silly things that attracts you ...



  • xxTAMxx
    xxTAMxx Posts: 614
    ~ Cheeky smirk with crows feet around the eyes (think Simon Baker)
    ~ Someone that looks like they can pick me up
    ~ Hairy chest
    ~ That 3 day growth look
    ~ Men wearing those fluro work shirts
    ~ Tattoos - black ink only
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    A girl who can make me laugh. . . or just gets my humor and can take one look at me that tells me "you're and idiot. . but that's why I love you"
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    I am most attracted to the silly, goofy, sarcastic and smart guy.... So basically if a guy can make me laugh and hold an intellectual conversation with me, I'm swooning!
  • Tkwild
    Tkwild Posts: 116 Member
    Brains, sense of humour, great smelling, and even more so - curls at the nape of the neck.
  • mousecat84
    Men in uniform who wear tucked in shirts and belts. Be it a polo and shorts or long sleeve shirt and trousers; proper uniforms or business casual. Ohh yea...

    I also love how my fiancé can act completely crazy and be so silly! <3
  • Neets86
    Neets86 Posts: 37
    Dark haired guys ooft! Sort of like the tall, dark and handsome thang going on! ;) haha
    A guy that's moderately tall too. Quite rugged...I don't like for a guy to be too clean shaven.. ;D

    BUT most importantly? Of course the biggest turn on would be intelligence. :')

    Throw in an accent, and ill be in heaven :love:
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Eye glasses... for whatever reason it is a fetish...

    Really strange...

    The way a woman eats... I will refuse to be a friend if you eat with your mouth open, talk incessantly while eating (spitting) and or doing any other assorted disgusting food - related process... Loud lip smacking, etc. When I see someone eating cleanly and whatever, very attractive.

    Especially meat, that animal was already most likely electrocuted then beheaded... for you to be slobbering all over it is such a turn off !
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    single moms they need love to, MILFS!!!!!!!! oh and chicks that ride bikes, love them-Ty
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    Strong hands
    Hard hats
    Dry sense of humor
  • ARMom8251
    ARMom8251 Posts: 194
    smell- if he smells good
    grease smear on the t shirt (not like pizza grease, but car grease!)
    the smell of engines on him -snowmobile or lawnmower
    sweat. not gross drenched sweat, but if he is glistening, oh yes

    geez, i guess it sounds like i like dirty boys!

    This for me too, and I do like them a little dirty ;)
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    the voice! love a deep voice. and don't put an accent or drawl in it (*blush*...*swoon*... repeat). and the way a guy laughs.
    and +1 on eternity cologne or anything sandalwood-y.... but that goes without saying.

    wow it is early in the morning for THIS conversation! :wink:
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    A girl who can make me laugh. . . or just gets my humor and can take one look at me that tells me "you're and idiot. . but that's why I love you"

    when I call a close male friend an 'idiot' it's a term of endearment!
  • LButterfly201
    Strong and protective
    Hairy chest
    Rough and ready ;)

    Yum!!! ♥
  • emma2309
    emma2309 Posts: 203 Member
    Things that I noticed about my honey

    1) He has a certain swag about him. It was not cockiness but a cool confidence
    2) he has the MOST amazing shoulders in the whole world
    3) he towered over me by a foot
    4) the freckles across the bridge of his nose

    These are all things I find attractive on most men, but he just did them better lol

    There better be another one of these guys out there-this is my list!!!!Hahaha! :)
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    This is the most depressing thread I've read yet on MFP. It seems that women are more cliche about their turn-ons than I thought. It guess it's no wonder that the covers of romance novels look the way they do.

    In most ways, I'm pretty much the opposite of the consensus here:

    -My hands are not rough and are relatively small
    -I don't like working on cars and hate getting my hands dirty
    -I have no tattoos and will never have any
    -I have a white-colllar tech job where getting dirty is not involved
    -I'm 5'11", so I just miss the whole 6' and over thing
    -I don't wear wife-beaters
    -The only time I really sweat is when I workout
    -I hate country music
    -I drive a Ford Focus and wouldn't consider/need a pickup truck
    -I'm painfully shy and come close to selective mutism when talking to an attractive girl, though it's gotten better with age
    -I have no gray hair and won't likely have any for a long time (my mom is 68 and just now is starting to get gray hairs)

    I do have some things going for me that conform with the consensus:

    -I have a cleft chin
    -I wear Eternity cologne from time to time
    -I have dimples when I smile
    -I have all of my hair
    -I have continuous stubble because I hate to shave and I like how it looks
    -I'm not metro
    -I'm not a pushover by any means. I'm extremely strong-willed.
    -I have other endowments of a private nature that aren't fit for public discussion, but lets just say they border on super powers

    It's amazing that I've even had a date in my life. Thank goodness there are some geek lovers out there. It just seems that few of them come to MFP.

    As for my silly attractions:

    -Intelligence. A smart girl bumps her hotness level up five points. Sometimes I'll watch Jeopardy and there will be an reasonably attractive woman on there. I'm usually smitten.
    -Sense of humor. Another huge turn-on.
    -Braces. Since I was a kid I've always thought braces were cute. Still do.
    -A really cute pony tail is a big turn-on
    -Like other guys, I like girls who can pull off the ball cap look
    -Glasses. Not hipster oversize glasses but normal ones
    -A nice butt....big or small it just has to be there and have some shape. Some girls who are otherwise in shape and attractive have flat, shapeless butts. This is a deal-breaker.
    -Sun dresses. They accentuate everything I love about women.
    -A girl who plays with her hair while waiting at a stop light
    -Geekiness. I love me some female geeks. My ideal girl is Kari Byron on Mythbusters.
    -Girl-next-doorness if that's a word, and I'm pretty sure it's not

    dude! +1 for geeks! :heart: remember, the first word in the post's title *is* 'silly' so don't go being down on yourself :) I fall for dudes in the 'geek' category because I'm a geek too. The smarter, the better. I've been single for a long time (LONG time. did I mention a loooooong time? :huh: ) and I've learned the hard way that the best way to *stay* single is to walk around with a checklist of 'what makes guys/girls hot' - sure, initial attraction exists, but it doesn't lead to ongoing chemistry and lasting love/affection. Several of the things I listed I found attractive *after* I got to know the person. Still, I enjoy seeing a thread like this and reading everyone's responses.

  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    WOMEN - silly ones, of course.
  • ARMom8251
    ARMom8251 Posts: 194
    Rough and ready ;)

    Yum!!! ♥

    LMAO, but I totally agree!
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    guys that wear A-shirts(wife beaters)
    broad shoulders

    THis! Having an edge. Also Personality. He has to have a good sense of humor and be fun to be around. Having a serious side sometimes is good too.
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    When they smell good
    Good shoes!
    Hands - big palms, long fingers, bitten/short nails
    Confidence, a little bit of 'swag'
    Use of correct grammar/spelling
    Competence, nothing better than watching someone do something they're good at
    Over 6'2 although over 6'5 is better! (I'm a giantess)
    A man in a well tailored suit
    Broad shoulders, a nice neck & big arms nnggh!

    I could go on for days, I'm clearly a pervert haha
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I think I found _snw_'s perfect gift for her man.


    OMG where can i buy this??