Sixers Slimmer Summer - Week 1



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Welcome Jen!!!

    I meant to write earlier. I have asthma too, but amazingly enough I've been able to get in shape, come off the meds, and learn to run!!! We shall chat more about it later. For some reason my boss and coworkers expect me to work today. Sheesh!!! :wink:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Morning ladies! Glad everyone is so chatty!:happy: I don't have time to read all the posts right now. But maybe later. Have a good morning!:flowerforyou:

    :laugh: Once that baby gets here, you will never 'have time' again!!! :laugh:

    Morning Sixers!!!

    Hehehe... yes, I've spent plenty of moments reflecting on how I could EVER have felt busy back before I had one (let alone TWO!) kiddos :laugh:
    Morning Ladies. WOW... I was so excited to see all the activity when I signed on this morning... wow!!! I hope we can keep up with it... :laugh: (I don't hink that will be a problem)... since you girls did into's for the newbies I might as well... hmmm well my name it em... clearly i LOVE the red sox...(i'm a boston girl) ... 22 working on my PhD... and unlike amylou (LUCKY) :laugh: I still have 2 weeks left :grumble: finals :grumble: so this is a time when i really need this group to help me stay away from late night pizza with the study group :flowerforyou: anyways i have a BIG puppy named bandit and he is the BEST... and a great boyfriend who can eat anything he wants :grumble: :laugh: well that's about it... i'm going to get back to work now... :noway: :bigsmile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies! Glad everyone is so chatty!:happy: I don't have time to read all the posts right now. But maybe later. Have a good morning!:flowerforyou:

    :laugh: Once that baby gets here, you will never 'have time' again!!! :laugh:

    Morning Sixers!!!

    Hehehe... yes, I've spent plenty of moments reflecting on how I could EVER have felt busy back before I had one (let alone TWO!) kiddos :laugh:

    But ya know what? I can't wait!!!!!:happy:
  • jvollmer
    jvollmer Posts: 18
    I would also like to join this challenge (if I can). I need a push to really get things going. I was doing really well and then I got off track and now I'm finding it difficult to get things in gear. I know if I push myself I can do it.

    SW 196 lbs / GW 186 lbs/ CW 196 lbs PROGRESS: +/-00.00 lbs
    SW 208.6 lbs / GW 203 lbs / CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 151 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 151 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 148.0 lbs / GW 142 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 178.8 lbs/ GW 171 lbs / CW 178.8 lbs PROGRESS +/-00.00 lbs
    SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00lbs
    SW 160/ GW 135/ CW 160 PROGRESS: +/-00.00lbs
  • wwalke02
    wwalke02 Posts: 61
    Hi Everyone - I thought I would introduce myself. My name is Whitney, I am single, 35 and live in the midwest. I joined MFP because I have tried just about everything else and a friend told me about this and thought I would give it a shot - plus it is free. I have a 7 year old dog named Bailey who I absolutely adore. I have been trying to lose these 30 lbs for about 2 years now. You know how it starts, it is only 5lbs then 10 and next thing you know, it is out of control. I really dislike exercising, so throughout these 6 weeks another goal besides losing weight, is to get into a consistent exercise routine. I am planning on joining a gym this week. I am excited to be a part of this group. It seems like the exact support I need.
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Thank you for sharing a little about your selves with us newbies. It's so freindly here. I guess you guys are just going to have to keep me:laugh: Any way last night I walked my usual 2.5 miles after dinner with my daughter. I didn't work all that hard yesterday. Today how ever I have a yard that takes me 3 hours to mow. Let alone carring the bags of grass to my truck to remove from my customers property. So needless to say I will get my workout going to work today. It's starting to get pretty warm here. They say it should be around the 100's by this weekend.:noway: Hopefully if things go right my bf and I will be camping at the lake this weekend. We just have to wait until Thurs to find out. Any way I must run before the temp starts getting to warm. Everyone have a lovely day:love::flowerforyou: :love:

  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    :bigsmile: Redsox! I'm right there with you! We are not done with Med school yet. test next Monday, one day off then 6 weeks of intense studying... Congrats Amylou! Enjoy your break and Nebraska... I was there 3 years ago what part are you going to?

    Everyone else Hello! I hope all is well. I'm SUPER excited because I LOST WEIGHT! finally. lol. I am in the 140's again AND not going back to the 150's this time! yay. 149.2 but it counts! lol. Um OH and I lost 1.5 inches in my waist and an inch off my hips. so now my measurements are
    B- 35
    H- 42

    Yes. I'm a curvy girl. :bigsmile: :blushing:
    Oh and just incase I wrote it too late last time, I really think you guys should check out the Beck Diet Solution book. It has VERY good tips on how to stay motivated and keep your eye on the prize WHILE losing weight! I'm going to try the eat clean but it is NEVER at the book store when I go to buy it. :-/ so BOOOO EatClean. lol :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Write back and let me know you guys got this cause I feel like my messages aren't going through :bigsmile: I'm feeling lonely for some reason. lol.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    oh and my brief intro for the new ppl.

    I'm 23 yrs old. a 2nd year medical student.. soon to be 3rd year YAY! um... I used to maintain 135-142 but put on 10 pounds in medical school. I workout a lot... love exercise but USED to struggle with eating healthy foods (speaking this into existence) because I stay very busy and fast food was easy. Now I have decided that healthy foods can be easy if I prepare. I am hoping to get down to 115. I'm 5'1. And my sister is on here too, DrTamm!!
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    Good morning/afternoon ladies
    I sleep late so its afternoon here right now hehehehe!!! So I just woke up and Im totally sore all over from my first workout yesterday, but Im not going to let it get me down. Im going to drink my water and jump right back into it. All you ladies are such a motivator (plus if I dont lose any weight by the weigh in I think I would cry LOL HAHAHAHA) Keep up the great work ladies day 2 of week one here we come!!!!! CONQUER AND DEMAND!!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Morning ladies! Glad everyone is so chatty!:happy: I don't have time to read all the posts right now. But maybe later. Have a good morning!:flowerforyou:

    :laugh: Once that baby gets here, you will never 'have time' again!!! :laugh:

    Morning Sixers!!!

    Hehehe... yes, I've spent plenty of moments reflecting on how I could EVER have felt busy back before I had one (let alone TWO!) kiddos :laugh:

    But ya know what? I can't wait!!!!!:happy:

    Oh Kristin, you just can't imagine. I wouldn't trade my kiddo for all the riches in the world (even if she is a mouthy little diva with an attitude the size of Texas and tends to interrupt my sleep at least once a week!!!! ):heart::heart: :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Welcome Jasmine!! Glad to have you with us!!!

    Please check the list below, make sure you are on it!! In all our copying and pasting, we may have lost some data (as we always do :wink: ).


    SW 208.6 lbs / GW 203 lbs / CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 151 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 151 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    PREGNANT! (with a little boy, that is Lauryn's bet )
    SW 159 lbs / GW 153 lbs / CW 159 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 148.0 lbs / GW 142 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 178.8 lbs/ GW 171 lbs / CW 178.8 lbs PROGRESS +/-00.00 lbs
    SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00lbs
    SW 160/ GW 135/ CW 160 PROGRESS: +/-00.00lbs
    Deb (mbmempire) SW 181 / GW 135lbs / CW 165 lbs Progress : +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 202lbs/ GW 190lbs/ CW 202lbs progress: +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 175/ GW 168 /CW 175 / progress:+/-00.00lbs
    SW 150.4/GW141/CW150.4 Progress: +/- 0
    SW 145/GW/137/145 Progress +/-0
    SW203.5/GW197/CW 203.5 Progress +/- 0
    SW 196 lbs / GW 186 lbs/ CW 196 lbs PROGRESS: +/-00.00 lbs


    I am trying something different for me. Probably not highly recommended, but I'm gonna give it a go anyhow. If anyone thinks I shouldn't, please let me know! Always glad to hear differing opinions!!

    I am able to stave off morning hunger with coffee but at night I am simply ravenous. SO.... I'm having coffee in the morning (with lots of creamer, around 150-200 calories in "coffee"), eating a smaller lunch (around 300-400 cals), a nut/fruit/grain type bar in the afternoon for snack after working out (150-200 cals), and then having the bulk of my calories at night when I am hungry... which is dinner and then AFTER dinner.

    I know it's recommended to eat a HUGE breakfast, medium lunch, small dinner but my hunger just doesn't work that way!!! Maybe in a couple weeks when I'm no longer working, I can workout in the mornings and try to adjust my hunger spells. I dunno if it will work, but I have to try something different. I am ready to LOSE THIS WEIGHT!!!!

    Feel free to give me your opinions!! :flowerforyou:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    SW 208.6 lbs / GW 203 lbs / CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 151 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 151 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    PREGNANT! (with a little boy, that is Lauryn's bet )
    SW 159 lbs / GW 153 lbs / CW 159 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 148.0 lbs / GW 142 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 178.8 lbs/ GW 171 lbs / CW 178.8 lbs PROGRESS +/-00.00 lbs
    SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00lbs
    SW 160/ GW 135/ CW 160 PROGRESS: +/-00.00lbs
    Deb (mbmempire) SW 181 / GW 135lbs / CW 165 lbs Progress : +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 202lbs/ GW 190lbs/ CW 202lbs progress: +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 175/ GW 168 /CW 175 / progress:+/-00.00lbs
    SW 150.4/GW141/CW150.4 Progress: +/- 0
    SW 145/GW/137/145 Progress +/-0
    SW203.5/GW197/CW 203.5 Progress +/- 0
    SW 196 lbs / GW 186 lbs/ CW 196 lbs PROGRESS: +/-00.00 lbs
    SW 188 lbs / GW 180 lbs / CW 188 lbs PROGRESS 0

    Sooooo.... I'm the late girl this week! Kick booty workout today. I started week two of C25K. Did ok, but started getting dizzy after the 5th running interval. It went away, so I did the 6th, but started feeling dizzy during it, so I cut it short at 1 minute. Did a super slow walk for the next 15 minutes, then did 50 minutes of lifting. 3 sets all around (I do both upper and lower body in the same day). Then came home and did my candlelight yoga video, because it's super good for stretching! Little concerned about the dizziness, but since this was the first time it's happened, I'll wait and see if it doesn't happen again.
    just a quick hello... i just can't stay away.... hahaha :laugh:

    bunny... were you dehydrated... I know i got dizzy at cardio kickboxing last night... i didn't bring enough water and it is starting to get hotttt in the gym... once i drank about a gallon :laugh: i felt much better...

    gonabfit... i see your messages (or atleast these ones...) :heart: don't be lonely!!! :bigsmile: we can make it through this school stress together :drinker:

    lauryn.... I eat a big dinner too... although I figure it is okay because most of my activity is at night anyways... I'm not that hungry during the day because I sit on my butt @ work... but then after the gym... I am crazy hungry... the only thing I may change about your plan would be to grab something to eat in the am... fruit etc... for some energy.... I don't think i would last on coffee alone :drinker:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Robin, I'd think it was dehydration or improper breathing (not inhaling deeply enough, moving oxygen through) also. I wouldn't stress it but try to hydrate lots before the next run. Congrats on starting the C25k!!! I'm working on it as well... sorta. :wink:

    Em, I *might* see about throwing in a banana.... I really need to work on night time self control, but I have no idea how to curb that hunger / emotional rollercoaster.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Thanks guys, but it's not dehydration... I drink about a gallon a day.... 32 oz of it throughout the night. I only mention the night drinking, because I work out first thing in the morning. I also take a H2O bottle with me to the gym, and have a sip between intervals. I don't think it's the breathing either, because I ran cross country in high school and still have all the know-how, even though I don't have the stamina yet.

    And, I did eat breakfast, I had a strawberry nutrigrain waffle and a scrambled egg beforehand...

    It's not that time of month (I have perpetual BC, so don't get visits from Aunt Flo)

    My heart rate wasn't much higher than it normally is when I was running... My high was 186...

    So... I'll just wait and see. If it continues, I'll have a run by the doctor...
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Holy moly DrTamm! That is a ton of calories.

    I need to figure out how the calorie defecit really works. I know that we are supposed to have a 500 Cal defecit each day to lose a pound a week, but my calories are restricted to 1200 and I think that already includes the 500 calories right?

    Thanks Lauryn. So you have no issues with your asthma anymore? I can't believe your working...horrible! =D

    All this talk about Med school makes me feel like I am behind in life! My goodness.

    I was going to workout this morning but was feeling really sick to my stomach. It has been happening quite a but lately (no I am not pregnant) but this morning I forced myself to eat an actual descent breakfast and I felt even more sick after. My appetite is bigger in the evening also.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    MY 2 cents... lol. and I think it's only worth 2 cents! :-)

    Lauryn: I think you should cater your plan to you and only you can know when you are hungriest!! But... I do think that you may look into including a little more with breakfast. Maybe something solid. an apple, a slice of wheat bread (mine has only 50 cals/ slice + 5 grams of fiber/slice) + 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. I say this because in school we were taught that the body metabolizes solids and liquids differently and EVEN if you drink allllllllllll your calories in a big gulp, sodas, whatever, your body is still going to be hungry for nutrients and solids. So maybe just a boiled egg with the coffee? Just saying. :-) I support whatever you choose because like you I NEED TO FIND SOMETHING that works! :-)

    Pettmybunny: Dizziness while working out deserves a trip to the doctor. More than likely it's nothing... but better to go get that check up so you can work out as hard as you want without worrying! :-D Best of luck!
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    Just did my second workout and got my butt kicked again LOL!! I know its going to get easier as time passes. I guess this is what I get for waiting 5 years to workout. Best of luck ladies keep up the great work!!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Great job Harleygirl! Keep it up. You will learn to LOVE it!