40+Club-Making it Work



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! No weigh in/no measuring for me until about 2 wks when I finish the push phase from ChaLean Extreme. I feel good, feel a little bloated...:tongue: I do feel very strong.

    Sing, thanks for the suggestion. My husband is not going with me to NY. I am going to a convention. But I am going to do some sight seeing and perhaps catch a Broadway show. My younger sister is going to meet with me there and stay with me at the hotel. I am looking forward to the trip and seeing her. She lives in SC. Have a wonderful trip!!! I know you have been looking forward to it! :drinker:

    I did push 1 dvd from CX and ab burner. Good workout. My arms still feel heavy. Stiring, is there a website I can check out the program you are doing? I just don't think I have the time for those long sessions...

    Off to work, have a great Friday!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, wave to us if you stand in front of the camera at Rockefeller Plaza during the Today Show! :laugh:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    alf, you can learn more about STS at www.cathe.com/sts. Let me know if you have any questions. The workouts vary in length between 43 minutes and 68 minutes (or there abouts).

    I weighed the same this morning (107.7), and my measurements are the same as they were a week ago. Given what I've been eating this week and the lack of working out, I'm beyond thrilled about that! I'm going to be doing an hour of cardio today.

    Swissmiss, I'm 5'2". When I was your daughter's age, I was always mistaken as younger than I was as well. In fact, when I started a new job when I was 27, one of my new co-workers mistakenly thought I was a summer hire in from high school. :laugh: Unfortunately, that doesn't happen anymore. :grumble:

    I downloaded our photos this morning from our trip and realized I had a photo on there from the week before I started to lose weight. Right there I have my incentive to continue in this healthier lifestyle. Yikes. Anyhow, the photo of me that's now showing on the page was taken on Tuesday during our walk/hike in Yosemite. Much better than my 'before' photo taken last Christmas (which I won't post!).

    singree, enjoy your trip!!

    Hope everybody has a great weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, great pix!! You look like a college kid!!! I'm going to see if I can figure out how to post pix here, hopefully before Sunday. I was always getting my ID checked in bars, even whenI was in my late 20's. I wish someone would ask me now!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, I asked my husband about Yuengling beer. Yep, he knows about it but then he was raised in PA. I will have to check out the beer coolers here to see if it can be found in Ohio.

    :flowerforyou: stiring, you look so tiny in your new picture. I am, however, having some trouble see it as I don't have any more contacts and my arms will only stretch so far. (This explains any typos you may find here, also).

    :flowerforyou: alf, I think sometimes we workout too hard. I, of course, haven't been working much after surgeries so when I went to the gym two days ago I must have overdone it. My arms still ache. Not going to stop me though. Am planning on going back today.

    Can anyone here tell me what restrictions that airlines have now a days? Can I take food on board? If, and this is a big IF, I get to go to Florida I would like to take along my own food. This would save me money and help keep me on my diet. One thing that I would have trouble doing without is my whey protein powder. Do you think it would be allowed?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    It's a tough call, swiss. We are going from Philly to Calif. (change in Atlanta). We are going to eat something at home before driving to the airport. We will have some fruit & veg. in the car. The only thing we are taking with us are Clif bars. We will eat something decent in Atlanta and nothing on the plane. I would hate to pack food only to have it taken away. This is why we are doing it this way.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    alf, you can learn more about STS at www.cathe.com/sts. Let me know if you have any questions. The workouts vary in length between 43 minutes and 68 minutes (or there abouts).

    Stiring ~ I know I asked once before (a long way back in the old thread) but couldn't remember the answer. On Cathe's STS program can I do it without the chin-up bar like I have seen in some of her clips? I am truly considering doing this program but wanted to check that out?! :-) Currently in my Second round of ChaLEAN Xtreme Program and want to maybe do this next if I can afford the investment! :flowerforyou: Thanks.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • hoamai
    hoamai Posts: 76
    I just caught your food on airlines question - I think you can take packaged foods, e.g., almonds, trail mix, maybe an apple - of course once you are past security, you can buy food and take it on planes, Depending on the airport you may have options, e.g., salads, sometimes there are places to buy a piece of fruit - but other airports have mostly junk food. I am a frequent flyer - and it seems like the rules are constantly changing, and are enforced differently depending on the airport (even within the U.S.). Now that I've written this - not sure how helpful it is!
    I just arrived back this week and am jet lagging - but find that the morning workouts have given me some extra energy.
    Chao :glasses:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Swissmiss, I carried homemade sandwiches on the plane last time I flew (in late March). I really think the major restrictions are for liquids, not food products.

    2BLean, I use tubing instead of a chin-up or pull-up bar, and Cathe has one background exerciser showing this option during the workouts. This may not be as effective as doing chin-ups, but it works for me. I use the heaviest tubing I can find and double the reps, and I get a good burn doing it that way.

    singfree wrote:
    You look like a college kid!!!

    You sure know how to make a woman who just celebrated her 44th birthday feel good. Thank you!! This is for you! :flowerforyou:
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Regarding airport food, we just flew from Chicago to Dallas on Tuesday. We had granola bars, bananas and ziplock snack bags with homemade granola. No problem with any of that. My daughter bought a fancy cupcake for her boyfriend. The screener had to xray my bag it was in three times before he figured out it was a cupcake. I recommend putting all your food in a bin so they can see it. Have a great time!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Swiss... My brother is into security at the Seattle airport. I would have to ask him for sure but I think you can bring solid foods like sandwiches because they x ray them anyway. As for liquids, I know they will make you open it and take a sip in front of them. They will even make you do that with baby formula, yuck!:noway: :happy:

    String... So glad you had an enjoyable time on your vacation. Where all did you go? And your picture is beautiful. You look amazing....:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    I am still down the pound from when I weighed myself on Wed. and also another 1/2 inch on the belly measurement. Here's what I am excited about.... When I only dieted and got down to 110 my fattest part of my belly (right where the belly button is) measured in at 33. Right now I am weighing in at 120 and my belly is measuring in at 34. Now I have to find my old note book that I used to keep track but I think my belly is a smaller size at 120 this time than it was at 120 when I dieted alone. Now if I'm right that shows you the power of exercise right!!! :happy:

    I also think that today might be my last day on phase 1 of the shred. I woke up today and wasn't sore at all..... Even if the arm exercises kill me.:grumble: I haven't even looked at phase 2 so I'm a little nervous. But your supposed to push yourself to see any results right.:ohwell:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tron, I may have to push it also. My arms are so sore. My husband (who lifts weights) says that I should continue even if I am in pain. He does this.

    A big thanks to all who answered my question about food on airplanes. In regards to the tasting of the baby formula...I am glad that I breastfed all of mine.:wink: I do NOT want to buy anything at the airports. Way too expensive. I was hoping to pack all my food for the trip. I will only be gone two days. I guess that would be out of the question. I am most concerned about the protein powder. Do they allow powder substances? I am asking all this in the hopes that I get to go. So far my husband doesn't think we can afford it. The last I check, though, the prices were quite low.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Swiss... I just texted my brother in regards to your question. When he reply's (sometimes that takes awhile) I will let you know
    As for travel... I think they are lowering the prices because of the economy. Hardly anyone is traveling so they are trying to drag in some business...
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I am eager to know the answer about taking protein powder on the plane. They might not allow that one...I know with the dry baby formula it has to be a certain amount. My daughter had to buy individually packed pkgs of formula when we went to Puerto Rico last March. Solid foods no problem.

    Stiring, you look great!!!! You should post the before picture to show everyone your success!! You know, I am going to add one of mine to my pictures so you guys can see...I will let you know when I do it so you can look at it. Some people use photo bucket to post pics on the threads but I don't know how to do that.

    Tron, kudos for wanting to advance to level 2 of the shred. I really like that workout. Level 2 is my favorite. Soon you will feel strong enough that you will do two or three levels at a time!!! :drinker:

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ok, I posted them in my pictures. They are the two last ones. One you just see the arm but click on it and it will show the whole picture on the top. Same with the other, wearing the gold blouse. They were both in Dec 07. I was close to 150lbs, probably that or more. When I weighed in Jan 08 to start this journey I was 148lbs. I am now 128lbs as of 2 wks ago. A lot of people don't think 20lbs to lose is not much but it makes a huge difference. Not only in the way you look but the way you feel and how it can dramatically improve your health. Heck, even 10lbs can make a difference. :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    alf.... 2 or 3 levels at a time!!!!!:noway: Hehehe, well here's hoping right.:drinker: By the way I saw your before pictures. You look amazing. I can really tell the difference. :flowerforyou:

    Swiss... My brother said you can take the protein on the plane. He said you can take as much as you want and shouldn't have a problem. If your still concerned about it call your local airport and they should tell ya.:smile:
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Alf - You look great!!! Thanks for showing the before pics so we can see the progress. A picture is worth a thousand words and seeing your success is so inspiring. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Stiring - you look FABULOUS!!!! Congrats on your success and maintenance. I know you'll stick with it now that you feel so good at 44. Look around at all the 20 somethings that don't have your energy and smile. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Tron - Congrats on the measurements!!! Your right, excercise definitely shows better change than just dieting. You're getting all those muscles in shape and they accentuate your figure. :wink: Gotta love that. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Swiss - I hope you can take your protein if you get to go to Florida. The protein I use comes in individual packets so itcan be taken on the plane. Although hoamai is correct that each airport is different. When in doubt I just put things in the bins so they can see it.

    Singfree - Have fun in California. And I hope you can get a pic posted soon. We are all anxious to see. :happy:

    I took a day off from working out yesterday to let my leg/knee rest. Woke up this morning with a ton of energy. My husband and I are going to the park so I can walk the track (and try to run :happy: ) while he skates. I like these trips to the park, I get to watch everyone admire my husband when he's training :bigsmile: . They don't see pro-skaters very often and it is amazing to watch a well trained skater. I enjoy bragging on him when I hear people on the track making comments about him. :love: :love:

    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    alf, I'm thinking about posting a 'before' photo too now that you have. Maybe later today when I have more time I'll look for one when I was closer to my heaviest weight (which I would guess to be about 150-155, but I wasn't weighing myself at the time).

    tron, my husband and I drove up the coast from LA to San Simeon for a night, then up the coast some more to San Francisco for a night, then into Sonoma and Napa, across to Yosemite, and home via Kings Canyon/Sequoia National Park. It was a whirlwind trip, but it was all the time we could get, and we made the most of it. We never know how long we are going to be living in any given place anymore, so we do what we can to enjoy where we are living even if it means taking whirlwind vacations like this one. But this trip gave us a great view of more of California, and ideas of places to go back if we get the time in the future.

    And congratulations, tron, on all the progress you are making! :drinker:

    TexasMom, thanks for your compliments. It really is amazing how much better I feel.

    Off to do an hour long leg workout (STS). I have a feeling this one is going to be a killer. I can't wait. :bigsmile:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you guys!!! I also cannot believe how much different I look and feel now just 20lbs lighter and stronger!! :drinker: :drinker: I went to a Zumba class this morning. I enjoy it so much. I burned 409 calories in 59 minutes, not bad. Iam planning on going for a long run tomorrow morning. :drinker:

    Texasmom, that's so cute about your husband. :laugh: What does he do when he trains? What kind of skates does he use? That is so cool!

    Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    cardigirl... They are chihuahua's. I have two Dixie who is 4 years and 4 lbs, Moochie who is 3 years and 10 lbs. My eldest daughter has Zippy who is almost a year and 4 lbs and the younger daughter has the baby, Papers who is I think 9 or 10 weeks old and 2 lbs. And no, Moochie isnt fat. I think if he were 8 lbs he would be considered under weight. Just a bigger dog. I have Zippy and Papers til around 3 today. Thank goodness Papers is getting comfortable here. I was able to put her down for about 5 minutes while I weighed myself on my wii fit.

    And speaking of weighing myself.................
    I am 1 lb lighter!!!!!!! Yea!!! I am so excited... Just had to share:smile:

    Congrats on the loss, Tron! Feels so good, doesn't it? And thanks for telling me about the doggies. I love all dogs, and think chihuahuas are so adorable. I haven't had a dog the last few years, as I'm not home enough. My last dog was a Cardigan Welsh Corgi named Sherman because she was large for the breed. I loved her to pieces but she was definitely a ****ens...that dog could chew through anything! I miss her though.

    Someday, I'll have another dog, I hope.