I've been noticing....



  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    very true and just as sad!! my biggest issue.......have you seen the school lunches that the kids get. NASTY!!!!! My kids will never buy school lunch.

    ^^^ So true! My daughter takes her lunch to school every day. I'm so happy she does because that food is all crap.

    Luckily for me in school they had MTO sandwiches. I'd get turkey with lettuce tomato and green pepper on wheat every day with a bottle of water. :) Much better than greasy pizzas and popcorn chicken!

    I work in a very low income school. Trust me, most of these kids are not eating better at home. We can make lunches healthier true, but many of my kids need the calories becuase they won't get dinner.

    Yeah that sucks. :( A few of my friends in school were like that. But they would buy cookies and desserts and sodas as extras (more expensive than teas and fruit extras) despite those not filling you up at all. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but it always made me uneasy when they were spending their parents little bit of extra money of crap instead of something nice.
  • tinydancer24
    my shopping cart is always filled with healthy food for me and all the junk food for my hubby. I laugh everytime I'm at the checkout. all the organic food is for me and all the processed junk for him...oh well!
  • MarilynGrube
    MarilynGrube Posts: 75 Member
    I love diet frozen meals... Bad for you?? :( I really like them lol
  • MarilynGrube
    MarilynGrube Posts: 75 Member
    my shopping cart is always filled with healthy food for me and all the junk food for my hubby. I laugh everytime I'm at the checkout. all the organic food is for me and all the processed junk for him...oh well!

    I'm the same way... for every healthy item there is something junky next to it lol I have two pre-teens and husband!
  • MelissaW1978
    MelissaW1978 Posts: 37 Member
    I really hate to see a Mommy's shopping cart full of soft drinks....my pet peeve is to see a bunch of Mountain Dew in a cart that I know kids will consume. It's so bad for their teeth, makes them hyper and sets them up to be overweight.....I could go on and on about this topic.
  • onegoal2
    onegoal2 Posts: 47
    I will now be looking at everyones cart!
  • SarahSwimmer
    SarahSwimmer Posts: 125 Member
    very true and just as sad!! my biggest issue.......have you seen the school lunches that the kids get. NASTY!!!!! My kids will never buy school lunch.

    ^^^ So true! My daughter takes her lunch to school every day. I'm so happy she does because that food is all crap.

    Luckily for me in school they had MTO sandwiches. I'd get turkey with lettuce tomato and green pepper on wheat every day with a bottle of water. :) Much better than greasy pizzas and popcorn chicken!

    I work in a very low income school. Trust me, most of these kids are not eating better at home. We can make lunches healthier true, but many of my kids need the calories becuase they won't get dinner.

    Yeah that sucks. :( A few of my friends in school were like that. But they would buy cookies and desserts and sodas as extras (more expensive than teas and fruit extras) despite those not filling you up at all. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but it always made me uneasy when they were spending their parents little bit of extra money of crap instead of something nice.

    You're very right! A lot of parents do complain about not having enough for good food, but still manage to have a flat screen on 24/7. But then again, bad logic and lazyness is a good reason they're low income as well. The kids just need enough food to get through the time they spend at home, unfortunatly.
  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    I really hate to see a Mommy's shopping cart full of soft drinks....my pet peeve is to see a bunch of Mountain Dew in a cart that I know kids will consume. It's so bad for their teeth, makes them hyper and sets them up to be overweight.....I could go on and on about this topic.

    I feel the same way about my mom and little brothers. /: She drinks diet soda, always has, but didn't bring us up on it! I would have been so much better off as a kid being given diet Pepsi. Definitely doing this with my kids.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    The thing I hate to see the most is a 6 year old kid who is busting out of her 8 year old clothes, is dirty and holding a soda and a bag of cookies. Its like they dont SEE that they are setting this kid up for a lifetime of self loathing and low standards.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I love this post! I'm a 42 year old mom of 4 kids and by quickly scrolling through the commenter's pictures you all look young & hopeful!! Please learn from watching these people/carts at Costo!! Maybe they are there to show you what you don't want to happen to you and your future families!! It is sad, horrible and wrong and I first noticed it when other people were packing cute little pre-packaged snacks for lunch or even baseball snacks! I understand convienence but I also know that bad habits form easliy. We need to learn to set our own limits though, don't count on Costco, Sams or any bulk package-retailer to do it for us!
  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    very true and just as sad!! my biggest issue.......have you seen the school lunches that the kids get. NASTY!!!!! My kids will never buy school lunch.

    ^^^ So true! My daughter takes her lunch to school every day. I'm so happy she does because that food is all crap.

    Luckily for me in school they had MTO sandwiches. I'd get turkey with lettuce tomato and green pepper on wheat every day with a bottle of water. :) Much better than greasy pizzas and popcorn chicken!

    I work in a very low income school. Trust me, most of these kids are not eating better at home. We can make lunches healthier true, but many of my kids need the calories becuase they won't get dinner.

    Yeah that sucks. :( A few of my friends in school were like that. But they would buy cookies and desserts and sodas as extras (more expensive than teas and fruit extras) despite those not filling you up at all. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but it always made me uneasy when they were spending their parents little bit of extra money of crap instead of something nice.

    You're very right! A lot of parents do complain about not having enough for good food, but still manage to have a flat screen on 24/7. But then again, bad logic and lazyness is a good reason they're low income as well. The kids just need enough food to get through the time they spend at home, unfortunatly.

    I just don't understand why people fill their cupboards up with expensive snack foods, you know? Especially when they say they don't have enough money. Food stamps buy fresh vegetables too. My friend's mother is on disability and spends her entire check going to fast food restaurants, then complains about having no money or food in the house! I'd never put down someone who struggles like that, but it's about making better choices /:
  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    The thing I hate to see the most is a 6 year old kid who is busting out of her 8 year old clothes, is dirty and holding a soda and a bag of cookies. Its like they dont SEE that they are setting this kid up for a lifetime of self loathing and low standards.

    this so much!! I was skinny as a rail at eight and I played video games and ate snack foods, so there's really no excuses. /: I have parents who come into where I work buying their pre-teen/teens snack foods and grease telling other people it's just baby fat. No, moms of the world, you just want an excuse.
  • Mrsairforce
    Mrsairforce Posts: 130
    Every time I shop I see people judging whats in my cart. It irks me out! I do the same thing as someone above said, hiding my husbands snacks and cookies under my fresh fruit LOL. My husband can eat whatever he wants to without gaining and since I do all the grocery shopping I make sure he gets the items that he wants. Not going to lie, he can eat an entire pack of Oreos during an hour or two of Call of Duty, but I do make sure he eats healthier dinners. He does a 5k once per week so its not a big deal to him. I went to the grocery store the other day and got weird looks because I had so much lean ground turkey in my cart hahah!
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I noticed this as well..

    Someone else noticed my cart a few weeks back... They pointed out it looked like all I ate was meat and soda. lol
    I had nothing but chicken, steak, spices, some cheese and 12 bottles of diet soda....

    of course, thats because I already had a ton of frozen veggies and other food at the house.. but I did find it amusing.
  • MarilynGrube
    MarilynGrube Posts: 75 Member
    I also pack my kids lunch everyday. The school lunch is scary!! For example, pink slime???? Ever see the Jamie Oliver project? Plus it costs me more to feed them the junk from school than to pack it myself. Don't get me wrong... in their lunch there may be cookies but I pack them fresh fruit, low fat pretzels, carrot sticks and yogurts for example. My kids are also very active..ballet, jazz and gymnastics...EVERYTHING I was not when I was a kid.!! I was the couch potato with the potato chips lol. So glad they are different
  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    I noticed this as well..

    Someone else noticed my cart a few weeks back... They pointed out it looked like all I ate was meat and soda. lol
    I had nothing but chicken, steak, spices, some cheese and 12 bottles of diet soda....

    of course, thats because I already had a ton of frozen veggies and other food at the house.. but I did find it amusing.

    haha! the lady who checks me out at giant eagle every week told me she worries that i only ever buy fruit and tea.
  • Llilia17
    Llilia17 Posts: 23 Member
    very true and just as sad!! my biggest issue.......have you seen the school lunches that the kids get. NASTY!!!!! My kids will never buy school lunch.

    This is so very true. The district is so strict on nutrition. Kids aren't allowed soda and candy in their lunches. I agree with this. But also they are not allowed a lot of other things that I consider a healthier alternative like goldfish crackers. Yet they feed the children what they have approved. Pizza is BTW approved as a vegetable (I mean really?) And the teachers wonder why the kids are out of control. Chocolate milk is served with every meal. (not only high in sugar but contains caffeine) They serve sugar loaded cereal for breakfast but they can also have a piece of toast. Toast that is covered with sugar and cinnamon. It's so dumb.

    As far as the shopping thing. I try not to judge. I agree you are what you eat. Those families that are buying junk and are overweight is sad. I don't think it's all because they are uneducated either. Lets face it. Eating healthy is expensive and time consuming.
  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    I also pack my kids lunch everyday. The school lunch is scary!! For example, pink slime???? Ever see the Jamie Oliver project? Plus it costs me more to feed them the junk from school than to pack it myself. Don't get me wrong... in their lunch there may be cookies but I pack them fresh fruit, low fat pretzels, carrot sticks and yogurts for example. My kids are also very active..ballet, jazz and gymnastics...EVERYTHING I was not when I was a kid.!! I was the couch potato with the potato chips lol. So glad they are different

    That's how I was in elementary! My mom was all by herself raising three kids but she still made us sandwiches and things, with occasional cookies and chips, but I was also in dance until I was fourteen so I guess it makes sense I was super skinny.
  • keependuring
    keependuring Posts: 16 Member
    So true. Some people just don't understand why they are fat. Cookies, chips, pastries are part of their regular diet. Just cut those things out and a person will lose weight.

    I have also notice the same thing at an amusement park. The fat people are snacking on bags of chips, and more in their stroller. The not fat people are not snacking in line.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    That's why I buy very little in the line of food at Costco; usually stuff like olive oil, spices, artificial sweetener, and occasionally fresh seafood, if they have it. I usually stick to stuff like detergents, supplements, TP, paper towels, electronics and other non-food items. I DO love Costco!

    And, come to think of it, I don't look to see what's in someone's cart. I look to see HOW MUCH is in the cart and if I want to get in line behind them. :wink:

    Also, it's really unfortunate that buying meals at fast food joints is cheaper than eating a healthy diet.