Girls. . we need guidance. .



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Lots of women like sex.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    We want you . . constantly.. . .but you don't.. (not constantly).. .we try candles (lame) we try dinner (oh. . . he's just hoping to get lucky). . we try flowers (he knows he screwed up). . we try cleaning the house! . . . ok. . .we don't do that very often. . but the point is. . we try! and mostly. it's to make you love us. . not just to make you scr*w us. . . we like you ..and we want you to like us too. . why do you find it so hard to hook us up with some appreciation. ... an acknowledgement and a hug will do. We work hard for you...

    I think you should work on cleaning the house more :)

  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    Well your significant other is lucky, but I agree that all women are not unappreciative, just as all men don't work hard like you do. The most my husband ever does is unload the dishwasher maybe once a month. Trust me, I notice it, and he gets a half dozen thank yous with some kisses. If he -really- tried, that'd be a different story...
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    Um. What are flowers?
  • acs4162
    acs4162 Posts: 99 Member
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Aw that's a shame. Most women would kill for a fella like that. My partner does all those things and I really really appreciate it, he knows it too. Maybe you need a good chat to see if she's happy...
  • acs4162
    acs4162 Posts: 99 Member
    I have a great, wonderful husband. But, there have been times when i didn't show him or tell him I appreciated him enough (and vice versa.) I think that you have to be happy with yourself in order to tell someone else that they make you happy. Some people just aren't very considerate people. Sometimes it takes you asking, "Did you like the flowers/candles/massage?" "Is there something I could do for you to really show you how much I Love/Like/Care about/ Appreciate you?" That statement alone will let her know that you care about her and that you're trying. What also works is telling the other person what you like and opening a dialogue for them to tell you what matters to them in terms of showing you care. Sometimes it's an action (cleaning the house, washing her car, picking up the kids), sometimes it's a material object (flowers, a new kitchen gadget, etc.) But in the end, if nothing you're doing is getting her attention or making her happy, you may not be the issue. Maybe try NOT doing anything for her and then seeing if she notices? I have taken my wonderful husband for granted several times before and when he stops doing nice things for me, I notice and remember to stop being so self-centered and to participate in the relationship.
  • zinok
    zinok Posts: 185
    I'd just like to say I find this offensive.
    Me and my boyfriend have been together for 1.5 years now and have been happily living together since the 1 year mark. We both do things for one another and maintain our apartment evenly. I verbalize how much I love and appreciate him every day, and he does the same. More than that, we show it with our actions.
    Just because your current girlfriend does not appreciate you does not mean that you can project that on all women. Every relationship prior to my current I have been the under appreciated partner with boys who never acknowledged the great lengths I'd go for them. Boys who didn't do any of the things you described, despite me going above and beyond. And you know what? I realized it was my own god damn fault for letting them take me for granted. So I got out and found myself a partner who was willing to meet me half way.
    My point? A lot of people suck. Male and female. You have no right to stereotype women in this way, or men for that matter! Change your attitude and maybe you'll find a woman who will appreciate you.
  • reharvrun
    reharvrun Posts: 31
    I didn't know flowers still existed.

  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I am not a very romantic person, so flowers and candles don't do much for me, but yes I think it would be great if women were a bit more appreciative of the effort some men put forth to make them feel special.
    It would also be nice if more men took the time out to learn what it is that makes the woman he's with (or wants to be with) feel special instead of just assuming that all women want flowers, chocolate, and candlelight.

    That being said, if you made me steak, broccoli, and a baked potato, that's all the romance I need. Seriously - you don't even have to provide a fork. :happy:
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    I am not a very romantic person, so flowers and candles don't do much for me, but yes I think it would be great if women were a bit more appreciative of the effort some men put forth to make them feel special.
    It would also be nice if more men took the time out to learn what it is that makes the woman he's with (or wants to be with) feel special instead of just assuming that all women want flowers, chocolate, and candlelight.

    That being said, if you made me steak, broccoli, and a baked potato, that's all the romance I need. Seriously - you don't even have to provide a fork. :happy:

    Mmmm steak....
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Good grief, people. He wasn't stereotyping. He was generalizing. If all the women he's ever been with were unappreciative, he has no reason no to generalize. Stop acting all holier-than-thou and give the guy a friggin' break. He was just trying to make a point.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    A man has never done those things for me.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    A man has never done those things for me.

    1. Impressive picture. You look great!
    2. Perhaps you haven't found the right one yet :)
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    I'd just like to say I find this offensive.
    Me and my boyfriend have been together for 1.5 years now and have been happily living together since the 1 year mark. We both do things for one another and maintain our apartment evenly. I verbalize how much I love and appreciate him every day, and he does the same. More than that, we show it with our actions.
    Just because your current girlfriend does not appreciate you does not mean that you can project that on all women. Every relationship prior to my current I have been the under appreciated partner with boys who never acknowledged the great lengths I'd go for them. Boys who didn't do any of the things you described, despite me going above and beyond. And you know what? I realized it was my own god damn fault for letting them take me for granted. So I got out and found myself a partner who was willing to meet me half way.
    My point? A lot of people suck. Male and female. You have no right to stereotype women in this way, or men for that matter! Change your attitude and maybe you'll find a woman who will appreciate you.

    pull up a chair ... |_

    you just got sat
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Um what are flowers, candle light, a house I didn't clean, or a phone call made for one's self. My husband has it pretty damned easy I do it all and don't get the kind words back. I notice any little thing he does and say thanks because I don't know when he will put up a roll of TP again. I would love to appreciate the little, feel wanted and all that jazz.....who would like to train mine?
  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    I actually don't like getting cut flowers. lol. I've told my husband this - so he gets me chocolates or potted flowers instead. We go out to dinner a lot, he takes our son to spend time with so that I can have time to myself. He helps me cook dinner often and always does the dishes afterwards. He works his *kitten* off every day and sometimes even into the night doing what I would consider a very demanding job so that I don't have to. He gives me money every week, just to spend on myself. He tells me I'm beautiful every day, among other wonderful things that I never get tired of hearing. He's more than generous in all aspects of our relationship. He's just all around amazing and everything I could ever want in a partner. :happy: I definitely try my best to show my appreciation for him every day and to give what I get back to him. I'm a very lucky woman. :heart:

    If your partner can't recognize the things you do for him / her to show your love, there's a problem somewhere! I think it's important those affections and actions go both ways.

    You are VERY LUCKY!!!! I think you've found yourself a rare jewel!
  • acs4162
    acs4162 Posts: 99 Member
    ps. Did my husband ask you to post this on his behalf? I just hugged him and thanked him.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    My husband does all of those and more for me because he loves me and wants me to be happy. And I do plenty for him in return, including rarely saying no (only if I'm really not feeling well). Sex shouldn't be currency in a relationship. We do what we do for each other out of love, freely and without expectation of reciprocity.
  • anberlingasm
    My other half does all those things for me... but she's a woman.