Married ladies....



  • maggs155
    maggs155 Posts: 258
    yes mine knows he dont care if i stay fat or loose this weight i wish he wanted me to loose this weight it would be alot of fun.
  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    He used to, but when I hit about 160 he told me to stop, and every time I would tell him my weight after that he would tell me that I was getting "too thin" and would give me **** about it, so now if he asks I just tell him that "I'm thin" and move on.
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    My boyfriend (now husband) thinks that way too. He thinks I'm 10 lbs less. Most guys do underestimate my weight by 10 lbs or so. I think they just don't have a clue about women's weights in general. He knows my weight now as he creepishly watch me weigh on the scale in the morning
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Yep he does. I'm quite like my weight number, just wish I looked different at it, smaller & not skinny fat.
  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member
    My husband didn't know for the longest time cause it wasn't something we talked about. We actually didn't own a scale for the longest time, but right before he deployed I started asking about the Army requirements for female soldiers and we talked about it then. When I lost the 30lbs over his 8 month deployment I was excited proud to update him along the way :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    No, my husband does not know what I weigh. When I went to the hospital in labor with our son, they asked me what my weight was, and I didn't want to tell them with my husband right there. The L&D nurse was kind of a jerk about it when I suggested I write it down for her. (Thankfully her shift ended soon after.)

    My husband is about 5'10" but doesn't weigh very much. It bugs me when I lose weight, and he inevitably does, too - not because he loses weight but because I am so excited about how much I weigh, and then it turns out he weighs less.

    I feel like I should weigh less than my husband!

    That said, before I started dating him I dated a guy who was 6'4" and broad. I have never felt so little or feminine. Unfortunately that was the best part about our relationship (from my perspective), so it didn't last. Good guy, just not for me.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My boyfriend (now husband) thinks that way too. He thinks I'm 10 lbs less. Most guys do underestimate my weight by 10 lbs or so. I think they just don't have a clue about women's weights in general. He knows my weight now as he creepishly watch me weigh on the scale in the morning

    My husband knows I won't get on the scale if he's anywhere near the bathroom.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My husband knows because every time I get on the scale he gives me a high five when I lose. If I don't lose he gives me a hug and says but your gaining muscle dear so ignore that thing! You look great and you're nice and healthy. He tells me he hasn't seen me this happy and healthy in a years and to keep it up. He's my best support system.

    That's awesome! While my husband may not know my weight, I will inform him if I lose X number of pounds, if I hit a milestone, or if I hit a new decade of pounds (he just doesn't know what decade).
  • clmalone2138
    My husband can't even tell when I've lost weight. I lost ten pounds last winter (1/3 of my goal and gained it back plus some, which is why I'm at it again...this time for good!) and he had no idea.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I have no clue what my wife weighs, for the most part. I have no clue what she thinks is her ideal weight. I really don't notice all the little critical things she sees about herself.

    Love is blind. Or I am blind. Or something.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    My husband knows my weight - every single time I lose a pound.

    He'd BETTER know it - and he'd better be so darn happy for me that he jumps up and down with glee!

    Or else no "Boom boom" for him.

    (j/k about the boom boom)
  • deanna418
    deanna418 Posts: 103 Member
    My husband knows and has known my weight.
  • hdutoit17
    My husband was very close when he guessed a few weeks ago. He said 56kg and at that time I was 55. something kg.
  • Tuffjourney
    Hell after 36 years together, I'm lucky if he remembers my name...:huh:
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    He knows, generally. I don't keep it from him and sometimes I brag now lol. But heck, before I started on here, I didn't know my own weight so he didn't know either.
  • kelatki
    kelatki Posts: 16 Member
    Absolutely Not! LOL My husband does not know my weight, clothes, or shoe size. At this point, I am too embarrassed, but it will get better! :smile:
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    First of all"NO SUCH THING AS BIG BONED" ( <
    lays on the floor waiting to die-every time she hears that lie) yes my husband knows. However everyone else thinks I'm 115, but I'm 136 and 5' tall. I got muscular legs and I'm pretty lean. He swears ( my husband) that I weigh less but I don't. I'm just toned. But I'm a size3 in juniors. He's not shocked at my weight even when I was fat at 154. He thought I weighed less. But he loves me so it's one of two things. Either he needs his eyes laser or its not a top priority concern( nevertheless ). Either way I'm not concerned so much with the scale. It's the measurements I go by now. That's what's important. Not to say I haven't been there and done that.
  • smh1067
    smh1067 Posts: 45 Member
    He knows because he shares his and then asks, and it doesn't bother me. DH is a big numbers guy (for himself) so he's always wondering where everyone else is, but I honestly couldn't care less. I don't put too much stock into the number on the scale. Don't get me wrong, I love to see the number go down lol, but someone telling me they weigh 200 pounds can look so different on each individual. I'm 5'4" and I've been around 145 two different times in my life. The first time I was a size 12, the second time I was a size 6. There are so many things that can influence weight that to me it's just a number so I don't mind sharing.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    When I told my husband what the scale said ( when I first started at 240 ) he said no way. He thought that I was probably about 200lbs. When I told him now I'm at 199 he was like really? He thought I was closer to what my goal of 160 is. I guess I just carry my weight really well ( always maintained an hourglass kind of figure even if it was a lumpy so gained evenly and I'm 5'11'' ). He never really cared one way or the other.
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    My husband always insists he doesn't care what I weigh, and he doesn't always necessarily believe me when I tell him what the scale will say. He is 100% supportive though, and I've always told him my weight right from the get go. I just figure it's a number on the scale, and I'm not ashamed of the number. Not happy with it either ;-), but if I work at it, it'll go down. Besides, it's the inches that matter. And he is also fully aware that I wear bigger pants than he does by a long shot -_-. I never understood hiding the number from people though. I for the life of me can't estimate other peoples' weights, and I always found it kind of silly when people would get embarrassed about their weight - kind of like when people hide their age, too. Never understood it. Just a number :-).