Publicly humiliating someone is mental.



  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    oh honey......I am soooooo sorry. Is it just me or does there seem to be more idiots in the world today! Seriously what is wrong with people. :heart: :cry:
  • cherigurl
    cherigurl Posts: 184 Member
    OMG that is horrible, no one should ever make another peorson feel like that, it makes me sick to my stomache, sorry you had to go through that, I have low self esteem when it comes to my apperance, and just by hearing that from you makes me feel like that could have been me and my stomache is in knots for you, but you are beautiful and please don't let that discourage you, if it does anything let it give you more motivation to get to where you want to be.:flowerforyou:
  • demningoreilly
    I just don't get it? Why do people have to put others down just to make themselves feel good? Is that it? I don't understand. You are beautiful and keeping telling yourself that. Don't let the *kitten* get you down. I say this to myself every day!!!!
  • TurtleTurtle1975
    OMG! I cried reading this! I can just imagine how you felt, because I've been there! I'll add to what everyone here is saying - "Don't let it get you down!" You are beautiful! Screw him! Jerk! Hold your head up high, because you are a better person!
  • natalie2271
    somebody did that to me once.. well he said... ' the fat girls are out in force' meaning me and me 2 friends... i didnt think i just retorted ' i may be fat but i can get rid of that... you will always have a ****head personality you will never get rid of'

    he just walked off! lol i felt proud as normally i would have skuttled away but thought no im not going to take this!

    ignore ignorant people hunni... so not worth your time and energy! get out there and be proud of who you are
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    Last night, for the first time in MONTHS I got up the courage to dress up, go out to dinner in a nice restaurant and have a glass of wine at one of the popular casino bars. People were everywhere, there were huge events yesterday.

    I was wearing nothing revealing, unfitting, or skintight. Have to say I at least looked nice.
    The only thing making me stand out a little is I wore a pair of heels.. after 2 years.

    Night was going fine, I felt great.
    Walking by on the way to the bar a guy yelled "That's why fat girls should never come out."
    I felt so disgusted I no longer wanted the drink and went home.

    This happens even after I lose over 25lbs, could've easily discouraged me altogether.
    What kind of people who even have thoughts like that, have the balls to actually make it heard?
    Anyone else experienced this while doing nothing wrong?

    be happy knowing you can lose weight but he will always be stupid and ugly =]
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    He sounds like an idiot. Don't let him get you down - just think of something to say back if it happens again. Maybe a reply of 'And that's why guys with small penises should stay away from alcohol.'

    I find guys who make such comments publicly are generally are covering up for a poor sense of manhood and are easily shut up by comments that involve the size of their dong!
  • WhatHayleyEats
    He sounds like he thinks only size 0 girls are attractive. Shallow, sexist, waste-of-skin, d***head. I bet he wasn't much of a looker, either. You're way better than him and, for the record, I think you're gorgeous!
  • campervangirl
    campervangirl Posts: 25 Member
    Totally ignore him - it says much more about his own inadequacies than anything about you. Be brave and hold your head high! :flowerforyou:
  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    You can always lose weight and you're doing it, but he'll never gain a personality!! You are beautiful, so don't let that person capture another moment of your life. God bless!:smile:
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I would have done the same as you...However had my best friend been with me, she would have punched him in the mouth and said something like "that's why *kitten* shouldn't talk"

  • rocksyraeis
    Last night, for the first time in MONTHS I got up the courage to dress up, go out to dinner in a nice restaurant and have a glass of wine at one of the popular casino bars. People were everywhere, there were huge events yesterday.

    I was wearing nothing revealing, unfitting, or skintight. Have to say I at least looked nice.
    The only thing making me stand out a little is I wore a pair of heels.. after 2 years.

    Night was going fine, I felt great.
    Walking by on the way to the bar a guy yelled "That's why fat girls should never come out."
    I felt so disgusted I no longer wanted the drink and went home.

    This happens even after I lose over 25lbs, could've easily discouraged me altogether.
    What kind of people who even have thoughts like that, have the balls to actually make it heard?
    Anyone else experienced this while doing nothing wrong?

    Hi beautiful :flowerforyou: let me just say that words absolutly describes you, i also wanted to ask are you sure this man was talking about you? I know many girls your build :) some of them are far more confident and get better looking men then i do! My best friend is absolutly one of them shes gorgeous! What im saying is just because someone vomits a comment about fat girls doesnt mean its directed towards you ~<3

    He is a complete DB for even saying that remark loud enough FOR ANYONE to hear or even at all for that fact! However i dont see you as "the" fat chick and once you start seeing that comments like that wont bother you because they will no longer apply to you :) happy 25lb lost! Also good for you for not letting it discourage you! Your beautiful girl dont forget it! God bless!!

    P.S. One time when i Was still riding the bus too school so about freshman year of highschool i had a similar experience, we had a pool and a bunch of highschool boys were hootin and hollerin when the skinny girls would walk out in there bikinis. When it came my turn all i got was boos and ewws i cried for a LONG time after that. It affected me so much i became bulimic(sp?) lucky for me my grandmother quickly put an end to that! Now when i run into DB from highschool they dont recognise me and stare long enough to take several mental pictures or ask me out i just laugh :)
  • luvred51
    luvred51 Posts: 163 Member
    I am sorry that you experienced that, but maybe he was talking to someone else and you thought that the jerk was talking to you and if he was that's okay too, just take it as a positive, look at it this way; while you were out enjoying the evening you ran into a Boy wearing men shoes, who helped you to remember that you still had more work to do. Congratulations on the 25 pound weight loss. :flowerforyou: Keep up the good work... :happy:
  • Pinkigloopyxie
    I thought about carrying rocks in my bag for the *kitten* (90% of the time in trucks) who try to scare me when I'm biking down hill by shouting at/honking at me.

    It's always the same bike path too. I hate them so much. Sorry to anyone who drives a truck and is decent but my experience is 1% are good drivers, 9% are widows with their partner's old truck, and the other 90% are complete a-holes with a complex about the size of their 'inadequacies' and feel the need to prove their size to everyone and everything.
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    I bet he was just mad because he wanted some attention. I tell you people say some things like that cause he has low self esteem and is trying to make himself feel better. Man o Man if I was there I would have told his a** off. You are beautiful and you must know that even when someone or something threatens to make u feel otherwise. Stay strong and true to yourself do not give negative, awful people the power over you. You have the power to be who you want to be. No matter the size. Because Size does not matter. You can be skinny or big and be confident or not. Its who you are that matters. Its great to be fit and be the size you desire, but no matter what, even skinny people get hung up on their insecurities. Its accepting who you are and knowing that you are the special person you were meant to be that will keep you above those low people.
    Hope u feel better and next time you get out, please do soon, have a great time. Celebrate the wonderful woman that you are. That person is not a man, Trust me a man recognizes that woman are beautiful and that each and every one of us has a story and are unique.

    This reminds me I was at the park near some High School students. And this Boy was making fun of this girl. He was saying how she ate funny and how she had a big forehead. For some reason reminded me of me, I had a big forehead and was made fun of as well. Just made me grow thick skin. I looked at the girl and realized she is gorgeous the guy must have had a huge crush on her but was too scared to admit it, and also to immature to treat her like the beautiful girl she is. So sad that Guy at the bar never left High School
  • annahuebscher
    What a douche. I'd totally kick him in the balls for you if I could.
  • Monicapierce
    Monicapierce Posts: 126 Member
    Oh my gosh that *kitten*!!! Screw him, I bet you looked awesome!!
  • annahuebscher
    In all honesty though, some people are just *kitten*. Someone is always gonna say something ****ty about you, whether it's over your weight or your style or your age. Just let it roll off. This is a lesson I'm still trying to learn. Don't take on someone elses issues. If they have a problem with your appearance, it's THEIR problem. Rise above it. You're gorgeous. You're strong. You have value. Dont give that jerk the satisfaction of bringing you down to his level. Plus like someone else mentioned already....he sounds like he has a small **** :)

    Here's an embarrassing story of mine. Three years and thirty pounds ago, I had put on a gorgeous dress dress and killer heels and was walking down the street to meet a date in a bar. I felt gorgeous and was so so happy. Of course there was a drunk prick and his girlfriend getting in a car as I was passing, and he just looked at me and said "what a dog"....of course his girlfriend apologized for him like mad, but it put a damper on my night. I still went out but called it an early night. I hope she's happy.....but I realy hope a man like that doesn't get laid and doesn't get the chance to reproduce.

    Anyway my point is, you're not there to please him or anyone else. It doesn't matter how you look, someone is always gonna talk ****. So, make yourself happy. Wear what you wanna wear. Go where you wanna go. :heart:
  • adalyortez
    You know, I think that guy was probably already way too drunk to have the courage to say something like that. I would avoid dating this kind of guy even if I was skinny. He's a jerk. He probably doesn't have a life except drinking and forgetting he is not happy.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I would have done the same as you...However had my best friend been with me, she would have punched him in the mouth and said something like "that's why *kitten* shouldn't talk"

    I'd have been the best friend ... or at the very least he'd have had the drink over his head with the same comment.
    Wait - I don't waste a good drink :P
    The comment stands.
    If he's going to behave like an *kitten*, then he can get the comments back just like one.