say this out loud, it makes me laugh. Poisons are killers; unless you're allergic, foods aren't.

    Also, who what makes poison a killer? Some are pretty obvious - e.g. Cyanide - you die instantly. But is it clutching at straws to measure toxicity or relationships with work environments in people who are exposed to poisons and die years later and then say HEY guess what asbestos is bad for you?
  • AnotherJenn
    AnotherJenn Posts: 62 Member
    Quaker Crunchy Corn Bran 90 calories a serving and it's pretty filling. I love the taste (very lightly sweetened) but my kids call it crunchy cardboard, Brats haha.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    No offence, but your a classic example of common sense vs science. You think you would prefer doctors to use their common sense when they treat you as opposed to using inferential statistics to prove (OK I admit, most medicine research using cronbach's alpha of .001 which means that theres a 1% chance their wrong) that a medicine works?

    Pretty sure they did that in the middle ages and someone decided blood letting was a good cure for headaches?

    I am a practitioner of evidence based intervention and a former research associate for UNC. I am 100% behind the use of science when it isn't perverted and twisted to make bizarre ridiculous statements. You KNOW cereal is not a killer, and that is COMMON SENSE. Stop the madness! Stop it!
  • Angelangi
    Angelangi Posts: 35
    2 Weetabix, half of banana (or a small one) sliced, and a couple of strawberries sliced with semi skimmed milk.. filling , healthy and lower in calories than all the other cereals.
  • aleexFIT
    aleexFIT Posts: 77 Member
    I love cereal but I've found recently it just doesn't fill me up enough in the mornings anymore. Since I've switched to porridge I manage to feel so much fuller for longer. I used to eat Special K and I loved but it didn't fill me up for long at all and the "serving suggestion" of 30g I just found was never enough. Now I enjoy a big bowl of porridge with mashed in and also chopped banana in the mornings.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member

    I won't even make an attempt to debate because honestly, this isn't my area of expertise and I don't have the knowledge base to do so. What I can say with certainty is cereal is in no way a killer and has no relationship to death. Fructose isn't a killer either. If I say this out loud, it makes me laugh. Poisons are killers; unless you're allergic, foods aren't.

    Also, who what makes poison a killer? Some are pretty obvious - e.g. Cyanide - you die instantly. But is it clutching at straws to measure toxicity or relationships with work environments in people who are exposed to poisons and die years later and then say HEY guess what asbestos is bad for you?

    Mike you know cereal is not a killer! Stop it! Somebody will read what you have posted and think cereal is a killer. You know it isn't so just post that.
  • michael300891
    Heres the best Ill do...

    Cereal in overquantity can easily take up a larger than expected portion of your daily calorie intake.

    Cereal (just like any other food in the world) has its own set of potentially harmful side affects.

    Variation, Consideration and the use of your own CRITICAL THINKING are the only ways forward.

    Feel free to rely entirely on your common sense but good luck if you develop any medical conditions (e.g. Diabetes Mellitus) - I just hope the doctor doesnt say "Just rely on your common sense."
  • 2carrick
    2carrick Posts: 14 Member
    If you use the vanilla almond milk instead of regular milk it gives it a little more flavor without adding to many calories.
  • dparrott79
    how do you cycle and eat cereal at the same time?
  • michael300891
    Cereal isnt "A Killer". It wont kill you to eat a bowl of cereal I never said that. What im saying is that people shouldnt just assume all cereal is made equal and that all cereal are healthy. In the same way that all foods are different. Enjoy your bowl of cereal but dont believe that its some sort of superfood that the marketing leaders have portrayed. There are plenty of other, far better breakfast options. I could suggest eggs on toast - but then I would have to make a point that cholesterol in eggs has been linked to increased risk of heart attacks. Every food is dangerous, just accept that and do your best to minimise the risks. Thats all we can do in the end =)
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    Hey everyone just wanted to post a topic on the amount of SUGAR and soooooooooo many calories in CEREAL!!!!

    I was eating a bowl of Alpen 'light' (blue box with no added sugar) nearly every morning for breakfast and its nearly 500 calories for 100g or something silly! That basically KILLS my calories and i have to be soooooo careful for the rest of the day! Its a bowl of CEREAL why is there SO many calories its ridiculous!

    Can anyone offer a tasty alternative?!?!?!? - im reverting back to protein shakes for breakfast for now and porridge tastes horrible to me (i usually have with sweetners and water and leave half the bowl YUK)

    I eat the one with raspberries and apples and a serving size is 45g, there is no way I could eat more it's really fillng. I think if you stick to a serving size you'll be okay.