girl's confident in her body == slutty?



  • Evarell
    Evarell Posts: 143 Member

    I think if you all want to post pics on here that show that beautiful toned skin, GO FOR IT! I know that if I ever get to where some of you are at - I'm going to be posting pics with a lot more skin than I do now. haha

    Don't you mean *when* you get there? :flowerforyou:
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 429 Member
    There is a difference between being confident and being slutty.

    There is also a difference btween taking pictures to show off your accomplishments and simply seeking attention.

    Its called having respect for yourself not to let the world see it simply bcuz you think its some form of confidence.
    Your body is meant for you and the person you want to share it with.

    Not the internet.

    How would you discern the difference between taking a picture to show off accomplishments and taking one solely to seek attention?

    Wouldn't intent be the underlying distinction? Isn't any picture going to seek attention? If you wanted to not garnish any attention, you would have left that faceless blue man up, wouldn't you?

    None of my pictures reveal anything underneath my clothes.

    When somebody posts they are posting pictures simply for attention that basically says why they are posting the picture.

    Wait. What?

    I don't know if you know this or not, but you are naked underneath your clothes.

    It's shocking, really.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    I suppose now I can`t post a pic in the thong underbritches I bought last weekend.:grumble:
  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member

    I think if you all want to post pics on here that show that beautiful toned skin, GO FOR IT! I know that if I ever get to where some of you are at - I'm going to be posting pics with a lot more skin than I do now. haha

    Don't you mean *when* you get there? :flowerforyou:

    LOL! Well, I KNOW I will get 'skinny' but it may not be a skinny I'd want to show anyone else. haha. But thanks for the distinction because you're right - I need to think positively.. which is something a lot more people on the forums needs to do as well. All this negativity SUCKS.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I love sluts
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    I'm fairly new so I haven't seen the pics you're talking about. But regardless of the slut factor or not, I think there's a problem with posting certain types of images on a forum.

    I used to Admin a forum and those types of pictures (nudes, spread legs, obvious "come do me" poses) attracts the wrong kind of people. Not people who are interested in the point of the forum. They just come to troll for hot chicks. It creates a problem for everyone. So we didn't allow those types of posts. You especially don't want that type of conduct going on when there are young girls posting. Exposing them to predators is just wrong.

    So no, I don't have a problem with revealing photos that are tasteful and obviously meant to show off your progress. But I would object to those photos that attract predators. You really don't want that here.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Its called having respect for yourself not to let the world see it simply bcuz you think its some form of confidence.
    Your body is meant for you and the person you want to share it with.

    hrm. i also burlesque dance. for real live people. ah. apparently i have no self respect and it's ~not~ confidence. got it. check.

    So much for lusting over you...Im now in love.
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 896 Member
    I love sluts

    I love you too :heart:
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Perhaps its just a perception thing... after all fatter women or those unconfident with their body are less likely to get their kit off and are considered conservative because their lack of confidence may also be affecting their sex/social/personal life too making them appear so, when in reality a normal healthy fit woman who can wear skinny clothes and look great in bikini/underwear has the confidence to go out and get what she wants and actually get her body shown off tastefully! It does very much matter on the way the photo is taken... if its prevocative then it is slutty, if it's not, it's just like the guys with their teenie weenie trunks on here taking pics of themselves flexing their muscles!
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    oh - 100% !!

    These are NOT public pictures at all. private groups, PMs, crap like that.

    heh - and no, no spread legs poses. hhhahahhah.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    If I was single I would be slutty!

    I always just told people to shove it and move on. Don't like me or what I do? Don't be around me or do the things I do. I couldnt care less!
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    I once posted my *kitten* on I a slut too? And when I say *kitten* I mean no underoos or nothing on...

    i think i would rather see the underoos. not that i want to see that other than your *kitten*, but underoos are SO cool.

    They are the Superman ones..sweet sauce

    Underoos sound cute...but I'm sorry I missed the bare *kitten* pic:cry:
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member accepts all slutty photos

  • gagesmom314
    gagesmom314 Posts: 101 Member
    I find it interesting that only one person seems to have a different opinion and she is being ganged up on for it. I believe that the OP was asking for an opinion and when one person came along that didn't agree with the majority she must be wrong and picked on.

    Personally I don't need to see all of everyone. If I wanted to see all of that there are plenty of porn sites out there that I could visit. Do I think that revealing pictures make someone slutty? No but I think there is a misconception that a person is slutty if they post provocative pictures. To play devil's advocate here, the internet is a very public place. I hire people as part of my job and I never hire anyone without doing a search on the internet for them. It is amazing what a potential employer can see just by typing a name in Google. So for myself, I don't post anything online or photos of myself online that I would be ashamed if my employer saw.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Being revealing doesn't always equal confidence. You have some women who have to be revealing because they have no substance, confidence or self esteem and that is the only way they can get noticed. Of course there are people who are confident so they don't mind wearing revealing clothing, basically its just not a good way to measure someone's confidence. Confidence is an attitude and not how you dress.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    Its called having respect for yourself not to let the world see it simply bcuz you think its some form of confidence.
    Your body is meant for you and the person you want to share it with.

    hrm. i also burlesque dance. for real live people. ah. apparently i have no self respect and it's ~not~ confidence. got it. check.

    So much for lusting over you...Im now in love.

    i'll tell you about the next show i'm in. but beware. i have zero confidence in myself so the dance will kinda suck.

  • Your body is meant for you and the person you want to share it with.

    Not the internet.

    What if the person I want to share it with IS the internet??

    To bad the internet is NOT a person.

    Oh, aren't you a peach!

    so because she has the opinion opposite of you, your reply contains a sarcastic and even quite possibly an insulting undertone? i dont think thats fair. if she chooses to have that opinion, we should choose to respect it, that is, if respect is what your asking for when referencing to "slutty" photos.

    that being said, i agree that confidence and sluttiness are two very different things. however when you post pictures, whatever they may be, it no longer is your business but becomes the business of everyone else who views it.

    however, when i reach my goal, i plan to rock it where appropriate. which means i wont be wearing anything in any photos that i wouldnt wear outside. a chick in her workout gear or bathing suit = not slutty. a chick lying in a sexual position on a bed with a "bathing suit" that has barely enough pieces on it to cover her nipples or vag = slutty.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I used to Admin a forum and those types of pictures (nudes, spread legs, obvious "come do me" poses) attracts the wrong kind of people.

    I have never seen any of those types of pictures here. I think what the OP is referring to are pics of women who are fit and lean posting pics of them in sports bras or something to show off their abs and certain overly-prudish types on here reporting them and having them removed for no reason other than they think it's "slutty" to show anything like that.

    It's been a consistent issue here for a long time.

    I agree that pics like the ones you mention would be grossly inappropriate.
  • catattack13
    catattack13 Posts: 117
    confidence is not the same as sluttiness. it's just... not. I don't have an absolute need to see other people's naughty bits, but I don't flail around screaming when I do see them. we all have it, who the f really cares.
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 75 Member
    Apparently I'm on the wrong friends list...
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