Sixers Slimmer Summer - Week 1



    SW 208.6 lbs / GW 203 lbs / CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 151 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 151 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 148.0 lbs / GW 142 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 178.8 lbs/ GW 171 lbs / CW 178.8 lbs PROGRESS +/-00.00 lbs
    SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00lbs
    SW 160/ GW 135/ CW 160 PROGRESS: +/-00.00lbs
    Deb (mbmempire) SW 181 / GW 135lbs / CW 165 lbs Progress : +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 202lbs/ GW 190lbs/ CW 202lbs progress: +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 175/ GW 168 /CW 175 / progress:+/-00.00lbs

    Welcome Whitney. I added you to the list! basically we weigh-in on tuesday (just update your stats) and start a new thread... during the rest of the week we chat and keep each other motivated... it is a great group! :flowerforyou: Tell us a bit about yourself! WELCOME!!! :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Em, I'm jealous you can get fresh scallops. I adore scallops! :love:

    Rhiannon, get out there and vote!! :glasses:

    Kris, it can be hard to watch the scale go up when pregnant BUT I think it's probably best to monitor it. I didn't watch it and it went up 60lbs!! :indifferent:

    Welcome Whitney!! :flowerforyou:

    Alright newcomers, I'm waiting for a little introduction from each of you!! Com'on, give us your story / background / descriptions / hidden talents / ambitions in life / secrets!!! :bigsmile:
    PS- Make those secrets juicy ones!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    SW 208.6 lbs / GW 203 lbs / CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 151 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 151 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    PREGNANT! (with a little boy, that is Lauryn's bet :wink: )
    SW 159 lbs / GW 153 lbs / CW 159 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 148.0 lbs / GW 142 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 178.8 lbs/ GW 171 lbs / CW 178.8 lbs PROGRESS +/-00.00 lbs
    SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00lbs
    SW 160/ GW 135/ CW 160 PROGRESS: +/-00.00lbs
    Deb (mbmempire) SW 181 / GW 135lbs / CW 165 lbs Progress : +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 202lbs/ GW 190lbs/ CW 202lbs progress: +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 175/ GW 168 /CW 175 / progress:+/-00.00lbs

    I'm going aggressive. My goal is to lose 6lbs in 6 weeks. I think I can do this. It's about 29% of the 21lbs I have left to lose. I want to do this. I need to set a real goal. I'm also going to buy a pair of size 10 jeans. My current jeans are size 12 and just slightly too big, but the size 10 was too small. I want to be in them. I am going to buy a pair. Goal Jeans. The reward for my efforts will be fitting into those jeans. :smile:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    WELCOME newbies.... you will love us. we are great to have around to bug you, kick your behind when needed and have shoulders to cry on when needed. i myself have been having a small pitty party that keeps inflaming it's self. so i am working on kicking every bad habit out and end this party.
    well, doc told me i have hurt another tendon again on the same foot as the ankle problems. he taped it up and gave me some anti-inflamatory to see if that helps if not than i go in for an MRI. i don't remember hurting it. he said i can exercise as long as there is no pain. darn :tongue: . tomorrow DH has to go to unemployment in the morning, so i will just jump on the treadmill and do a major incline workout. will get through this too again.

    pedal...we are having salmon tonight too. store had it on sale for 2.99 for a .5oz piece, we bought a couple of them for that price.

    well, off to pack a box or two.

    later :flowerforyou:
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Alright Ladies I am home from work and read through all the posts.... Yes I did enter my over all weight and now I must change my goal. For the 6th week I would Like to weight no more than 155 lbs So I need to read as such:

    Kelly SW160lbs/GW155lbs/CW 000lbs Progress +/- 00.00 lbs

    Sorry for the confusion. Any way so you want to know about me...

    Well I am 50 yrs young. I live in a very small town called Rough and Ready, CA. I am a landscaper and work for myself. I quit smoking a week before I joined MFP and am doing great with it. I quit cold turkey and didn't tell anyone. So that was a lot of fun when my family and friends realized that I wasn't smoking LOL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I have a 27 year old daughter that I pretty much raised on my own. She is wonderful and has so much going for her. She makes a momma proud. :love: A wonderful Boyfriend of 3.5 years. (I had to kiss alot of toads before he came along) :laugh: And then there is my beautiful dog "Whiskey" she is the true love of my life. :love: :love: She is part wolf and akita. Almost 11 years old and was given to me for Christmas when she was 8 weeks old. The best christmas present ever!!! Okay so I get most of my exersise when I work. Winter time is when I put on the weight. Now that spring and summer are here I spend most of my days out in the sun, and working like a dog. Mowing, weedeating and such...On the days I don't have work or the weather is bad I work out to some of my old videos from way back or I walk. Last week the weather wasn't very good so I took old Whiskey for a walk to one of may customers house to pick up a check owed to me. To my amazement we walked 8 miles:noway: It took us 2.5 hours to complete but we did it. :tongue: Living where I do most of the roads don't have much traffic and it has alot of hills to tackle. So needless to say it was quite the accomplisment. :noway: This year I have made a lot of changes for myself and plan to keep up the improvements. :wink: So now that I babbled on and on I will sign out for now. Once again thank you for the welcome and am looking forward to spending more time with you Ladies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    kelly.....i was born in concord and raised in pleasant hill ca. i will be 50 in july. i have 2 kids one 30 one 28. what is by you in ca. i can't say i heard of that town. my family had a winery in napa.
    nice to have ya.
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    I was actually born and raised in San Mateo county. I lived my childhood in Half Moon Bay but when I graduated I moved to where the sun shines most of the time. To the foothills...I am just about 50 miles east of Sacramento just below the snow level. Thanks for the welcome :flowerforyou: Wow I see you have lost 77 lbs that is so awesome. You must be proud of yourself!
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    OK a little bit about myself. I am 31 going on 32 in September. I have a lot of goals for weight loss this summer. Im going to a wedding in June, Im going to a festival in July, Going to New Orleans in August, Vegas in September, Ohio in October, GA in November, CT in December and dont know where else until the spring next year when I will be going to Paris. I trael and move A LOT!! This is one reason I got so big. I figure well its vacation I can splurge now look at me LOL!!! Im really big into photography however lately I dont like to have my picture taken for obvious reasons. I lovethe outdoors and nature. I infact just got back from a hike with my BF and dog. Its so nice to enjoy the sounds and sights of nature. Im here for myself and noone else. I havent had anyone tell me im big or need to lose weight I have realized I need to myself. So here I am and now is the time!! SO LETS GO GIRLS WE CAN DO IT!!!!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    SW 208.6 lbs / GW 203 lbs / CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 151 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 151 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    PREGNANT! (with a little boy, that is Lauryn's bet )
    SW 159 lbs / GW 153 lbs / CW 159 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 148.0 lbs / GW 142 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 178.8 lbs/ GW 171 lbs / CW 178.8 lbs PROGRESS +/-00.00 lbs
    SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00lbs
    SW 160/ GW 135/ CW 160 PROGRESS: +/-00.00lbs
    Deb (mbmempire) SW 181 / GW 135lbs / CW 165 lbs Progress : +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 202lbs/ GW 190lbs/ CW 202lbs progress: +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 175/ GW 168 /CW 175 / progress:+/-00.00lbs
    SW 150.4/GW141/CW150.4 Progress: +/- 0

    Hey everyone! Glad to see new faces and my regular sixers!!! :-)
    TOM for me too so this weight may not be accurate but... I feel good! I ran 5 miles today i n40 mins and did a 60 min cardio/ dancing session taught by... ME! with my favorite music. Ok, I confess... I was the only one in the "class" in my living room but I worked hard and got my heart rate up to 170. ;-) :flowerforyou: so I'm excited! I'm sure my sis will be back she has personal training today and has been busy over the weekend!

    I told you all I am doing the Beck diet thingy and I have a feeling I'm going to reach my goal this time. I want to get into my size 8's Can wear some but mostly wearing 10's right now. I want to lose inches. I want to build muscle lose fat and continue to cook easy and healthy foods. ;-) And I will!!!! :laugh: :happy: :blushing:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    oh and guys... I made THE best shrimp today... and it was healthy and took like 10 mins! I thawed the shrimp quickly with warm water. put some spices in a bowl... shook them up. and quickly grilled them in my pan while the broccoli and brown rice was boiling. I feel like I have NO excuse not to eat healthy anymore because my old excuse was I am Soooo busy and yes I am busy.... but with some planning I feel like I can make healhtier choices... and eating right was always my struggle cause I love working out. Wish me luck!
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    SW 208.6 lbs / GW 203 lbs / CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 151 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 151 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    PREGNANT! (with a little boy, that is Lauryn's bet )
    SW 159 lbs / GW 153 lbs / CW 159 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 148.0 lbs / GW 142 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 178.8 lbs/ GW 171 lbs / CW 178.8 lbs PROGRESS +/-00.00 lbs
    SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00lbs
    SW 160/ GW 135/ CW 160 PROGRESS: +/-00.00lbs
    Deb (mbmempire) SW 181 / GW 135lbs / CW 165 lbs Progress : +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 202lbs/ GW 190lbs/ CW 202lbs progress: +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 175/ GW 168 /CW 175 / progress:+/-00.00lbs
    SW 150.4/GW141/CW150.4 Progress: +/- 0
    SW 145/GW/137/145 Progress +/-0

    I have been trying to lose weight for the past few months...I am the same weight! I hate working out so I really need to get my but in gear. The hardest part of all this for me is not that I dislike healthy cooking, but I don't know what is healthy and what isn't! There are things that ARE obvious but I can't eat raw vegetables everyday. I need variety and if something tastes good, I automatically feel like I am not make the right choices.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Jen, RUN (don't walk) to your nearest library or bookstore and pick up Tosca Reno's 'The Eat-Clean Diet'. The book itself will educate you plus there are a bunch of recipes. She also has 2 cookbooks. And welcome to the sixers! :flowerforyou:
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks! Is that how you lost your AWESOME 44 pounds? Congrats by the way.

    I am hoping because of joining this group, I will be motivated even more.

    I have asthma which makes cardio hard for me, which is discouraging. If I just walk, I feel like I am not doing enough, but I have to beat it into my head "something is better than nothing"
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Well, it was actually something I found a little later on and was SO excited because it encompasses all of my nutritional philosophies that have been helping me! I love the recipes.
    I also hope you find motivation here! Being accountable is huge :wink:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Wow page 3 on day 1 already??? AWESOME!!!

    Welcome newbies!! These women are phenomenal and I am honored to be a part of them.

    Just a little bit about me for the new ladies, I'm Amy, but I go by AmyLou on here since we have two Amys. I'm graduate school, 23 and am trying to get back in shape after letting myself go during college.

    Speaking of which I'M DONE WITH FINALS!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    So i have a few days to wrap up some loose ends with my research assistantship and get packed up and then I'm headed back to Nebraska to do my internship for the summer!! I will be going to a wedding at home this weekend (yes, another one) and then starting work on Tuesday. Maybe the change of scenery will help me stay on track.

    Rhiannon - I think I need to get that book too, it sounds great!

    I'm so excited to see so many familiar faces and so many new ones!!! Back later!! :heart:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Tell me about it AmyLou, CHATTY day!!! G'night all :wink:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    SW 208.6 lbs / GW 203 lbs / CW 208.6 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 151 lbs / GW 145 lbs / CW 151 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    PREGNANT! (with a little boy, that is Lauryn's bet )
    SW 159 lbs / GW 153 lbs / CW 159 lbs PROGRESS: + / - 00.00 lbs
    SW 148.0 lbs / GW 142 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 178.8 lbs/ GW 171 lbs / CW 178.8 lbs PROGRESS +/-00.00 lbs
    SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS +/- 00.00lbs
    SW 160/ GW 135/ CW 160 PROGRESS: +/-00.00lbs
    Deb (mbmempire) SW 181 / GW 135lbs / CW 165 lbs Progress : +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 202lbs/ GW 190lbs/ CW 202lbs progress: +/- 00.00 lbs
    SW 175/ GW 168 /CW 175 / progress:+/-00.00lbs
    SW 150.4/GW141/CW150.4 Progress: +/- 0
    SW 145/GW/137/145 Progress +/-0
    SW203.5/GW197/CW 203.5 Progress +/- 0

    Well .... Hello all New members! Its nice to meet you! And to all my seasoned sixers.... I have missed you. Had a long weekend. I burned 1049 calories with the trainer on Thurs last week. Took a two day break, then ate like a crazy women... due to TOM and lack of control and .... Now here I am. Ready to focus again. Today with the trainer I burned 849 calories. I am enjoying using my heart rate monitor and I'm carefully watching my clothes for any changes. LOL.

    Take care,

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    :drinker: good morning.....

    well, who saw biggest loser last night. that jerry lost 177#s and he's 64 yr old. sure renewed my vision of finishing this thing and finish taking off this weight. his says ""let your mind go and let your body do the work"" i for one am always doing mind games and changing my mind. i need to just let my mind go and my body will do what it needs to do. if i am always changing my body can't adjust well. i need to just live my life, not worry if i will ever eat this or that anymore. not worry if my foot hurts it's my excuse not to exercise. i do belong to a gym and can ride a bike. my foot doesn't hinder me from doing weights. my foot doesn't hinder me at all. it's my mind that hinders me and throwes the worries in.
    soooo today i let my mind go and my body do it's things.

    we sure are a chatty bunch....i sure hope it stays this way. it helps me to know i am not alone. thanks guys.

    off to get ready for my treadmill high incline walk.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies! Glad everyone is so chatty!:happy: I don't have time to read all the posts right now. But maybe later. Have a good morning!:flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Morning ladies! Glad everyone is so chatty!:happy: I don't have time to read all the posts right now. But maybe later. Have a good morning!:flowerforyou:

    :laugh: Once that baby gets here, you will never 'have time' again!!! :laugh:

    Morning Sixers!!!