

  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    If you're shallow and go for shallow people, wonder not why when you have a baby your shallow man will leave you.
  • PhotogNerd
    PhotogNerd Posts: 420 Member
    Wow.....not all men! My husband has always treated me like the queen of his life and believe me I got fat all 4 times I was pregnant. My body now isn't the same as it was when we met but neither is his. I'm certain he's not the only man alive that a woman's weight doesn't rank at the top of his "concerned with" list.

    Generalizing for all men = Epic fail, OP!
  • WendyFitMomCHANGED
    That may be your man, but it's not men. Don't blame all of us for the actions of whatever insensitive *kitten* you're with. Wise up and start choosing better partners.

    She probably stuffed the better partners into the "friend category."

    Precisely. Happens all the time.

    Ladies, stop crying you can't meet a good man. You already have. Dozens of them. You just overlooked them for six pack abs or a flashy car or some other stupid reason. If you're dating an *kitten* it's because you chose to date an *kitten*.

    Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go send flowers to my gf's office. No reason. Just 'cause.

    Awww, Lucky Girl!!
  • bubbaflip
    That may be your man, but it's not men. Don't blame all of us for the actions of whatever insensitive *kitten* you're with. Wise up and start choosing better partners.
    Couldn't of said that better myself. It's the women who choose who they wanna be with and if they choose to be with somebody who turns out to be an *kitten*, it's on their hands.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    As far as people saying one thing and acting a different way - consider that a lot of women act very differently depending on what is said to them.
    If a man says "I think you're beautiful" when they're thinking "could do with losing a few pounds" they often find they're treated rather differently to being truthful.

    I know plenty of blokes that genuinely don't care or that actually prefer larger women.
    I do generally find slimmer women more attractive; but it's certainly far from the only attribute that my sub-conscious is basing it's attraction on.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I understand its a sensitive topic, but I don't see why its bad to actually be concerned about your partner's weight. I mean being overweight IS a health problem.

    Probably because half of the men who are concerned about weight aren't even concerned about their own health.

    I know all men aren't shallow asshats. But my ex beat me down so badly about my weight. He was mentally, physically and sexually abusive to me. The weight skyrocketed as I lost all of my sense of self-worth with him. It's not so easy to leave when the other person has you brainwashed that no one else will want you and they make you feel like if you leave them you will die alone.

    It too me way to long to move on from that. Now I have a wonderful man who thinks I'm the most beautiful and sexy woman in the world, and tells me all the time. It's hard to believe it when he says it now because I am still recovering from what my ex did to me.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    That may be your man, but it's not men. Don't blame all of us for the actions of whatever insensitive *kitten* you're with. Wise up and start choosing better partners.
    Couldn't of said that better myself. It's the women who choose who they wanna be with and if they choose to be with somebody who turns out to be an *kitten*, it's on their hands.

    Have you ever been in a situation like this? It's really easy to say that someone should leave but being in an abusive relationship doesn't mean a person can just get up and walk away from it. There is a lot more to that then what you think..
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    Yes, I care. The personality traits I like the most are ones that are good drivers for going to the gym and staying tone. A women who stops going to the gym and gains weight is going to have the physical results of a psychological change.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Bump....for later, before anything gets locked. :glasses:
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Better looking women get better treatment from men. Plain and simple.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    You need to find a better guy, I guess.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    My wife put on 100 lbs in the first 14 years of our marriage and after 2 kids.
    I didn't love her less, or want to be with her less, or think less of her. did affect our lives. She became very inactive. Her health went to hell and her low self esteem destroyed her desire to be intimate.

    That weight is gone now and for a thousand reasons I couldn't be happier to see it go. So, as devoted to her as I am, and as much as I'd like to say I don't worry about her weight, truth is, I do.
    To say I never worried about her weight is to say I never worried about her asthma, high blood pressure, back and leg pain and overall crappy quality of physical life.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    That may be your man, but it's not men. Don't blame all of us for the actions of whatever insensitive *kitten* you're with. Wise up and start choosing better partners.

    Mmmhmm. :smile:

    I was about 125 when I met my husband, and he treated me like a supermodel. I was about 140 when we married, and he treated me like a supermodel. I was about 120 when I had a jaw problem and lost weight, and he treated me like a supermodel. I was about 160 after my parents died and depression made me gain weight, and he treated me like a supermodel.

    Now, on the other hand, he treats me like a fitness model instead. :laugh:
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Better looking women get better treatment from men. Plain and simple.


    I wouldn't say that my husband treated my poorly at all when I was at my heaviest. Our interaction with each other is different now, but I think it's more from my explosion of confidence, not that he's suddenly attracted to me when he wasn't before. Because I was suffering, I let our sex life and personal life go to hell with me. He's always been great to me, but I wasn't always so great to him. I think sometimes we don't see how our own personal struggles are taken out on other people. No one ate for me or sat on my butt for me.

    It's like "why do men suck" day on MFP, geeze.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I think it's the men you have. I have been with my husband for 25 years (married for 23). When he met me I weighed 108 pounds. Throughout our marriage I have had 4 children and obviously my weight has been up and down. At my highest point I was just over 200 pounds. I currently hover between 135 and 140. My husband has never treated me any differently no matter what my weight was. If they truly love you, they aren't going to treat you different whether your fat or skinny.

    Perfectly said. I've ranged from 222 (the day my first son was born) to my current weight 157...this is about what I weighed when my hubs and I met. Not a day has he treated me differently or loved me less. I expect that will remain the same when I reach my goal of 139, too. :smile:

    It's not all men. And how you treat yourself makes ALL the difference.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You might as well ask if all women type in capitals and punctuate strangely. Just because some individuals do, you can't apply the pattern to an entire gender.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Better looking women get better treatment from men. Plain and simple.

    Not if you're talking about an a-hole. Rihanna, Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston, Elizabeth Hurley, Sandra Bullock, Tina Turner, and so many other absolutely stunningly gorgeous women have been mistreated by men. And that's just the famous ones.

    Don't excuse bad behavior. Ever.
  • katierechgomez
    this pisses me off! why would you even consider being with someone unless you loved the person they are and not the one they could be if they just lost weight. I had a girl tell me once that I would be so hot if I lost some weight. so I lost the weight and then dumped her. I married my wife during her ugly duckling phase, as she calls it. I always thought she was beautiful and sure she has lost some weight and toned up a bit but I could really care less. it doesn't make a difference in who she really is. And in a lot of ways I'm the same guy I was 50 lbs ago and probably still will be after I loose the rest.

    ^^This...I feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful husband....I am married to my high school sweetheart--we have been together for over 11years, married for over 3years. Looking back at pics, I was definitely not very attractive when my hubby and I met in high school. I was actually pretty gross in my own personal opinion. But my hubby (then boyfriend) loved me anyway. I have gained and lost weight a lot over the years and he still treats me the same. He makes me feel attractive and beautiful all the time. He tells me I am sexy and how much he likes my body, booty...etc. I want to lose weight and get in better shape for ME. Although I know it will ultimately be better for my hubby because I will gain a lot more confidence which will benefit him. I know my hubby's weight has fluctuated, as well (not nearly as much as mine). I love my hubby no matter what. He will always be sexy to me because he treats me well, we have been through a lot together, he makes me laugh, I can always be myself around him--and he makes me SO HAPPY.
    If your guy puts a lot of emphasis on your weight, then that is not a good situation. There will always be someone else out there who love you for YOU, not your body type.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    "DO ALL MEN!!!"


    ok, I will! You don't have to yell at me :(
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member