too full to eat my cals



  • Focusonfifty
    Focusonfifty Posts: 105 Member
    A lot of people on this thread have the same issue, they lost several pounds and then hit a wall. Their bodies stopped losing because they got used to eating so little. Even though its sounds weird see what they're saying and maybe try eating more, slowly. Some people in here have lost a lot of weight doing it and they get to eat more.

    Yes, there is also a group on MFP titled "Eat More To Weigh Less". We have to feed our bodies, and it actually includes eating your exercise calories.
  • MLA5FL
    MLA5FL Posts: 28 Member
    I eat about the same as you do. I've added protein shakes to help with muscle growth but I'm not about to force myself to eat less healthy or so much that I'm stuffed no matter who says I should. I think everyone is different, experiment a bit and see what works best for you.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member

    I'm very happy you've managed to up your cals to 1100- that's great progress! And in a very short time as well- double good. :)

    You know that eating more will help you get the results you want and fuel your body right- so I'm not going into that bit.

    What I will say is that I have a physical problem eating solid food and the room it takes up in my stomach- I handle liquids much better than solids. If you find yourself unable to up your cals reliably with solid food, please consider some shakes. Not protein shakes, but meal replacement shakes or even muscle gainers as they are even higher. This is just a suggestion for a stop-gap. Of course our food should mainly come from REAL food- not liquid. I have found Myoplex original (300 cals) and Monster Mass (600 cals) to be very helpful while my body becomes readjusted to eating as well as keeping down on my nausea, bloating and vomiting from reintroducing regular food.

    I hope you have nothing but positive, healthy calorie days filled with nummy food and no stomach aches from here on out :)
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    A friend of mine was a recovering anorexic who couldn't keep food down. She had to slowly eat acidophalus yoghurt and reorganise the flora in her gut so they could digest properly again. If she ate too much she would spontaneously throw up, she was so used to vomiting any normal sized meal out of her system.

    What fascinates me is that she never got really really thin. She was kind of puffy, I think from malnutrition, but she never got skeletal even though her calorie intake was very low and her exercise was pathological.

    I wonder if modern young things are so fixated upon becoming 45kg that they waste their lives away eating nothing and giving that their full attention. think of all the hours in the day spent on thinking about eating and imagine they were being used for something else...

    I am sorry if I am off track but I don't think so. I was on 12oo cals a day and there was very little eating going on. Very little. I couldn't maintain it and it failed. Now I'm on a kind of assisted fast which is easier, I don't have to look at food and wonder if I can have any - the answer going in is 'no'. But I am aware that it is an assisted fast and there's no way feeling bloated after one yoghurt is normal.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    if you haven't been eating a lot, your body will not EXPECT you to eat a lot... on the "hunger scale" anyhow. that doesn't mean your body doesnt NEED them though!

    EXACTLY, you are under eating, and your body is in starvation mode. Holding on to the food because you are underfeeding and it does not know when/if another meal is coming.

    trying to change this as we speak :D
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I eat about the same as you do. I've added protein shakes to help with muscle growth but I'm not about to force myself to eat less healthy or so much that I'm stuffed no matter who says I should. I think everyone is different, experiment a bit and see what works best for you.

    im doing that at the moment (working out what works best) i know i need to up my cals .... i eat very little ... but i want to up cals by good foods. I wouldn't add protein shakes or similar i wont even take supplements ... I have a memory like a sieve and know I would never keep it up ... so its the lifestyle change im going for .... finding the right foods for the right diet :)
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member

    I'm very happy you've managed to up your cals to 1100- that's great progress! And in a very short time as well- double good. :)

    You know that eating more will help you get the results you want and fuel your body right- so I'm not going into that bit.

    What I will say is that I have a physical problem eating solid food and the room it takes up in my stomach- I handle liquids much better than solids. If you find yourself unable to up your cals reliably with solid food, please consider some shakes. Not protein shakes, but meal replacement shakes or even muscle gainers as they are even higher. This is just a suggestion for a stop-gap. Of course our food should mainly come from REAL food- not liquid. I have found Myoplex original (300 cals) and Monster Mass (600 cals) to be very helpful while my body becomes readjusted to eating as well as keeping down on my nausea, bloating and vomiting from reintroducing regular food.

    I hope you have nothing but positive, healthy calorie days filled with nummy food and no stomach aches from here on out :)

    to reach my cals I added Seeds nuts and dries fruits "yay" ... a handful of food, no space in the tummy and all the cals I need :D ... Ill add slowly so as not to make myself feel ill

    Im not one for shakes i really only go for "real foods" I cant even remember to take supplements lol .... Im your official walking disaster .... in all honest thou I am a very active fit individual .... I lose weight for about 4 months at a time and take around 8 months to maintain ..... I have (aprox) till the end of june to lose then im back to maintaining .... although I may stay on here to do that .... :)

    no tummy aches so far ... **thumbs up** so heres hopeing the foods ive introduced are a winner :D
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    A friend of mine was a recovering anorexic who couldn't keep food down. She had to slowly eat acidophalus yoghurt and reorganise the flora in her gut so they could digest properly again. If she ate too much she would spontaneously throw up, she was so used to vomiting any normal sized meal out of her system.

    What fascinates me is that she never got really really thin. She was kind of puffy, I think from malnutrition, but she never got skeletal even though her calorie intake was very low and her exercise was pathological.

    I wonder if modern young things are so fixated upon becoming 45kg that they waste their lives away eating nothing and giving that their full attention. think of all the hours in the day spent on thinking about eating and imagine they were being used for something else...

    I am sorry if I am off track but I don't think so. I was on 12oo cals a day and there was very little eating going on. Very little. I couldn't maintain it and it failed. Now I'm on a kind of assisted fast which is easier, I don't have to look at food and wonder if I can have any - the answer going in is 'no'. But I am aware that it is an assisted fast and there's no way feeling bloated after one yoghurt is normal.

    I think with me it was the sudden "up" of cals that made me feel really full ... I don't eat a lot and never have (my foods have obviously been seriously calorific in the past) but i wouldn't know as never logged them then lol

    I know what im doing has to change ... hence the post .... im trying to up the cals in a healthy way ... we do have very healthy meals ... the simply don't have the full cals required lol.

    with the nuts n seeds i have bought i know i can reach 1200 easily ... so yay me lol xx

    good luck on your journey :)
  • crystalgoede
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member