I've been noticing....

EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
ive really been noticing latley what people look like compared to what they eat... its redicilous lol like u go for a walk in costco you look on ur right u see a family that are all avarage/lean weight and their cart is full of chicken breast, fish, lean meats, yogurt, fruits n veggies, bread, rice, some cereal and a treat for the kids like 1 box of cookies....

then u look to ur left you see entire family thats obese(feel bad for the kids!!! saddest thing in the world as kids have to suffer because of their parents) what do they have in their cart? 4-5 costco sized bags of chips, couple mags of muffins, huge thing of dip, couple TV dinners, bread, cookies, frozen pizzas.....

that above is exactly how it really kicked in walking through costco n seeing what people look like compared to what they buy and realizing how big of effect nutrition choices make on your body!

really shows u r what you eat!!! used to deliver pizza and same thing... practically every "regular" customer... very over weight...


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    I know! It seems to be so easy to figure out. They aren't ready....
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    I see this too......its sad, especially for the kiddos who aren't learning how to be healthy. one generation teaches another to fail.

    And here I feel guilty when my shopping cart contains just 1 frozen pizza every now and again. I try to hide it under the fruits and veggies, behind the frozen chicken breasts, and covered by the almond milk. haha
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    I know what you mean, my friend was brought up in one of those families, she weighed her age all through her younger years, and a 6 stone six year old is terrible.

    She got up to over 20 stone, then she took control over her diet and exercise and the results are amazing! She is down to a size 12 now, and looks amazing. Sad thing is her parents have damaged her for life, she has problems with skin and other issues that go with being so large for so long. It seems so unfair as I think she is one of the strongest people I know and deserves to have so much more.

  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Yeah, I notice the contents of people's shopping carts as well. Some people apparently never cook anything that can't be prepared in a microwave.
  • aj_gettingfit
    I've noticed that too but people probably think the same of me when I'm shopping. I buy my 'healthy' stuff but then I also buy frozen pizza, chips, cookies, etc for my husband because he can eat whatever he wants and not gain weight. Yeah its not the best but he likes it and he's very fit so I can't tell him he can't have it. Same with my daughter. At 12 she weighs 80 lbs. Both of them have no problem keeping weight off while I struggle with it daily. So unfair!
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Yeah, I notice the contents of people's shopping carts as well. Some people apparently never cook anything that can't be prepared in a microwave.

    this!! microwaves scare me! lol
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Yeah, I notice the contents of people's shopping carts as well. Some people apparently never cook anything that can't be prepared in a microwave.

    That is so true, I've noticed that as well. My brother will not eat anything that can't be shoved into a microwave and nuked. He's 51, fat and unhealthy. And extremely lazy.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I see the same thing at our local Wal-mart. I also have watched the local grocery store as it moved from its original location to it's new location expand it's frozen/microwave selections to double!

  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    If you eat crap, you'll look like crap. Solid truth.
  • cmbrysonussery
    cmbrysonussery Posts: 55 Member
    I don't typically notice other people, but I am proud of my cart now with veggies, fruit, yogurt, and a wheat bread.
  • carrie1013
    carrie1013 Posts: 129
    Sad but true... and my kids dont get why I wont buy them lunchables...Oh hell no!
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    well observed sir! I just don't get that at all :(
    Feel bad for the kids, forced to eat what their parents buy them.
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    very true and just as sad!! my biggest issue.......have you seen the school lunches that the kids get. NASTY!!!!! My kids will never buy school lunch.
  • aj_gettingfit
    very true and just as sad!! my biggest issue.......have you seen the school lunches that the kids get. NASTY!!!!! My kids will never buy school lunch.

    ^^^ So true! My daughter takes her lunch to school every day. I'm so happy she does because that food is all crap.
  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    I was watching Food Inc and the one family's excuse for buying crap was because it's cheaper than fruit and veg.

    Excuse me?? I don't know where you live but I can get a cart full of fruit and lean meats for under $30. They were buying 4 for $5 liter sodas!! Save $5 and drink water!

    Some people.
  • RyanDanielle5101
    Yeah I notice it too, I feel super bad for the kids. They have no guidance as to what a healthy diet is:(

    My cart is loaded with the good stuff but I still buy Goldfish, Cheese It's and some snacks for the kids but I can't remember the last time I bought a bag of chips :)
  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    very true and just as sad!! my biggest issue.......have you seen the school lunches that the kids get. NASTY!!!!! My kids will never buy school lunch.

    ^^^ So true! My daughter takes her lunch to school every day. I'm so happy she does because that food is all crap.

    Luckily for me in school they had MTO sandwiches. I'd get turkey with lettuce tomato and green pepper on wheat every day with a bottle of water. :) Much better than greasy pizzas and popcorn chicken!
  • SarahSwimmer
    SarahSwimmer Posts: 125 Member
    I get this, but there are people who can't afford a stove and their apt. "units" only come with or can fit a microwave. Maybe their only choice to lose weight is low calorie food that does not need to be cooked (fruit, veggies raw) and flat out calorie restriction.

    My husband and I can are living in a small trailer, so conventional cooking is not an option. It's not an excuse either, so people like us can really just focus on eating less, if not necissarily "better". All though, raw foods like nuts, apples, and carrots are better anyway!
  • SarahSwimmer
    SarahSwimmer Posts: 125 Member
    very true and just as sad!! my biggest issue.......have you seen the school lunches that the kids get. NASTY!!!!! My kids will never buy school lunch.

    ^^^ So true! My daughter takes her lunch to school every day. I'm so happy she does because that food is all crap.

    Luckily for me in school they had MTO sandwiches. I'd get turkey with lettuce tomato and green pepper on wheat every day with a bottle of water. :) Much better than greasy pizzas and popcorn chicken!

    I work in a very low income school. Trust me, most of these kids are not eating better at home. We can make lunches healthier true, but many of my kids need the calories becuase they won't get dinner.
  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    I get this, but there are people who can't afford a stove and their apt. "units" only come with or can fit a microwave. Maybe their only choice to lose weight is low calorie food that does not need to be cooked (fruit, veggies raw) and flat out calorie restriction.

    My husband and I can are living in a small trailer, so conventional cooking is not an option. It's not an excuse either, so people like us can really just focus on eating less, if not necissarily "better". All though, raw foods like nuts, apples, and carrots are better anyway!

    As a poor college student, this is totally relevant. But I still buy fruits and veggies to snack on instead of chips and soda like my friends do. I'll splurge on coffees, but only if it's soy and sugar free.