Starvation mode article that I found very VERY helpful....



  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,682 Member
    yeah I don't see how eating under 1200 Calories / day is that bad according to my math fitness pal says a pound is 3500 Calories every Calorie I cut seems to make a difference of .01 lbs in 5 weeks that means cut just 10 Calories/day and you lose .1 pounds extra in that 5 weeks it forecast for. one possibility I see for the plateau effect is that as you lose weight ( Newtons or pounds) you lose the ability for the same distance to burn the same number of Calories, W=F*D work equals force times distance if you cut down the force by giving away mass ( the 2 are not equal) and keep distance the same the amount of work done is lower. one kilogram loss is losing almost 10 joules ( about 1/418 Calories) of work done / meter distance over a kilometre that means a few Calories.
    Easy for you to say or to write. Not so easy for me to read or to follow, and I'm a copy editor. :tongue:
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    But dairy is good for you everyone needs dairy you should have as much as you can. Stop putting up straw men to deflect from the fact that you are afraid of dairy and having healthy bones. Dairy is good for you it doesnt make you ill nobody is buying that pitty-puppy. Right? Just like people who can't eat anymore because they physically can't or they get sick are also wrong right? you're argument is just not very valid.Being so judgemental doesn't help you or anyone else. Has anyone stopped to think that some comments to people that they need to eat more more more can actually lead people who are not strong willed to overeat ans develop an overeating disorder?
    thing is - ive been there. it hurt my stomach to eat more than 1000 a day, even after exercising and burning 800. made me wanna puke.. but i realized that wasnt normal and i tried to eat more...a little at a time. now im eating 1845 on rest days and up to 2500 on exercise days.. and still losing weight at a great rate. i used to look at labels and think "wow, based on average 2000 calorie diet - i could NEVER eat that much!" and now i wonder how i ever ate so little and still had the energy to get out of bed. my body adapted, and i let it get that bad.
    and ill still say it to people doing the same - they need to eat more. if they want to keep their organs functioning properly and their bodies from eating itself from the inside out, they need to eat more.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Glad you can eat more that's awesome and some people eat less that's awesome too. We all can only stomach so much.
    But dairy is good for you everyone needs dairy you should have as much as you can. Stop putting up straw men to deflect from the fact that you are afraid of dairy and having healthy bones. Dairy is good for you it doesnt make you ill nobody is buying that pitty-puppy. Right? Just like people who can't eat anymore because they physically can't or they get sick are also wrong right? you're argument is just not very valid.Being so judgemental doesn't help you or anyone else. Has anyone stopped to think that some comments to people that they need to eat more more more can actually lead people who are not strong willed to overeat ans develop an overeating disorder?
    thing is - ive been there. it hurt my stomach to eat more than 1000 a day, even after exercising and burning 800. made me wanna puke.. but i realized that wasnt normal and i tried to eat more...a little at a time. now im eating 1845 on rest days and up to 2500 on exercise days.. and still losing weight at a great rate. i used to look at labels and think "wow, based on average 2000 calorie diet - i could NEVER eat that much!" and now i wonder how i ever ate so little and still had the energy to get out of bed. my body adapted, and i let it get that bad.
    and ill still say it to people doing the same - they need to eat more. if they want to keep their organs functioning properly and their bodies from eating itself from the inside out, they need to eat more.
  • science_man_88
    I just find it sooooooo hard to believe that I weight 60 lb more than I need to and reducing my calories to 1200 calories a day or less will PREVENT me from losing weight? It just does not make sense to me! Also about 4 years ago after I had my 3rd baby I weighed about 220 lb and went on a diet that was lower than 1200 calories per day and had absolutely no problem whatsoever losing the weight within 6 months time...I went from 205 (to be weight) to about 150 in 6 months eating less than 1200 cal per day, lifting weights daily and eating whatever I wanted on a Saturday...And I was 37 years old 4 years ago so the age factor was against me as well! Why was I able to lose this weight so successfully when everywhere I read on here everyone says I must eat well over 1200 to lose...remember I lifted weights every single day and ate less than 1200 (some days probably 900) and still lost around 50 lb in 6 months...I am interested your opinions on this...
    yeah I don't see how eating under 1200 Calories / day is that bad according to my math fitness pal says a pound is 3500 Calories every Calorie I cut seems to make a difference of .01 lbs in 5 weeks that means cut just 10 Calories/day and you lose .1 pounds extra in that 5 weeks it forecast for. one possibility I see for the plateau effect is that as you lose weight ( Newtons or pounds) you lose the ability for the same distance to burn the same number of Calories, W=F*D work equals force times distance if you cut down the force by giving away mass ( the 2 are not equal) and keep distance the same the amount of work done is lower. one kilogram loss is losing almost 10 joules ( about 1/418 Calories) of work done / meter distance over a kilometre that means a few Calories.

    Cutting calories also cuts nutrition.

    true but please note all but one time I've gone over 1200 Calories I've gone over at least one my limits as set ( also is there any way to do things like diabetic or nephrotic syndrome ?
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Glad you can eat more that's awesome and some people eat less that's awesome too. We all can only stomach so much.
    i think you missed the entire point of my post.
    you may be able to only stomach so much now, but in the long run its not healthy and it can be changed. you just have to be willing to do it.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member

    true but please note all but one time I've gone over 1200 Calories I've gone over at least one my limits as set ( also is there any way to do things like diabetic or nephrotic syndrome ?
    that doesnt surprise me. there could be a couple things going on there. not preplanning to make sure your marcos are met but not over. also more likely if you have the defaults still. i changed my macro %s and when i plan out my days and stick to it, i dont go over anything
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Another day, another person trying to get people to agree that poor eating habits are the key to weight loss

  • science_man_88

    true but please note all but one time I've gone over 1200 Calories I've gone over at least one my limits as set ( also is there any way to do things like diabetic or nephrotic syndrome ?
    that doesnt surprise me. there could be a couple things going on there. not preplanning to make sure your marcos are met but not over. also more likely if you have the defaults still. i changed my macro %s and when i plan out my days and stick to it, i dont go over anything

    only thing I plan is to lose weight and possibly fat I'm supposed to watch my sodium and I don't eat big breakfasts. I stopped snacking lately but now to not go under 1200 ( admittedly I have a few times) Calories in a day with what I'm now eating I need to snack. also I've been exercising a good bit on the Wii fit plus.
  • veganjeanie
    veganjeanie Posts: 158 Member
    It also depends on your frame and metabolism. I'd gain weight eating more than 1200 calories. I'm 5'4" with a small frame, and I'm 51 years old. I'd LOVE to eat more, believe me, but I'm maintaining 125lb at 1000-1200/day. I get plenty of exercise, and eat all my calories. You may think 125 is small, but not on my frame, I still have handfuls of bit of belly fat that I'd like to lose.
  • gleechick609
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member

    only thing I plan is to lose weight and possibly fat I'm supposed to watch my sodium and I don't eat big breakfasts. I stopped snacking lately but now to not go under 1200 ( admittedly I have a few times) Calories in a day with what I'm now eating I need to snack. also I've been exercising a good bit on the Wii fit plus.
    i used to do that too, and almost always went over carbs and fat while not reaching my calorie goals. now before i go to bed, i sit and plan the next days meals and tweak serving sizes and such until everything is good...
    really as a man, you shouldnt be netting lower than 1500.. youll lose weight just fine for a while...but youll also lose muscle. big deficits arent the answer.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member

  • horror_hamster
    *bump* (simply for the entertainment)
  • science_man_88
    Another day, another person trying to get people to agree that poor eating habits are the key to weight loss


    not to demean you but I think I eat pretty crap for the condition I grew up with with the exercise I've been doing lately I've lost about 4 pounds in 2 weeks which puts me at the fastest this thing will let you drop in your goal settings. some of my weight loss may be water weight since I cut back on my sodium intake a little more.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I got your point it just has no bearing to me. But good post.
    Glad you can eat more that's awesome and some people eat less that's awesome too. We all can only stomach so much.
    i think you missed the entire point of my post.
    you may be able to only stomach so much now, but in the long run its not healthy and it can be changed. you just have to be willing to do it.
  • o0IrishEyes0o
    o0IrishEyes0o Posts: 82 Member
    I say live and let live :)

    Personally, I happen to agree with the OP. I lost weight on a low carb diet that had me eating constantly, but struggling to go over 1000 calories a day. It was the healthiest I've ever been. Lost the weight I wanted, never got sick, was getting more vitamins / nutrients via eating (as opposed to taking a suppliment) and I felt great :)

    And yes I maintained the loss. I gained a bit back when I started eating convenience foods. (IE: I practically lived at chik fil a). And even that took 3 years and I only gained about half back.

    YES, your metabolism slows down if you reduce calories, but it's not the screeching halt everyone thinks it is. It's slightly lower. If that bugs you, then dont' do it. IF you don't mind, then no biggie. I dont see the need to get nasty and put people down.
  • science_man_88

    only thing I plan is to lose weight and possibly fat I'm supposed to watch my sodium and I don't eat big breakfasts. I stopped snacking lately but now to not go under 1200 ( admittedly I have a few times) Calories in a day with what I'm now eating I need to snack. also I've been exercising a good bit on the Wii fit plus.
    i used to do that too, and almost always went over carbs and fat while not reaching my calorie goals. now before i go to bed, i sit and plan the next days meals and tweak serving sizes and such until everything is good...
    really as a man, you shouldnt be netting lower than 1500.. youll lose weight just fine for a while...but youll also lose muscle. big deficits arent the answer. here's a page I made on the condition I semi grew out of.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Another day, another person trying to get people to agree that poor eating habits are the key to weight loss


    not to demean you but I think I eat pretty crap for the condition I grew up with with the exercise I've been doing lately I've lost about 4 pounds in 2 weeks which puts me at the fastest this thing will let you drop in your goal settings. some of my weight loss may be water weight since I cut back on my sodium intake a little more.

    I would never argue that eating 800-1000 calories a day won't make you lose weight, of course it will! But I do see a lot of blanket statements on this thread that eating 1200 calories is just fine and a great way to good health. It's not a one size fits all model. Personally I eat over 2600 calories which is up from 1600 I was doing last year and you know what, I'm losing over a lb a week and doing it in a healthy and safe way. It's not magic, and it's not a quick fix of starving my body of what it needs to lose weight as fast as possible.

    I was certainly losing it on the 1600 cals also but I was feeling tired, weak all the time. Now I feel full of energy and getting stronger by the way! I saw the light thanks to professionals in the nutrition field and a lot of good friends on here who share the philosophy of fueling your body for it to grow strong.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    It also depends on your frame and metabolism. I'd gain weight eating more than 1200 calories. I'm 5'4" with a small frame, and I'm 51 years old. I'd LOVE to eat more, believe me, but I'm maintaining 125lb at 1000-1200/day. I get plenty of exercise, and eat all my calories. You may think 125 is small, but not on my frame, I still have handfuls of bit of belly fat that I'd like to lose.
    and thats a bit different - your bmr is/should be about 1167 due to age and height, etc.
    there are lots of people here who are undereating simply because they want to lose faster. thats not healthy. a lot of people lower their BMR more than necessary by doing that.
    side note: you might want to focus more on strength training to work on the belly fat youd like to get rid of. it works wonders!
  • gleechick609
    It also depends on your frame and metabolism. I'd gain weight eating more than 1200 calories. I'm 5'4" with a small frame, and I'm 51 years old. I'd LOVE to eat more, believe me, but I'm maintaining 125lb at 1000-1200/day. I get plenty of exercise, and eat all my calories. You may think 125 is small, but not on my frame, I still have handfuls of bit of belly fat that I'd like to lose.

    If you have handfulls of belly fat, that means what you are losing is lean muscle mass, not fat. This is a perfect example of what undereating does.