MAC or PC..... why?

bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
My Toshiba laptop just died on me after only two years. The Dell before that lasted about that long as well. I've always been a PC girl but am I missing out by not going MAC? Any opinions and/or advice appreciated!


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I've used both, but would only ever buy a PC. Macs are media computers. I need a good all-rounder.
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 379 Member
    I've used both and prefer a Mac. It's more intuitive and I like having the iCloud feature - if you have an iPhone, all your photos and calendars update automatically on all your devices. Take a photo with your phone - automatically have it on your Mac at home. Pretty cool. Also works for the iPad.
  • katesnewbody
    katesnewbody Posts: 62 Member
    Macs are superior systems because they are simply BUILT BETTER. They are built to last, and they are built to do it beautifully, at that. ;)

    My friend received an older Macbook for her graduation gift. It is now close to six years old and runs WAAAY faster, and can run more programs at once than my mom's one year old HP computer.

    Here's a list I'd find helpful in your situation!
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    I bought a macbook pro almost a year ago and i'll never go back to a pc. Mac's are amazing! It wasn't hard adjusting to it either, i just sat down with it for awhile and played around with it. The guy who sold it to me also showed me a few things in the store after setting it up for me. It does cost much more than a pc but its worth it, it'll last much much longer. Also, whenever windows comes out with a new version it costs a ton to update it. With mac it was only $30 through the app store and took 15 min to update. Go into an apple store, play around with them and talk to one of the employees.
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    Once you go Mac, you never go back. But, seriously. It's user-friendly, fantastic for digital media/arts, fast, well-built, and sleek-looking. I got one for school; it's one of my favorite purchases.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I've used both, but would only ever buy a PC. Macs are media computers. I need a good all-rounder.

    Absolutely not true - I work as an IT Project Manager, and use a Mac - there is nothing a PC can do that you can't do an a Mac - it is as much an alrounder as a PC - and the Mac is much cooler, very easy integration with my iPhone, iPad through the iCloud - and yes - it is very nice for editing and playing with my hobby - photography.....

    That said - if you have never used a Mac you do need to learn the few "tweaks" that is different from Windows machines - but to me that was all part of the fun .......

    Yes - I am a Mac Girl through and through :-)
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    If you are a PC person, the only thing I'd say is that the Mac takes A LOT of getting used to!! We replaced our PC with a mac last year and although I used to use the PC all the time, I'm rarely on the Mac because it is SO different. Husband has put parallels on it so that we can still use some of the old PC programs on it but even so it's a bit scary. If you want to cross over to the dark side (Ha ha!!) I'm sure you'll get used to it if you immerse yourself totally, me? I'm still using my trusty Advent.
  • jcmoffitt
    You have to pick the right tool for the job. :) If you want something to do general computing such as browsing the web, e-mail and basic office documents then either the PC or Mac will do. If you need a tool for video or photo editing then a MAC would be the way to go. I tend to encourage people to spend the extra bucks to get a Mac. Why? Two main reasons. Reason one is that they just work. :) Reason two is because Apple provides stellar customer service. They go out of their way to take care of the customer. Just recently I learned that with Apple Care on my new iPad that it also covers accidental damage. If I drop it and crack the screen they will replace it . You have to pay 50.00 deductible and they will replace it twice for accidental damage within the same one year period. Most folks shy away from Mac because it is different and they cost more. I have been in the I.T. industry now for the last 22 years and I have used both Mac and PC. They both have their advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages for owning a MAC is that there are much less viruses , malware, crippleware, trojans and the like to infect it. MS Windows is a huge target and most folks spend more time focusing on breaking into the Windows OS since it is so full of security holes. Ok, I have blathered way too long, saw the question and had to say something. :)
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    I've used both, and they both have their pros and cons. It really depends on what you want out of a computer.

    Macs will do what they're designed to do, and they'll do it well. They're intuitive, aesthetic, and I rarely have difficulty with them.
    PCs are a little more "down and dirty;" sure, they have more problems, but they also have more customizability.

    So which one are you?
    You go to your computer to listen to music, write an essay, and check your email = Mac.
    You go to your computer because you have the insatiable desire to test-drive some radical new software = PC.

    (My preference? I own a Mac – I just like it better – but I'll use my school's PCs on occasion.)

    Edit: Of course, there are many other computers and operating systems, which I'm ignoring for simplicity's sake.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I just switched to a Mac and I love it. It wasn't hard at all to learn the differences for me.
  • 10036
    10036 Posts: 51 Member
    Bought an iMac because I was a graphic design student. Now I'm a programmer. Still prefer the Mac.

    The good thing is, your Mac will come with Bootcamp, which allows you to boot into Windows whenever you want (if you have bought the OS and installed it of course), so if you play games or absolutely need Windows for something, it's there. I use Windows on my Mac a couple times a week for games hehe
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Neither. Assuming "PC" is referring only to Windows.

    I use Linux.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    After burning thru a Dell desktop and 2 Dell laptops within 5 years, I bought a MacBook pro and it's running the same as when I took it out of the box.. 2 years ago.
  • 10036
    10036 Posts: 51 Member
    Neither. Assuming "PC" is referring only to Windows.

    I use Linux.

    OoooOooooo :P

    I had Ubuntu for a while on my laptop. But my University uses some stupid software that you need to use their internet, and it wasn't supported. So I had to switch to Windows. Sad sad.
  • Spinach_Brigade
    Here is my anecdote for you:

    I used to work in an office of sixty people or so. Mac or Windows usage was pretty evenly split.

    *Everyone* complained about their damn computers.

    Even though the IT department ostensibly supported both platforms, they seemed a lot more efficient and resourced when solving Windows/PC problems than Mac issues. In fact, they seemed downright friendlier and more helpful when dealing with the PC peeps.

    ...Which made sense, because *they had to deal with each other all the time.*

    The Mac users, on the other hand, interacted with the IT people once or twice a year rather than every week. They didn't really understand the process because it was so seldom relevant to them.

    So, like I said, *everybody* whined -- but only the PC people knew the names of the people in IT, because they had to count on them so much.
  • jeepyj93
    jeepyj93 Posts: 392 Member
    We have both and my DH is always saying I hate this Mac as he uses it. Well if you hate it so much go use the PC but no he is on the Mac, we are not very computer savy but we both love the Mac he just won't admit it.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    This is a perfect trolling thread.

    I prefer a Windows machine because you can do whatever you want, not what Apple decides you want to do. There are many differences mostly due to the fact that anyone can build a Windows PC, but only Apple makes their PCs (PC just means personal computer, so you know).

    As only Apple makes their PCs they're the only ones who can add onto it, as opposed to being able to do whatever kind of maintennance/upgrades you would like on your system. I know there are some things you can do, but you don't have the versatility of a PC.

    Long story short, it really depends on what you want to use your PC for and the level of customization you would like to have.

    In regard to comments about there being more viruses on Windows and such, of course there are. More people use it. A Mac will automatically boost your hipster cred, though, if that's important ;)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    PC all the way. I need to be able to upgrade my computer, and Mac simply won't run a lot of the things I want on it. And my PCs don't die early - you just need to know how to de-crap it every once in a while and not let it fill up with malware. The only time I replace one is when the mobo is so outdated that upgrading the other components becomes problematic.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    PC. Macs are great for people who have NO IDEA about their computer and need it to walk them through everything, and who don't mind the fact that their PC isn't always compatible with everything.... So in my opinion, "art students" and people in their seventies.

    I work in IT, we all hate macs. Useless trash!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    PC - because I'm not rich, I don't have the time for their BS, and because my husband is an IT guy and refuses to have Apple products in the house... :wink:

    MACs are good for video/photo editing, and that's about it. They're way more expensive and not very compatible with most other devices. Unless you're in to graphic design, I'd go PC.