


  • buckystars
    buckystars Posts: 129 Member
    I do it for the zombies...When they come, weights won't help you outrun them...

    THIS. This is why I run.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    good read, thanks dude
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    I do it for the zombies...When they come, weights won't help you outrun them...

    Cardio is rule #1...
  • mjsamee
    mjsamee Posts: 215 Member
    I love cardio.

    Ever tried Tae Bo?

    Back OT, fully agree. Doesn't matter how you get to that goal, it's all how you want to do it. I do a mix of cardio and heavy lifting, that way i keep muscle mass and get a visual number of how much extra i can eat :D

    Ever heard of ignore?

    Did I miss something? I was going to say I loveee Tae Bo! :ohwell:
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I agree with everyone who says "everyone to their own". I grew up playing soccer and doing swimming, and so getting back into jogging has been an amazing feeling. It's not to work out, but more to feel better and burn some stress.
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    For the record, I'm going to start New Rules hopefully next week (still waiting for the book and equipment to arrive), but I don't think I'll ever give up running. For me it's a destresser - almost a kind of meditation. I hated it when I started, but its addictive.
  • ster81
    ster81 Posts: 249
    I do it for the zombies...When they come, weights won't help you outrun them...

    Cardio is rule #1...
    You can only run so far before the zombies eventually catch up to you. Get some guns, stock up on ammo, and find yourself a tower and snipe away lol.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I do it for the zombies...When they come, weights won't help you outrun them...

    Cardio is rule #1...
    You can only run so far before the zombies eventually catch up to you. Get some guns, stock up on ammo, and find yourself a tower and snipe away lol.

    Plus if you strength train you can hurl the zombies with voracious force and handle heavy melee weapons too.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I do it for the zombies...When they come, weights won't help you outrun them...

    I sure can smash their heads with a hand weight though
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I do it for the zombies...When they come, weights won't help you outrun them...

    If you smash their brains in with a dumb-bell, you don't have to run.

  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I do it for the zombies...When they come, weights won't help you outrun them...

    Cardio is rule #1...
    Yeah to look like one.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I like running and lifting weights. Lifting makes me feel strong, but I can run outside, and I like being outside.

    I'm with ya there...I really love running.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    For the record, I'm going to start New Rules hopefully next week (still waiting for the book and equipment to arrive), but I don't think I'll ever give up running. For me it's a destresser - almost a kind of meditation. I hated it when I started, but its addictive.

    I want to get that book also and learn some new things...but I agree with you, running is stress relief for me.
  • sarallong
    sarallong Posts: 74 Member
    True, to each their own.. If you love cardio continue to do it, as long as you're doing something active to get you where you want to be. Personally, I do zero cardio... Not that I hate it, but my goal is fat loss and cardio just makes me hungry which causes me to eat more than I think im burning... If you love it or you're training for an event, then cardio is where its at. For fat loss and lean muscle gains, gotta hit the weights..
  • sarallong
    sarallong Posts: 74 Member
    Well said!!!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    I love cardio, i love running. Lifting on the other hand, i do it because i have to.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    Saw that expecting the typical "HIIT iz amazing and LISS is teh debil" nonsense. I was pleasantly surprised - it was pretty well balanced, and unlike most fitness articles, recognized that each has its place.

    Bottom line: choose your primary training goals first, then choose the form of cardio that best works with your program (High-intensity, low/moderate intensity, a mixture of both, or none at all).

    Case in point: when I was a competitive weightlifter I would train 2x/day-6days/week. Adding high-intensity cardio into the mixture would be a recipe for disaster. But I could easily take a brisk walk for an hour or more (weather permitting) or pedal the spin bike in the morning while I drank my coffee -- upping my daily energy expenditure without impairing my recovery.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I like both, but for different reasons. I like weights for the inches lost it gives me, I love running because it relieves stress which often ties into my weight.
  • cheddle
    cheddle Posts: 102 Member
    Losing weight is a numbers game.
    Calories in vs calories out, depending how it swings you will lose or gain, keep it even.......stay the same

    I am down 50+ lbs in my time here with little to no cardio in the traditional sense. once a month I run two miles.

    I lift weights, sometimes in a slow powerlifting fashion, lots of rest and heavy weight. Sometimes, in a circuit training fashion, 4 exercises done in rapid succession with no rest in between. That is my cardio.

    To each their own, but there are many people on here that think you need to spend 2 hours a day on a treadmill to lose weight, and that is not the case. I work out for 45 min, 3 times a week, sometimes 4 but rarely. That is it.

    The beauty of the calorie counting game is that you dont need to exercise at all to lose weight. You should obviously for your health, but its not necessary to lose weight.

    It does depend on your goals..........I have no desire to look like a marathon running for extended periods would be pointless for me. If your goals are cardio based, such as lowering a 5k time, or running a half marathon, then that is a different circumstance entirely.

    Long story short, if you hate cardio like me.............dont do it. Lifes to short to be wasting time doing things you hate.

    well said sir, well said...

  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member