Sixers Slimmer Summer - Week 1



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning ladies....

    nothing planned for today. heading to church shortly. right about the scale. had been down a couple #s, this morning back up over the weigh in on tues. i also had started the new meds for the foot. hope that isn't it. could be from what i ate for dinner. who knows it just does it mind work on you. i am not getting on it again until tuesday, and do the best i can until then. it's all i can do. so many factors play a roll in that scale.

    off to dress for church, later
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Woohoo! Ladies, I just had to pop in and tell you that I went out for a group run this morning through the running store and I ran 12km!!!!!! Not only that, it felt GREAT. No strain, no difficulty (mind you, the pace was about 1 minute per km slower than my 10k race pace) and I even ran home after. I'm feeling SO capable of doing the half in October since I still have my 18 weeks of coached training between now and then :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Wow Pedal that's so great. Keep up good work:flowerforyou:

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    get job pedal....

    got key to my new house today. so excited. got to stay and chat with the people for awhile, so i was able to get a good look around the kitchen, living room, dining room. love it. so much space. now the decorating in my mind begins. the kichen will be black, white, red. i have roosters now want to keep them. there is black counter, white cabnets, that's where i came up with my colors. since it is open to the living room i think i will put black rod iron accents. now i have country so need to work it all together. it will come together. goodwill here i come. :bigsmile: as, you know i love goodwill and yard sales. DH says we wait until we move in. which i agree. soooo excited two weeks. really needed this today too. have been crying the last few days. seems DH and i are alone in what we are going through. at least we feel alone. not going into details with you guys. we will be ok.

  • josie66
    josie66 Posts: 20
    What is this challenge and is it too late for me to get in? I am needing some motivation and support to lose weight (more than the 3 pounds I lose and regain nearly every week). If I could join your group I believe it would help me tremendously.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    What is this challenge and is it too late for me to get in? I am needing some motivation and support to lose weight (more than the 3 pounds I lose and regain nearly every week). If I could join your group I believe it would help me tremendously.

    We are a group that has been together in some incarnation since August 2008 though I think only a couple of us who are here now have been here the whole time. We do 6 week long challenges and at the outset you decide how much you're hoping to lose or outline the goals you'd like to achieve within those 6 weeks. We start a new weekly thread on Tuesdays which is when we do our weigh-ins (if applicable) and are otherwise just here for motivation, questions and answers, support and the like :happy: We're close to starting week two and we have about as many new faces as veterans for this challenge so jump in! Tell us a little something about yourself :bigsmile:
  • josie66
    josie66 Posts: 20
    Thanks. I am a special education teacher and my day is very full from the time I arrive until the time I leave the school. I have about 45 to 50 pounds to lose. I have lost weight before on WW. That was when I was in my 30's. It just seems my body doesn't respond as well at 42 as it did at 34. I just keep telling myself that if I have a bad day as far as my weight loss goes, I have to pick myself up and start over again. It just seems that I am having to do quite a bit of starting over again. I try to make sure I get some activity in every day. However, some days, I don't feel I give it my full effort. I try to eat healthy also but I know I can make improvements in that area also. We stay busy with ballgames and church activities. We are going on a mission trip with the church in June. I really want to lose at least 10 pounds by the time we leave. So, I really need this support group to help me get motivated and reach my goals.
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    I did terrible this weekend! I need to get better at carrying paper with me to write down what I am eating.

    Tomorrow is a new day!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good mornin'

    welcome will love us :laugh:
    candy....weekends are hard for most of us.

    ok, haven't given a talk for awhile. we have so many great new people. they are here for our wisdom and hope to find answers to their struggles.
    we need to learn that if we make a mistake, life goes on and we just go on and accept the choice we made. this is a life style change. it has to be changes you can live with for the rest of your life. if you can't live with the changes you make you won't keep the weight off. to lose weight for just a special event isn't great for your health. we need to be healthy. to be eating right and exercising. there are no special tricks, tips, secrets. it's just plain and simple eat right and exercise that's it. if you want a treat eat the treat. you will never be able to tell yourself i will never have chocolate again. you know you will. or eat out, or fast food. i know i will never be able to live my live without these things, so i have to learn how to have them at the right time. and watch how often i have them. i need to learn to not have to rely on this site. in fact i am working on that this 6 week challenge to learn how to do it without logging. i need to learn normal while having major stress in my life right now. cause it won't be the last time my life is stressful. as for calories, don't just cut them to nothing. you won't lose weight. you need to function. if you can't function you give up, you get angry. adjust to what suits you. everyone is different.
    as for exercise. just get up and move. even if it's just the few trips around the block. you are reading of pedal running, tiff with her great workouts, etc. they had to work up to that and that is what fits into their life for them. if all you can fit in is a quick trip around the neighborhood great. exercise doesn't mean a major all out burn major calories, just move. i put myself into a burn out. so i do my treadmill 2 days rest a day. workout 2 days, rest a day. if i make it to the gym once a week i happy with that. i am getting some moving in. get a rest day.

    ok i am done. sorry so long.

    off to shower and begin my day. later
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Good morning!

    Welcome Josie. Special Education Teachers have been in my life since my son tunred 2 and he is now 14 in just 2 weeks. He is Autistic. Thanks for all that you do! And welcome to the Sixers! Good luck on your weight loss journey...
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    I was hit by a car today. :noway: Seriously. while biking home from my LAST exam I got hit by a car, I hit the hood of the car, the bike fell on me. But the good news is that I AM ALIVE! And I nly have a sprained knee and bruises... but that means no working out for a while. Well I also have crutches and knee conpression but still. I'm happy to be alive.

    AND I passed my test. So God is real. And I am so thankful he saved me. :flowerforyou: count your blessings!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I was hit by a car today. :noway: Seriously. while biking home from my LAST exam I got hit by a car, I hit the hood of the car, the bike fell on me. But the good news is that I AM ALIVE! And I nly have a sprained knee and bruises... but that means no working out for a while. Well I also have crutches and knee conpression but still. I'm happy to be alive.

    AND I passed my test. So God is real. And I am so thankful he saved me. :flowerforyou: count your blessings!

    Omgosh, Tiff are you okay? Did you call the cops? How fast was the car going? Have you been checked out by a doctor? Did you get the driver's info -- you might not start exhibiting pain and problems until tomorrow (or even later)?? Omgosh, I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    Omgosh, Tiff are you okay? Did you call the cops? How fast was the car going? Have you been checked out by a doctor? Did you get the driver's info -- you might not start exhibiting pain and problems until tomorrow (or even later)?? Omgosh, I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    totaly agree with lauryn. rest.
    great job on the test......
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    TIFF!! I 3rd what L said. Make sure you are careful while symptoms surface... :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Thank goodness you're okay!!!!!!!!!!
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Glad you are okay! How scary.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, thanks for sharing your thoughts this morning. What you said is very important.
    And I agree; this is about lifestyle, however that is defined for each of YOU. The standard for your own pace and program are yours and the important thing is that exercise is happening and that you eat foods that will nourish and satisfy your body. We are all coming from our own perspectives in this group and that diversity is one of the MANY things that makes it special.

    I also wanted to comment on my new approach because it has really made a big difference to my mindset. It has only been a week (and there was that one day that I did jump on the scale), but taking a different approach to my journey and removing the scale from the equation has actually made it a LOT easier to make good choices. Before, if I ate something less than ideal or missed a workout I would get bummed about it and feel resigned to seeing the effects (even if it's just retained water from sodium) on the scale. It was like a game about the numbers and wanting to do what I could to keep them going down. But now that I've taken measurements and photos, and because I've allowed my goal to be a fitness-oriented goal rather than a number-oriented goal (the goal being my progression in distance running), I have really felt like I'm facing either cheating myself or not cheating myself, rather than losing a numbers game with the scale. We were at a parade this morning and I was SO HUNGRY when we got home. I thought about dipping in to something quick and sweet but my instant thought was, 'then you'll throw off your system with too much sugar and fat and you won't run as well tomorrow or recover as well after' and it was easy to wait 10 minutes while our protein pancakes finished cooking because I knew I would reward my body with the nutrition it needs to keep me moving forward. I'm not worrying about whether I'll get beaten by the scale because I won't know about any weird little fluctuations. I AM worrying about how my choices are going to affect my health and my performance and THAT is what a healthy lifestyle should be about.
    I know that is all kind of a mind-spew of a rant but this shift in perspective feels huge to me and I felt it was important to share it :flowerforyou: If I've learned anything in the last (almost) year on MFP it's that this journey from a fat lifestyle to a fit lifestyle has many stages and many epiphanies about ones self happen along the way. Just like a person won't succeed at this until they are truly ready in that magical way, the stages just come as they come. But food for thought can never hurt :wink: :heart:

    How about some specific goals for week 2?? Do you want to do a certain number of workouts? Try something new? Try to cook at home a certain number of nights this week? Drink enough water, get enough sleep or try adding some relaxational stretching to your week? Set some goals that you can achieve this week. It will do wonders! :drinker:
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member

    I am glad you are okay. You know you will probably be quite a bit more sore tomarrow and the next. Just try to get a much rest as possible. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hello Lovely Sixers!!!

    I'm struggling keeping up with all the members. So hello to you all! LOL!!!! I'm sure I will get better soon.

    Lauryn - Thanks for the special smile it was cute. Also thanks for sharing with Tiff about your relationship. Sometimes I worry about her relationship with him. I want her to know she always deserves better. AND She passed her test but got hit by a CAR. MAN.... its always drama. I'm glad she is doing well. Thanks again

    Pedal- I'm glad you have found a new way to focus. You seem to be doing wonderfully. Congrats

    Cathy- Glad to see you back at it!!! Well you have always been at it. Good luck.

    Tiff- DRIVE YOUR CAR. Love you sis and stop scaring me. PLEASE..... Congrats on the test. You are definitely blessed. :flowerforyou:

    RedSox- Glad to see you still working.

    Robin, Amylou, Shanell, Amy.... HELLO ladies.

    Well... I'm doing ok. I worked out a few hrs when I got home today because I didn't want to be in shock with the personal trainer tomorrow. I am trying to stay focused on my goals and continue my workouts and just let the PT boost my results.

    Take care ladies

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Tamm, good to hear from you! You're missed, you know! Yes, lots of new members to get to know!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    please look for new week 2 thread

    "sixers slimmer summer wk 2"