may as well just sit on my bum



  • missbaker89
    missbaker89 Posts: 245
    IM NOT ARGUEING WITH EVERYONE CAN SEE VALID POINTS OBVIOUSLY WHEN IM SAYING THIS IM BEING IGNORED SO ONCE AND FOR ALL I see there are tidy peeps on here who want to help and I will take on board what the genuine peeps have to say but those who just want to ridicule me thats different, to those who are genuine I THANK YOU SINCERLEY, to those who think im argementive then they just dont know me and to those who want to just attack peeps with their pathetic pics etc why do you bother , youre clearly just going round topics to insult and undermine peeps and that purely is just not right. To those who clearly have only read part of the posts and therefore dont get my point well IM SORRY YOUVE GOT THE WRONG IDEA OF THE SORT OF PERSON i AM

    If you didn't want responses as to why 'sitting on your bum' might not be the best course of action, why did you make this post? I get that you do exercise regardless and are expressing frustration at the concept of eating back exercise calories, but seriously why post if you don't want the explanation for why that theory works? If you don't want to do it...then don't. No one here can stop you. I firmly believe you'll have tremendous problems down the road if you do this to any extreme. I happen to think most people underestimate caloric intake and overestimate caloric burn, so in fact 'not eating back exercise calories' for them is actually just about in line with eating them back but being more accurate. If you fall into that group than you'll likely be fine, but if you're actually eating 1200 calories and burning 1000 every day (I just made up numbers), bad things will happen. At the end of the day though, it's your life and your body, do what you want.

    Do a forum search on eating back exercise calories, there's TONS of posts every day about it, it's only reasonable to except people to start to become snide after responding to the same thing for the thousandth time.

    she did not ask the question "why is sitting on my bum not the best course of action".........she just wanted to know something she did not understand (why do you have you eat back your calories) .....yes she did say "i might as well sit on my bum" but that was not the question that was clearly because she did not understand the whole eating back your calories....and obvioulsy she wanted feedback/responses hence the reason why she posted the topic.......but there is a difference between giving feedback/advice and being rude and *****y!!!!
  • rockinsue285
    IM NOT ARGUEING WITH EVERYONE CAN SEE VALID POINTS OBVIOUSLY WHEN IM SAYING THIS IM BEING IGNORED SO ONCE AND FOR ALL I see there are tidy peeps on here who want to help and I will take on board what the genuine peeps have to say but those who just want to ridicule me thats different, to those who are genuine I THANK YOU SINCERLEY, to those who think im argementive then they just dont know me and to those who want to just attack peeps with their pathetic pics etc why do you bother , youre clearly just going round topics to insult and undermine peeps and that purely is just not right. To those who clearly have only read part of the posts and therefore dont get my point well IM SORRY YOUVE GOT THE WRONG IDEA OF THE SORT OF PERSON i AM

    If you didn't want responses as to why 'sitting on your bum' might not be the best course of action, why did you make this post? I get that you do exercise regardless and are expressing frustration at the concept of eating back exercise calories, but seriously why post if you don't want the explanation for why that theory works? If you don't want to do it...then don't. No one here can stop you. I firmly believe you'll have tremendous problems down the road if you do this to any extreme. I happen to think most people underestimate caloric intake and overestimate caloric burn, so in fact 'not eating back exercise calories' for them is actually just about in line with eating them back but being more accurate. If you fall into that group than you'll likely be fine, but if you're actually eating 1200 calories and burning 1000 every day (I just made up numbers), bad things will happen. At the end of the day though, it's your life and your body, do what you want.

    Do a forum search on eating back exercise calories, there's TONS of posts every day about it, it's only reasonable to except people to start to become snide after responding to the same thing for the thousandth time.

    I am not saying sitting on bum is best course of action, I posted cos I wanted peeps opinions as to why, that said it doesnt mean peeps have to be so rude in their replies, Ive taken on board what peeps have said who have respectfully replied but sorry im not falling pray to the playground bullies who just want to get their point across with childish bullying tactics
  • rockinsue285
    It's great when you don't understand the basis behind the diet program you're following.

    im not following a diet program of any sort, im just logging in to track my cals was just interested in the whys and wherefores and having only been on her 2 weeks ive a lot of questions but will not ask anymore thats for sure
  • Wickedmeowmer
    Not to sound rude AT ALL, but I find this whole topic weird. How do people who want to lose weight (insinuating they are a little heavier) have a hard time eating calories? Obviously we all used to be pretty good at it, LOL!

    Like I said above, do NOT take this meanly, but I guess what I am saying is maybe channel a little of your old 'fatter self' to figure out how to eat more ;) hee hee!

    Plenty of nutritious and calorie rich foods out there folks....
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Wow i cant believe how harsh people are being on here?!?!

    Personally sue I agree why do exercise loose a few cals then add them back on by eating them again?! surely that's not going to help you loose any weight that would keep you at the same weight you started at? CONFUSED.COM

    And for all you people being rude... she's not saying she IS going to sit on her bum all the time because there is no point burning of cals then eating them again

    she is saying what is the POINT in burning off cals then eating them up again??..

    NOT what is the point in exercise like some of you keep going on like she's said she's not doing any exercise she would rather eat her cals do excercise and leave it at that not then think oo ive burned off cals lets go eat them again..?

    If you read the rest of the thread you'll see many explanations why MFP is built to eat back exercise calories. Your calorie goal before exercise is NOT maintenance level. I linked to the MFP FAQ a few pages back, please take a look and you won't be "CONFUSED.COM" anymore.

    Jorra with all respect....we all know your have commented enough!!!!

    What she's responding to is *specifically* your statement that "surely that's not going to help you lose any weight that's going to keep you at the same weight you started at."

    If you are already eating at a calorie deficit, eating your exercise calories will not negate that. What it won't do is *increase* your calorie deficit beyond what's already built in. It won't make you lose weight *faster* than what you selected when you built your profile.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Wow, OP. Just wow. Have fun couch surfing through life.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    she did not ask the question "why is sitting on my bum not the best course of action".........she just wanted to know something she did not understand (why do you have you eat back your calories) .....yes she did say "i might as well sit on my bum" but that was not the question that was clearly because she did not understand the whole eating back your calories....and obvioulsy she wanted feedback/responses hence the reason why she posted the topic.......but there is a difference between giving feedback/advice and being rude and *****y!!!!

    That's fair to say, but saying you 'may as well sit on my bum' really does beg the question 'why shouldn't I do that'. That is the second side of the question of why you should eat back exercise calories, the inherent benefit of exercise above and beyond calorie burn. If you don't think that's the case we'll just have to agree to disagree on that point.

    You make a fair point about rudeness, but I did mention the overload of this exact kind of post already on the forum. I hope you can understand why it would be extremely frustrating for people. I have taken a fair amount of time to do research on the subject, and I'll be the first to admit I'm no expert, but I do think I know enough to be able to speak intelligently on the subject. I understand the paradigm in place for MFP's calorie calculations and the idea of eating back exercise calories. As I explained I think a lot of people get away with what could potentially be dangerous behavior because they are satisfied with mediocre results (i.e losing a lot of muscle mass unnecessarily), they underestimate calorie intake, and they overestimate calorie expenditure. Now they may be getting results that make them happy, but I think it's a disservice to others to then say 'well I only eat 800 calories a day and then burn 15,000' (I'm exaggerating) because if anyone were to actually do that they would have some pretty serious problems pretty quickly. I think a lot of other folks are in the same boat as me, but it gets tiring explaining over and over again the same things. Is that justification for rude behavior? No. But it is, at least in my opinion, the reasoning behind it.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I am not saying sitting on bum is best course of action, I posted cos I wanted peeps opinions as to why, that said it doesnt mean peeps have to be so rude in their replies, Ive taken on board what peeps have said who have respectfully replied but sorry im not falling pray to the playground bullies who just want to get their point across with childish bullying tactics

    That's fair. But also, in similar fairness, this is an internet forum. This is, generally speaking, the way a lot of forums are, and it's something you either need to deal with, or avoid entirely. I personally stalk these forums because I find, from time to time, those 'childish bullying tactics' to be pretty damn funny, and have also found a wealth of really good information here. If you are unwilling to stick around I do hope you are able to find the information/advice that will help you meet your health and fitness goals efficiently and safely.
  • rockinsue285
    TROLLLLLLLLLLLL in the dungeon!

    sory, you mean what?
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    It's great when you don't understand the basis behind the diet program you're following.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Why I eat my exercise calories, illustrated.

    Increased activity demands increased fuel. MFP already calculates a calorie deficit without exercise. Not eating exercise calories makes that deficit larger. In some cases, too large, which causes muscle mass to be lost, which causes you to not look as good at your goal weight as you would if you'd kept your muscle mass.

    This is the pair of jeans I wore about five years ago at 130 pounds when I didn't eat enough, and the jeans I wear now at about 130 pounds eating my exercise calories.


    This is me about five years ago at 130 pounds, and me now at about 130 pounds.


    This is me now, wearing those jeans I was so happy to squeeze into at 130 pounds five years ago.


    If all one cares about is the number of pounds lost, don't eat them. If you care about your body composition and health, eat them.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Not to sound rude AT ALL, but I find this whole topic weird. How do people who want to lose weight (insinuating they are a little heavier) have a hard time eating calories? Obviously we all used to be pretty good at it, LOL!

    Like I said above, do NOT take this meanly, but I guess what I am saying is maybe channel a little of your old 'fatter self' to figure out how to eat more ;) hee hee!

    Plenty of nutritious and calorie rich foods out there folks....

    I hear this. I'd have no problem putting away 4000 calories a day if I could (and I used to-which is why I was overweight). Mmm food.
  • rockinsue285
    I am not saying sitting on bum is best course of action, I posted cos I wanted peeps opinions as to why, that said it doesnt mean peeps have to be so rude in their replies, Ive taken on board what peeps have said who have respectfully replied but sorry im not falling pray to the playground bullies who just want to get their point across with childish bullying tactics

    That's fair. But also, in similar fairness, this is an internet forum. This is, generally speaking, the way a lot of forums are, and it's something you either need to deal with, or avoid entirely. I personally stalk these forums because I find, from time to time, those 'childish bullying tactics' to be pretty damn funny, and have also found a wealth of really good information here. If you are unwilling to stick around I do hope you are able to find the information/advice that will help you meet your health and fitness goals efficiently and safely.

    well as advised by real supportive friends in my own group of friends on here im best to just stick with them rather than be mob bullied so hope the sickos have enjoyed sticking the boot in to a newbie who has gone all out to support others just because she dare ask a question that she couldnt get to grips with
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member

  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member

    If all one cares about is the number of pounds lost, don't eat them. If you care about your body composition and health, eat them.

    Very well said!!!!
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    As far as I can tell, you eat back your exercise calories in order to be able to build muscle from all that exercise. We obsess a lot about the number on the scale, but it's really about more than that isn't it?
  • rockinsue285
    Wow, OP. Just wow. Have fun couch surfing through life.

    sorry If youde read the posts I dont couch surf, im exercising twice a week linedancing, strength exercises every day and walking every weekend plus statinary bike in between
  • rockinsue285

  • rockinsue285
    oh and there goes that stupid animation dig again
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    FWIW I have never & will never "eat" back calories. I gained weight eating the wrong calories, now to lose it I am eating healthy calories.

    I have a set calorie count around 1200, which gets in all my nutriion, food groups etc.. Why do I need to add another 1000 to the plate? Sorry but the fuel thing just doesn't fly. Part of my calories is protein after workout, bout 170c/25g pr. So far the nutritionist & trainer haven't told me to shovel more food into mouth.

    Simple - eat better - move more.
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