Food diaries: private or public?



  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    Mine is public. I welcome constructive criticism (hey, I can use all that help I can get) and so far I haven't had anyone be rude/mean about what I've eaten. Though I'm in the "hey, why am I not losing as quickly as others" club.
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    I keep mine public now. I was hesitant at first but then thought it seemed like I might try hiding things.
    Nobody has bothered giving any feedback on my food diary so I haven't run across any problems yet.
    My settings are tweaked for a 2 pound weight loss per week and I have bumped up my protein macro requirement.
  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    If they're kept private, no one can help you or tweak ur diet, how are we supposed to give u advice if we have no clue what ur eating and vice versa? Plus, what are you hiding??

    Sometimes peoples advice doesn't work in your situation, or sometimes people are just embarrassed or don't want advice. No big deal! It's their choice :)
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    Open. Feedback is awesome for weight loss.

    This ^
  • Amy_Lee_2012
    Amy_Lee_2012 Posts: 156 Member
    Mine is open- I eat the exact same thing every day- aside from my 'cheat' day, so it's pretty boring anyway! I don't mind sharing with people- I figure we're all on here for pretty much the same reasons, so I am happy to be open and honest about my journey.
    I do what works best for me and so far it's working pretty well :)
  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    I prefer to keep my food diary private. :)
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    Open to my friends. If I get out of line they can tell me :-)

    Also makes me think when I want 2nds of dinner "do I want my friends to see thats why I went over?" Then I usually wait 20 minutes and realize I'm not hungry so I didn't need any seconds!
  • BritskyB
    BritskyB Posts: 13
    I keep mine public for the sake of accountability. I have decided to go on this journey with a couple friends and though we dont live all too close to each other or see each other every day, I can still feel accountable to A) logging or not logging B) Excercising or not, and C) maintaining the personal goals I've set for myself. I need that feeling of accountability to help keep me on track, so knowing that someone else will see it, helps keep me focused.
  • Raina27
    Raina27 Posts: 133
    Mine is open to friends!! I have no problem letting my friends see what I eat!! I can handle advice or positive feedback!! :)
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    Public to friends! I like when others are also public, I don't want to say "congratulations!" on somebodies diary when completed when it is private, for all I know they might be eating 200 calories a day.
    I keep mine open too and I really like reading others, specially if they are a health nut or see they have lost a lot of weight. I find it hard to comment on under calories when it's not open, and sometimes it is depressing seeing people's food, specially when they should eat more or better, and can be time consuming cause I do try to help every one if I can, but I'm not gonna get on any one for splurging or eating crappy here and there either, we are all human.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Public - I eat some amazing food and the world should see it. Just kiddin'! I like to look at other people's to get ideas of what to eat - so it is only fair to leave mine open. I have some healthy meals, some not so healthy - it's a wild mix - but if I know you all are looking I better get in the exercise so my numbers aren't too red!!
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    mine's public. why not? if you're ashamed of what or how much you eat, try and make your diary public so you feel more accountable, although i doubt anyone here would judge you anyways.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Mine is private. Comments about what I am eating, how much or when have never been helpful for me and usually makes me feel worse.
  • tuppance
    tuppance Posts: 132 Member
    Mine is open - I don't mind if people make comments, it helps keep me on the straight and narrow

    I have a couple of MFP friends whose diary's are closed - how can I honestly encourage them, they could be totally under eating. I understand not wanting a diary to be public but viewable to friends surely?
  • MaggieGillies
    i share mine with friends :-)
  • samandlucysmum
    I keep mine public because if I know that anyone can see it, I'm going to be more careful about what I put in there. I can't bring myself to lie about it so it gives me an extra kick to eat well.
    I figure if I'm too embarrassed to tell people what I'm eating, then I shouldn't be eating it.

    This is my reason for keeping it public too.
  • Mrsdaffy2
    Mrsdaffy2 Posts: 91
    I keep mine public because if I know that anyone can see it, I'm going to be more careful about what I put in there. I can't bring myself to lie about it so it gives me an extra kick to eat well.
    I figure if I'm too embarrassed to tell people what I'm eating, then I shouldn't be eating it.

    I agree with this =D
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Mine is private. Main reason is I feel kinda weirded out that if it was open any random person could see what I had eaten any day ever since I joined.... privacy much?

    Second reason is, I'm an adult and I'm perfectly capable of keeping myself accountable for what I am putting in my mouth day after day and I don't need unsolicited 'advice' from people who think they know what is best for me. :)
  • samandlucysmum
    Mine is open- I eat the exact same thing every day- aside from my 'cheat' day, so it's pretty boring anyway! I don't mind sharing with people- I figure we're all on here for pretty much the same reasons, so I am happy to be open and honest about my journey.
    I do what works best for me and so far it's working pretty well :)

    Yours is not open to public...
  • Queen_M
    Queen_M Posts: 70
    Mine is private. What I'm eating isn't really anyone else's business. I also don't really think "WTG!" or "good job!" every single day from the same people with nothing else to offer is particularly useful or motivating, so by keeping it private, it keeps those comments away. My friends on here are great, we chat and offer support and congratulations when necessary, it's a nice little bunch I have!
    Also, I have nothing to hide. I've made it known that I still eat everything in moderation, I'm not ashamed that I still eat mayo or eat at subway etc.