Would you date someone whose religion is different than your



  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    After all I've said this far, I could not be in a relationship with a religious nut.

    You do realise that the OP is a Christian!

    I don't think she wants to hear you name calling "stupid, nut" Christians etc in here, so bugger off!

    There are always a few in here...

    I never said anyone was stupid... but you should get off your high horse, your arguments on this topic are pretty irrelevant

    The term "religious nut" is offensive.

    and it was not directed to anyone here. If you took offense, that's on you
  • Sascha
    Sascha Posts: 204
    Hi Folks,

    A friendly reminder that religious topics are not in violation of our community guidelines, but that insults and the like are violations. (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/welcome/guidelines) We would like to keep this forum free of any violations, therefore we ask that you keep it from being overrun with insults and bad manners. If those of you who wish to keep the topic from being diluted by off topic responses, we suggest joining/creating a group to continue the conversation in.

    Thanks again!
    MFP Staff Moderator
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Athesists makes me sad.:frown: I feel bad that they do notblive in Jesus Christ. You all should rent or find the DVD series th Turth project and tat might open your eyes. Hell isscary adni woul dno want to face it. Will be praying for ALL athesists tonight

    People that are atheists are usually atheists because of the extensive research done on religion.

    You don't need to be sad for me sweetie. I live a happy joyful fulfilling life surrounded by people who love me and who I love in return. So save your prayers for other beleivers please. When I die I will be gone completely. No Hell or Heaven but I will leave behind me a legacy of love that my family can pass on to their children. THAT is true imortality.
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    When I was about 17 I wanted to date a Jewish girl. I showed up at her house for a date and I guess her dad had other ideas. He told me that she was only allowed to date Jewish boys.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    So, Jello anyone?
  • Momma1213
    Momma1213 Posts: 56
    It's possible but not easy. Clear communication and ground rules need to be established and respected just like finances and chores. Nothing in life worth doing comes easy and if you both find that despite your opposing beliefs you love each other and are willing to make a go of it, then be honest with each other and never stop. Good luck to you regardless of your decision.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    So, Jello anyone?

    Jello shots?
  • Kubiastic
    Kubiastic Posts: 20
    I have not read the 19 pages of previous posts, I would not date somebody who was a different religion. My beliefs are strong and even though I sometimes lose my way and stray off my path it is what I TRY to live my life by. If somebody else purposely lived their life differently I do not think I could spend my life with them and that is the only reason I would date at this time was looking for future marriage.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So, Jello anyone?

    Jello shots?

    Sometimes it's sad being a vegetarian.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    So, Jello anyone?

    Jello shots?

  • Gwendalyne
    Gwendalyne Posts: 287 Member
    This could go on and on and on...back and forth w/a debate on both sides.
    If you believe in God, then ask God what you should do. Search the scriptures b/c the bible talks about this. There are those who believe and don't believe. I believe. God is the foundation of my marriage and my personal belief is that I wouldn't have the marriage I have w/out God in both of our lives.

    Let the Word of God be the final say in your life b/c He is who you believe in.
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    So, Jello anyone?

    Jello shots?

    I have irish car bomb cupcakes left over from this weekend I can pass around :drinker:
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Athesists makes me sad.:frown: I feel bad that they do notblive in Jesus Christ. You all should rent or find the DVD series th Turth project and tat might open your eyes. Hell isscary adni woul dno want to face it. Will be praying for ALL athesists tonight

    People that are atheists are usually atheists because of the extensive research done on religion.

    if they did their "extensive" research they would see that God is real and that he sent his only son down to save us from sin. They would see he does exist. it is called faith

    It's called faith, not fact. You just agreed with me.

    Yor faith in the bible is fact and your faith on beleiveing is called fact. I feel bad for you that you cant see what i am talking about. Believing in God and his word an all the great things he has done for us is an amazing feeling. He loves you so much and all that you do right or wrong and i do know this for a FACT

    Faith does not equal fact, no matter how you twist it.
  • xosmsox
    xosmsox Posts: 119
    I'm THRILLED to see all the outspoken atheists! It used to be such a stigma I'm so happy we are all coming out of the proverbial closet!
  • SClausen2012
    This is an interesting discussion. So often, I have found on internet forums a lot of name calling, anger and belittling concerning religion (on all sides). I am elated to see the discussion on this thread more respectful, simply sharing thoughts and perspective.

    In the discussion of logic- I do find it interesting that some of the greatest scientists (Newton, Copernicus, Descartes) in our history were people of faith. It seems even Einstein believed some type of creator- albeit much different than the common Judeo-Christian perspective. The importance here isn't so much on the who's who of religious thought but why. Why logical and fantastically intelligent people believed in a creator, or at least allowed for the existence of one? Why do we, as a human race, strive for the unseen? Why do we universally try to make sense of things, strive for a logic? If survival of the fittest is all there is and everything is dependent on chance, how can a conscience or morality exist? Why are we so caught up on "good and evil" themes in our histories and entertainment? Why do we like to root for the underdog?
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    This could go on and on and on...back and forth w/a debate on both sides.
    If you believe in God, then ask God what you should do. Search the scriptures b/c the bible talks about this. There are those who believe and don't believe. I believe. God is the foundation of my marriage and my personal belief is that I wouldn't have the marriage I have w/out God in both of our lives.

    Let the Word of God be the final say in your life b/c He is who you believe in.

    I 2nd that
  • SaketoKim
    SaketoKim Posts: 254 Member
    Religious differences can be overcome if there is enough love. With that said... I am not religous but would totally respect my partners right to practice their religion. Jello shots! Great Irish Car bomb even better!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    This could go on and on and on...back and forth w/a debate on both sides.
    If you believe in God, then ask God what you should do. Search the scriptures b/c the bible talks about this. There are those who believe and don't believe. I believe. God is the foundation of my marriage and my personal belief is that I wouldn't have the marriage I have w/out God in both of our lives.

    Let the Word of God be the final say in your life b/c He is who you believe in.

  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    My answer is no, I would never date outside my religion. :)
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Religious differences can be overcome if there is enough love. With that said... I am not religous but would totally respect my partners right to practice their religion. Jello shots! Great Irish Car bomb even better!

    :drinker: I want some jello shots!!!!