Senior Golden Sneakers Club For May



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Sandy for reminding me. I will do it right now.
    Love Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Here is the link to June

    A lovely month we had in May. Now lets see what June will bring, Have fun you guys.
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    :tongue: Sandy - that's funny - i keep thinking the same thing about Barbie - she's going to buzz right on past me and hit her goal before i do!

    Ellen! AWESOME that you lost more than your goal AND you're under 200! That's fabulous!!!!!! Keep on keepin on!:happy: let's see you don't get on my blog here - you can go to google and just put in:
    Oh - thank you Sandy for explaining it too! you did it better than i did!:laugh:

    Gayla - so sorry about your back, but glad your kids are coming to help you. I always hate to ask my kids to come do stuff (well, i can't ask the one who's overseas...:tongue: ). But my younger boy has access to all kinds of heavy equipment so right now i'm having to ask him to do stuff.......i know he doesn't mind, but they DO have lives of their own huh (darn kids!)

    OK Sandy - i'm WITH you - i just don't know about 5 pounds (well, i have 4 1/2 now) in a month?!?!? But I'll get all over it with you! This afternoon i have to eat out - at Red Robin, but i'll order a garden burger with a side salad instead of fries. That'll be a good start. It's night time i have the troubles - i think i need to set a goal this week of going to the gym twice in the evenings. Thanks for doing this with me! we CAN do it together!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Monday everyone!!!!!

    Elli - Found your blog thanks to you and Sandy's help. Wow, major renovations. Congratulations and thanks for sharing. I feel like I know you better now and can relate to your posts when you talk about what is happening. Have you set a date for the completion celebration?

    Look for you all on the June thread. Thanks for linking us up, Marie
