What words do you have trouble pronouncing?

Operation_Me Posts: 869 Member
Apparently I can't say the word "almond" correctly. :/

What words do you have trouble pronouncing or get made fun of when you say it?


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Depending who's listening - all of them. Born and raised southerner :glasses:
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
  • Canadien
    Canadien Posts: 122 Member
    "Tuesday". When I say it, it usually comes out like "choosday". It's not even that weird but everyone laughs at me. I DON'T GET IT. :x
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    any word with alot or Rs in it (murderer)

    Then again i am french
  • TheDudette
    TheDudette Posts: 174
    I can't say the name Paul right. It either comes out as Pawl or Paahhl. Can't seem to find the middle ground.

    I will also never say the word moist, I can pronounce it just fine but it's a horrible word and make me cringe. I'm yacking a little just from typing it.
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member
  • Canadien
    Canadien Posts: 122 Member
    any word with alot or Rs in it (murderer)

    Then again i am french

    I love French accents!
  • Obliviousk
    Anything with an R and a W. I have a speech problem and I have to try really, really hard. xD I get them confused so things come out like this if I speak too fast (or without thinking), "She rowe a wed dwess at the redding." (Translation: She wore a red dress at the wedding.)
  • Barbie1125
    Barbie1125 Posts: 115
    Aluminium and linoleum
  • hrwinston
    hrwinston Posts: 28
    Ambulance (I'm a southerner too):laugh:
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member

    I say it like daw-ler. And I got mocked for sounding like a "Canadian". Which I really don't think is a bad thing, but apparently it's something worth making fun of when you live in Michigan.

    There's a lot of words like that, actually. Pretty much anything with both an "a" and an "o" in it.
  • MomsTooBig
    MomsTooBig Posts: 201 Member
    Specific and Apocalypse

  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    I don't have a problem saying this word but it seriously bothers the s**t out of me when someone says "pacifically" instead of specifically!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I can't say the name Paul right. It either comes out as Pawl or Paahhl. Can't seem to find the middle ground.

    I will also never say the word moist, I can pronounce it just fine but it's a horrible word and make me cringe. I'm yacking a little just from typing it.

    Do you watch How I Met Your Mother?
  • hrwinston
    hrwinston Posts: 28
    Regular is another one...I say reglar.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Weimaraner. If I say it fast enough, I can fake it.
  • robdahlgren0506
    robdahlgren0506 Posts: 13 Member
    railroad... I have to say it in two parts to get it even close, like rail--road. Otherwise it comes out sounding like rareroad.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    William, really sucks because I live in Williamsburg. Can't even say where I live w/o really trying. SMH
  • TheDudette
    TheDudette Posts: 174
    I can't say the name Paul right. It either comes out as Pawl or Paahhl. Can't seem to find the middle ground.

    I will also never say the word moist, I can pronounce it just fine but it's a horrible word and make me cringe. I'm yacking a little just from typing it.

    Do you watch How I Met Your Mother?

    I do not, but people post that disgusting scene on my facebook ALL THE TIME! Drives me nuts. The people at my work found out about it and are relentless.
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I'm Canadian and I guess I say dawler for dollar, how do you guys say it?