UK low-calorie snacks



  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    walker baked crisp 10 calories a bag, i love crisp and these are a great substitute

    Think you meant 100 cals a bag :wink:
  • lizgov
    lizgov Posts: 10 Member
    How many calories in the bottle of Guinness Craig???
  • zoominzozo
    zoominzozo Posts: 92 Member
    I only snack when I need to get through to the next meal so usually 11am and for me anything under 150 kcals is a snack so not necessarily healthy but as long as it satisfies me at the time and gets me through to lunch at 1pm- that's all that matters.

    Usually Special K bars, really any cereal bar. But nothing beats a nice thick slice of toast with Flora buttery- 1 slice plus spread will come in at about 130ish calories. I'm drooling thinking about it lol.

    Other than that fruit, fruit and more fruit especially if it's for a designated snack time.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Flumps! Only 30 calories the six inch long individually wrapped 10p ones.

    Of course they're hardly healthy, but on those few occasions when I fancy something naughty and sweet they're perfect. :)

    For something a bit healthier, I often have a roast chicken in the fridge, a good chunk of lean meat off that is surprisingly filling.

    Sometimes I just fancy a crunch and celery / cucumber are great for satisfying that.

    Low fat hummus is great with crudites, but check the labels carefully, some low fat versions are still very high calorie. Roast pepper hummus seems to be consistently low calorie across the supermarkets, presumably because of its high vegetable content.

    EDITED TO ADD: Marmite Cheddar cheese, 81 calories a portion, you can't get more British than that! :bigsmile:
    Curly Wurly full size 115 calories
    Freddo Frog 95 calories.

    Generally I try not to eat too many sugary snacks, including fruit, because I've found that they always make me feel super-hungry soon afterwards but the way I see it, it's good to know which ones aren't too high in calories - forewarned is forearmed!
  • zoominzozo
    zoominzozo Posts: 92 Member
    Oooh and for a chocolate attack snack I have anything from a treat sized bag of cadbury's- you know the ones with the mini twirls, flakes, buttons and dairymilk bars in.

    Dairy milk- 64 cals
    Flakes and buttons 75cals
    Twirl- 115cals

    nom nom nom!
  • MissPiggyWiggy
    MissPiggyWiggy Posts: 45 Member
    Weight watchers yoghurts approx 53 cals
    Snack a Jack wholegrain salt and vingaer 40cals each
    Plain popcorn air popped nothing added a cup is 30cals
    Natural Valley Oats & Honey Ganola bar 93cals
    Watchers Watchers ice cream stick 93cals
    Drak choclate 70% a sq 88 cals (good for the blood)
    Babybel light round cheese 53cals
    Ham 11 a slice
    Rye Biscuits and low fat soft cheese
    No added sugar jelly
    Peanuts, almonds and cashnuts (small portion and high protein)
    Low fat skinny latte sachets
    Carrots and cucumber with hummus or low chive dip

    Hope this gives you a few ideas :)
  • i_am_asparagus
    i_am_asparagus Posts: 336 Member
    nakd bars are good, 98 cals, they don't look too appetising but taste really good (the coco loco is great). They're all natural nut, fruit and oat bars.

    I love Nakd bars. Nakd also do different flavours of raisins. :love:

    My other favourite snacks are
    chopped fruit and cottage cheese
    Ryvita with cottage cheese
    a glass of skimmed milk
    apple slices dipped in peanut butter
    protein powder shake
    a glass of almond milk and a home-made protein biscuit
  • iamellie7
    iamellie7 Posts: 4 Member
    You can get Weight Watchers caramel wafers, all kinds of biscuits, caramel mallows etc etc. They've got a big selection, plus they all taste good.

    A caramel mallow (2 caramel wafers with a marshmallow inbetween with caramel inside it) is 55 calories - although be wary of the sugar content.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    keep em comin' ladies n gents :D
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I'll thank you not to jump to conclusions about my eating habits!

    My meals are healthy and I do enjoy them. Nor did I say there is such a thing as a healthy snack. I just need something else to eat to make up my calories when I have days where I barely reach 1200 other than fruit. That is the purpose of this post.

    Thats fair enough - just trying to be helpful, nothing more :smile:
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Bump for to work now! :sad:
  • linzirussell
    linzirussell Posts: 116 Member
    popcorn, if u get the popcorn kernals and pop it in the microwave, its quite low calorie (30 cals a cup) and it tastes nice and is good if u like nibbling on stuff:)
    rice cakes (25 cals per cake)
    carrot/cucumber sticks. (maybe around 50 cals for a large carrot & some cucumber)
    sugar free jelly (30 ish cals in a pint)
    almonds, theyre high calorie but also high protein, (60 ish cals in 10gram serving).
    options hot chocolate, they come in loads of flavours and are lovely! really good for choc craving and all less that 40 cals

    theres loads of stuff :)
  • Whinchat
    Whinchat Posts: 84 Member
    I sometimes buy packets of roasted chickpeas from Holland & Barratt - they're called Garbanzo and come in several differnt flavours: sundried tomato garlic & herb, thai sweet chilli and bombay firecracker. They're nice and crunchy and 88kcal a packet with about 6 or 7g protein I think.

    Nakd bars are yummy for a sweet snack too :)
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    I'll thank you not to jump to conclusions about my eating habits!

    My meals are healthy and I do enjoy them. Nor did I say there is such a thing as a healthy snack. I just need something else to eat to make up my calories when I have days where I barely reach 1200 other than fruit. That is the purpose of this post.

    Thats fair enough - just trying to be helpful, nothing more :smile:

    I know :) Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  • Kaz4ebt
    Kaz4ebt Posts: 5 Member
    Low calorie jellies! You can get little pots of them - usually on offer in Tescos or the like so you can buy in bulk and they're under 10 calories a pot.

    I buy these for when i am at work, they are really yummy and my body thinks I have had a naughty snack. Give them a try, you can get 4 for £2 at the moment, handy to keep in the fridge also
  • gtfcnat
    gtfcnat Posts: 199
    Pink n Whites
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    Like someone else suggested, popcorn.

    I bought a big bag of popping corn from Holland & Barrett last week: corn&rdcnt=1

    It says to use Vegetable Oil I think, but I use spray oil and make sure I spray the pan enough and the corn itself. I had about 25g of it yesterday with a few teaspoons of sweetener. It tasted great, the only problem is that it can burn pretty easily. So I think I would invest in a popcorn air popping machine, maybe then the popcorn won't burn lol. Anyway, that was under 100kcal and 18g carbs, so if you have room for some carbs on some days, try popcorn.

    You could also buy blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc. I had 75g of blueberries yesterday, which pretty much filled this small bowl I had. It's just under 50kcal, 11g carbs and 7g sugar.

    If you enjoy something a little chocolatey, try Nairns Dark Chocolate Oat Biscuits:

    They're pretty good, 49kcal per biscuit, 6.4g carbs, 2.2g sugar and 1.8g fat. So if you still have room try a couple of these.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Pink n Whites
    Yeah, only 50 calories each, marshmallow really is great "value" in terms of sweet / calories.

    As another posted mentioned, weightwatchers now do a version of these with caramel inside, be very very careful if you decide to try them. I bought a packet and snarfed the lot in one go - and I'm not even into sweet stuff!
  • 100lb
    100lb Posts: 75 Member
    People have already suggested the ones I was going to :-) but there are others I hadn't heard of. It'd be great if people mention where get stuff from (unless its normal supermarket)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    It tasted great, the only problem is that it can burn pretty easily. So I think I would invest in a popcorn air popping machine, maybe then the popcorn won't burn lol.
    Popcorn does very well and cleanly in the microwave, mix the corn with a little oil, stick it in a paper bag, pop it until four seconds go by without a bang. Eat.