T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Week 13



  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    the team of traveling pants - Sheila now that is funny

    I thought so!!!!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Sheila, all I can say is WOOOOOOW *whistles* - you rock! :drinker:
    And your daughter, omG, she is AMAZING! Simply amazing! Tell her she's got some fans on MFP :wink: . You must be a very proud mum! :flowerforyou:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Sheila that picture is adorable and so are your girls...

    Everyone else.. I was MIA most of the day. Another baby shower.. One next weekend too and then should be fine I think for a week or too... I hope. I'm over them..

    Today I am going to clean house, do laundry and all that good stuff.. Maybe a walk around the neighborhood if the weather permits... I was thinking of asking my neighbor but for some reason she won't answer her phone the last few times I called.. She is a friend on myspace and facebook and when my ticker changes with any updated weightloss I usually get an email saying her husband is giving her a hard time, she is feeling jealous stuff like that... SO sheila I know what ya mean, I don't mean to make her feel bad but I am proud of my 30 lbs and I've worked hard for them...

    Well I am off the computer for a bit.. Need to move around...

  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Dewdrop - thanks for the kind words! Its so good to have you dropping in. [...] when I talk to them, I think of you and wonder how you are doing, so its always good when you check in! And, congrats on the weight loss!

    You are soooooo sweet :flowerforyou: :love: :smooched: :embarassed: :bigsmile: THANK YOU!
  • AJWaddlesOn
    AJWaddlesOn Posts: 39
    Just a little reminder of how amazng you all are!

    One Flaw In Women

    Women have strengths that amaze men.
    They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
    but they hold happiness, love and joy.

    They smile when they want to scream.
    They sing when they want to cry.
    They cry when they are happy
    and laugh when they are nervous.
    They fight for what they believe in.
    They stand up to injustice.

    They don't take "no" for an answer
    when they believe there is a better solution.

    They go without so their family can have.
    They go to the doctor with a frightened friend. They love unconditionally.
    They cry when their children excel
    and cheer when their friends get awards.

    They are happy when they hear about
    a birth or a wedding.
    Their hearts break when a friend dies.
    They grieve at the loss of a family member,
    yet they are strong when they
    think there is no strength left.
    They know that a hug and a kiss
    can heal a broken heart.

    Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

    They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
    to show how much they care about you..

    The heart of a woman is what
    makes the world keep turning.

    They bring joy, hope and love.
    They have compassion and ideas.
    They give moral support to their
    family and friends.

    Women have vital things to say
    and everything to give.

  • AJWaddlesOn
    AJWaddlesOn Posts: 39
    Sheila - you look amazing! You are just radiating joy and confidence. You are an inspiration! And your daughter is adorable. As a mom, it is so much fun to watch your child when they are doing something they love. My daughter does gymnastics and I swear she never stops smiling and hops and skips instead of walking the whole time she is at the gym. It warms my heart!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Here is silly Idea??? for those who grow out of their pants pass then to a team member that is going into that size!!! we can be the Team of Traveling Pants!!!

    That is an AWESOME idea!! I already gave a bunch of my clothes to adopt4. Mostly shirts, but it was stuff she needed. I have more stuff in the 18-20 size from Lane Bryant and Torrid that will soon be ready to go. Most of it is like brand new (as in I just bought it last year and have hardly worn it). Im in between a 16-18 and can still wear some of it, but it wont be long before they are hanging off me like the 2x size. I wore a shirt last night that I purchased last fall that I am pissed but pleased to pass on. Is one of my more comfy, cute tops.. but its too big for me now. I also have a pretty formal dress that is a size 20. Black and white, so if anyone needs one I'd be happy to pass it on. I wore it once, last year when hubby and I went to the vampire ball, but I wont be able to wear it again. Would be great for a formal event or a night out on the town. I really cant afford to spend a bunch on a smaller size right now, especially since I have 2 more sizes to drop.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    AJ, what a wonderful poem - thanks for sharing it! It is so true, isn't it. We are quick to celebrate others successes, but seldom see them in ourselves. And, good job on your goals and strength yesterday!

    Li4g, I saw a receipe for low carb margarita mix and thought of you. :wink: Am wondering whats on the BBQ today, in case I drop in. :bigsmile:

    Sheila, your daughter really does look happy, just as AJ said. Great pics.

    Lisa, wow, you are on fire today! Good job making it through the weekend not just not gaining, but actually losing weight. And thanks for asking, I am still doing the wall aways. I mentioned that my sis the trainer came over and helped me with an exercise plan, I alternate the wall-aways with a similar motion using the resistance bands. Put it behind my back and then push away with my arms. I also got a ball (think I mentioned this) because my last one went flat - I think the cat got it, or maybe the iron. Anyway, am now incorporating ball squats agaiinst the wall. So, again, thanks for asking. I want everyone to do that and keep me accountable!

    Nita, I am with you, gotta get up and move around. The sun is out, FINALLY. So a great day to be outside!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member

    Your daughter is SOOOO cute!!! And skating is great exercise!! Those outfits your mom made are great!! Looks like she is very talented with a sewing machine just like my MIL.

    Your pic is very cute!! Love the outfit!!

    As for your sister, as far as Im concerned you have EVERY right to be happy about what you have accomplished. Dont let other people make you feel guilty for the success. If they cant be happy for you its because they are mad at themselves for not doing what they know they should. Its not like you havent tried with your sister to get her to go to the gym. She made her choice and now shes just frustrated she didnt listen to her own advice. She is happy for your success, just upset with herself. She'll come around eventually.

    As for your daughter, have you asked her if she wants to join MFP?? Its never too early to get her on board with living healthy. I know I wish my parents had given me some advice on it when I was younger. Maybe get her to the gym with you. Im sure once she gets started, she'll be hooked just like you and you are her best role model! Have her come join our team!! It would be a blast to have her! I made my oldest sign up after we purchased the new scale and she stepped on it and said "wow, Ive lost 5# since track started!" :noway: :noway: She does NOT need to lose ANY weight!! Little miss skinny minnie! I told her she needed to keep track of what she was eating to make sure she is eating ENOUGH for how much she is running. She likes it so far, but isnt into the message boards yet. Just using the food journal.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Li4g, I saw a receipe for low carb margarita mix and thought of you. :wink: Am wondering whats on the BBQ today, in case I drop in. :bigsmile:

    She shoots my cow and now she wants to eat it!!!!!! LMAO!

    low carb margarita's.....hmmmm... ok.. your forgiven! Altho, I dont feel much like drinkin right now. I had 2 rum & coke's at our friends house (over a period of 5 hours) last night and woke up this morning feeling hungover like I got drunk off my butt. All that damn sugar in the soda gave me a sugar hangover...:sick: Havent had real soda in almost 3 months and I am NEVER drinking that crap again!!!!

    Actually, I havent gotten that far to plan dinner yet. Was waiting to see if the weather is going to cooperate or not. Might do some steaks since I have plenty in the freezer, but we had tri-tip last night for dinner so Im thinking some nice Marinated Chicken Kabobs sound good. Sides being lots of stir fried veggies and some whole grain rice. I have a VERY ripe pineapple and some watermelon too. Easy, cheap and I already have the stuff to do it without going to the grocery.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Pesky photobucket!

    Well, someone has to help you eat that cow! Dinner sounds good! What can I bring?

    Hey, just tried honey flavored fage. HOLY DOUGHNUTS!!! It is so good!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Stupid rain and wind.. Can't do anything.. It's soo windy and cold here today...
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    lulubar-SW205/GW145/CW191 +2 lbs.:ohwell:

    Is this why you're so silent? *hugs* I miss your posts!!! :flowerforyou:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Hey I'm up for the traveling pants! Who else is in? I have size 24s to give to someone... need 18-20 (18 in stretchy, 20 in non stretchy). But my boobs aren't shrinking that much so I"m still in a 2x...
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    lulubar-SW205/GW145/CW191 +2 lbs.:ohwell:

    Is this why you're so silent? *hugs* I miss your posts!!! :flowerforyou:

    :laugh: Nah, I've had worse set backs in my journey ~ Just been a really busy weekend. But thanks dewdrop - sweet of you to ask. Trust me, I know what I need to do to get rid of that 2 pounds. My journey doesn't seem to be a straight forward march out of the land of gluttony and sloth, but more a forward-sideways-backwards skitter - like I'm sneaking away from my old ways and don't really want them to catch on to what I'm up to.:blushing: :grumble: I'll get the hang of it though ~ I'm a pretty determined little cookie, (dang, bad food reference:grumble: ) okay, a pretty smart apple, just learn best from my own mistakes.

    Seems like reading over everyone's posts, many of us have hit some bumps in the road over the last couple of weeks ~ particularly where food choices are concerned. All part of the learning curve and I'm sure we've all learned our lessons well.

    I think the "travelling pants" idea is a scream! I'll have to see what I have, but I might be too short for most of you (5'2"). Adopt4, how tall are you? I may have some things for you. Also, thanks for sharing your trainer with us!!!!!

    This weekend we cleaned out the garage, ran errands, today I fixed a huge and healthy late lunch and my daughter and her boyfriend and my son were all here. I was really nice.

    Sheila - love the pics - your daughter is precious! How old is she again? Love, love the outfit! Hats off to your mom's sewing skill!

    Kristi - when you do the ball-squats, is that where you put the ball between your back and the wall and then squat? Those are really hard! I should add that to my workout.

    Check back later, going to watch Amazing Race:bigsmile:
  • indianagranny
    indianagranny Posts: 863
    Sheila - your daughter is adorable and I echo whatDewdrop said - tell her she has so many fans here in T.H.E. Team. the outfits are darling - your mom must be so proud also.

    Adopt4 - I have some tops that would probably work. My pants traveled on out the door on a rummage sale my girl friend and I had.

    Kristi - huh are you sharing the recipe fow the low cal margarita? sounded interesting. and honey I was just checking you on your exercises. keep up the good work! you are doing so good.

    LI4G - you mentioned it before that we sounded similiar in areas and you are right. my 16 - 18 shirt fits with the exception of being tight in one area. will you take a little of mine please?

    AJwaddleson - enjoyed the poem - thanks for sharing.

    Lulu - your statement about my journey doesn't seem to be straight forward - I couldn't agree more with. I, too have become a determined cookie and WE WILL MAKE IT!!!!!!!!

    Jamie - I assume you will be checking in later when I am at work. Hope you had a good day. did bf win ball tourney.

    Well this is my good - night. Sunday night and I got to go back to work. I dislike Sundays because is the day my sleep is not good - it is my readjusting day.

    Good - night everyone
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    I'll have to do the same and get back on the BMI thing. I need to figure out how to get that number?

    In the main menu from MFP, there's a tab called "Tools". Once you click it, you get another menu, one of the 3 tabs being "BMI". I bet you're at a healthy number :wink: .

    Thank you Dewdrop!

    Ok, so my BMI is 27.7 and I am Over. It says a target weight range for my height is 125.3-169.3. I am 5'9'' and have a hard time believing 125lbs at my height is healthy....

    Jamie, My daughter is 24 and is 5'9 and weighs 120 and it IS TOO SKINNY!! I tell her all the time she is too skinny... She is a size 2.... I would say 130 or 135....

    Here is a pic of her at Christmas about 130 and she looks good..


    Your daughter looks great! A size 2, geez! I would be so happy to eventually be a single number size, haha. But I would be thrilled with a size 10!
  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Kristi....I'm going to type my answers right behing your questions.......
    Jamie, I think this little check list might be helpful for you, too, maybe not, but its worth a try:
    1. Are you eating adequate calories - but not too many? YES THOUGH I AM CONSIDERING STOPPING EATING MY EXERCISE CALS.
    2. Are you drinking plenty of water, YEP :wink: AT LEAST 100 OZ PER DAY
    3. Do you spread your meals through out the day, eating about every 2 to 2.5 hours? I ATTEMPT TO...WITH WEEKS LIKE LAST WEEK I WAS TOO BUSY AT WORK TO EAT DURING THE DAY AND HAD TO EAT A LARGER LUNCH AND BREAKFAST.
    4. Do you get plenty of quality rest - at least 6-7 hours a night? I TRY! I GET AT LEAST 7....I TRY FOR 8HOURS BUT THAT DOESN'T ALWAYS HAPPEN.
    5. Do you do strength training at least 2-3 days a week? I HAD BEEN 2x PER WEEK EXCEPT FOR LAST WEEK - I DO ALOT OF SQUATS AND WITH MY HEEL I HAD TO LAY OFF A BIT.
    I totally get you about the weight range thing - my healthy range is 129 to 174 lbs. I could maybe do 174, but its more likely that 190 - 200 is a healthy range for me (according to the director of the fitness institute at a local hospital). So, don't stress the numbers, go by how you feel, and how your clothing fits, what size you are in, and your general health.

    Here is what songbyrdsweet said about strength training in the Banks Plan post: "-Lifting one day a week, unfortunately, won't cause lasting adaptations. De-training occurs after about 3 days, so lifting once a week will give you 6 days of de-training. You won't garner any benefit because you won't be stressing your system frequently enough to cause neurological or physiological changes. It's akin to just running one day a week and not doing any other cardio. You won't be able to improve your time or oxygen consumption efficiency. Even beginners should lift 2-3 days per week. What changes in time is the duration and intensity, and then you can add days as well."

  • jamielbeck
    jamielbeck Posts: 188 Member
    Hi Team! :smile:
    So I made it to the end of page 2. I'll need to get to the rest tomorrow morning. I do love mountain dew but I have actually given it up. I might have a sip every once and a while when the bf has some. As I mentioned a bit earlier, I think I am going to stop eating my exercise calories. I know this isn't the way MFP recommends but a month of not losing weight is frustrating and I just keep thinking I have to be doing something wrong. Off to get some sleep. Talk to you all tomorrow and hope your weekends were great! :happy:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Traveling pants - I have size 20 and size 18's .. Short from old navy.. I'm 5'4

    Let me know who is interested...