That TOTALLY awkward moment when...



  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    when you think it's gonna be a silent one and it AINT.

    hahaha and working out always "works out' people's built up gas
  • kevin_d77
    kevin_d77 Posts: 7 Member
    Back at University of Florida, I weighed MAYBE 140lbs at 5'-8", we were working out were the athletes work out. I grab two heavy (for me at the time) dumbbells, go to the flat bench to do dumbbell press, lean back full force and realize that when I sat down I did so crookedly. The bench wasnt quite totally underneath me so I fell and the dumbbells fell with me and made quite a racket. Quite entertaining for the future NFL stars to laugh at the skinny white kid busting his *kitten*.....
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Treadmill gas...jeez, it rocks sometimes especially when Stinky hops on the one next to you after you've been on for 40min with 10 to go. Ammo he can't breathe either :flowerforyou: you're welcome. Yea I meant to do it.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    Well, at my work's wellness center, the leg press machine is right in front of a row of treadmills (Basically its under the TV's), so here I am doing my whole stack (400lbs) 15 reps, 4 sets workout, and near the end I had to give it everything I got, and in the compressed position some air escaped at the wrong end pretty loudly (in front of a full set of treadmill runners), so that was pretty embarrassing, with no particularly good way to recover from it.

  • I was doing sit ups on the inverted bench with a medicine ball (my now ex would toss it to me, I'd toss it back) and I totally misjudged the speed the ball came back at me and ended up slamming it into my face. My front teeth were loose for days!
    I told him before we started that something terrible would happen!
  • hollyberry2012
    hollyberry2012 Posts: 239 Member
    y'all are cracking me UP...

    we are all OKAY...

    as long as we don't end up on's all gonna be fine...LOL
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I posted this elsewhere, but it fits here too.

    I just started NROL4W last week. One of the exercises is Lat Pulldown using a pulley machine. Well, the bar is way too tall for me so I have to climb to reach it, then pull it down to my level and get in position for the exercise. I'm normally able to pulldown ~ 1/2 my body weight on other machines, so that's what I set it for. Except it didn't go as planned.

    Instead of pulling it down with me, it pulled me up with it. I was dangling there laughing to myself until I let go. The funniest part to me was that everyone around me was trying to act as if nothing happened.
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    A week or so ago I was waiting for my train, which was about 10 minutes away. So not wanting to sit or stand still, but instead get some walking in, I walked up and down the empty platform several times, until the station manager turned up to ask if I was ok, because the guys watching the monitors got very worried when they saw be pacing up and down the platform - not sure if they thought I was going to throw myself in front of a train, or do something worse, but it was very embarassing!
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    That awkward moment in the gym. Ah, yes.

    When you're on the treadmill. You're in the zone. Working up a good sweat. Good pace. Good pace. Keep up the good pace. Whew, I'm killing it today. Good pace. Steady breathing. Oh. Crap. I gotta fart. I gotta fart. I can hold it. Can I hold it? Concentrate on the treadmill. How many more minutes left? 20? Crap. Okay. Hold it in. Hold it in. Can't hold it in. My stomach is starting to hurt. Look around. No one's around. Cool. Take out my headphones just to make sure it's not loud. Let it out slowly. Ah yes. Much better. Oh hell. A foxy lady is coming in now. And occupying the treadmill next to mine.

    Exit stage left....

    Been there.........Done that!!
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    During a rugby match, running to score a try (touchdown in American football) when I get tackled by someone grabbing onto my shorts....and quickly realising I'd forgotten to wear anything underthem!

    Not the first time Id been naked during a rugby event....but thats just normal :glasses:

    Now if only O'Gara did that....*sigh* You're not the only one, I think half the guys on my husbands old team didn't wear anything under their shorts. He's on the old boys team now and surprisingly they seem to have better memories about this kind of thing.

    I was in a course where we were using those bars that you shake and they kinda vibrate and it's like a resistance thing (I forgot what they are called) and the instructor was talking to me, my German is not so good so he speaks in English and so of course everyone is looking directly at the only English speaker in the course to see what she's doing wrong. As I try to make the correction I smacked myself in the nose with the bar thing and it hurt really bad and my eyes started to water. Yeah, it was funny.
  • Trinketona
    Trinketona Posts: 190
    Whats your most embarressing gym/public workout moment??

    Mine was the other day, I had the treadmill set for HIIT and darnit, the damn thing doesnt really warn you when its speeding up to sprint mode, and I had it set to 7.0 from 4.5.... well, I was watching the TV one moment and was kissing the floor the next!


    :laugh: :laugh:
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    Whats your most embarressing gym/public workout moment??

    Mine was the other day, I had the treadmill set for HIIT and darnit, the damn thing doesnt really warn you when its speeding up to sprint mode, and I had it set to 7.0 from 4.5.... well, I was watching the TV one moment and was kissing the floor the next!


    :laugh: :laugh:

    Yeah, when I came home and told my hubby, before he even asked if I was alright he burst out laughing...and laughed and laughed...
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    This happens to me on a regular basis: accidentally singing out loud along with whatever's on my ipod. And of course, it's ONLY during really inappropriate songs. Last week I accidentally sang a portion of Drake/Lil Wanye "The Motto" out loud (I would post what part, but I might get in trouble with the mods---it's not exactly forum appropriate) and the other night it was Rihanna's "Birthday Cake." Let me tell you, you get really awkward looks when out of nowhere you sing "change your name to my b!tch"