MAC or PC..... why?



  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    PC because I'm not going to pay twice the price for OSX. People who want Macs because "they get less viruses" need to get their porn from more reputable websites.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I have a Mac and I absolutely love it. I'll never own another PC. I use a PC for work and it's not nearly as user-friendly. I think PCs are for more math-oriented, structured people. Macs are for the more creative people out there. Heck, thanks to my Mac I have my own beautiful website. I'd have no idea how to do that on a PC.
  • kittymoney
    kittymoney Posts: 115 Member
    ordered my mac last friday and hubby is picking it up today and will have it tomorrow. i have had a dell for 6 years did me good, but don't like having to pay for anti-virus update every year and it still isn't 100% because need IT specialists to get rid of viruses on the back end that I don't know how to do.

    i got the mac air so light and easy to carry for traveling
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    PC - because I'm not rich, I don't have the time for their BS, and because my husband is an IT guy and refuses to have Apple products in the house... :wink:

    MACs are good for video/photo editing, and that's about it. They're way more expensive and not very compatible with most other devices. Unless you're in to graphic design, I'd go PC.

    I agree with this. And I'm in IT. We do own an iPad, a "toy" my husband just had to have - but it's basically just an over-sized phone-gaming system, a Netflix viewer and we occasionally use it for Skype (oh, I do like MFP for the iPad though hehe). HUGE waste of big $$$. It's pretty, but for the most part, pretty useless.

    Macs have serious compatibility issues. I would never, ever buy a Mac.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
  • jewol
    jewol Posts: 74 Member
    Au contraire, it is PCs that are junk. Had it not been for Apple to show them how, they wouldn't even have Windows, which is an out-and-out ripoff of the Mac desktop -- an inferior ripoff, I might add. AB:PIP:BA -- that's the kind crap PC users used to have to type in to transfer a file. Go with the user-friendly innovators: Choose a Mac.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I've been in the software development and IT business since the late 1970s; I first encountered the Mac in the mid 1980s when I was working on my MS in computer science and the internet meant Usenet on dumb terminals connected to mainframes. I've also used Unix machines since that time period, and have used Windows machines since 3.x.

    It's simply not true that Macs are "media machines" ... there's absolutely nothing you can do on the PC that you can't do on a Mac. There are some packages (I use Articulate Suite at work for elearning development) that are only available for Windows, but you can run Windows on a well-equipped Mac with a package like Parallels or VMWare Fusion.

    It's also not the case that there is less malware on the Mac because its share of the market is smaller. The Mac OS is operationally more secure than Windows for a number of reasons. OS X is built as a layer on top of Unix, which was always a multi-user OS; this meant you needed to be logged in with administrative permissions to make changes to the core files. Windows originally was built so everyone had admin privileges. On a Mac, you have to tell the OS to install something ... on older Windows systems, it just installs crap and you may never know what's been put on your system.

    This situation was exacerbated by the use of ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer, and MS's decision to tightly integrate Internet Explorer with Windows. Hackers can use ActiveX controls to take over your computer or make it do various nasty things ... and you may never know you've been hit until it's too late. There's no equivalent of ActiveX controls on the Mac.

    Yes, there are many more Windows machines than Macs and they're a more tempting target ... but Mr. Gates and company decided years ago to hang out a big "Hackers Welcome!" sign on their operating system. That said, things have gotten much better with Windows 7 which is a pretty good OS. And remember: if you practice safe computing when browsing and reading email, use anti-virus software, keep your Windows machine up to date with security patches, and avoid downloading those cool little bits of software people send you which more often than not contain nasty surprises, Windows computing can be just as safe as computing on a Mac.

    Regarding cost: initial purchase price and total cost of ownership over the long haul are two different things. There have been many articles over the years that have crunched the numbers. Google "mac total cost of ownership". Here's one older article from
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    In a former life (now i'm a stay at home mom) I had and used my UCLA computer science and electrical engineering degree. We have PCs in our house. Assuming you are doing basic web stuff, and maybe some office suite things, that's really all you need. A MAC will do fine, but you'll spend twice as much. There is also less software (if you like computer games, and non-mainstream software).

    The virus comments are true, but I'm pro PC because it is more open, I see apple as a controlling socialist government. you can only produce things to be run on our hardware/OS that we approve of. very stifling to external competition and innovation. so that's the "personal" side of it for me.

    but basically, it's cheaper to go PC, and unless you had extraordinary needs, that I assumed you would have mentioned, there's no need to spend the extra cash for shiny Apple products.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Au contraire, it is PCs that are junk. Had it not been for Apple to show them how, they wouldn't even have Windows, which is an out-and-out ripoff of the Mac desktop -- an inferior ripoff, I might add. AB:PIP:BA -- that's the kind crap PC users used to have to type in to transfer a file. Go with the user-friendly innovators: Choose a Mac.
    Actually, Apple stole the idea for a GUI (Graphical User Interface) from Xerox who were the first by MANY MANY YEARS.

    Don't try to get technical when you have no idea about the details.
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    PC because I'm not going to pay twice the price for OSX. People who want Macs because "they get less viruses" need to get their porn from more reputable websites.

    LOVE THIS!!!
  • PinkiePie07
    PinkiePie07 Posts: 103 Member
    Both. I use my PC for gaming and day to day stuff. I use the Mac for graphic design, video editing, etc. I don't really have a preference over either, each do what they're supposed to do better than the other, so all my needs are met.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Actually, Apple stole the idea for a GUI (Graphical User Interface) from Xerox who were the first by MANY MANY YEARS.

    Don't try to get technical when you have no idea about the details.
    I knew from your first post in this thread you are awesome.

    So you are awesome.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Actually, Apple stole the idea for a GUI (Graphical User Interface) from Xerox who were the first by MANY MANY YEARS.

    And Xerox PARC stole it from Ivan Sutherland and Douglas Engelbart, who stole it from Vannevar Bush who originally proposed the "memex" interactive system for retrieving information way back in 1945. :)
  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    PC. A big part of it for me is that I've never been able to understand how MACs are organized. I can never find anything on them. I find Windows to be very intuitive. If I ever encounter any problems, 90% of the time I can figure it out on my own without having to call my nerd friends. I have two PCs. My family has had my desktop since '93 or '94, and it still works great. Unfortunately it can't connect to the internet, so these days it's pretty obsolete. I've had my laptop for four years, and it works pretty well.

    I used MACs at school all through elementary and middle school. They were always extremely slow, and I could never get them to do what I wanted. I suppose they work for some people, but I am not one of them.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I use both Mac and PC, and I would have to say I like PC better. The interface is better and if it breaks, I know how to fix it. When a mac breaks, I have to crawl over to the Apple people and be like, "Pleaseee helpp meeeee."

    Edit: Also, I have a custom built PC, sooo it's pretty much catered to my desires (and price range).
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    My Toshiba laptop just died on me after only two years. The Dell before that lasted about that long as well. I've always been a PC girl but am I missing out by not going MAC? Any opinions and/or advice appreciated!
    I just bought a Macbook Air for this reason. My husband has a mabook that he got in 2006 and it's still going strong. I had been through four PC laptops during that period. FOUR.

    This macbook was twice the price of the PC laptop I would have gotten, but I gor it expecting it to last far longer.
    Plus, the ergonomics of it are freaking DIVINE.

    It took me a bit to switch my brain over to Mac-OS thinking, but the learning curve isn't that steep.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I've used both, but would only ever buy a PC. Macs are media computers. I need a good all-rounder.

    Absolutely not true - I work as an IT Project Manager, and use a Mac - there is nothing a PC can do that you can't do an a Mac - it is as much an alrounder as a PC - and the Mac is much cooler, very easy integration with my iPhone, iPad through the iCloud - and yes - it is very nice for editing and playing with my hobby - photography.....

    That said - if you have never used a Mac you do need to learn the few "tweaks" that is different from Windows machines - but to me that was all part of the fun .......

    Yes - I am a Mac Girl through and through :-)
    The only limitation I have run into is that I can't use the unreal media player.
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    Mac all the way. I love my Mac - I do a lot of photography and my Mac is just great for editing. Once you get a Mac, you'll never go back! :D
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member

    I don't mean to add fuel to the fire, I just thought this was funny. I used to love Macs, honestly, but all in all, I don't appreciate the "innovators" comments, as most of the things are generally not innovated by them. That's all.
  • amazinglywell
    Heavy PC user since the late 80's. Just couldn't imagine what all the fuss/expense was about re: Mac.
    Got my MacBook Pro in Dec. I get it now. Took me a couple of weeks to learn new shortcuts, gestures etc. After it.
    I had to use someone's PC the other day and I flat out resented it! :)