Anyone else annoyed by other dieters?



  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I'm annoyed by a guy at my job. I'd get alot of nice comments about dropping some weight. I'd tell them I'm just watching my food intake and making sure I get exercise outside of work. There's a guy that got WLS *gastric bypass* and just won't shutup about it. I do think he's actually jealous of me "stealing" some of his thunder.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    So I had dinner with my sister the other day, who is petite and slim, but wanted to lose about 15 lbs before her vacation. She found an app on her iPhone (I forget the name) and plugged in her goal and time frame and it spat out that she should eat 1000 calories a day.

    I kind of freaked out. I started preaching, telling her that wasn't enough, that would SLOW her metabolism, it would take a long time to lose that because of the low caloric intake and that for someone her size (close to her goal weight) it would be a slower process anyways. I tend to run my mouth anyways, and I really tried to not sound judgemental or like a know-it-all but gah. She's had a history of disordered eating and alarm bells were going off in my head.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    YES! Okay just the other dieters in my family. My sis-in-law posts pictures of the 'non-diet friendly' desserts she makes while she is dieting and my aunt is a 'fad' dieter, so it's always something new with her. Some how I find it insulting when they complain that they aren't losing weight. I've tried not to and it doesn't work so I just don't talk to Sil anymore and avoid the topic with my aunt :-)
  • nataliefallbach
    No. I think whatever makes people happy is OK. If you want to weigh 110 pounds and you are 5"7, be my guest and have fun doing it, hee hee. I was 120 once upon a time and I'm 5"7, people constantly told me to eat something and that I looked too skinny, but honestly I go back and look at those photos and I think I looked awesome. I did eat and I worked out all the time. I was healthy, I was also in my early twenties. I am slightly more realistic in my thirties however, could I get back down to 120, yeah, would I enjoy doing it, HELL NO! I think as you get older and weight is harder to lose (this is not a myth), I think I'm OK with the goal of 145. I don't have the free lifestyle I had in my twenties of bartending, skiing everyday and hiking in the afternoons. I work 48 plus hours a week and I have a husband that hates diet food, so I'm compromising. The only thing that does slightly annoy me is people that lie about how they are losing weight, can't stand liers. I don't buy that someone loses 20 plus pounds in a month unless you are stuck on a life raft in the middle of the atlantic or doing something extreme - extremely unhealthy
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    Yeah, I know what you mean. It's sad that media and the like can affect our self-perception so much--to bring us to insane goals! I think people really focus on numbers (especially weight) and not just being healthy and fit for their height and body type. It's difficult not to compare numbers (in my experience at least) with other people but ultimately I try to focus on if I'm happy with how my clothes fit, my endurance, and my commitment to a healthy diet. Keep up your good work and as much as those people shouldn't focus on comparing themselves to others, let's do our best to not let those people annoy us. :-P I'm with ya!

    Thx I can't wait to be we're I wanna be, the media and other ppl really mess with my perception. I look in the mirror in the morning and I feel happy then I see my friend who eats watever and is smaller just feels like a slap in the face. But my fav quote is
    " skinny ppl look good with clothes on, fit ppl look good naked"

    You look like you'd be "fit"
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    Ok so I had a baby 5 months ago and at first I just wanted to get to my pre-pregnancy weight but then I decided to get fit also. So I run, and lift small weights, and other various workouts. I am on a 1000-1200 calorie diet. I mainly use it as a guideline I go over but not by much. I have changed all my eating habits and eat healthy most of the time(I'm not perfect) but I feel like I do good. I have lost about 13 lbs since the new year and 2inches off my waist and 2inchez off my hips. Other inches lost in legs but not much. BUT I'm so annoyed by ppl who barely eat and do alot of exercise or just don't eat period, and see tons of results. Also annoyed by ppl with ridiculous goals. I'm 5'2 and wanna be 118-120lbs and that's a good weight but ppl who are 5'7 and wanna be 118lbs also it just blows my mind cuz that can't be healthy. Basically I just wondering if anyone else is annoyed my this. Rant over!
    "Tons of results" you mean muscle loss. Those people are fools. I suggest you don't believe like them. Real weight loss is slow. Only idiots and the really obese are losing 3 pounds a week.

    Not only the really obese. I've been losing that much the last 6 weeks, but the healthy way. Healthy food choices and exercise. Slower is better and I know as I approach my goal weight that will be the way it goes.

  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    I get annoyed by people who rant about others eating too little (even if the amount they're eating is enough to fit in adequate nutrition for their size & has no apparent detrimental effect) and trying to force them to increase their intakes because of the oh-so harmful "starvation mode!!!11" (which DOES NOT exist by the way). In fact I get annoyed by people who talk about starvation mode period, when there are clearly people around the globe eating below this magic 1200 calorie number and are much slimmer than the majority of Americans.

    I get annoyed by people who say "you should only lose 1 pound a week otherwise you're not doing it RIGHT". I get annoyed by people who have a very high & mighty stance on weight loss and believe that their way is the only way when in reality reduction in calories - no matter if it's done by MORE CARDIO or LESS FOOD or BOTH - plain and simple is the way to lose weight.
  • jamface11
    jamface11 Posts: 87
    i'm annoyed by people who act like 1200 calories is easy, and who ask for ways to GET to 1200 calories. seriously go eat a freaking almond or peanut butter.

    i hate seeing people who lose 1000 calories during a run, and eat only 1200.

    This ^^^^^^^

    and I get annoyed at people who think their way is the only way and argue with the method to other peoples successes.

    We are ALL different. We all need to loose weight in a healthy way and that way is usually slow and steady.


    Yes!!!! I really hate it when people moan they can't eat up the 1200 calories - that was such a challenge for me!!!! I earned 900+ exercise cals yesterday and I enjoyed eating every last one! ; )

    This is definitely my biggest pet peeve, i could almost do that in a sitting sometimes :P
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    i'm annoyed by people who act like 1200 calories is easy, and who ask for ways to GET to 1200 calories. seriously go eat a freaking almond or peanut butter.

    i hate seeing people who lose 1000 calories during a run, and eat only 1200.

    This ^^^^^^^

    and I get annoyed at people who think their way is the only way and argue with the method to other peoples successes.

    We are ALL different. We all need to loose weight in a healthy way and that way is usually slow and steady.


    Yes!!!! I really hate it when people moan they can't eat up the 1200 calories - that was such a challenge for me!!!! I earned 900+ exercise cals yesterday and I enjoyed eating every last one! ; )

    This is definitely my biggest pet peeve, i could almost do that in a sitting sometimes :P
    Have any of you ^^^ ever thought that maybe the foods these "annoying 1200 calorie people" are eating are not very dense in calories at all?

    A big mac and medium fries is about 900 calories and very easy to inhale.

    A whopping five cups of romaine lettuce is 50 calories. Two 4oz filets of grilled chicken, a mere 200 calories. A slice of lowfat cheese, 50 calories. Two cups of seasoned steamed broccoli, 60 calories. 10 medium sized strawberries, 45 calories. A whole grain bun with five grams of fiber smeared with a tablespoon of light margarine spread, 145 calories. Do you see what I'm getting at here? If someone is eating a very nutrient dense diet and choosing foods high in fiber and protein with little fat, processed sugar, or unnecessary calories, then it truly can be hard to get up to 1,200.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    Yes!!!! I really hate it when people moan they can't eat up the 1200 calories - that was such a challenge for me!!!! I earned 900+ exercise cals yesterday and I enjoyed eating every last one! ; )

    This is definitely my biggest pet peeve, i could almost do that in a sitting sometimes :P
    Have any of you ^^^ ever thought that maybe the foods these "annoying 1200 calorie people" are eating are not very dense in calories at all?

    A big mac and medium fries is about 900 calories and very easy to inhale.

    A whopping five cups of romaine lettuce is 50 calories. Two 4oz filets of grilled chicken, a mere 200 calories. A slice of lowfat cheese, 50 calories. Two cups of seasoned steamed broccoli, 60 calories. 10 medium sized strawberries, 45 calories. A whole grain bun with five grams of fiber smeared with a tablespoon of light margarine spread, 145 calories. Do you see what I'm getting at here? If someone is eating a very nutrient dense diet and choosing foods high in fiber and protein with little fat, processed sugar, or unnecessary calories, then it truly can be hard to get up to 1,200.

    Yes, I have. When prepping for a show I ate nothing but lean protein, veggies, and either brown rice or sweet potato. No "unnecessary calories" as you put it. I know exactly how much of these foods it takes to make 1200 calories and I still feel it is not hard to reach. I think I already made the point earlier in the thread that my biggest pet peeve is when people assume those of us who feel 1200 is low don't realize this.

    As for the low fat part - Fats are not bad for us, they are essential.
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    The world would be a much better place to live if people, in particular, women, would stop hating on each other... I could give 2 craps what other people want to do with their bodies or lives - they're the ones who have to answer for it. It's hard enough just managing the one I was given, let alone everyone else's around me.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Basically, no. I know what I am doing is right and I feel the best I've felt in my entire life. I try to not focus on what other people are doing. It only serves to bring me down. Focus on YOU.

    I no but it's hard cuz a few ppl are my friends and they sit a boost about there weight loss when I loose 3lbs a month and they loose that in a week, and they aren't over weight either.

    I understand where you came from. I was also annoyed at these people before but then I came to realize that what they are doing isn't healthy & I bet that the majority of their weight loss came from muscles & not fat. I know a lot of people who are "skinny-fat" or normal-weight obese (sarcopenic obesity in medical terms) & they absolutely look awful that they can't even wear outfits that will show their flabby upper arms, bellies or thighs. You see scales can only tell your overall bodyweight but they cannot tell where those weight come from & how fit looking you are. Since muscle is more dense than fat so while you may appear "overweight" on scales but overall you are sexy, fit & healthy.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    The world would be a much better place to live if people, in particular, women, would stop hating on each other... I could give 2 craps what other people want to do with their bodies or lives - they're the ones who have to answer for it. It's hard enough just managing the one I was given, let alone everyone else's around me.

    I don't know if that was directed at me but I am not hating on anyone. I feel strongly about people being heahtly and succeeding. I do feel that too many women are unnecessarily making this harder for themselves by torturing/starving themselves with this random baseline 1200 number. Yes, some can do just fine on 1200, but others struggle and fail. It is very difficult to get everything you need from 1200 calories alone, especially if you are active, regardless of how calorie dense your food is. Not hating at all
  • Misalayne
    Misalayne Posts: 84 Member
    Two of my biggest annoyances are my mom telling me I eat too many calories when I'm in my range according to MFP and when one of my friends tries to bring me down and sabatoge me. Itnirritates me to no end. I am doing what's best for me and for the most part, I block others out. My best friend got me on MFP and thanks to her, I have a good support system.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    My frustration is that i can't seem to figure out what works for me. I've lost a small amount of weight but it's taken a very long time to do that and I still have a long way to go. In the same amount of time it's taken me to lose 27 pounds my sister has lost nearly 90 pounds. I eat healthily, she only eats diet food like weightwatchers ready meals, and the weight just seems to drop off her. That's how I used to eat and I'm huge so I have no idea how it works for her!

    Uggg i totally know how this feel!
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    You know what annoys me way more though? people who dont work out and dont eat healthy are are half my size.
  • irenep22
    irenep22 Posts: 59
    People that eat below 1200, and worse the comments they get, " great day" " keep up the good work" with only 700-900 calories eaten and over 900 calories burned . Ugh