cursing + having little kids ==

_snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
okay, so anyone who knows me, knows i curse. a lot. all the time. sure, it's not ladylike, but i don't really give a fu@k.

anywho ... i have 3 little ones (3, 6 & 7) and i never did that "oh, i'm not going to curse in front of them" thing. I figured I'm not going to keep them sheltered from something as inane as bad words. Yeah, they all dropped the f bomb before the age of 3, but that was it - they never cursed again. They know they are bad words, they know they can't say them, they are sensitized to that they are not "special" words at all.

am i ahead of the curve or have i ruined my children for life? Only time will tell. (maybe they'll end up rebelling and they'll stick their noses up to punk rock and listen to xtian music and go to church. who knows.)

What do you do about cursing? yay or ney?


  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I curse like a sailor. Both of my children ages 8&5 have heard my friends and I curse numerouis times..... My children will literally look at someone and say those are big people words and only big people can say them. I don't think you have messed your kids up .......Making it a big deal now that would mess them up
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    I was putting my son to bed early the other night for being a brat all day and disrespecting his mother.(he was tired) Anyway, on the way up the stairs he called me a "Vagina". It was hard not to laugh. Vagina- ha ha ha!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    There are much, MUCH worse things in this world for children than what other people call "bad" words. Don't let it stress you out. Raise them to be kind, caring individuals and you've done the best job a parent can do.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    My parents cursed all the time. I came out ok.
    I do the same. Kids don't repeat what I say.

    But when they do, I think it's hilarious. I should try harder not to laugh...
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Your last name is Menendez right?
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    okay, so anyone who knows me, knows i curse. a lot. all the time. sure, it's not ladylike, but i don't really give a fu@k.

    anywho ... i have 3 little ones (3, 6 & 7) and i never did that "oh, i'm not going to curse in front of them" thing. I figured I'm not going to keep them sheltered from something as inane as bad words. Yeah, they all dropped the f bomb before the age of 3, but that was it - they never cursed again. They know they are bad words, they know they can't say them, they are sensitized to that they are not "special" words at all.

    am i ahead of the curve or have i ruined my children for life? Only time will tell. (maybe they'll end up rebelling and they'll stick their noses up to punk rock and listen to xtian music and go to church. who knows.)

    What do you do about cursing? yay or ney?

    I have mixed opinion. I don't swear or curse myself. I think it sounds common, rude and thoughtless, BUT that's my personal thought and preference.

    My fiancé does swear. Not as much as some, but quite a bit. We're planning to have children in about three or four years, and he decided off his own back a week or two ago that he was going to start trying to swear less in preparation for us having kids.

    BUT I don't mind so much if other people swear, as long as they don't do it in front of other people's children. If there ends up being a situation where one of my future kids decides to swear, I'll let them know that I'm not AGAINST any words. They can swear in conversation if that's what they want to do, but they must always think about the environment they're in and never swear in public where others can hear. On the other hand, if my fiancé's taking them to football I won't mind them joining in the chants as it's a part of the environment they'll be in.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    Your last name is Menendez right?

  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member

    I think it sounds common.

    i'm actually english royalty.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    okay, so anyone who knows me, knows i curse. a lot. all the time. sure, it's not ladylike, but i don't really give a fu@k.

    anywho ... i have 3 little ones (3, 6 & 7) and i never did that "oh, i'm not going to curse in front of them" thing. I figured I'm not going to keep them sheltered from something as inane as bad words. Yeah, they all dropped the f bomb before the age of 3, but that was it - they never cursed again. They know they are bad words, they know they can't say them, they are sensitized to that they are not "special" words at all.

    am i ahead of the curve or have i ruined my children for life? Only time will tell. (maybe they'll end up rebelling and they'll stick their noses up to punk rock and listen to xtian music and go to church. who knows.)

    What do you do about cursing? yay or ney?

    I have mixed opinion. I don't swear or curse myself. I think it sounds common, rude and thoughtless, BUT that's my personal thought and preference.

    My fiancé does swear. Not as much as some, but quite a bit. We're planning to have children in about three or four years, and he decided off his own back a week or two ago that he was going to start trying to swear less in preparation for us having kids.

    BUT I don't mind so much if other people swear, as long as they don't do it in front of other people's children. If there ends up being a situation where one of my future kids decides to swear, I'll let them know that I'm not AGAINST any words. They can swear in conversation if that's what they want to do, but they must always think about the environment they're in and never swear in public where others can hear. On the other hand, if my fiancé's taking them to football I won't mind them joining in the chants as it's a part of the environment they'll be in.
    Umm wow...I hope all that comes with a flow chart.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I swear infont of my kids,and im sure ive sweared infont of other peoples kids at the store or something. I really dont see a problem if someone elses kids might hear me swear,I really dont think that if kids hear some stranger swear in public it will corroupt their world
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    My parents cursed all the time. I came out ok.
    I do the same. Kids don't repeat what I say.

    But when they do, I think it's hilarious. I should try harder not to laugh...

    I remember when I was babysitting my best friend's toddler, and we were in a hurry to get to playgroup. He was getting frustrated getting ready and really ornery and mad. He looked like he was going to cry. I knelt down and gently asked him what was wrong and why he was sad. He looked at me and said, "I'm sad because I can't find my ****ing rain boots!"

    I almost choked, trying not to laugh. He just looked so freaking earnest and sad. :P
  • Hoskins1776
    Hoskins1776 Posts: 1 Member
    I curse with gusto and frequency, especially any time I have a wrench in my hand. My son understands those are "Daddy words" and he's allowed to use them once he has kids of his own. LOL. He's almost 7 now and we've never had an issue with his language at school or at home.
  • cal1973
    cal1973 Posts: 306 Member
    okay, so anyone who knows me, knows i curse. a lot. all the time. sure, it's not ladylike, but i don't really give a fu@k.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I swear ALL of the time. I will swear in front of my kids but not in front of their friends. My daughter is 18 now and she doesn't swear in front of me though. In fact, I only started swearing in front of my Mum last year, when I was 37!!!!!!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    We are the same way. My youngest two are two and haven't repeated anything yet but my 7 year old did when he was 3 or so and hasn't since. I am not worried about it and no one has ever told me that my oldest has said it while in the presence of other adults. I don't think we have ruined them.
  • p0stdramatic
    I try to, and usual do control my language in front of my kids and "polite" company. Usually. They are also desensitized to it. They also dropped f-bombs early and never again. It's funny, we had this conversation at the studio last night. :drinker:
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    Stop cursing, I'm sure you can do it..
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    okay, so anyone who knows me, knows i curse. a lot. all the time. sure, it's not ladylike, but i don't really give a fu@k.

    anywho ... i have 3 little ones (3, 6 & 7) and i never did that "oh, i'm not going to curse in front of them" thing. I figured I'm not going to keep them sheltered from something as inane as bad words. Yeah, they all dropped the f bomb before the age of 3, but that was it - they never cursed again. They know they are bad words, they know they can't say them, they are sensitized to that they are not "special" words at all.

    am i ahead of the curve or have i ruined my children for life? Only time will tell. (maybe they'll end up rebelling and they'll stick their noses up to punk rock and listen to xtian music and go to church. who knows.)

    What do you do about cursing? yay or ney?

    I have mixed opinion. I don't swear or curse myself. I think it sounds common, rude and thoughtless, BUT that's my personal thought and preference.

    My fiancé does swear. Not as much as some, but quite a bit. We're planning to have children in about three or four years, and he decided off his own back a week or two ago that he was going to start trying to swear less in preparation for us having kids.

    BUT I don't mind so much if other people swear, as long as they don't do it in front of other people's children. If there ends up being a situation where one of my future kids decides to swear, I'll let them know that I'm not AGAINST any words. They can swear in conversation if that's what they want to do, but they must always think about the environment they're in and never swear in public where others can hear. On the other hand, if my fiancé's taking them to football I won't mind them joining in the chants as it's a part of the environment they'll be in.
    Umm wow...I hope all that comes with a flow chart.

    A flow chart?

    Can I Swear? ----> Are you in a suitable environment? At home, or at a football match?

    Yes > You can swear.
    No > You can't swear.

  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    Stop cursing, I'm sure you can do it..

  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    eh, not a big deal. they're going to be around it ALL the time when they get older.
    My parents cursed all the time too. & i also turned out ok :P

    I honestly think its cute/funny to hear a little kid curse, especially when they mispronounce it...OMG adorable xD

    Id rather have my little girl curse & listen to rob zombie rather than have her nose in books all day. EW!!
  • busyblkgirl
    busyblkgirl Posts: 264 Member
    I swear, and it's not really habit I like, but I do do it, and in front of my kids. Although (and not saying this makes it better but) I limit it to certain words, like they won't ever hear me drop the F bomb or call someone a B*@%h, but i've never had an issue w/ them swearing. And I would never swear in front of someone else's children (unless it's one of my nephews that know me) as a sign of respect. I don't know what they do in their households, but I just wouldn't want to do that.