New Green Team Week 1



  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Ok I had a couple servings of fruit today!
    Trying to get some walking in there and whatever else i can, I am totally sunburned from the weekend and It hurts to move:mad:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Ok I had a couple servings of fruit today!
    Trying to get some walking in there and whatever else i can, I am totally sunburned from the weekend and It hurts to move:mad:

    Sunb;ock darlin!!!!:mad:
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Hi Green team! I was wondering if I could join you guys on your weight loss journey! I definitely need some support and motivation and would love to be part of a team!
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    jacque, apple/orange/banana today.....

    erica ~ sun burn, not fun dear....lots of lotion, and use sunscreen/block next time. i used to be a sun goddess, more careful now.

    mxburke ~ WELCOME!! my maiden name is Burke.....

    porka ~ yup, mushrooms in flour, fried in margarine.....i did indulge, not gonna pass a yearly feast up :tongue: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

    new roof is done, screened gutters more little trees growing from them...:happy: field trip today was fun....was kindergarten and some are my regular bus route kids...they all wanted to be with me...felt special. anyway, we went to an Alpaca farm. they are so cute, and a Llama protects them, it was the neatest thing. quiet here now, youngest son at his #2 job, picking up rocks in the fields for farmers, and older boy is at friends....done with college exams, and back to McDonald's tomorrow.

    do any of you have plans for the upcoming holiday weekend...BBQ season is HERE!! 3more days til weigh in.....keep at it guys! believe in YOU!!
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    So my start weight is 165 lbs, and my goal is to get down to 120 in about 6 months! Today I had 1/2 an apple, so not so great with the fruits, tommorow will be better! However, I did manage to go to the gym and I did a solid hour of cardio burning approximately 520 calories overall! Oh and just a piece of information I can share with the group, when your drinking orange juice, make sure to read the label and be sure that it does not say "from concentrate" cause then it is not real orange juice, they simply put a vitamin c tablet in the juice, always be certain that it is pure orange juice. Just thought I would share this interesting information cause it definitely surprised me and changed my view of reading labels!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi team, I had my 3 fruits. 1/2 c peaches for breakfast, 1/2 c blackberries for lunch, 1/2 c blackberries for Dinner. Will have to cut my peaches down to 1/4 for 1/2 c has way to many carbs for me. I have 1/2 c. cottage cheese with it.some nutmeg and 1 T chopped walnut.
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    okay my green lil buddies...I had my 2 fruit servings today and I just got back from doing a 1 hour step aerobics class. Nearly 500 calories burned!!! Yeah. Feeling good about Fridays weigh in. Good luck everyone!!! :drinker:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all,
    Kitn - Great job
    mxburke - Welcome!!! we love new members
    Calicat - good Job!!
    I had my fruit today, Yeah me! did a mil and half walk and a 2 mile on elipical Yeah me
    I update fruit later
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    All right, no fruit taken in today (unless you inlcude one Michelob Ultra Pomegrante/Raspberry beer :bigsmile: ) but I did buy alot of good fruit at the grocery today to help me with this challenge and I also picked up a HUGE bag of mangoes from my back yard (still haven't decided exactly what I'm gonna do with them since until today I have been giving them away to neighbors..), so I'm on the right track!
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    mangoes are way yummy. pain in the tail to prepare, but worth it. i had two servings today, a big apple, and most of a tomato on my salad at dinner.
    got all my water, did an hour of circuit training. had a good day!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    mangoes are way yummy. pain in the tail to prepare, but worth it. i had two servings today, a big apple, and most of a tomato on my salad at dinner.
    got all my water, did an hour of circuit training. had a good day!

    Girl, my mango tree has been my nemisis thus far this year, however it has kept me outside since I'm attempting to fix up my back yard and spend more time outside. Which I do very little of since I'm in S. fla and it's soooo hot. With that said, I'm trying and attempting to decide what to do with them all (see my post in Food and Nutrition) besides give out to the neighbors. I think the food bank will be a priority if I continue to get good ones on the level I'm getting now - to the tune of at least 20 non-broken ones per day and most pretty ripe.

    kellya - I need a new roof! See you got one, I have little mango trees growing out of my spouts (which need to be removed) and my BIG mango tree also needs to be prunned prior to hurricane season (next week in Florida) - so I'm fu""d because I cannot afford a new roof with the bf still being laid off and don't think the bank will give us an equity loan because of the times we're in to get one. Yes, I waited but also didn't know our roof was sooo bad until floating in our new blow up style pool - it's worried. Worry leads to eating and I guess the best thing to do is just hope for the best for now......................

    thoughts anyone?
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Had 1 banana today and 5 strawberries..................IT WAS MY 36TH BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!! So I played around in my tiara and super model makeup..............................:flowerforyou:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    HI!!!!!! how is everybody doing??? oh my goodness!! the green team has GROWN! that is just soooo GREAT! HI SASSIE!! HI PORKA!! HI SHANNON!! HI AML!! and the rest of GREEN TEAM!! looks like everyone is doing pretty good with the fruit challenge, so far i have done 2-3 servings on all days' cept Sunday. Still busy here, track is over, and our girls have events going onto state...YIPPY! 4 more field trips, and 7 1/2 DAYS LEFT!!!! WOOT WOOT!! :laugh: dh and youngest son will be leaving the 29th for a week of fishing in Canada. i will have the house to myself, w/19yo son, and my puggers, i have requested NO activity driving it will be a lil vaca for me as well! i can't wait! i finally bought some annuals today and will plant them Wednesday. we just had our last batch of morel mushrooms tonite too. none til next year. they find them on my inlaws farm, last hunt we bagged over 7 lbs!! :tongue:

    sassie, soo good to have you back hon! and ceasing the smokes! i am sooo PROUD of YOU!! that is major dear! what a great thing for your body!

    shannon, ahhhh, finals are done and your back is must feel much less stressed!

    i just want to say with the fruit challenge, it does help having a few variaties availble at all times. i even freeze some so they wont go to waste. another plus with fruits and veggies, is it helps boost your immune system. i have not been sick in over 7 months, and my family is on their 2nd round of colds. i try to eat an orange every day. oh, and the scale, i weigh almost daily. and i record it as well, for me, there is a slight pattern, and not sure what it will show once i get to goal, but it is interesting. yeah, the 'cycle' can offset things 1-3 weeks for me. but if i eat very healthy, watch salt intake and keep my water intake above 64 fl oz, i will actually keep losing those 1-3 weeks. i know it is different with everyone. just understand your body when a gain shows at that time.....don't beat yourself up, just keep on with your healthy lifestyle....that is all you can do, really!

    does everyone have a set plan for their workouts/exercise routines? mine will be changing here when school is done. mine will likely take place in the am since it will be cooler....and i can get it out of the way.

    i see my cardiologist the 29th, and hope the report is good! it has been a year and there are changes!!

    well, i am glad to see all the new folks here and the regulars....still missing some, loser4real, purrrr, holly 78, yeahbuddy, velvetwing, and many many more.......:cry: i really hope they come back soon.....

    have a great week buddies......4 more days til weigh in. remember why you are here and daily be serious about your the you you were meant to be!! GO GREEN!

    Kellya I have missed you...................hope all is good.........:flowerforyou:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    HI!!!!!! how is everybody doing??? oh my goodness!! the green team has GROWN! that is just soooo GREAT! HI SASSIE!! HI PORKA!! HI SHANNON!! HI AML!! and the rest of GREEN TEAM!! looks like everyone is doing pretty good with the fruit challenge, so far i have done 2-3 servings on all days' cept Sunday. Still busy here, track is over, and our girls have events going onto state...YIPPY! 4 more field trips, and 7 1/2 DAYS LEFT!!!! WOOT WOOT!! :laugh: dh and youngest son will be leaving the 29th for a week of fishing in Canada. i will have the house to myself, w/19yo son, and my puggers, i have requested NO activity driving it will be a lil vaca for me as well! i can't wait! i finally bought some annuals today and will plant them Wednesday. we just had our last batch of morel mushrooms tonite too. none til next year. they find them on my inlaws farm, last hunt we bagged over 7 lbs!! :tongue:

    sassie, soo good to have you back hon! and ceasing the smokes! i am sooo PROUD of YOU!! that is major dear! what a great thing for your body!

    shannon, ahhhh, finals are done and your back is must feel much less stressed!

    i just want to say with the fruit challenge, it does help having a few variaties availble at all times. i even freeze some so they wont go to waste. another plus with fruits and veggies, is it helps boost your immune system. i have not been sick in over 7 months, and my family is on their 2nd round of colds. i try to eat an orange every day. oh, and the scale, i weigh almost daily. and i record it as well, for me, there is a slight pattern, and not sure what it will show once i get to goal, but it is interesting. yeah, the 'cycle' can offset things 1-3 weeks for me. but if i eat very healthy, watch salt intake and keep my water intake above 64 fl oz, i will actually keep losing those 1-3 weeks. i know it is different with everyone. just understand your body when a gain shows at that time.....don't beat yourself up, just keep on with your healthy lifestyle....that is all you can do, really!

    does everyone have a set plan for their workouts/exercise routines? mine will be changing here when school is done. mine will likely take place in the am since it will be cooler....and i can get it out of the way.

    i see my cardiologist the 29th, and hope the report is good! it has been a year and there are changes!!

    well, i am glad to see all the new folks here and the regulars....still missing some, loser4real, purrrr, holly 78, yeahbuddy, velvetwing, and many many more.......:cry: i really hope they come back soon.....

    have a great week buddies......4 more days til weigh in. remember why you are here and daily be serious about your the you you were meant to be!! GO GREEN!

    Kellya I have missed you...................hope all is good.........:flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    good morning all,

    gonna go to Walmart to buy groceres this morning. Get some freah fruit and veggies.
    m ostly Berries. For breakfast I am having the last of my blackberries. with some cottage cheese. yummy. I will get me some strawberries thi morning.. Be back later.

    Reporting in just to keep me in forcus with you guys
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Well I got my 2 servings of fruit in yesterday. Boy was it hot here. We shattered our old record high of 87 and hit 97 degrees yesterday. Too hot for me to get any motivation to go to the gym or go walking. I did however spend my whole night outside doing some yard work. Today is supposed to be 94 and windy so I am determined to make it to the gym tonight.'s are one of my favorite fruits. I just eat them raw. I'm not sure what else to do with them. They are a pain to clean tho.

    Shannon~I know finals can be really stressful. But hey they are done and you survived. I am sure you did great on them. I am also very glad to hear your back is better.

    Sassie~Happy Birthday. WTG with quitting smoking. Did you use the patch or anything or did you just quit cold turkey?

    Kellya~I think it was you that asked about excercise routines. I pretty much just go with the flow. If I have a babysitter to watch my son I will hit the gym and get a pretty intense 2 hour cardio workout in. Otherwise my son and I do alot of walking and are starting to bike together. We have been very busy with yard work now now that it has warmed up. So lots of low intensity movement. Part of this Journey for me is to teach my son how important eating right and excercising is. He is so cute in trying to understand healthy food vs not healthy food. I want to break this cycle.

    MissHeidi~WTG with getting your water in. This is a big challenge for a lot of people.

    MXBURKE~Welcome to the Green Team.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey Greenies!! Its Wednesday!! Were almost to Friday! Thursday will end the fruit challenge, but don't let that stop you from getting your fruit on! Its all about healty choices!! On Friday aml0484 will have a new challege for us! Yeah!! can't wait, and she will keep track in her own way, she will also keep the flow in chat going. So ammcnett, you get the week after.
    Here is a fruit update
    Fruit 5/15 5/16 5/17 5/18 5/19 5/20 5/21
    aml0484 √ √ √ √ x
    ammcnett √ √ √ √ √
    astarte09 √ X
    azwildcatfan94√ √ √ √
    caliecat √ √ x
    ericamsierra √ √ √ √ x
    hollyb321 √
    jacque509 √ x
    kitn621 √ √ √ x
    kellya √ √ √ x
    missheidi √ x
    mschooley √ √ √
    porka29 √ √ √
    realta √ √ √ √
    sallydeb √
    sassiebritches√√ x
    Hope every one is having a good hunp day
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Had 1 banana today and 5 strawberries..................IT WAS MY 36TH BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!! So I played around in my tiara and super model makeup..............................:flowerforyou:

    Happy Birthday sassie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    good morning all,

    gonna go to Walmart to buy groceres this morning. Get some freah fruit and veggies.
    m ostly Berries. For breakfast I am having the last of my blackberries. with some cottage cheese. yummy. I will get me some strawberries thi morning.. Be back later.

    Reporting in just to keep me in forcus with you guys

    Calie - I do the same with checking in here, keeps me more focused!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I had 1/2 advocado lastnight, that is a fruit, right?