stay at home moms?



  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    Iowa! Stay at home mommeeeeeee to three boys (9,7 and 3) and a daycare provider to two little one's (1 and 2) :)
  • wd773
    wd773 Posts: 122 Member
    Married stay at home mom of four here! 3 girls and a boy (20year old college student, 13 and 10 year school aged kids and our 2year old.

  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    "My healthy snacks are so much more expensive than their regular snacks are."

    Does this imply that your kids snacks are unhealthy? Everyone should eat healthy :)
  • KatBuz7
    KatBuz7 Posts: 20 Member
    I am also a SAHM, we have 2 beautiful boys... the oldest will be 3 in May, and youngest will be 1 in June... the worst part about staying home is total access to fridge and pantry whenever i want it!!! lol
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    SAHM to 5 here. Anyone can feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:

    I'm lucky to live in Southern California. We always have fresh veggies and fruits for fairly cheap and I buy a ton of them and we all eat them. I also exercise with my kids when I can, sometimes with hubs, sometimes alone, sometimes with the "support" of my puppy lol. I just fit it in at whatever time of day it happens to fit each day. :heart: We also try to make it a point to do activities that involve getting active as a family instead of just doing exercise for the sake of me getting in a workout.
  • Mandy_Pandy
    Hey ladies and some gentlemen!!!! How has everyone's day been? I have been so super busy. I went for a nice run this morning then my mom came over and helped me clean out and organize my pantry. Holy crow! I can't even tell you how much crap I got rid of and how clean and fantastic it is now! :bigsmile:

    Now, I think we are going to go outside and enjoy this insanely beautiful day!

    4 more days until my spartan race!!! Aroooooo!!!! :happy:
  • garp4
    garp4 Posts: 59 Member
    My youngest was sick today so I had to skip zumba at the Y this morning, but luckily my DH was home in time for me to go to the evening class!

    I did allot of cleaning today, kitchen and bathrooms and dining rooms. We are getting ready to get new countertops in the kitchen and DH seems to think I can do the tile backsplash, anyone done one before? Is it hard?
  • CPReaves
    CPReaves Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'm a SAHM to 4 kids - ages 12, almost 6, 3, and 21 months (2 boys, 2 girls). I also watch a 2-year-old daughter of a good friend 5 days a week, and my niece and nephew 3 days a week. Would love some other SAHM friends!
  • mememe84
    mememe84 Posts: 35 Member
    SAHM to little girl 2 1/2 find it hard of a night not to munch on sweets or anything fattening. feel free to add me an we can help each other along the journey I've lost 61lb so far x