I've been noticing....



  • lmcenin
    lmcenin Posts: 9
    AGREE! I notice it a lot. It makes me angry that people not only ignore there health, but their kids as well. There is always an excuse too. I know some people have real, genetic and physical issues that cause them to gain weight, but most people have control. We all make choices and it saddens me to see people choosing to hurt themselves.
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 202 Member
    The funny thing is (well not that funny) is that the cart full of processed foods cost less than your cart of fresh good quality produce (in the UK anyways);

    I'm not complaining as it's worth the investment but just making the observation... do you notice the same?

    This is so true. I look at a bag of spinach in Tesco - £1.99, however a bag of 10 frozen, sh*tty sausages - £1.

    I used to work in a supermarket while I was at college and it is so true that you can tell without looking up from the conveyor whether the customer is going to be obese or not. Not saying that skinnies don't have chocolate or fatty food, they do! Just they tend to buy 1 bar of chocolate, whereas the not so skinnies tend to have 3 multipacks of chocolate bars, 2 tubs of Ben & Jerrys and a share bag of crisps in their baskets. :ohwell:
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    very true and just as sad!! my biggest issue.......have you seen the school lunches that the kids get. NASTY!!!!! My kids will never buy school lunch.

    ^^^ So true! My daughter takes her lunch to school every day. I'm so happy she does because that food is all crap.

    Luckily for me in school they had MTO sandwiches. I'd get turkey with lettuce tomato and green pepper on wheat every day with a bottle of water. :) Much better than greasy pizzas and popcorn chicken!

    I work in a very low income school. Trust me, most of these kids are not eating better at home. We can make lunches healthier true, but many of my kids need the calories becuase they won't get dinner.

    im with ya! i am not just a parent but a teacher too and it is so sad that the kiddos i work with and love usually only eat at school. i still think they could be somewhat healthier than they are!!
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    I'm lucky, my son likes a ton of fruits and vegetables that I don't. I let him go to the store with me and pick out what produce he wants. He loves broccoli, peas, and any fruit (other than bananas) right now. He is in Kindergarten and I have started packing his lunch. Today he picked most of it and I was so proud.... fresh carrots, broccoli, mandarin oranges, grilled chicken breast, peanuts, and cheetos.... so only 1 thing that was really not nutritious. :happy: I make him try new things at least once and his tastes are constantly changing (when he was a toddler he ate a banana every morning but now "doesn't like" them). I limit his candy and soda intake (Sprite zeros are a once a week treat). I grew up eatting tons of pizza, heavy dinners (spaghetti, pot roast, enchiladas), and Little Debbie was a great friend. I am trying to do better with him though he does still enjoy pizza about once a week. I think its our job to teach the next generation how to have a healthy relationship with food!
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    WOW I think I can sum up most of the thoughts from this thread with a couple of sentences:

    I look at other people's carts and judge them by what they're eating and what their kids are eating. I then feel better about myself for subsequently judging them.

    thank you for making such a concise observation!!!....of these posts - and not of the people they are juding!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    The funny thing is (well not that funny) is that the cart full of processed foods cost less than your cart of fresh good quality produce (in the UK anyways);

    I'm not complaining as it's worth the investment but just making the observation... do you notice the same?

    That sucks for the UK! It is soooooooo not true in Canada and i'm sure the US and the UK has a much higher population than Canada, guess its an import issue....

    For me, If you eat a frozen dinner for dinner thats $3, or 2 (so thats 1200+ cals, eww!) cheap-o nasty Michalina's for $2 total to try and get full but you'll still be hungry due to no protein or fiber and a homemade chicken stir-fry with veggies and brown rice and 1 breast costs $3 too!. I have tried and cannot possibly spend more than $150 a month for 2 of us (and $40 of that is diet pepsi - his vice not mine). Frozen meat is cheaper yes but thats it!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I've been noticing, your profile picture, lol :wink: :laugh:
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    The thing I hate to see the most is a 6 year old kid who is busting out of her 8 year old clothes, is dirty and holding a soda and a bag of cookies. Its like they dont SEE that they are setting this kid up for a lifetime of self loathing and low standards.

    this so much!! I was skinny as a rail at eight and I played video games and ate snack foods, so there's really no excuses. /: I have parents who come into where I work buying their pre-teen/teens snack foods and grease telling other people it's just baby fat. No, moms of the world, you just want an excuse.

    yeah an excuse to be lazy!! i struggle so much with weight and have my entire life that I want to be an example and do better for my kids! i push thru every night that i am exhausted to make sure they eat properly when it would most def be easier to slap some processed crap outta the microwave in front of them! its called parenting!!!
  • hdroddy
    hdroddy Posts: 122
    WOW I think I can sum up most of the thoughts from this thread with a couple of sentences:

    I look at other people's carts and judge them by what they're eating and what their kids are eating. I then feel better about myself for subsequently judging them.


    I don't think that is what is meant by all of this. I think it is more along the lines that the light bulb came on for these folks, and they don't understand why it doesn't for everyone else. But it does come across kind of bad.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    my shopping cart is always filled with healthy food for me and all the junk food for my hubby. I laugh everytime I'm at the checkout. all the organic food is for me and all the processed junk for him...oh well!

    Me too, bf will only eat healthy if I cook it, because he can't cook to save his life. I work nights waitressing and he works during the day so the only option is for him to get pizzas, chicken pot pies etc that he can easily cook himself when I'm at work. So our grocery cart is always clearly 50/50 healthy/unhealthy lol.

    But, yes I've noticed this too. Actually probably 90% of the people I see at the grocery store have all boxed/packaged foods in their carts. I don't think ANYONE actually cooks anymore! (except for the people on here of course lol)
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    I have noticed this same thing....especially since I've been adapting a healthier lifestyle. I think "omg, don't buy that.....THAT is the reason you are fat!"
  • I know! It seems to be so easy to figure out. They aren't ready....

    I love this statement. "They aren't ready..." because I feel that if you aren't ready to commit then I can't really help you because you aren't going to listen and really absorb my information and help. People keep asking me how I am losing weight and toning up, but then they start to complain immediately about the food i'm not eating the t.v. that i am missing out on. Or my personal fave, is when me and my husband split a meal because it's not very healthy food and then share a half a better portion, and they make fun of us for eating better right after they ask for advice and our help.

    But what can you do? They aren't ready.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    WOW I think I can sum up most of the thoughts from this thread with a couple of sentences:

    I look at other people's carts and judge them by what they're eating and what their kids are eating. I then feel better about myself for subsequently judging them.

    Or, you can look at it with different eyes. I look at other peoples carts and notice a correlation with size and what they choose to eat and am saddened that they have not chosen or do not know how to make better decisions for their family. I used to BE the morbidly obese woman with a cart full of crap food, then I chose to do things differently, and now I am the barely overweight girl with the buggy full of really healthy food and a *little* bit of crap food........ it is not all judgemental. It is a fear. A fear of what some of us used to be. But do you feel better for judging me?
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    Do you ever notice the obese/overweight families with the cart full of healthy foods because they want to change? That would be me and my husband, only with our skinny 15 year old daughter. I know there are more of us out there somewhere.

    I see you guys and get SO PROUD for you! I know how hard it is to make that leap. So, I get hope and motivation from it.
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member

    really shows u r what you eat!!! used to deliver pizza and same thing... practically every "regular" customer... very over weight...

    HA! We ordered pizza last night and my husband answered the door. I walked up to grab the pizza and put it in the kitchen and the Papa Johns guy looked me up and down and was like, "OH DUDE! You're losing weight! I just thought you didn't like our pizza anymore." Same delivery guy we always have and we went from ordering like 3x per week to like once a month. I couldn't help but laugh.

    I do think it's funny to walk through grocery stores now though. I know what I used to fill my cart with and all of it was crap. Now I just get one of the little baskets and it has some veggies, almond milk, fish, chicken, wraps, etc. So I know how it is now and I don't wonder why I used to get weird looks in the checkout line anymore.

    I feel kind of bad for people sometimes looking in others carts. I don't feel bad for the person but for those who are in their life. It breaks my heart to see a big fat fatty in one of those Walmart motorized carts and the little basket is filled to the brim with cakes, cookies, ice cream and TV dinners.
  • bwallner1971
    bwallner1971 Posts: 41 Member
    Don't always judge the cover by it's book.

    My family is all overweight....but my cart is full of healthy protein, (chicken & fish), fresh & frozen fruit & vegis, whole grain minimally processed snacks, whole grain breads & cereals, low fat plain greek yogurt & cheeses, fat free milk....

    But then again as a family we've lost close to 80 lbs. since we've changed our shopping habits.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I'm a grocery line bragger/judger myself. I scoff at the person in front of me buying fatty foods if they are not thin and parade around my veggies like I have just cured cancer. I've eaten healthy for years, my problem is cereal, love the stuff but a binge on that vs fast food will never kill me - fingers crossed ;)

    So you don't scoff at thin people who have a cart full of junk? I don't get this. Whether thin or fat I think you're not doing yourself any favors eating junk period.

    I agree that this topic turned into perhaps something it wasn't intended to be?
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    WOW I think I can sum up most of the thoughts from this thread with a couple of sentences:

    I look at other people's carts and judge them by what they're eating and what their kids are eating. I then feel better about myself for subsequently judging them.

    thank you for making such a concise observation!!!....of these posts - and not of the people they are juding!

    You're welcome.

    There have been some nasty things said in this thread....like parents don't know why their kids are fat? Parents are lazy and that's why they're low income families?

    I get that it's a wonderful feeling to finally make life changes that are healthy, but at some point we didn't and that's why we're here. But where's the compassion for those who haven't figured it out yet?
  • hdroddy
    hdroddy Posts: 122
    WOW I think I can sum up most of the thoughts from this thread with a couple of sentences:

    I look at other people's carts and judge them by what they're eating and what their kids are eating. I then feel better about myself for subsequently judging them.

    Or, you can look at it with different eyes. I look at other peoples carts and notice a correlation with size and what they choose to eat and am saddened that they have not chosen or do not know how to make better decisions for their family. I used to BE the morbidly obese woman with a cart full of crap food, then I chose to do things differently, and now I am the barely overweight girl with the buggy full of really healthy food and a *little* bit of crap food........ it is not all judgemental. It is a fear. A fear of what some of us used to be. But do you feel better for judging me?

    I think you're right. Fear and maybe a little relief. I think most people posting on this thread feel the same way you do. But you gotta admit, if some of those folks you guys were talking about were to log on and read, it would be hurtful to them. And, especially if they log on here out of a desire to change their lives, only to find this kind of reception where they hoped to find support - well, you can imagine.

    I doubt anyone's intentions here are bad. But still...
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    The funny thing is (well not that funny) is that the cart full of processed foods cost less than your cart of fresh good quality produce (in the UK anyways);

    I'm not complaining as it's worth the investment but just making the observation... do you notice the same?

    That sucks for the UK! It is soooooooo not true in Canada and i'm sure the US and the UK has a much higher population than Canada, guess its an import issue....

    For me, If you eat a frozen dinner for dinner thats $3, or 2 (so thats 1200+ cals, eww!) cheap-o nasty Michalina's for $2 total to try and get full but you'll still be hungry due to no protein or fiber and a homemade chicken stir-fry with veggies and brown rice and 1 breast costs $3 too!. I have tried and cannot possibly spend more than $150 a month for 2 of us (and $40 of that is diet pepsi - his vice not mine). Frozen meat is cheaper yes but thats it!

    Unfortunately we are overpriced on most life essentials - food, electricity / heating gas, car fuel (massively)...

    Sorry off topic a little there :ohwell: