40+Club-Making it Work



  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Well, went to the gym this morning (walked to it actually) and all of the machines I use for cardio were busy! Grrrr! So did 25 minutes on the stair master, whew!

    That plus the walk to and from home, gave me an extra 400 calories for the day. Yay! Going to go out and plant more flowers and do yard work.

    Alf, thanks so much for starting this thread. I don't get to post much on it, but I love reading about everyone's successes and enthusiasm, it really keeps me motivated.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys fine weather!:flowerforyou:
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Texasmom, that's so cute about your husband. :laugh: What does he do when he trains? What kind of skates does he use? That is so cool!

    Alf - Thanks for the note. I'm really proud of my hubby.

    He skates on inline racing skates. Right now he's training for indoor nationals in July and his training is both indoor and outdoor. When he's with his team they train indoors. They do things like low walks, wall sits, and squats for leg strength, then they do a lot of skating intervals, round and round and round the rink. Indoor training goes for 2 hours 3 days a week. Outdoor training is all about endurance for my husband. The park near our house is really nice because it has an outer road that measures a little more than a mile and an oval road that perfectly simulates a track. The outer road has 2 great straight aways that go up hill which he loves. Outdoor he'll skate really hard for 4 or 5 miles and then start interval training skating hard on the uphill and not quite as hard on the downhill. He usually ends up skating 20 miles outdoors 3 days a week.

    I'll find some pics of him and post them soon.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    My husband was not feeling well last night so I went to our trainer by myself. She told me I needed to go buy some new work out clothes because the ones I have are hanging on me! Also, I wore a skirt to work the other day that I have had for two years and have not been able to wear it. It was actually a little big on me!

    Ladies (and gentlemen) over 40: make sure you are getting enough calcium plus vitamin D. Take a supplement to make sure. I have pre-osteoporosis (runs in the family: my mother, a brother and my late sister) and am also on fosomax. I am looking forward to my bone scan now that I have been very good about taking calcium, fosomax and have been doing weight lifting. My mother is recovering from a spinal compression fracture. Not a pretty thing to have.

    She is flying in this next weekend. I think I need to rent a bulldozer to make a path in the guest room. I guess clearing out by hand will burn more calories. Happy weekend everyone!

    I posted a picture of our dogs. Not ready to post one of me yet...
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    What cute dogs Texssippian. I love the adorning looks they have on their faces.

    I haven't been online until just now. Had a busy day. My girls had their dress rehearsal for ballet. My step daughter graduated high school. My husband and I took his four children out for lunch. Here is where my story begins.... His son ordered a large breakfast skillet. A lot of calories but he is thin. The three girls, however are not. Two of them are obese. One girl ordered a fried chicken platter and asked for a double order of fries instead of the cole slaw. Another girl had a breakfast skillet and fries. She also had four pieces of blueberry bread. The last girl had a double cheeseburger and fries plus four dinner roles. She then took home three more dinner roles. I haven't seen anyone eat like this in a long time. No, maybe never.
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Swiss - I know it must have been hard watching the food consumption at that lunch. :cry: :cry: I hope your example will have an impact on your step-kids someday.

    I have been embarrassed by how large I've gotten over the past 6 ears. My step-son that recently moved in with us doesn't really remember me ever being thin. :cry: But when he moved in he was over weight and knew it. At 13 and about 4'10" he was wearing a 32 inch waist and a men's medium t's. :frown: He told me that if I could lose weight so can he and has been motivated to start eating better and excercising. In 3 months he is down to a 30 inch waist and probably closer to a 29. We are really proud of him and he is loving how much better he feels. Not to mention liking to look at the change in his body in the mirror. :blushing:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Glad to see everyone is having a wonderful day....

    Texssippian...Your dogs are adorable. And congratulations on such progress... Buying new clothes was the best and most exciting thing about losing weight. Of course I lived in my sweats (draw strings are great) so I only bought an outfit here or there until I felt I reached my goal.:happy:

    Texasmon... Have you thought about putting on a pair of skates and going along with him? I bet it could be fun.:smile: And also, congratulations on being such a great role model for your step son. Sounds like you are both doing terrific.:flowerforyou:

    Swiss... Thats unfortunate about the girls. How old are they? I only ask because my girls went through an age period where they got chunky (not obese) but then had a growth spurt and were skinny again. Why didnt that happen to me? After all I am only 5'2:laugh:

    I posted a before picture of myself. Its the nicest one I could find but still:grumble: :noway: YUCK!!!!!!
    The main picture is my current weight BUT it was taken when I was dieting alone. I have to find my notebook but I think I have more inches lost this time around. And the last one is my after dieting at 110. I look good in the picture but naked.... Uggg. Thats why I'm making sure I exercise this time. :smile:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi all, just wanted to let you know that I was able to get at least one pix up and running. More to come. This is me in Semmering Austria. There is another pix from a hiking trip to New Hampshire, if you click on my profile...here I am!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    String... Sounds like one of my vacations. We try to fit in so much in two weeks but I have to admit we have seen a lot of this country of ours.:smile: As for things to do... I don't know what your interested in. There is Hollywood. I myself haven't gone there yet but I am planning on it. Disneyland. California and Moaning Caverns (but if you've ever been to Carlsbad caverns these ones do not compare) I'd really have to think about it.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Texas, it is wonderful that your step-son was influenced by you. That is what parenthood is all about. Not too much hope for my steps. The ones who are obese are 25 and 29. They both have to weight well over 250 pounds. One of them is probably closer to 300. Their mother is heavy also but their dad (my husband) is maybe 15-20 pounds overweight. He is also very muscular and lifts weights. He hasn't had any impact with them. He, by the way, ordered a salad. One of his girls asked him where his real food was. I don't have anything in common with these girls except for their dad. All three of his girls say that they will never have children. They do not want to ruin their lives by having to deal with the mess. So, as a mom of eight I can't understand their beliefs. :laugh:

    sing, you look great in your picture.:smile:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Thanks, swiss! These aren't great pictures, but I promised to get something up for you guys. I will post more soon, or after California!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    singfree, great photo! Thanks for sharing that with us. Have a safe and fun trip tomorrow!

    Swissmiss, I really don't know what to say about your step-daughters. I hope they eventually learn to lead healthier lives.

    TexasMom, I think it is great that you are working with your step-son this way! Congratulations to both of you on your progress!

    tron, we've done quite a few things around LA so far, but there is just so much to do. We've done the whole Hollywood/Beverly Hills thing, the beaches, Reagan Museum, etc. We haven't done Disneyland or Knott's Berry Farm yet, but I'm sure we will. We have two big blocks to our seeing more--my husband travels alot and the LA traffic. But we're trying to work around the former and there is absolutely nothing we can do about the latter. But both can kind of get frustrating at times.

    Based on your and alf's example, I've uploaded a 'before' photo as well. I chose one from a couple of years ago when my husband and I were in Hawaii (April 2007). I'm ashamed to say that I was probably heavier than that later in the year (around September 2007), but, luckily, I can't find any photos of me from that period of time. But looking through these photos has really inspired me not to get that big again.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    It is soooo great to get to see you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tron and Stiring, wow!!! What a difference! You look like two different people! :noway: You both look great!!! Stiring, that beach is gorgeous!!

    Sing, are those recent pictures? You truly don't look like a 54 yr old!! You look so much younger! I never pictured you with black hair. :noway: I don't know why! Have a wonderful trip!

    Ok, it is time for me to go to bed...:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    Talk to you tomorrow!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Why, thank you ALf!!! :bigsmile: Yes, those are some pix from the past year. Thankfully, I was able to keep my hair and MOST of the color. Just a few gray hairs here and there. I must be the poster boy for clean living...or maybe good genes!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Well, we're off to Church...a busy morning, today is Pentecost and we have 3 Baptisms. I was hoping to get out of Church early, but that's not going to happen! We have to race home, change clothing, eat a sandwich and off to the airport in Philly. I will try to check in from time to time at my brother in law's place.
    Take care, dear friends!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, have a safe and fun trip. We will be looking forward to hearing about it.

    Can you imagine never having vegetables? I have learned that because their mother doesn't like them my steps have never had them. If you ask them if they eat veggie they will say..sure, see my fries? I really feel sorry for them. I grew up with a garden in my back yard every summer. My sisters and I would grab a carrot whenever we wanted a snack. I wish I had the room for a garden where I live now. Their father will eat veggies with me and we have salads a lot. His girls do not respect my opinion much so all I can do is show them by example. I also do not see them very often as they don't normally get along with their dad. Yesterday was a special occasion.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Can anyone explain to me why I carefully watched my diet, began to exercise again and took up more walking and gained 1 and 1/2 pounds?
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Swissmiss, if you've just started working out again, chances are your body is retaining water. I know my body does that every single time I take a break from working out and start up again. This is a quote from a recent Cathe Friedrich blog (I'm doing her STS program). She was referring to weightlifting in particular, but I believe it applies to all exercise (at least it does for me!):

    "When you begin any new weightlifting program your body will retain water in the beginning. This is because your body’s muscles will temporarily store more glycogen when you start a new program and this attracts more water to your muscles. This is one reason why your muscles swell. After your body adapts to the new program your body will stop storing excess glycogen and the water retention will decrease."

    It is interesting that you mentioned that your step-daughters think of fries as vegetables. That is about the 10th time I've heard that in the past few months. It blows my mind that there appears to be such a pervasive belief throughout the country that fries=vegetables. Where did that come from? I know potatoes are a vegetable, but I guess I never was presented french fries and told 'eat your veggies!' so I'm not sure how that has become such a common mantra. I find it disturbing.

    Off to do some kickboxing this morning. I'm feeling the leg workout from yesterday, so I'll probably go a little light today on the workout. I hope everybody has a great Sunday.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks stiring, I had never heard that. I certainly hope that is the problem. If I can get my husband away from making his strawberry preserves I will be going to the gym with him. I made a smoothie with some of the berries. He doesn't understand why I don't want sugar with mine.:laugh:
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    We had fresh beets last night. Very good but turns everything pink.

    In the south, macaroni and cheese is considered a vegetable! We have not been able to grow it our backyard...
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Sing... Have a great time on your vacation. And yes, your pictures are great. I bet most people are surprised when they find out your age....:wink:

    Alf... I think I look different in pictures too. I had some other ones that really showed off the fat but I am so embarrassed of them. Its amazing, looking back at pictures even my kids didnt see me as that fat.

    String.... Those girls are adults now and hopefully will one day take a really good look in the mirror. Their mother never ate veggies? Common, you cant hate EVERY veggie out there. Thats an excuse.