T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Week 13



  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    Morning everyone,

    Wow I got insanely burnt yesterday, first burn of the season! Oh well it was so nice outside. I am going to farmer's market now yay! Have a good day everyone!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Hey, LI4G - I was sitting here with a glass of chocolate milk when I had this brillaint idea: ChocolateMilk.gifrifle.gif

    I shot your cow!

    OMG Kristi you kill me.. I couldn't stop laughing....
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Hey ya'll! So many of you posted today already, wow! I'm alive, BTW. last night was tough, I think the stuff the new trainer did also worked some of those new ab muscles I discovered the day before, and wow, last night I was so sore... couldn't sit, lay down, move, and god forbid I should have to cough! But then I was feeling around my stomach and it's hard under there - as in, I have a muscle under that fat! Wow!

    Today is much better, I"m sore but not dying. I think the only reason I got so sore is because I worked the same muscles 2 days in a row... so will be more careful next time. I get with the trainer on Tuesdays now regularly. so I will post any words of wisdom as well as exercises I learn to target specific muscle groups.

    Hubby is having people from Europe and his boss and other managers from work over for a BBQ today, so it's a house cleaning day. We just cleaned out the garage because we're buying a freezer (whoo-hoo!) this weekend. We woke up early - him with allergies, coughing, me with rolling over and feeling one of those muscles, so at 6 am I was at Winco doing my shopping. Have it all put away now and once he returns am taking a load to Goodwill (from our garage) and then need to start housecleaning...

    One thing about the trainer stuff - it brought back my endorphin rush! Or maybe it's just excitement, I don't know, either way, it's fun to work out again!

    Stillkristi- you might be able to take me, but you'd have to catch me - remember I've started running (albeit in 30 second and 90 sec bursts)!!! :laugh: (Oh now I"m laughing at myself, I can just see me running from you, 30 second run, stop, pant pant pant, 30 second run, stop, pant pant pant...)
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Hey, LI4G - I was sitting here with a glass of chocolate milk when I had this brillaint idea: ChocolateMilk.gifrifle.gif

    I shot your cow!

    LMAO Kristi you make me lol so hard!!!

    well anyway after a night of everyone drinking I have spent my morning cleaning puke!!! ewwww I hate that... then I took a shower cuz i felt gross then I had to cook breakfast for everyone!!! OMG that was a lot of French Toast and saucage needless to say I had a glass of choc milk and 1 egg instead of the french toast..

    I am wearing my shorts today...I still cant believe I accually fit in them It hasnt sunk in as of yet!!!

    I gave my older sister my size 30 pants and she was like I think they will be to big cuz if they dont fit you they wont fit me so I said well your taller then me and they are just to long on me!!! LOL so the she wore them last night and they fit her really nice... but I wore my 24's LMAO she still insists that she is smaller then me!!! I love her dearly but she is wrong!!!! I really wish she would work out with me but she wont make time.... and remember when I first started MFP she is the one who asked me to start the gym....then would never make time...and she hates when everyone is around and says sheila you lost weight!!! wow you look great!!! then she gets all emotional and starts crying I said stop crying about it and do something... I know I was prob mean and that isnt me to be mean... but... I love her and if you heard her walking she is very short of breath she is sitting there and you can just hear her heavy breathing...I want her to be healthy but I cant make her do this I know she has to want it... but if she would just let me show her how easy to log her food in...maybe she would start... but since I am the one showing her she wont even look... Man is she pig headed... I just want my sister to be healthy...

    I dont know about anyone else but it feels really good when you meet a goal you have set... and you want to share it with everyone.. and then when someone close to you notices the difference and says something It really feels good.. and I believe that is what keeps me going... the motivation, the support, the challanges, the insperation, ect.. ect.. ect..

    well anyway have a great weekend...see you all later

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Good morning team - or rather almost good afternoon. Nice to spend a leisurly morning reading your posts while having a leisurly breakfast. adopt4, you being at the grocery store at 6:00 am just makes me tired, so quit it! :laugh: :wink:

    I am really starting to feel the effects of my weight loss, which is wonderful. I have this pair of pants I like to wear in the summer, but they have been too tight to look decent or feel good. So, I was thinking, this year, I will be able to wear those pants! Well, I won't. They are too stinkin' big! Mixed blessing, but definitely exciting. So, I need to start going through the wardrobe and weeding out. Several things just don't fit at all anymore, no matter how much I wash them in hot water, etc. But, there is stuff in smaller sizes back in there, I just need to drag it out, and before I can't wear it, either! I am also beginning to have a waist. And, alas, there is going to be a lot of excess skin when we are all done. I am thinking of donating it to science...... Li4g, you said your stretch marks are less noticable, I am noticing them more, and am also seeing wrinkles that were hidden by the weight before. Not complaining, just observing. I reserve the right to complain later! :wink:

    Ok, renyab - how are you doing? I am thinking you and I need to join Sheila at the gym so we can win these biggest loser contests we are in! At my work, we had an interim prize awarded, and I only got second place! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I had lost the most lbs, and the biggest percentage of weight, but a coworker had lost the biggest percentage of inches. I wasn't all that happy with the way they computed that, because it really puts me at a disadvantage, but I guess you can't factor in every variable. Anyway, we gotta buckle down and really focus to win these things!

    Healthy mom - good job on the loss, and especially the 5 miles! smiley_on_tredmil.gif

    AJ - Thanks for the support on the BMI thing! :noway: However, we will just show these light weights and win the challenge. :wink: I wonder if there is a prize...? Oh yeah, good health! Not a bad prize!

    Dewdrop - thanks for the kind words! Its so good to have you dropping in. My brother just talked me into getting my silly face on facebook, and I am reconnecting with a bunch of people I knew when I lived in Italy. Boy, is my Italian rusty! But when I talk to them, I think of you and wonder how you are doing, so its always good when you check in! And, congrats on the weight loss!

    Cyndee - good to see you in a good mood today! Hope springs eternal! And, yes painting the bathroom has to count. If you can't find bathroom, painting in the exercise database, there is always housework! :laugh:

    Chanty - I love the farmers market, too! Ours doesn't start for a while, here. But, there are green strawberries in my garden, so that is exciting!

    Nita - good morning! :drinker: Glad to provide a chuckle for your morning coffee!

    And, Adopt4 - hmmm... I think you may have the strategic advantage, dang it! Even your 30 second bursts will likely be enough to take you out of harms way. For now. :tongue:

    Have a good day, kids. I bought an exercise ball yesterday the old one I had is too big to effectively do my ball squats. Though it is quite fun for rolling around the yard on. Ask my niece. :happy: So, gotta go exercise then shop, I am out of veggies. And, they did not spoil! Yay! Take care!

    Sheila - it took me so long to write my post that you got in ahead of me. I just read your post and it made me think. You know, I guess a lot of us have been in your sister's shoes - kind of in denial about how much we really weigh, and at the same time feeling so powerless to do anything about it. In my family, everyone was so concerned about me, but I effectively shut them down if they started talking about it, because I just didn't want to go there. Too painful.

    How I finally got started back in February is kind of a lucky mistake. I had been thinking about it for a long time, but for some reason the "time just wasn't right" to start. Then I found this website, cuz I had been looking for an online calorie counter, knowing that a key component to success is logging everything you eat. When I found it I thought, well, I wasn't quite ready for this, but then I logged what I was eating right then, and while I did that, I thought, WOW, I guess I am doing this. So, I sort of tricked myself into acting like I was already with the program. Stupid, but it worked. Then, adopt4 invited me to this team. You all will never know how grateful I am to you for all your support, wisdom, friendship and encouragement. You are literally helping me save my life.

    I feel for your sister, Sheila, and I can tell you arer concerned for her life and health. So, maybe if you let your sister know that it really is as easy as pretending you've been doing it for a while to get started. Good luck. If she does commit, be sure and invite her to meet us!

    Thanks again, friends! :heart: Have a great weekend!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Ok, one last thing. I came accross an old notebook with my measurements and weight at my heaviest back in 2006. I decided I wanted a record of the whole journey, so I posted those numbers in my check in section. I see now that it back dates my ticker, too. So, I don't want to seem like I am cheating or something, but I did want an accurate record to compare my success to. Any thoughts?
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Ok, one last thing. I came accross an old notebook with my measurements and weight at my heaviest back in 2006. I decided I wanted a record of the whole journey, so I posted those numbers in my check in section. I see now that it back dates my ticker, too. So, I don't want to seem like I am cheating or something, but I did want an accurate record to compare my success to. Any thoughts?

    I know what you mean, that's why I put my heaviest weight in my signature... because that's the most I ever weighed, and the most I ever lost (couldn't go below what I started on MFP though, until I got on MFP and learned why I plateaued for so long!)

    I am so proud of you, Kristi, for posting your info and being open and willing with us, with anyone. It's extremely hard to do - I know! - and you've done so much already, you can't know how much you inspire me and encourage me....
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Since we're on the topic of sisters...and pants...

    In my family, I'm the "smallest" person. Two of my sisters are taller, and also struggling with their changing metabolism...
    My younger sister outgrows her clothes, then donates them to me. Up until now, I had to hand them off onto someone else, because they were too big.
    My youngest sister (not younger...youngest...I have 3 sisters) is quite tall, put on a bit of weight, and I NEVER thought I'd fit into her pants...but I did. That was an eye-opener for me.

    And, of course, being sisters...We go round and round about who may have lost a bit of weight. Seems we regress to the days when we were kids and felt the need to compete about everything. But what I've learned is this: If it looks like one sister is doing better, we may not give her the recognition she deserves, but we become motivated. In secret...Because Heaven forbid it should look like we're taking her advice.

    So maybe that will happen with your sister, Sheila...
    In person, she may act like she's in denial, but if you plant the seed, it may grow...

    Just my thoughts on a lovely Saturday afternoon...
    Is "housework" in exercises? I looked, but didn't find it.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey, LI4G - I was sitting here with a glass of chocolate milk when I had this brillaint idea: ChocolateMilk.gifrifle.gif

    I shot your cow!

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: Calls the ASPCA on Kristi! :tongue:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Grrrrr!! Hubby let me oversleep this morning and I didnt get to the gym before the little ones showed up.

    We went to the movies last night and were out late. Hub's and son went and saw the Wolverine movie and I went with the youngest to see 17 Again with Zac Efron. I tell ya, there is nothing more fun than sitting in a "teen-heart-throb" movie with a bunch of gushing teenage girls. It was soooooo funny!! My daughter and I laughed our butts off the whole time. The movie was good and definitely better than any movie he has done in the past. Its one of those pre-teen movies that adults wont mind sitting through because it actually has a good plot and some hilarious moments. Id give it 3 1/2 out of 5 stars.

    Im currently cleaning house again. The baby is sleepin. We have plans to go for dinner at a friends house. Not sure what shes making so Im definitely planning on doing my "Walk away the pounds" video at some point today, along with my "YOU diet video" which is mostly stretching and strength. Between the 2 of them I should be ok.

    Im thinkin of making a trip to Seattle this week. Just a day trip. Its about 2 hours away, but we have some friends up there we wanna visit and I wanna check something else out.

    Chanty- I hate getting burnt! Im very fair skinned, so I usually burn at least once before I can get a good base tan (which isnt every very dark) Have fun at the Farmers Market! I saw signs yesterday for one close to me, so Im gonna check it out too!!! Lemme know if ya find anything good!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Is "housework" in exercises? I looked, but didn't find it.

    Check under Cleaning in the cardio section.
  • AJWaddlesOn
    AJWaddlesOn Posts: 39
    Ok, one last thing. I came accross an old notebook with my measurements and weight at my heaviest back in 2006. I decided I wanted a record of the whole journey, so I posted those numbers in my check in section. I see now that it back dates my ticker, too. So, I don't want to seem like I am cheating or something, but I did want an accurate record to compare my success to. Any thoughts?

    POST IT AND OWN IT SISTER! Those are my thoughts. You worked your bum off (literally) and need to give yourself the credit. Not to mention that is motivational for everyone else! We struggle daily to be accountable for our "failures" and not beat ourselves up - we need to do the same for ourselves with our successes and pat ourselves on the back! It is all part of your journey!
  • AJWaddlesOn
    AJWaddlesOn Posts: 39
    I am SO proud of myself! My son had a baseball game this afternoon and it has become a bit of a tradition to go to a little mom and pop BBQ joint by our house afterwards. I usually order a pulled pork sandwich with all the yummy sides. Today I ordered my sandwich with NO bun and a side salad! And I wasn't embarrassed a bit to order it the way I wanted it. Good for me! I was able to eat out and stay within my calories!
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Checking in quickly...its 11pm here(thats late for me!). We just got back from a softball tournament and headed back for the rest of it tomorrow. I hope to read what was posted today tomorrow am before we head out. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    cyndeebee - Thanks.. I have tryed to tell her about this website.. but she says she dont have time...I even told her that she could text me and I could input her info although I know it wont be the same.. I just want her to get started... I hear you about the competition kinda thing... My sister always has to compete in everything but this...I think she was sick of hearing everyone tell me I look Good!!! which made me feel good...but I didnt want her to get upset...

    Today my 16 yr old daughter says mom you getting smaller then me... I wasnt sure If I should say really NO I dont think so ... or ???? I dont want anyone to feel bad cuz I am losing I just want them to be healthy with me...

    Kristi - I just want to tell you that you are an insperation to me... You are so funny and outgoing determind...I am very proud of all your exersice that you have been doing... Keep up all your hard work...

    I want to share a picture of me from this evening cuz I really thought I was pretty cute...I went to my youngest daughters Ice Show... which it turned out very nice...it was 3 hours Long... my poor bum from the bleachers... I have bleacher bum now!!! anyway here is the picture of me tonight...


    I should show you a skating pitcure of my youngest daughter...these are from last year at her competitions..


    this one is her showcase to I want to be a cowboy sweetheart...



    so this is my baby and this is what she does 95% of the time... she is always on the ice..

    Anyway its getting late so I will catch up on the rest of the posts in the morning.. Hope everyone is having a great weekend....

  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    not sure why my daughters pic didnt come out but I will try again tomorrow I am sleepy...


    I changed my ticker also cuz it hard to keep track of my heaviest weight and when I stared MFP so I just put in my weight in Feb when I went to the dr... and I started MFP in March..
  • indianagranny
    indianagranny Posts: 863
    Good Morning

    Sheila - your picture looks fantastic. you really look awesome and how happy can you be when you are getting healthier. you are a sweetheart and an inspiration. this deal with your sister - Sheila - I know you enjoy your successes and worry about her to but it has to be her choicew and it is not yet so just keep working and hopefully she will come around. my sister is the opposite - she is way to skinny but thinks she is so healthy . Also girl - you inspire me so much - I have a leg giving so problems this morning - although I am taking it easier I jump into my exercising and did it cause I kept you and your pains in my mind. We can do tghis Sheila - work off the pounds and work through our injuries.

    Jamie - thanks for always checking in and saying hello or good - night I for one appreciate that. You are one busy girl - it seems like you never sit down

    Chanty - my mouth is watering with the talk of the Farmer's Market. our season back here has probably about another two weeks before they start here - so right now I just have the stores but I really can't wait til they get here. Enjoy girl!!

    Adopt4 - thanks you for sharing the tips from the trainer. I read and reread them. Keep working girl - just think of what you are working for - being healthier altogether ! you are doing such a wonderful job.

    LI4G - thanks for the tip from your book. it is a good point. keep sharing. congradulations on your successes in the c2- 5k program. it is on my lists of things I want to do but just haven't taken the plunge.

    healthymom - i too was losing more when I was planning and I think my sodium levels were down a lot lower even when I went over my sodium. I am going to try to get back in to the planning mode.

    AJwaddleson - I am inspire too by you. with your hours - I don't see how you do it. Keep up the good work, good attitudes and keep posting. way to go - ordering no bun.

    Kristi - Oh Kristi - I agree with AJ post it girl. was you not the one who told me that I had lost that weight so I had earned it. You are so cute and funny - I enjoy you being on this board and reading your posts. By the way - what exercises are we doing this week. Are we still getting in the wall - aways?

    Ok gang today is my 2 month anniversary on MFP so I did step on the scale this morning and am going to post it. 195.2 which is 20.8 pounds on two months. My biggest thrill is that the scale actually went down since Friday just .2 pounds but for the last 3 - 4 weeks the scales has always went up for me on the weekends. I am so much happier and healthier even though I have 30+ more to go. I have been noticing little things just out of the blue this weekend. When I go to tan for my psorasis, I take up less room in the tanning bed, my ankle bracelets are laying lower on my ankle and I got into a size 14 of my girl - friends jeans - Granted it is the 2% stretch added jeans but it is still a 14. In some pants I was wearing a 20. My tops I come from a 20 - 22 to a button down the front 16- 18. And my boobs are down from a 46dd to 40dd. and looking in the mirror although still needs to go down, I can tell. So Kristi, today it is a smile and not a frown and I am happy. To you that the scale doesn't seem to move -keep going, hang in there, you can do it.

    Thanks to everyone of you for being here for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Thank You Indianagranny - Its kinda funny that you inspire me along with the rest of the team...its funny cuz my sister would make this a competition... I feel that the Team is a Team and we just help each other out anyway we can... That is great for the lost inches!!! like the team told me be careful with the pain you dont want to over do it because it can set you back so be careful...

    with alll my lost inches I dont have money to buy clothes for Jamaica I need to make sure I buy a bathing suit but I dont have the extra for the clothes.. I was thinking that I could try on my daughters clothes!! and see if I can fit in them but I dont want to hurt her feelings... then last night she says to me mom your smaller then me!!! what was I going to say but no I'm not!!! so that is my next goal is to fit into my daughters clothes buy Jamaica so I have something to wear!!! Only 1 week and 6 days until I leave...

    Kristi- You keep up everthing you are doing!!! making us all laugh our bums off....pretty soon you will be catching up to Me!!!!

    Here is silly Idea??? for those who grow out of their pants pass then to a team member that is going into that size!!! we can be the Team of Traveling Pants!!!

    DSC07209.jpg This is my daughter last year in her sk8ing

    DSC08551.jpg this is her doing her showcase to I want to be a cowboy sweetheart... she took 1st place this is also last year!!!

    DSC08566.jpg this is her sk8ing with her guitar

    I hope it comes out this time... If not not sure what I did???

    well I am finishing my breakfast then I am off to my yougest's ice show again last day for it!!!
    see you all later.....

  • indianagranny
    indianagranny Posts: 863
    the team of traveling pants - Sheila now that is funny
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    okay this is the last try...getting fusterated!!! with trying

    This is my daugher in her freestyle skate and my mother made her costume...

    This is my daughter in her compulsery it is just moves no music
    same compuslsery
    This is my daughter doing her showcase sk8 to I want to be a cowgboy sweetheart!!!
    my mother made this costume also

    well here it goes... lets see if it works... if not I will put them in my profile so you can look there if you want...
