Ashley Madison



  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Why do so many people want to cheat rather than just leave? Is it that difficult, or is everyone just a bunch of spineless wimps. I would never cheat and never have. If I feel that strng desire for someone else, I break up, and pursue it. But, I never saw the point of actually cheating.

    for some (many) the safety net of being married is real. and for others it's the virtual ball and chain thing... for me, marriage is till death do us part and literally for me, it was... If you don't want to be with someone for the rest of your life don't marry them and waste all you parents or your or your intended's money!

    Well, yeah. But, stuff happens sometimes. My wife left me after 14 years. I was in the "'til death do us part camp", but she had other plans. Nothing I could do. So, it's not always as it seems.

    I was looked down on about a year ago after telling some folks at a party I was divorced. I have 2 kids with her that are still young, and they were making comments about why didn't I try harder to make it work, and "poor kids" have to go through this. i was like, are you f'ing kidding me? I did everything to try to make this work. She had other plans. She decided she was done being married and that was the end of it. No conversation. No negotiation. Out of the middle of nowhere, came her best and final offer for me to leave. No issues or problems were going on. Nothing. Just "leave". So, you can marry someone thinking it really is "til death do we part", but the other one makes other plans.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    I make no judgements on the why really...........but honestly, if you are in a relationship or marriage and know about this site, for me at least, I would just shake my head say "God that's sad" and move curiousity no lingering this case, curiousity kills the cat..........