long term effects of paleo diet



  • weathergirl320
    I've lost almost 70 lbs in about 10 months by exercising and eating a strict Paleo diet in addition to grains, legumes, and dairy.

    I've lost over 80 lbs in the same amount of time by exercising and eating what I want. :smile:

    I dunno. I try get fit so I can eat what I want. Not to get fit and be a slave to my diet for the rest of my life.

    yes i like that however i was recently diagnosed with celiac and i have had thyroid disease for about 9 years. and when i found out i couldnt eat wheat products anymore, and finding alternate wheat free lifestyles, i stumbled upon the paleo diet. i had been dieting for about 7 of those 9 years doing everything "in moderation" and balooned to 170 lbs. so anyways, when i found the whole paleo concept, it spoke to me because what i was doing didnt work, and i had to cut wheat anywyas. i mean i know there are gluten free options out there but a chocolate chip cookie made with wheat or rice flower is still a cookie and not necessarily "healthy". thats how i found palo but havent been doing it for very long, and the paleo/primal websites are of course loaded with stuff promoting it. i just wanted to see a general consensus of how many people have given it a try, and of those people, how many have stuck with it and how many liked/didnt like it.

    The whole problem with this is you are assuming that what you call moderation was within your caloric needs. I can overeat in moderation and the food I eat may still look good and healthy but if it's over your caloric needs be it if it's ice cream and cake or steak and fish it's still over.

    I think you latched on to something before you actually went by your caloric needs and what fits into your macronutrients.

    yeah it was a struggle for me definitely. but i was dieting and counting calories religiously for 7 years. i had convinced myself that is what i needed and that i was just doomed to be overweight because of my hormonal issues. i am also very active and always led a very active lifestyle. i really never over ate and did not eat "junk food" by any means. and thus still gained. it was really emotionally pressing too. but i feel tons better now, and for the first time in 9 years my synthroid levels were fine at my last apt. in february.
  • weathergirl320
    so far no one has tried it who didnt like it? and not many long-term practitioners on here? im asking here because if i go to a specific "paleo" website, of course its going to be full of people who love it. but here there is more of a general community in the message boards so i wanted to see how many people a, could or couldnt keep it up long term or 2, did it and just didnt like it.

    it sounds like you are starting a discussion, and by the standard you set forth in your OP....REPORTED!

    i was attempting to elaborate on the original questions i asked that have gotten pushed aside by random commentary and pictures of hitler. oh well. my mistake for expecting reasonable answers to completely legitimate questions.

    Interesting, I tried to do the same thing once and it was hijacked by people making lots of arguments against something no one ever claimed

    i think i know what you are referring to, and as i recall i was one of the few who actually gave you the scientific studies you asked for. you were the one who deemed them "not meaningful". so i was one of the few who posted a legit answer to the question you posted. and although our opinions differ on few points, i appreciate that you were one of the few on here who gave me an actual legitimate answer and not just making a fool of themselves. thanks

    your welcome, however you do realize that there was never an actual debate on if saturated fat was bad and those were the studies you were posting with. But you did at least try to keep it high level and for that I can respect

    i dont care to discuss it on this thread. you can message me if you really care to hear my reasoning. thanks!

    See this kind of attitude is just not nice and probably why people started going off topic straight away - did no one ever teach you manners? Demanding that people don't do something is really not going to get you anywhere in life, you would have been better ignoring the posts of the 'off topic' people and concentrating of the people who wanted to help you.

    Glad I got that off my chest :-)

    how does my openly inviting someone to continue a previous discussion in an appropriate setting qualify as being rude? i dont think its appropriate to question my upbringing in a public setting, and frankly i think that is more rude than me politely asking someone to send me a message to openly discuss a topic we have previously been discussing. but anyways, have you ever tried paleo?
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    i dont think its appropriate to question my upbringing in a public setting,

    What thread are you reading? :noway: :huh:
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator

    I understand that this thread is causing a lot of anxiety. Please allow me to clarify the post I added at the top of the OP.

    Any member of this site is welcome to respond in a polite and germane way to any post on the public forums. We will never intentionally remove a post or lock a thread simply because it contains vigorous, polite, respectful debate on a topic.

    We get plenty of abuse reports that we simply ignore. But we do not ignore posts that violate our publicly visible guidelines ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/welcome/guidelines ).

    As I mentioned in the text I added to the OP, you are welcome to debate the topic of the OP in any thread. Disagreeing with an OP's opinion is not a guideline violation, and we do not issue strikes or warnings to those who post POLITE but contrary arguments.

    However, the OP's request for on-topic posts resulted in plenty of intentional high-jacking of the thread, some of it incredibly disrespectful.

    I've been seeing complaints that we're not hosting an "open forum." The forums are as "open" as our guidelines allow. They allow for debate and contrary opinion. They do NOT allow for snark, de-railing, hi-jacking, insult, or abuse.

    In my humble opinion, it's exactly because the forums have so many instances of hi-jacking and impolite responses, that the OP felt it necessary to start this post with a threat. I'm not saying the tone of that request was ideal, but I definitely understand the concern that generated it.

    I hear so often "this is the internet, people need to grow a thicker skin." But you know, people wouldn't need a thicker skin if we all showed a little more respect to each other.

    Please continue to debate freely on the forums. We'll never moderate against that. But I'm very comfortable moderating against intentional efforts to side-track or dilute the focus and quality of a thread. And you know, you always have the option of just not responding to a thread you can't contribute to in a positive way.

This discussion has been closed.