Ladies? Does Size Matter?

TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
Women of this board, I have 2 questions that I want answered, please. :)

1. Would you date/marry a guy who weighed less than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in size you would go/allow?

2. Would you date/marry a guy who was shorter than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in height you would go/allow?

Reason I ask is because in high school I dated a girl who was 7-8 inches taller (She was around 5'6, I was 4'10) than me and she broke up with me because she weighed more and was taller. Fast forward 15 years later she says she regretted breaking up with me because she knew I was not done growing but let peer pressure make her end it with me due to size/height. We are now good friends (she is happily married to a guy only an inch taller than her! LOL) Irony?!


  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    1. Would you date/marry a guy who weighed less than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in size you would go/allow?

    I have. About 20 lbs. or so. My husband is about 40 lbs. heavier than me.

    2. Would you date/marry a guy who was shorter than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in height you would go/allow?

    I don't know why, but that's just not attractive to me. I have never dated someone below 6'. It's just my type. My husband is 6'. I'm 5'4".
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    1. My hubs is about 40lbs less than me. But I like to carry him around like a baby, put a diaper on him and all. So it works.
    2. He's also about 3 inches shorter than me. I never used to go for shorter guys though.
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    I believe wholeheartedly that size does not matter.........if you find someone that is shorter or heavier than you, but you two seem to hit it off and have lots in common, why not? True beauty is on the inside........not out.

    The only way I would every date/marry a person who was lighter than I in weight, would be if I saw that he had a good heart and didn't care what size I was. That is what matters to me most because if they see me as beautiful, that just bowls me over........and it does because all through my life I've had people spit fat jokes at me as I walked by them. When we graduated from highschool, it all changed and no one did anything as immature as that. But it does still effect me for some reason.

    As for shortness..........I don't care what height you long as you have a good heart and a great personality, I am cool. I do prefer someone a little taller.......but that's a very vague guideline.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Just for the record, I can barbell hip thrust 255, 2 sets of 10 reps

  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    Just for the record, I can barbell hip thrust 255, 2 sets of 10 reps


    So what you're saying is, you're 5'7"?
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    i date a guy who weighs only a few lbs more than me.. but he can lift alot so it doesnt really bother me. if he was a weakling & i felt more like the man probably not.

    & as far as shortness goes i dont think i could, i love me a tall me. i wanna feel small & safe when i cuddle up w my boo :wink:
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    1 - yep, all the guys I have dated all weighed less than me - no issue

    2 - I would, but considering how short I am already, this is mostly unlikely - most of the guys I have dated were anywhere from 5'6" to 6'5" (I have heard that tall men like short women cause it makes them seem large in the general groin area)
  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    No and no. That is why I married a man who is 6'2 and 210lbs and I'm 5'10 and 156lbs.
  • Legalchica
    Legalchica Posts: 462
    1. Would you date/marry a guy who weighed less than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in size you would go/allow? probably not

    2. Would you date/marry a guy who was shorter than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in height you would go/allow? again probably not

    I dont find it attractive there fore nothing would bring us together in the first place.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    No and no. Can't do it. I am a curvy girl, I have wide hips and big boobs, I don't want to feel like a hippo standing next to my man. And I'm 5'9 ish, and I need someone taller than me, I'd never date someone shorter.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Just for the record, I can barbell hip thrust 255, 2 sets of 10 reps


    So what you're saying is, you're 5'7"?

  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    1. I don't really care about weight LOL. The biggest discrepancy would probably be if he were around 20 pounds lighter than me, simply because I'm already less than 100 would probably be unhealthy...100 pounds bigger than me...because I don't want to get smoldered *-*

    2. Height wise, I'm 4'10" and I'm sorry, but I don't want to date a guy who is my height as Im already short >.< I don't care if a guy is 5'3"...but I've noticed a lot of guys who are around my height (who go for me) tend to be control freaks maybe thats why I feel this way. I don't care how tall he is, although I prefer around 5'5"-5'8" o_o
  • nettg40
    nettg40 Posts: 49 Member
    Weight - I have always gone for the skinny guys!
    Height - I really cant go shorter than me since I am only 5'2 on a good day as it is! But I did date a guy that was only 5'5"
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Women of this board, I have 2 questions that I want answered, please. :)

    1. Would you date/marry a guy who weighed less than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in size you would go/allow?

    2. Would you date/marry a guy who was shorter than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in height you would go/allow?

    1) All of the guys that I've had huge crushes weigh less than me, I know. I think if it came down to it, I couldn't do anything with them because I would feel like a giant (I'm 5'8 and probably on the higher end of average when it comes to weight). I would feel self-conscious. But that's not all women - and I was attracted to those guys for a reason, so maybe if I lose a little more weight I wouldn't care so much. Biggest discrepancy would probably be 20-30 pounds.

    2) Honestly, no. I am just too self-conscious. It's hard though because I am tall and the majority of men are my height or a little taller. I shouldn't be so picky but I am. I could date a guy my height though. The thing about shorter guys though is that they have to compensate sometimes so they're usually really funny and nice!!

    2 - I would, but considering how short I am already, this is mostly unlikely - most of the guys I have dated were anywhere from 5'6" to 6'5" (I have heard that tall men like short women cause it makes them seem large in the general groin area)

    oh so that is why all the tall guys date short girls! haha me and my friends always complain about this.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    1. My husband weighs less than me. When I hit my goal weight I should be 10 lbs less than him and it will be the first time ever.

    2. I am tall- 5'11. Prior to my husband, I never dated anyone shorter than me. My husband is 5'9. I just love him. However, it does keep me from wearing heels (well except when horizontal)!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    1. Would you date/marry a guy who weighed less than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in size you would go/allow?

    Honestly, I've dated the gambit but I prefer a guy that takes pride in his body. You don't have to be able to bounce a quarter off his butt, but I like healthy guys (hence why I'm working on my physical self ;))

    2. Would you date/marry a guy who was shorter than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in height you would go/allow?

    Yep, I like short guys. They just have to be confident because I'm usually measuring in at about 6' in my heels.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    1) I'm 5'10" - if I discriminated based on height, it would automatically eliminate more than half of the male population.
    2) I married a guy who is 5'5.5" and I rock 4" heels. We're separated now, but height has nothing to do with it.
    3) I weighed nearly 100 pounds more than him when we got married. I am now about 40 pounds lighter. Didn't matter either way.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    1. Yes, 20lbs

    2. Yes, 6 in

    But my answers would have been different 10 years ago. Smaller guys made me self conscious about my size. Now that I am more secure it wouldn't bother me. As it is my husband is the same weight and height as I am.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Equal Opportunity Here....
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    I have dated someone that weight a bit less than me, or rather I gained, he didn't, but he was also 5" taller so that was the issue, more that he was a bean poll and didn't have to watch what he ate. However, I don't have an issue with that, though I'm planning on losing weight, so hopefully fewer guys would fit into that category! Lol.

    As for shorter than me, I'm not saying that I would be entirely happy at the beginning, but it's all about heart and soul, not height, so in the end, it wouldn't matter. However, my general preference is taller than me.