has anyone here lost weight without having a gym membership?



  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I go to the gym at school and, more importantly than dropping the pounds, have made friends there.

    Even so, I have some home workout videos/games that really push me. I think it's all about how creative you get with your work outs.

    Personally, though, I wouldn't stop going to the gym for anything.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    I have lost 14 lbs without even working out anywhere :P

    When I do workout, it's by going to the park, doing pushups and jumping jacks at home, or kettlebell at home.
    Gym's are the biggest ripoff ever b/c they know only a small percentage of those who sign up will ever use it.

    Use that money to buy a good juicer or some good organic veggies :)
  • pearceda
    pearceda Posts: 29 Member
    No Gym membership here. My wife and I have a treadmill at home that we use, we walk twice a week outside during the winter and will increase that as weather gets warmer. I also use the P90X DVD series. I have lost 40 lbs over the last 15 months and my wife has lost has lost over 50 lbs. My wife does take advantage of classes offered around town occasionally, but they usuaully only cost $5-$10 per class
  • lottabody1
    lottabody1 Posts: 36 Member
    I have lost more weight just going to a track and walking for 45min to 1 hr, and i also get to enjoy the sunshine!
  • quickfin
    quickfin Posts: 81 Member
    I've lost all 68 of my pounds with out ever having stepped foot in a gym. Diet and at home videos, walking, and finding other things to do outdoors have helped. I also bought adjustable free weights from the local thriftshops. It is totally possible to do this at home. I'm looking at joining a gym but with summer just around the corner I cant stand to be inside when I'm in an office all day all I want to do is enjoy the outdoors!
  • roycelynberry
    roycelynberry Posts: 46 Member
    I lost some just working out at home but chose to go to the gym because it has more equipment and since I want to lose weight and tone the gym helps plus I burn alot more calories there at 1 time then home and my gym has a smoothie bar a spa and a cardio cinema room so it is also a way to get away from the house for me.
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    Tzun Tzu, in The Art of War, says, " know yourself and know your enemy. If you can know only one, know yourself."

    So will you work out at home?
    My answer is yes. So I work out at home. I am less likely to actually go to the gym and work out. I know, paid the membership and all that. So I got some gear for a home gym that suits me and I am working out regularly. Also using www.bodyrock.tv for HIIT workouts. (High Intensity Interval Training) That website has a lot of resources as well.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I've lost a total of 143 pounds over 6 years and have never been into a gym. Hell, I only really started getting into exercise that wasn't yoga or walking about a year ago. Combine in social phobia and agoraphobia, I never really go anywhere far.
    I do step, aerobics, weights and elliptical at home. I eat plenty of good and bad and try to stay within my macros. It's not a race - it's a lifestyle change. It's better to change for good bit by bit than to suddenly overhaul your entire lifestyle in my opinion.
  • NicoleinCarolina
    NicoleinCarolina Posts: 19 Member
    I have lost 16 pounds without a gym membership. I do have a treadmill at home which was great when it was really cold outside but now that it is warmer here I will be walking/running outside. I started the C25K program weeks ago. I am on week 4 day 2 ..you can look it up onlien or seek out the C25K group on MFP. I love it. It basically is a program where you walk and run for about 25 to 35 mins three days a week (I do it every other day) The running intervals are short at first like 30 seconds , then a minute and you grdually build yourself up to run a 5K. I have also changed my eting habits significantly, cut calories, etc.
    I am thinking of joining a gym or buying soem weights though because I have not done any strength training and I need to because I know that will help be build some muscle and burn calories faster.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    I don't go to a gym, cannot stands gyms!

    I started off last year by walking every lunch break. Then I got a Jillian Michaels DVD for at home (which I still use about twice a week) and now I'm close to completing couch to 5k.

    I went from a BMI of 27 to 21 at the moment.
  • jessicahowell2009
    I also just stay at home and work out. I have an elliptical in my family room as well as Zumba Wii and other workout games. I like being able to work out in the comfort of my own home. :) I have lost 15 lbs by just watching what I eat and working out in my home. :)
  • JSathe
    JSathe Posts: 2
    Working out at home is. Wonderful. The catch is not getting distracted with other things to do. You must look at a certain room in your home as your own gym. You also must pick a regular time for you exercising...just as you would do if you went to the gym.
  • JanineHarrison
    JanineHarrison Posts: 164 Member
    Gym or no gym, isn't the issue. Its about getting results based on how hard/well you work. I've done both (together and at seperate times) and have seen results either way. You have to decide what is going to motivate you and give you the resources you need. I onLy have a gym membership when I feel like its a good time. Money and time are huge factors to me.

    I do like having the gym option sometimes becuase there aren't the same distractions as at home. I'm one that would put off working out until my dinner is done the dishes are washed, the kid is bathed and then, crap, i need to rotate the laundry, oooh let me just pick this up really quick... oh I forgot to feed to dog then before I know it is almost midnight. If that isn't you and you are totally motivated and willing to do everything at home I say go for it, obviously it can be done. So many people have proven that here,

    However, lots of places offer free trials, I suggest check it out as long as it isn't going to cost you anything. You may find you work harder (or smarter) by at least getting exposed to new equipment or by watching things others do.
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    I gave up my gym membership because i found a tae bo class i love !!!!!!!!!!!
  • mickij3
    mickij3 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm debating on if I want to get a gym membership or not. I would rather work out at home, but I feel like I would become more fit or even lose weight faster if I joined a gym rather then working out at home.

    of course!! its simply about getting up and moving, eating right, and drinking lots of water! i almost found a great resource on Youtube.com called Body Rock! All of the workouts are designed for at home use with minimal items needed. the main lady on the video looks AMAZING!! its all about interval/circuit training. Good luck, and skip the gym!!
  • mickij3
    mickij3 Posts: 8 Member
    Gym or no gym, isn't the issue. Its about getting results based on how hard/well you work. I've done both (together and at seperate times) and have seen results either way. You have to decide what is going to motivate you and give you the resources you need. I onLy have a gym membership when I feel like its a good time. Money and time are huge factors to me.

    I do like having the gym option sometimes becuase there aren't the same distractions as at home. I'm one that would put off working out until my dinner is done the dishes are washed, the kid is bathed and then, crap, i need to rotate the laundry, oooh let me just pick this up really quick... oh I forgot to feed to dog then before I know it is almost midnight. If that isn't you and you are totally motivated and willing to do everything at home I say go for it, obviously it can be done. So many people have proven that here,

    However, lots of places offer free trials, I suggest check it out as long as it isn't going to cost you anything. You may find you work harder (or smarter) by at least getting exposed to new equipment or by watching things others do.

    good idea! shop around, and try the free stuff! and agree, just do what you feel works for you! i enjoy the gym because its just me time. i enjoy trying out the group fitness classes and the cycle machines. but mostly, the treadmills and ellipticals are easy to do every time and dont have the distractions of working out at home.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Me! Well, I actually have a membership because we joined the local YMCA as a family but I've been exactly three times in the 6 months since we joined. I'm just not a gym girl! I workout at home 5 days a week to Jillian Michaels DVD's and am currently following the Spike diet plan (I am eating at 1200 cals 5 days a week, 2000 on Sat, and 3000 Sun to put me at a weekly defecit but still keep my metabolism humming). I'm down 17 pounds since the end of November with about 9 more to go until my goal weight.
  • utvolsfan74
    utvolsfan74 Posts: 105
    Even though I have even started, I have lost 3 pounds without going to the gym. I workout at home with Jillian Michaels DVD's and Shaun T's Rockin Bodies DVD's. I can also tell you that if I have had paid for a gym membership I still would not have made it to the gym so that would be a waste of money for me.
  • mysticwonder
    I did MFP, Wii Fit and a stationary bike at home my first month. Lost 8.5lbs. Joined Planet Fitness at the beginning of month 2 and lost the same, 8.5. Now on month 3. I'm down a total of 19lbs in less than 3 months. I plan to do the 30 Day Shred AND go to the gym. It's really personal preference, but I feel I burn more calories and get a better workout at the gym.
  • runningdiva77
    i love my gym membership...it's very motivating. i see the same peaple every day. worth the $$$!!!!