

  • KatManx
    KatManx Posts: 168 Member
    I never used to have breakfast, but just recently started having Alpro Soya Yoghurt with Eat Natrual Toasted Museli (40g), works out at 272cals! :)
  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151
    I love cereal! It's my weakness, that is why I can't have it in the house anymore.
  • stoopey
    stoopey Posts: 15
    O my gosh!
    I'm a new member. 26 yr. old f. Trying to get the resources to go back to school. I didn't know anyone else had the same problem with cereal! It's so addictive! I would just eat cup after cup of it because it was "low cal", and then I would end up in... uh, trouble. Please add me! I need to give and get all the support I can!
    :)new girl
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I eat a bowl of cereal nightly right before bed.
    It helps me sleep and makes me happy!

    I recommend:

    1cup honeynut cheerios
    1cup post shredded wheat or any type of whole grain/fibre
    1/2 cup almond milk

  • ruffalicious
    ruffalicious Posts: 799 Member
    Oatmeals :-)
    Here is a home-made muesli recipe that would helps you to be filled, and enjoy :
    #1- Nuts : ground aldmonds (around 1 tbsp), dried raisins and abricots (or as you like)
    #2- Coulis (strawberry coulis, blueberry coulis, etc...)
    #3- Liquid swettener (Hermesetas, Stevia, Bio Xylitol)
    #4- Oatmeals (Quaker oats)
    #5- Smashed banana or apple for fun

    > ENJOY :glasses:

    Sounds yummy! I love quaker oats outmeal too with banana! I also have some special k cereals they have 110 cal per 3/4 cup ;)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I eat a bowl of cereal nightly right before bed.
    It helps me sleep and makes me happy!

    I recommend:

    1cup honeynut cheerios
    1cup post shredded wheat or any type of whole grain/fibre
    1/2 cup almond milk


    I hope you didn't make any plans. You're pretty much dead, that's TWO CUPS of death right there.

    Imagine if you had CORN pops.
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    I use unsweetened almond milk in my cereal, 1 serving cereal and half cup of unsweet vanilla almond breeze is around 150 calories, then I add a piece of fruit and some coffee or tea, or a snag a cheesestick to bring out with me.
    -Also love doing egg whites, pour into small bowl,add in chooped veggies( broccoli, spinach,tomato,onion), microwave untill firm, drop on toast with some cheese, maybe a slice of deli ham or some bacon, enjoy.
    -Greek yogurt topped with sliced almonds, cinnamon, honey, raisins mmmm
    -Look for good low calorie bread recipes, add protein powder to them
    -leftover dinner works too, no one said breakfast had to be breakfasty
  • allynady
    allynady Posts: 59 Member
    I don't know what kind of cereal you guys are eating, but a bowl (1cup) of Kashi Go Lean is 140 cals, 30g of carbs (6g sugar and 10g fiber). What you are describing sounds like granola, and more than a serving of it. Cereal is awesome, and what is wrong with sugar anyway? To each his own, but cereal is the ****. I just ate some at like 3am.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    Cereal is a great snack. 3/4 cup of the one you choose is great with coffee at break time. I keep little baggies pre-measured.around and grab one while heading to work.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Now on a more serious note:

    Making the claim that any food is harmful (outside of perhaps artificial trans fats) is largely void of context. You have to consider an individuals overall diet to understand whether or not a particular food item is causing problems, and even in that scenario it's still the overall diet as a whole that should be modified.

    Placing the blame on ANYTHING, whether it's fructose, carbs, fats, sugar, CORN, or whatever, just seems really short sighted.

  • Louise1583
    Louise1583 Posts: 97 Member
    I think the problem is that people are too quick to believe anything. Some cereals are healthy, some are not. Eat the right amount of the right one combined with good choices in the rest of your diet and you're fine.

    You can spend your life worrying about so much of this kind of thing, but if you make sensible choices, you'll be fine.

    Just don't be greedy! Simple!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Maybe try some Shredded Wheat, Oatmeal, Bran Cereal, Whole Grain Wheat Chex, Special K, or Kashi Go Lean (does have sugar, but it is a more natural sugar...I think they use sugar cane?).

    Kashi has some other good cereals too...like Heart to Heart, Honey Sunshine, and Organic Whole Wheat.

    I like Raisin Bran but it has high sugar contect because of the raisins... Sometimes I just get bran flakes and put some fruit in it...so it still has some sweetness.
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    I love all Kashi cereals. Steel cut oats are also a very vitamin rich, healthy alternative.
  • rgoodman1979
    rgoodman1979 Posts: 9 Member
    porridge/oatmeal can be good its all about how you make it!

    I use this and I love it! (reese's oatmeal)

    1 cup publix original quick cooking oats (any store brand will do)
    1 tbsp unsweetened nestle cocoa powder
    .5 - 1tsp sweetner (amount and kind Depends on your preference, I use splenda)
    1 Tbsp jif peanut butter with omega 3's ( I am going to switch off with PB2 here soon)

    add sweetner and cocoa to the water for the oats and bring to a boil. Add oats and stir remove from heat and let stand a few minutes to absorb liquid and finish cooking.

    Put it in a bowl and drop the peanut butter on top it will get nice an melty and yummy in a few minutes. mix lightly into your oats and enjoy!

    390 calories and it will keep you full for hours! :)

    (Pumpkin pie oatmeal)
    Another variation is to add a 1/4 tsp cinnamon along with the sweetner to the water and cook oats then add a TBSP or so of libbys canned pumpkin.
    yum! i've got to try this...

    I like oatmeal with a dash of vanilla, tsp of brown sugar, banana and walnuts, i usually add a pkt of splenda too though....YUM so filling for so few calories :)
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Secondly, when you have children (assuming you dont already) - do you really want them to eat whatever a corporation making stacks of money tells you is good for them without actually questioning it?

    I have children and they eat cereal on a regular basis. OK, now, do I let them have Captain Crunch or Lucky Charms or Fruit Loops or Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Sometimes... but most of the time they have something like Cheerios or Honey Nut Cheerios or Yogurt Burst Cheerios. They have breakfast at school every morning and they have lots of different cereals to choose from. Do I tell them what they can have at school? No. They don't have cereal every morning there nor do they at home. BUT, I do use my common sense when I am at the store choosing which cereals to keep in my house.

    Do I buy it because "a corporation making stacks of money tells [me] it is good for them?" No. I buy it because it is easy to poor some cereal into a bowl, top it with some milk, and give it to them, rather than making them some bacon and eggs. And neither one of them like oatmeal (I know, I have offered it multiple times, it is something they will have to grow into like I did), so Cheerios it is!

    And then there are the parents who DO feed their children the cereals I have mentioned above. Does that make them a bad parent for buying that stuff? NO. Don't generalize like that and knock peoples' choices before they've even mentioned them. Somewhere someone is feeling bad because they buy their kids Lucky Charms for breakfast, when the rest of their child's day is rather healthy, because you basically said that they're sheeple.

    Also, a good 90% of parenting IS common sense. I love their pediatrician, but sometimes my way works better than his, e.g. I don't treat ear infections with antibiotics. They have never had a ruptured ear drum and their ear infections go away with my method FASTER than they would with antibiotics. He has presented me with studies validating his argument. I respect his argument, but my COMMON SENSE says that if onion juice is a good solution to ear infections and it historically has worked overnight or within 48 hours for me, I am going to use that method to my heart's content. IJS. ;)
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    I eat a bowl of cereal nightly right before bed.
    It helps me sleep and makes me happy!

    I recommend:

    1cup honeynut cheerios
    1cup post shredded wheat or any type of whole grain/fibre
    1/2 cup almond milk


    I hope you didn't make any plans. You're pretty much dead, that's TWO CUPS of death right there.

    Imagine if you had CORN pops.

    Not the dreaded CORN pops!!! Oh my
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    Keep it simple, my favourite cereal is wheatabix with some stevia in the morning. It's 126 calories and 95% whole wheat which keeps me full- and sooo tasty with some stevia.
  • sausagelegs
    sausagelegs Posts: 9 Member
    WOW guys just checked back had no idea there were so many comments..... im not going to reply to everyone individually thanks for all the ideas completely love the idea of eggs and salmon with some wholemeal toast and cant believe that it is below the calories of one bowl of cereal at times.....

    i dont think i mean 100g i never weigh my cereal and eat just one bowl but i would rather put a larger amount in my calories just in case......i need to get some scales for sure!

    Lots of amazing tips - SUGAR IS EVIL - THE DEVIL i actually believe this and fructose etc - 5 pieces of fruit a day is ridiculous - no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love the idea of porridge mixed with fruit and soaked etc will definately try this thanks everyone so much :))))))
  • sfh0wrd
    sfh0wrd Posts: 82
    I made oatmeal using vanilla almond milk instead of water this morning, mixed in a couple tablespoons of pure pumpkin puree, some cinnamon, and topped with pecans. Wish I'd thought to add blueberries! I had that with some homemade sausage. 424cals. Not exactly low calorie, but I do best with a nice filling breakfast.

    When I just need some good, cold, crunchy cereal, I go for plain rice chex with almond milk, fresh blueberries, and 1/2 a banana. Rice Chex is only 100 cals for a cup, I believe? My husband is a cold cereal fiend though, so we don't always keep it in the house for his sake!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Try Kelloggs Special K Protein plus with skim milk and add a dash of cinnamon. Its low carb and high protein. perfect match:)