Publicly humiliating someone is mental.



  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    I haven't really anything to add, but as I read through all of these responses, I must say that every time I see the words "tiny penis" I hear them in my head to the tune of Don Ho's "Tiny Bubbles."
  • natalie2271
    thats really horrible! somebody said something similar to me once .... i retored ' at least i can loose my weight... you will always be a moron with no brains' he just walked off and retorted something under his breath lol! ignore it completely some people are just that small minded x
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Last night, for the first time in MONTHS I got up the courage to dress up, go out to dinner in a nice restaurant and have a glass of wine at one of the popular casino bars. People were everywhere, there were huge events yesterday.

    I was wearing nothing revealing, unfitting, or skintight. Have to say I at least looked nice.
    The only thing making me stand out a little is I wore a pair of heels.. after 2 years.

    Night was going fine, I felt great.
    Walking by on the way to the bar a guy yelled "That's why fat girls should never come out."
    I felt so disgusted I no longer wanted the drink and went home.

    This happens even after I lose over 25lbs, could've easily discouraged me altogether.
    What kind of people who even have thoughts like that, have the balls to actually make it heard?
    Anyone else experienced this while doing nothing wrong?

    Yeah, I kind of suck at holding my tongue, there would have been a drink in his face and a lashing so brutal he would have needed to pick his ego up off the floor and sew it back on if he still wanted it.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    I'd have thrown that drink right in his face!

    Me too!! Some people project their own insecurities onto others. Dont let that A-hole ruin it for you, you're doing amazing!!!
  • nikkiej2012
    nikkiej2012 Posts: 236 Member
    I don't know what its like for that to happen to me...but that was so rude
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 343 Member
    You should have said "and retards should wear helmets Where's yours"

    And with that, you have succeeded in insulting my daughter, amongst others. I know you meant it as a joke, but please don't use that word, it sinks you to his level and then some.
  • mmarlow61
    mmarlow61 Posts: 112 Member
    Just saw something a friend posted on Facebook :D thought it might make you smile!

  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    Lauren - the guy was just a fu[/i][/i]ckwit. I'm sorry that you were unlucky enough to come across a loser like that, but we all do occasionally.

    Please try to be brave enough to get back out again soon, don't let one arsehole ruin your self confidence.

  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I agree, Mrs.Rose. It's such a common insult that people don't realize it's still the name of a medical condition that people who have it get mocked and ridiculed for so many days of their lives. :(
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    What goes around comes around. I'm really sorry that happened to you. My favorite comeback for people like that is what my dad likes to say "I've been called worse names by better people than you." He's a jerk. You're not. Keep moving beautiful girl, this is yours to conquer. You can do it & you already have been!
  • lillydlc
    lillydlc Posts: 162 Member
    In the UK we call them W&nkers.

    I have a few stock answers to men who make rude comments.

    1. That may be true but you still couldn't afford me
    2. You will never get close enough to find out.
    3. Yeah but in a few months I will be slim, but you will still be a W&nker
    4. I wouldn't kiss you with someone elses lips.

    Make up some of your own it's fun. You don't have to say them to the guys face of course that could be dangerous but just hearing them inside your head will make you smile and smiling as you walk away drives them batty. :flowerforyou:

    **LIKE**!! Sorry girl, hold your head up and keep up your good work!
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    You should have said "and retards should wear helmets Where's yours"

    He's a bully and probably has a tiny weenie

    As the mom of a mentally handicapped daughter, who is beautiful, smart, and a social butterly, I am pointing out the fact that the 'r' word is very hurtful when used in this context. This guy was stupid, an idiot, but please don't use this word to describe him. For all the parents and family of handicapped children and adults, please think about this before using this word.
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    You should have said "and retards should wear helmets Where's yours"

    And with that, you have succeeded in insulting my daughter, amongst others. I know you meant it as a joke, but please don't use that word, it sinks you to his level and then some.

    Mrs. Rose - I just posted basically the same thing. We also have a mentally handicapped daughter and the use of the 'r' word is very hurtful. God bless!
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    *Hugs* to you. Are you sure he was saying that about you? I think my first thought would have been, he must be talking 'bout someone else! But I would have been mortified. How dare he!
  • Amyoct
    Amyoct Posts: 11

    What kind of people who even have thoughts like that, have the balls to actually make it heard?
    Anyone else experienced this while doing nothing wrong?

    When they do that, they just want to be heard. A good portion of the time, when people put others down, it is so they can make themselves look better. Hang in there. Those are the types of people I avoid. Unfortunately, people like that will always be around.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Sounds like a right card (no pun intended) You do your thang and don't let that idiot stand in your way... Alcohol does funny things to people and boys and also, he clearly has no respect or grasp of social protocols and you're very pretty looking at your profile pic. He sounds like a pig and he'll pay one day for it.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    You ARE a pretty woman. Don't let a person with nothing better to do than hang out in a bar and behave like a jerk get into your head.
    Speaking of getting into people's heads..... I'm just curious... Were you with friends? I ask, because then, even if you didn't have a come back at the time, you could've made a practice of pointing at him and laughing with them. The mystery of WHAT you were saying would've driven him up a wall!

    What a boring life that man must lead that he can only get attention and have fun by making dumb remarks.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Last night, for the first time in MONTHS I got up the courage to dress up, go out to dinner in a nice restaurant and have a glass of wine at one of the popular casino bars. People were everywhere, there were huge events yesterday.

    I was wearing nothing revealing, unfitting, or skintight. Have to say I at least looked nice.
    The only thing making me stand out a little is I wore a pair of heels.. after 2 years.

    Night was going fine, I felt great.
    Walking by on the way to the bar a guy yelled "That's why fat girls should never come out."
    I felt so disgusted I no longer wanted the drink and went home.

    This happens even after I lose over 25lbs, could've easily discouraged me altogether.
    What kind of people who even have thoughts like that, have the balls to actually make it heard?
    Anyone else experienced this while doing nothing wrong?

    I'm so sorry that happened to you; it shouldn't happen to anyone. No one who sees anyone in public knows what their history is. People deserve to be treated well because they are PEOPLE.

    You know what, I get called crazy several times a week on these very forums because I don't believe this works to motivate people. Apparently, there's a large part of MFP who believes it's not just okay, but it's almost a moral imperative, to humiliate people who are overweight "for their own good." In case anyone wonders? THIS is what the NAAFA (The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) is fighting. That a person is a PERSON FIRST, and we accept and treat them with respect because they are a PERSON. Your weight and mine are our own business, and no one who sees you, or me, in public knows what our history is. It's NOT OKAY to humiliate you, or ANYONE in public, and the people who are "only doing it because they CARE and fat is unhealthy" miss the point entirely!
  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    Some one once told me that my *kitten* was so big, one could park a caravan up it ... LOL

    I lost the weight.... she's still as ugly as sin!

    Sit back and let karma ***k people like that up. The wheel turns!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    You should have said "and retards should wear helmets Where's yours"

    Mental retardation is a medical term.

    I suppose you think you're so much better that the people who called this woman fat. Yet your comment, especially with the added "helmet" comment, is every bit as insulting to people with this medical diagnosis as the "fat girl" comment. Why would you say something like this?