silly things that attracts you ...



  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Rough and ready ;)

    Yum!!! ♥

    LMAO, but I totally agree!

    Amen! Yep!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I keep coming back here and looking for:
    "A 5'10" woman with red hair, freckles, visible muscles, and some stretch marks on her tummy"
    but I haven't found it yet. :sad:

    I'm very attracted to you. You know, in a non-sexual, wish I was you kind of way. ;)
    Thank you, but if you were me, you wouldn't find yourself described on here, either.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    ** Nice eyes, the kind you can get lost in.
    ** Smells good - whether it's the right out of the shower clean or cologne/aftershave... smelling good = yummy!
    ** Speaking of right out of the shower - a man in just a towel and still wet hair, etc... Mmmm-yeah!
    ** Speaks another language - knees get weak. Walking in Hawaii - met this guy who was Canadian living in Japan, spoke a few words of Japanese to him and he started speaking back, attractive to begin with but even more-so after hearing him speak Japanese!
    ** A way with words and intelligence... gotta be something up in that head!
    ** A "Fix-it" kind of guy... love having him walk in after being in the garage for hours, a little 'dirty' and excited about what he's been doing... yeah, it's gonna happen right then and there!

    Oh... and I don't know why - but a man that opens the door for you! I love this part of chivalry... it's manly to me. And too much of a lost art... so, if he opens the door for me, though I try not to show him how attractive I think that it... but if he opens the door for me, my knees have already started to bend!

    And - I agreed above... but whispering in my ear. Doesn't matter what he is saying, as long as it's the whisper in the ear!
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    Strong defined jawbone.
    Big manly hands - bitten nails - Jeez i dislike guys with long nails.
    Really hairy legs.
    Deep voice.

    Long nails are the worst, especially when they're dirty!
  • CandaceyD
    CandaceyD Posts: 74
    Smell- too much cologne chokes me
    Smile- a good smile can get you far in life.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    - facial hair / 5 o'clock shadow
    - when a guy turns to the side and you can see a strong jaw line
    - guys in cardigans and sometimes wearing a button up shirt and tie!! Wow! :)
    - guys who wear sweater vests
    - a guy with a very very nice smile and who likes to make it know they are making eye contact... :)
  • cindym29
    cindym29 Posts: 60 Member
    -when a guy wears a button down that fits snuggly
    -soft hair
    -when he's taller than me
    -those looks guys give you when you're on their mind, ladies I know you know which look I'm talking about. then they smirk after you catch them giving you that look.
    -all time favorite: timbaland boots, with snugish good jeans, and a black vneck. wear that with a backwards baseball cap and I'm yours.
    -when they look like they've been working really hard either on the car, yard, etc. and they have that little bit of sweat, grease and scruff going on. mmm.
  • BOATS52
    BOATS52 Posts: 46
    I guess i will just take your Glass:laugh: es Judy in Disguise !
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    Strong defined jawbone.
    Big manly hands - bitten nails - Jeez i dislike guys with long nails.
    Really hairy legs.
    Deep voice.

    Long nails are the worst, especially when they're dirty!

    Yeah that can put you off the most attractive guy ever in my opinin lol.
  • BOATS52
    BOATS52 Posts: 46
    Thumbs Up:bigsmile:
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Callused hands
    Farmer Tan
    Green Eyes
    Muscular Legs
    Good Roper
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    I always find myself checking out a mans hands..and neck .. I like hands to look like hard working hands .. But clean finger nails ... Nicely defined strong neck and shoulders and I'm his .. Lol
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    Musicians. I love musicians. Maybe cause I am one. We are a strange people.
  • Karrix
    Karrix Posts: 288
    I have things for:
    - Collar bones
    - Large hands, men who work with there hands. :love:
    - Muscles, lean toned bodies.
    - Facial hair, stubble or 5 o'clock shadow .
    - Men who have there haircut into a fohawk, love it.
    Nice shoes could be pretty sexy too.

    Pretty much anything masculine gets to me as I'm very feminine :)
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Strong muscular thighs
    Coy smile
    Stubble or beard. (slight rough look)
    When my other half hasn't quite got the dress sense on the odd day
    Bikers out on a hot summers day - sexy hot! Gets me every time.
    Puppy dog eyes (part shyness)
    Strong muscular hands/arms that hold me tight
    That look that says he really does care.
    Honesty / openness.

    These are but a few....
  • asgard825
    asgard825 Posts: 1,516 Member
    Girl in a Biker Jacket
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I hate sports so I don't want a jock.
    I love someone into techie stuff, but not so much into gaming. Unfortunately, I haven't found that.
    The fact that I get the Big Bang Theory and like Sci-Fi shows says something. Gaming on the other hand, eh?
    I like someone super smart in that he can teach me something random all the time, but still willing to learn something himself.
    I like someone who is clearly a romantic (this is what attracts me most to my 17 years and running husband).
    I like someone who thinks of me often and demonstrates that through actions (again, my husband's strength)
    I like someone with eyes that seem to focus only on me and someone who can hold a conversation about anything and everything at any time.
    I like someone with sense of humor and more on the dry wit, witty one-liners, banter side than the goofier than a kid side.

    I could care less about rough hands or what kind of cologne the person has on. Although I like uniforms, I would rather have a suit guy than one who gets dirty and works with his hands. I'm also attracted to ambition but at the same time the guy needs to be about FAMILY. Be willing to change a diaper, take the kids clothes shopping or cook a few dinners and pitch in wherever is needed. (THANK YOU DEAR!)
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    since I'm a bit of a sneakerhead ..A women with a nice pair of J's or Nike's on
  • susie2894
    A guys smile that looks a little mischievous
    - and a guys biceps
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    a man in a dress shirt. good GOD. mmm.