What would you do?



  • Quigreen
    Quigreen Posts: 9 Member
    Could you walk over to their office door (so they see you) and look them in the eye and slowly close the door, sure would show them that you heard them and perhaps embarrass them. When I first started at a previous job, my boss was talking badly about me and I just walked away and always regretted not letting him know that I heard exactly what he said.

    I strongly agree with this tactic. Let them know that you heard them and that they are being totally unprofessional.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Take some advice from someone who has had experience in this.


    Just because you may not need her as a reference does not mean that lowering your standards to do or say something nasty will not come back and bite you in the future.

    BTW, it is against the law to say anything negative about an employee. All they are allowed to say really is if you are eligible for rehire or not. Typically if a person says they are not eligible for rehire, it speaks volumes.

    Calling names, telling them to kiss off, packing up and leaving, well, that is low class and trashy, period. Be better than that.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    Take some advice from someone who has had experience in this.


    Just because you may not need her as a reference does not mean that lowering your standards to do or say something nasty will not come back and bite you in the future.

    BTW, it is against the law to say anything negative about an employee. All they are allowed to say really is if you are eligible for rehire or not. Typically if a person says they are not eligible for rehire, it speaks volumes.

    Calling names, telling them to kiss off, packing up and leaving, well, that is low class and trashy, period. Be better than that.

    I agree.

    As I said though, I am very passive. I would never call names or be nasty to them if I decided I did not want to work the rest of my time here.
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    :flowerforyou: :drinker: If you have another job opportunity, I would up and leave. But when you do, MAKE AN EXIT! Say what you trully feel. You do not deserve to b treated that way and shouldn't stay there and deal with it! It may be a little tight on money for a bit, but it's much more important to have your pride and dignity :) You deserve respect, so respect yourself and leave sweetie, and never look back

    Agreed!!! I couldn't have said it better myself!!!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Don't burn bridges.....

    You only have 5 more days. You can do it. Get some ear phones while you are sitting at your desk so you don't have to listen to those snide B1tches.
  • phillieschic
    Roll out! Especially if you have no worries of burning bridges. No one deserves that kind of treatment. I'm sure you don't get paid enough to have to endure that kind of treatment.
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    I was in a situation wherein the owner didnt intend to pay everybody and when I figured it out i pulled her to the side to get an understanding on whats going on and to let her know there was no way she wasnt going to pay me. Once she took me to the bank and got my pay, i returned to the salon , packed up my station and notified everyone of how shady she was .
    Backlash included regaining my self respect in a tight position, getin my money, getting in what turned out to be the best job of my life!

    Cover your bases ( collect pay stubs for unemployment), take a stand(record them on your cell phone, request a mtg with boss) , let the chips fall where they may( take a deep breath , let it go, and be sure to point your finger on the desk lol), remain a lady ( do it like liz taylor would) .

    Either way, sucking it up doesnt work all the time, and it certainly doesnt make the conditions acceptable. Good luck
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    If they aren't a reference, why are you giving them the respect of two weeks notice? Pack up your stuff and tell your boss that you will not be subjected to people bad mouthing you and walk out the door with your head held high...

    F 'em
  • LeSsOvMe
    LeSsOvMe Posts: 117
    Could you walk over to their office door (so they see you) and look them in the eye and slowly close the door, sure would show them that you heard them and perhaps embarrass them. When I first started at a previous job, my boss was talking badly about me and I just walked away and always regretted not letting him know that I heard exactly what he said.

    ^^This is a good idea. Alternatively, you could gut a fish on your desk a la Office Space.

    Or burn the place down because someone took your stapler?

    This is my :O face! LOL! :laugh:
    Lmao!! Love this

  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    If you need the money, stay.

    I know the first reaction is to storm in there and say fvk you *****es....but maybe that's what they want you to do...maybe they wanted you to hear the conversation.
    I had a situation similar, boss was a total jacka$$. Had a new job all lined up, boxed up my stuff and sat at my desk for two weeks on their dime. At the end walked right up shook his hand and said thanks.
    it was awesome walking out of there knowing I was the bigger person.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Stick it out...you might not be using your boss as a reference, but word travels in certain cirlces (not sure if you are intending to stay in the same industry or not). Even though its not your fault, you don't want to be known for leaving your company hanging. While interviewing for positions in my office, that was the one thing I wanted to know about prosepctive employees.

    I'm still in school and took this job because it was more appropriate for my schedule at the time. I will most likely go back to the service industry for the time being. I'm relocating 1,200 miles away so fortunately nobody will get word...at least I hope.

    Than by all means tell them the environment they have is poisonus and leave

    They sound extremely unprofessional. If you're moving that far and it wasn't even a serious or permanent job, then have them be short one employee for the next week.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Fruck it. Leave. You don't owe them anything.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    With all due respect to the people that have said to be the better person and stay...

    If this is only a "see you through college" job and you are moving out of state and it is a piddly little Mom and Pop shop with no national presence, save yourself the stress.

    Nobody needs to be treated like that and nobody has the right to treat you like that. You are allowing them to keep treating you that way by staying there. If you show the strength to up and leave, you will feel better about yourself and stronger as a person.

    My son was working in the kitchen at a restaurant and the head chef was treating him poorly. He went into work one day and quit, the next day he got a text from the chef asking him if he would come back. My son moved on.

    Value your self worth and self respect and get away from the toxins that they are putting in you.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I guess I'm immature. I would stay, blatantly not do my job, surf the net all day and be a TOTAL b!tch. Either they'll ask you to leave (oh well) or you will get to make them miserable the remainder of your stay!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Fruck it. Leave. You don't owe them anything.


    I don't really agree with the whole "don't burn bridges". In certain situations you have to cut your losses when people are being inappropriate. And this little chicken *kitten* privately owned operation, puulleeease! I wouldn't lose any sleep about leaving them high and dry.

    You're moving over a thousand miles away, unless you REALLY need the money, I'd say "peace out mofos" and be done with it.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    i would yell from my desk "I CAN HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I guess I'm immature. I would stay, blatantly not do my job, surf the net all day and be a TOTAL b!tch. Either they'll ask you to leave (oh well) or you will get to make them miserable the remainder of your stay!

    Haha.. I'm actually leaning more towards this. Lately, I've been getting paid to job search, list furniture and other things on Craigslist, use mfp, facebook...whatever my heart desires, really. If I can just suck it up for 5 more days, I can get paid to do close to nothing and it will be great.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    im not even sure how many people ACTUALLY call the references..this happened at my last job..the 3rd shift manager harassed mostly all of the females, but he mainly geared it towards me for some reason..we were cool when he started there, but each time he got into a higher position, his attitude got worse..one night, after about 3 months or so, i was tired, as i had been there for 10 hours, and had to be up in 4 hours, he made a comment about me leaving without asking, and i told him to shove it up his @$$, ad told him to *kitten* off, i was quitting, and i threw my uniform at him..he got pissy and tried to tell me i needed to come in in the morning and talk to the owner about it, and i said i was on my time now..unfortunately, the owner didnt care that i left because he was best pals with this jack@$$ manager, so he took his side..there is alot more to this situation, but me leaving that way never affected my ability to get a new job..good luck, do what you think is right for YOU..only you know that:flowerforyou:

    As a former production supervisor for an international company, yes we ALWAYS called references.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    i would yell from my desk "I CAN HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    I may have to take this approach :)
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I might be off the hook after all. She found someone to replace me and they are starting Monday. My last day is supposed to be Thursday. To my understanding, I will not be training her, and I'm pretty positive she won't be paying both of us to work... so maybe it's a small hint that I can leave this hellhole. WOOHOO!